After Transmigrating, She Became the Mother of Two

Chapter 170

After Zhou Qing left, Su Zixuan slumped in a chair, and covered his face with his hands. How could this torment affect people like this?

But when he thought about it, there was an exciting feeling faintly in the torture. No wonder so many people like to fall in love.

And every time he thought of getting in close contact with Yi’an in, Su Zixuan’s body went weak, and his heart fluttered. Just thinking about it, he could get excited. He dared not imagine the situation if he was really with her …

It was really unimaginable. Expecting and intoxicating, this feeling was completely-addictive.

Feeling slowly recovered, Su Zixuan took Zhou Qing’s documents on the table and looked at them carefully. After work, he went to the Welfare Home to meet them and give them a surprise. It was a break from the cold war in the past two days. 

Thinking about it, his speed of reading increased.

After the program team met the orphanage, Jian Yi took Su Enran and Su Anqi to the orphanage early in the morning. On the way, Jian Yi urged Su Enran, “Enran, at the Welfare Home, be polite, okay? There are many children as big as you. Also, if they have any difficulties, you need to help them. We got these gifts. You will give it to them later, okay?”

Su Enran looked at the endless stream of cars outside the car window, and nodded. He knew all these. The teacher taught them when he was in school.

“But what is a Welfare Home?” He thought about it and asked.

“The Welfare Home is a place where children without parents live. Although they don’t have parents, they are very brave. You should learn from them,” Jian Yi briefly explained to him.

Su Anqi stayed in the safety seat and sucked the milk from the bottle. Seeing that there were fun things outside, she did not forget to share it with Jian Yi.

“Why don’t their parents want them?” Su Enran turned back and asked.

“Because …” Jian Yi paused. In fact she didn’t know. She didn’t understand why when she was born with no missing arms and legs, she was abandoned at the door of the orphanage, even with no proof of her identity. 

“It may be because the family had no money and couldn’t afford it, so they were sent to the orphanage.”

When she got sensible, she used this reason to comfort herself saying that because they couldn’t afford the cost of a child’s growth, they abandoned her in desperation. Only by thinking this way would her heart be more comfortable.

Su Enran looked at Jian Yi, keenly aware of her sadness, and kept his small hand gently on the back of her hand. He said naively, “They are so pitiful, but they are also brave.” 

Jian Yi hugged Su Enran’s small shoulder, “Yeah, they are brave, so Su Enran should learn from them, right? If one day your parents are not by your side, be brave, take care of your sister, protect your sister, okay?”

“Okay, I will be brave,” Su Enran nodded vigorously.

Su Anqi sucked her own bottle, ignorant of everything around.

Looking at the orphanage, Jian Yi took away the bottle from Su Anqi’s hand.Su Enran lay prone on the window and looked out.

Someone was waiting at the door. Jian Yi looked away from there, and saw the familiar figure. The dean came out to meet them.

When she saw Jian Yi, Jian Ling made a surprise expression, “Star Jian Yi? Hello, how are you?”

The two exchanged glances while shaking hands.

Jian Ling looked at Jian Yi’s soft and cute daughter Su Anqi in her arms. Her eyes were bright. It was so rare to see such a beautiful child, “You are Anqi? You are really pretty.”

Su Enran looked around curiously. The orphanage was a little bit remote. The old wall was covered with emerald green creepers, covering the entire wall tightly. The big iron gate at the entrance was old. Looking in, one could see people playing and jumping, which was quite lively.

He looked at Jian Ling. She looked very kind.

“Enran, quickly greet the dean … grandma,” Jian Yi wanted to say ‘the dean mama,, but this was her own “mama”.

“Hello grandma,” Su Enran greeted her happily and bowed seriously.

“Is this Enran? Such a good boy.” Jian Ling took Su Enran’s hand and walked inside, “Come on, let’s go in.”

She agreed to shoot with the program team, not for Jian Yi’s sake, but because she wanted to take this opportunity to promote her idea to the audience and let more caring people pay attention to it.

Welfare Homes were supported by the state and assisted by members of the public, but that didn’t mean that you had a reason to discard their children. She wanted to take this opportunity to tell everyone that no matter how happy they were in the welfare home, they were not happy without their parents.

Jian Yi followed Jian Ling who was introducing the layout of the orphanage along the way, and Su Enran listened carefully.

“This is the place where children usually play. There is a dormitory for older children, but most of the children stay here. This is a dormitory for younger ones. In each dormitory, 18 kids live. When I go to bed at night, another teacher comes to check in. This is their classroom … “

With that said, they came to a lively classroom. The children of the orphanage did not go to kindergarten. They basically studied in the orphanage. When they reach the right age, they could go to school after going through some formalities. The ministries were contracted by the Welfare Homes, and part of them were state assistance.

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