After Taken as a Prisoner of War, the Vampire Queen Turned Me Into a Vampire and Made Me Her Daughter

Chapter 219: Inspiring Spirits

Chapter 219: Inspiring Spirits

“A bunch of worthless fools who only know how to eat and drink! Several squads have actually been bested by a lower-tiered race! Have you wasted all your energy on women?! I’m utterly ashamed to be the same race as you!” His beer mug shattering into pieces, the governor of Nolan City, Kamron contorted his nose in anger upon receiving the battle report. Seething with limitless anger, he unleashed his tirade upon the retreating army that had managed to escape back into the inner city.

“Where’s your leader? Where’s the one who’s supposed to be in charge of all of you? What sort of man hides behind his soldiers? Get him here to meet me!”

The only response he received was the silence of the soldiers below.

“Where is he?? Did you not hear my order?!”

“Captain, h-he was decapitated by the masked man, and his body and head are… scattered…” No one was sure who uttered those words.

“…Someone, bring me my ax!” Kamron slammed his hand onto the armrest of his throne and abruptly stood up.

“I’m truly curious to see how many limbs and heads that jerk has to have the audacity to stand up for those insignificant people!” Kamron’s complexion turned a fiery red, resembling a piece of flatbread fresh out of the pan, as he received his ax from a troll soldier who had presented it to him with both hands.

“Sir Governor, could the Restoration Society be responsible for this turmoil?” The Governor’s assistant stepped forward to provide him with an explanation.

“Yes, it’s likely the work of those slaves. Hmph! Just as well, I was just lamenting that there’s no one I can take my anger out on these days. Just when I was in the mood to execute someone, they come along and offer their head on a platter. Since they seem so eager to die, I’ll happily grant their wish,” Kamron said with a cold snort.

“Listen up, soldiers from all divisions, except those on city guard duty! Follow my orders! Charge into the city with me! Let’s unleash the same marauding ferocity we displayed when we invaded the Asiatic Cat Kingdom! We’ll reorganize and cleanse this entire city… And by that, I mean exactly what I said!”


Grasping his warhammer, Kamron wasted no time and left the castle. A formation of troll soldiers followed in a dignified procession, advancing toward the checkpoint of the inner city.

When it came to their drive and determination, the trolls’ swift and resolute approach to problems put them on par as any other race.

As governor, Kamron was acutely aware that his days were numbered. According to his rough estimation, the main vampire army was about to descend upon the city.

Since he had to abandon it, he would drain the pond of every last fish and extract every remaining ounce of value without any reservation.


“Are you afraid?” A low, muffled voice, carrying a flat and emotionless tone, resounded through the seams of a helmet.

Initially, the young Asiatic Cat children before him had responded by tilting their head in bewilderment and curiosity. Yet, as soon as they caught sight of his grim helmet within their reach, they shook their heads.

Stained with blood and mud, the armor’s pungent odor caused the two young children to slightly wrinkle their noses. Even so, they had surprisingly exhibited no fear towards the figure standing in front of them.

Kids were remarkably perceptive when it came to detecting invisible and intangible emotions.

This was true for the armored individual before them; They sensed no malice in him.

“Are you in pain anywhere?”

“Hm, Mmhn…” The two children shook their heads in unison.

“Mhm.” The armored man did not speak any further. Using his relatively clean robes as a makeshift swaddle, he enveloped the two young children and descended from the elevated platform.

“Lil’ Rain, Lil’ Ran! Sob, Thank you, Mister! Thank you! I’ll remember your kindness for the rest of my life!” As she received the children from the armored man’s embrace, the Asiatic Cat mother’s heart finally felt a release from all worries. Tears of joy cascaded down her face as she profusely expressed her gratitude to the armored man in front of her.

Ji Bai did not speak and maintained his silence, his gaze fixed on the mother and daughters embracing each other and crying.

“Um… Sir, if I may be so bold as to ask, who are you…?”

“I’m human.” Ji Bai admitted.

“H-Human?” The Asiatic Cats who had walked up and gathered around him subconsciously took a step back in succession.

Ji Bai did not pay that any heed. As a human knight, he had already overstepped his boundaries by helping these Asiatic Cats in need.

Normally one to steer clear of other’s affairs, he had intervened in this situation as a way of making amends to ‘her’.

After all, one’s actions had to be in harmony with their own conscience.

“What do you mean by that, everyone? Aren’t heroes not defined by their origins? Moreover, he’s our savior!” Just as the atmosphere was taking an awkward turn, an able-bodied Asiatic Cat teenager timely interjected.

“If we allow race and first impressions to shape our judgment, how are we any different than the trolls? Humanity may have been our enemy in the past, but what does that have to do with the hero who saved us?”

His frank statement caused the Asiatic Cat commoners on the scene to soften their conflicted and slightly tense expressions.

“Hello there, esteemed human friend. Am I right in thinking you are a knight?… No matter the motive behind your actions, we’re all thankful for your generous assistance.” The Asiatic Cat teen said with a grateful expression on his face. His words were accompanied with a tight embrace around his young sister, which he had come perilously close to losing.

It was only when someone lost and recovered something important would they truly come to realize what they needed to protect.

Seeing the look on his face, Ji Bai could tell that he had already understood that fact.

“Is everyone in the city here?”

“Yes… Everyone is here, Sir Knight.” An elderly person replied.

“Can you round up everyone so that they can hear what I’m going to say?”

“Absolutely, please go ahead.” Snapping out of his brief daze, the Asiatic Cat teen gently set his little sister down, whose face was still marked with confusion. After offering a few soothing words of caution urging her to stay put, he hollered at the top of his lungs to rally the commoners, who were still reveling in the joy of being reunited with their loved ones.

After this incident, the vulnerable commoners gradually regarded the mysterious armored man as their source of support.

A moment later, the environment settled back into silence and Ji Bai had also made his way up the high platform. He met the numerous gazes below which were adorned with varying degrees of hope.

“I’m sure most of you have realized by now that I don’t belong to the same race as you,” The knight spoke, his gaze directed at the commoners dressed in worn-out attire below him.

“This humble self is no eloquent speaker. I don’t have a wealth of knowledge or culture to deliver speeches that can stir your hearts or shout out slogans that inspire your soul, but…”

“What I’m trying to get across is, that even though I’m an outsider, it doesn’t mean I can’t understand your plight. As a human, I deeply empathize with the challenges you’re going through.”

“There’s no reason for anyone here to feel embarrassed about expressing their thoughts. I believe everyone present has caught a glimpse of hope and wants me to rid this sacred land of the barbarians who had subjugated your homeland. Yet…”

“Unfortunately, that’s a responsibility I’m unable and unwilling to bear.” As those words left his lips, a considerable number of Asiatic Cats lowered their heads silently.

“And that’s because the revival of a race depends on the passion in the hearts of its people, rather than on external aid… A race that rises with the help of outsiders would never have the right to speak of sovereignty.”

“I might be able to assist you in averting a disaster today, but what about tomorrow? How long can an outside force protect you unconditionally? Even God can’t assist those unwilling to take the initiative to help themselves.”

“There is nobody in this world who is absolutely fearless; Only people who cast away their fear in order to protect their loved ones.” Spoke Ji Bai after pausing for a moment.

“Having come close to being separated from your loved ones by death, has anyone truly fathomed the deepest corners of your heart in that moment? The sensation of being willing to defend your loved ones at the cost of your own life, only to realize that it’s too late for you to do so.”

Below, the heads of the Asiatic Cat commoners gradually rose, and their slightly dispirited eyes began to widen.

Noticing their response, Ji Bai gave a small nod of satisfaction.

Even those with the calmest demeanor had a touch of temper in them. After enduring years of colonial rule, the Asiatic Cats had accumulated deep-seated grievances in their hearts. What he needed to do was to help them channel their resentment outwards.

“Engrave the feelings of that moment into your mind. Stop waiting until you’ve lost something to learn how to cherish what’s right in front of you. Today, we won’t talk about lofty notions like building a country, or rejuvenating your race. Instead, let’s focus on what’s closest to you; Safeguarding your loved ones.”

“Everyone should be well-aware that trolls are a race that doesn’t take things lying down. I can assure you that they’re currently regrouping their forces, intending to massacre all the inhabitants of this city as a tribute to their fallen comrades. Now, what’s your plan?”

“Because of the bonds you hold dear, you have endured their abuse and humiliation, even making concessions to keep the peace. But now, the trolls won’t give you that opportunity. They aim to eradicate all life from this city, including the people you cherish and hold dear. Will you still continue to hesitate?”

The hearts of the Asiatic Cats were already beginning to stir. Shooting a glance at their loved ones beside them, they tightened their fists one after the other.

“If you wish to protect your loved ones, then pick up the weapons scattered on the ground and repay the invaders for the years of humiliation you’ve endured!”

As he spoke, white sacred particles enveloped Ji Bai’s figure before swiftly dissipating like fleeting fireflies.

As the crowd gazed on with a mix of astonishment and confusion, a heavy and dark-silvery armor which was tinged with a hint of dark aura, had materialized and enveloped his entire body.

“I will do my best to assist you. Therefore, I implore each and every one of you to fight for yourselves and your families!”

“Well said! Even our esteemed human friend here is on board with us. Don’t forget, we’re also a second-tier species; It’s still unknown who will win in the end!” Shouted a robust Asiatic Cat teenager as he picked up a troll’s spiked club from the weapons scattered on the ground.

“I don’t care anymore. I’m going all in! Since death is inevitable, I’d rather face it heroically than continue living out my days in fear and cowardice!”

“That’s right! These folks not only skipped the bill but also injured my daughter! I’m going to teach them a lesson!” Shouted the owner of a ramen restaurant, a middle-aged man, as he raised a skimmer.

“Bring it then! The signs of their demise are evident…”

Observing the Asiatic Cats below who were using all sorts of foul language to bolster their morale, Ji Bai gave a subtle nod.

At the very least, their spirits seemed to have been lifted.

But was Ji Bai really thinking of utilizing them as his helpers? No, a group of second-tier creatures lacking training and the capability to wield ‘Magic’ was essentially no different than a crowd of unarmed humans.

It could already be considered a win if they did not obstruct his actions.

When the time for battle arrived, he would still be fighting alone.

His intention was simple: To make them realize that a race’s advancement was born out of self-improvement, and that it was not feasible to rely on external support.


In the underground passages of Nolan City.

“Are you back from patrol? …Where did Mr. Ji Bai go?” Seeing Fishbone return alone, Nael couldn’t help but voice her suspicions.

“No idea. That guy said he wanted to check out the inner city, so I came back first.” Spoke Fishbone in a completely nonchalant tone.

“Nothing happened, right?”

“What could happen? Things are still the same mess up there.”

“That’s a relief… Especially since our counterattack is right around the corner. We really can’t afford any errors at this point.” Nael heaved a sigh.

Fishbone remained silent and walked past her.


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