After Taken as a Prisoner of War, the Vampire Queen Turned Me Into a Vampire and Made Me Her Daughter

Chapter 36: Suspicions

Chapter 36: Suspicions

What kind of situation is this? The man who messed around for quite some time was actually a student?

Its just his first day here and he had already fought to a standstill with a teacher? Are new students nowadays so arrogant?

What great impertinence! Could this guy be the nephew of the chivalric leader?

The new students who were watching the commotion unfold were deliberately adding fuel to the fire these whispers circulated among themselves. In their mind they were currently thinking whether they should bring out a small bench and munching on some popcorn while watching the live show in front of them.

If all of you are unhappy with the abundant amount of free time in your hands I can help pass the message to your respective teachers. They can add some tasks on your plate. Lan Yi coldly said. When she turned around she swept her eyes over the crowd in an apathetic manner.

The nearby students who had encircled the scene and made up the majority of the peanut gallery were shocked and speechless. They then began to scatter in different directions like a pack of startled birds. In an instant there were only a few people left in the large lounge of the dormitory building; They were the front desk receptionist Lan Yi the pair that started the disturbance and finally a cat who was currently playing with a wool ball.

So can either of you tell me what happened? Lan Yis eyes were narrowed into a line they were fluttering back and forth between Lin and Ji Bai. The former had silently lowered her head all the while the latters eyebrows were slightly narrowed.

As a matter of fact I want to ask you a question too. What is this situation? Ji Bai calmly opened his mouth as he sized Lan Yi up.

Are you still in doubt? Lan Yi furrowed her eyebrows.

Yes quite a lot of it. Ji Bai pointed at the silver-haired girl in front of him the girl had silently lowered her head.

Shes a vampire. Judging from the current situation Im sure youre very clear of that fact no?

Thats right.

Oh. Ji Bai indifferently responded. I originally believed that this dodgy chivalric group would at best be a group that unlawfully assembled people to commit misfits however I have utterly underestimated you guys. I didnt believe that you had such amazing abilities to actually accept a vampire one from an imperial family at that! Do all of you know what youre doing? Do all of you honestly know what youre doing by hiding such a vile demon in a human city? Although Ji Bai was speaking in a calm and tepid manner the indiscernible and faint tone still revealed the strong wrath he had in his heart.

Can any of you explain to me what exactly is going on here? What are your aims by bringing these parasites into a human city?! Do you know that the things youre doing now are the same as betraying humanity? Fluctuations of emotions had gradually presented itself in Ji Bais tone.

So with this are you planning to report us to the Chivalric Order? However think about it carefully~ Because of what you did youll be treated as an accomplice too. Lan Yi was seemingly unperturbed as she smiled she quickly shot a glance at Keer who was still swatting and playing with the woolen ball.

That would still be better than exiling a countless number of destitute citizens. Ji Bai narrowed his eyes. His right hand was already tightly gripping the sword in his hand.

This is why I hate humans. Before Lan Yi could open her mouth and speak Lin who had silently lowered her head this whole time opened her mouth and said these words in a chilly tone.

You people always position yourselves at the pinnacle of morality even while you casually defame and criticize other races. Do you seriously think that only your species are the kindest most guileless and outstanding race in the world?

Disgusting. Lin shot a cold and disdainful glance at Ji Bai she then turned her head aside. The emotions in her eyes were apparent as if she was avoiding some sort of revolting object.

Even so were still so much better than you bunch of harmful blood-sucking parasites!

Both of you shut up! Lan Yi had a headache as she looked at the both of them they were nearly on the verge of fighting again.

First of all Ji Bai. The question you pointed out was just the thing I was about to explain to you. Indeed just like you witnessed the members of the Chivalric Order of the Moon arent confined to just humans. As long as one solemnly follows the regulations that we have its possible for beings of any race to become one of us.

Are you sure you arent mad?! Arent you just casting pearls before swine to preach the knights creed to a demon?! Do you wonder if these wanton decisions of yours would bring some sort of disaster in the future?! Ji Bai unbelievably looked at Lan Yi and said in a tone filled with criticism.

Ji Bai let me ask you a question. Are immoral black sheeps non-existent among our human population? Lan Yi responded to him with a question.

This explanation of yours is somewhat far-fetched. We should discuss societal problems and race issues separately. What a knight like me ought to do is to prevent innocent commoners from being drawn into the flames of war. Ji Bai fixedly stared at Lan Yis eyes.

A knight huh. You really concealed yourself perfectly. I would have never known that youre actually a knight ever since I met youWell then Mr. Knight. Dont tell me that the righteousness that youre oh so harping about only extends to humans No? Yes? In that case that isnt righteousness anymore but racism instead. Lan Yi calmly gazed back at Ji Bais eyes.

It was the demons that sparked this war it was them that brutally carried the butchers knife it was them that ruthlessly massacred the people to start with! If righteousness doesnt stand on the side of mankind then could it possibly stand on their side instead?!

Well then Ji Bai. If there was a day that Keer was discovered by people from the Chivalric Order and was detained which side would you choose to help? Lan Yi indifferently asked him. On the other end Lin was somewhat astonished when she heard this and glanced at both Ji Bai and Keer. She was somewhat unclear about the relationship between the two.

Ji Bai looked at Lan Yi and had no words to say.

Your question is very boring.

Please give me a direct answer. Lan Yi was unwilling to let Ji Bai go that easily.

Whats wrong? Arent you going to put your so-called righteousness into practice and turn a blind eye to it? Or are you going to disobey this justice-filled act of righteousness of yours?

Mr. Ji Bai~ Ji Bai looked at Keer the latter was adorably looking at himself from the side.


If I were to make you wield a sword and slaughter ordinary demons like Keer would you still be able to swing your sword then?

Ji Bai gave Keer a complicated look. Only after he hemmed and hawed did he manage to burst out this line: Knights would never do such a thing.

Haha. Lin suddenly gave a cold laugh.

Im not going to force you to make a decision right now You should head back first and have a good rest. The tension in Lan Yis tone had eased up.

Mhm. Ji Bai looked at Keer the cat-girl was gently and cautiously pulling on his sleeves he couldnt help but heave a sigh. With a muddled and chaotic state of mind he walked towards the exit.

Ah I almost forgot. The property damage that you caused today is all going to be on your tab~

Pfft! After he heard what Lan Yi said Ji Bai had almost performed a tumble on the ground.

Alright. Lin you should express your concerns now. As she saw Ji Bais silhouette walking in the distance Lan Yi turned her body over towards Lin and said these words in a sincere and earnest tone.

Are Are you really planning to resign as a teacher and become a student?

I Im not fit to become a teacher. After a moment of silence Lin replied.

Alright since you put it this way Ah that reminds me did you tell your mother about this incident yet?

Lin nodded her head.

These two people are indeed a pair of mythical existences. Upon looking at the beautiful silhouette that was gradually fading in the distance a slight trace of a smirk could be seen on Lan Yis expression.

I wonder what sort of unexpected chemical reaction would occur if I were to put these two in a gourd?


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