After Reincarnating into Ancient Times, She Bound a Express Delivery System

Chapter 154

Prince Shun sat regally on his intricately carved rosewood chair, his smile warm but not reaching his eyes.

"That won't be necessary," he said.

"My dear second brother has many children, which is both a blessing and a curse. Send someone to instigate discord among his most neglected illegitimate sons, stirring up trouble in Prince Zhong's Manor."

"Your Highness speaks wisely. A bloodless victory is the best strategy. Once Prince Zhong's household is in chaos, we'll fish in troubled waters, framing him and using the Emperor's hand to dispose of Prince Zhong..."

After his advisors had discussed the details, Prince Shun changed the subject, smiling as he inquired about Li Shuchen's situation.

"Your Highness, Prince An's residence in Yunzhou City is guarded like an iron fortress. His food and daily routines are all managed by his close attendants. Our men couldn't find an opportunity to infect him with the plague."

"Moreover, the second young master is still in Yunzhou. Should we cease the deliberate spread of the epidemic?"

Prince Shun shook his head with a smile, lifting his teacup for a sip. With supreme confidence, he said, "Don't worry about Xiu'er. Once Li Shuchen is dead, I'll send imperial physicians to Yunzhou along with effective remedies. In the end, under Xiu'er's leadership, the plague will be quelled, and the people's hearts will be soothed."

"You mean to continue spreading the plague, Your Highness?"

"Not only that. If you discover any doctors from nearby provinces being summoned to Yunzhou, stop them all. Order those infected guards to accelerate their efforts, spitting on civilians' clothes overnight. Furthermore, spread rumors that the imperial physicians won't be coming to Yunzhou, that the city has been abandoned, and staying there means certain death. Incite the refugees to riot."

"When Li Shuchen appears, command our agents to disguise themselves as refugees and attempt to assassinate him. If the assassination fails, have them spit on him to infect him with the plague. We must ensure he dies before returning to the capital!"

Several days later.

In Yunzhou City, the plague spread rapidly, and rumors flew. Terrified citizens gathered at the city gates, attempting to break through the soldiers' blockade and escape.

Under the scorching sun, whether the people begged or cursed, the soldiers remained unmoved, gripping their swords tightly and maintaining their guard.

Suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted, "Stop pleading with them! They follow Prince An's orders and will never let us out! We outnumber them – let's go home, grab our cleavers, and force our way out!"

"Yes! Let's break out!"

Faced with the threat of death, the citizens made a desperate gamble. They dispersed, rushing home to arm themselves.

Some returned with cleavers, others with brooms, and some with rolling pins. Carrying their belongings, they came back with a menacing air, ready to riot.

Suddenly, the sound of hoofbeats arose. Li Yuanxiu, clad in a red official robe, rode in on horseback.

Seated on his horse amidst the masses, he cut a striking figure – tall and dignified, resplendent in his official attire. His voice carried a calming force, both gentle and firm.

"Everyone, please remain calm! I assure you, the imperial physicians will arrive soon. Yunzhou City will certainly overcome this plague."

"We're tired of hearing these empty promises! We've waited day after day, and still no imperial physicians have come. In the end, death is our only option. Brothers, charge! Let's break out of Yunzhou!"

"Break out of Yunzhou!"

The crowd surged towards the city gates, their emotions running high.

The soldiers drew their swords, watching the mob warily.

A bloody confrontation seemed imminent.

As the two sides faced off, the city gates slowly opened, and several carriages gradually approached.

Li Shuchen, mounted on a white horse, led a group of people at the forefront. His gaze fixed ahead, his face impassive, he announced: "I have brought the imperial physicians with me. The epidemic in Yunzhou will soon be contained. Everyone must disperse immediately and not linger."

His authoritative voice, amplified by his internal energy, reached the vast crowd. The people gazed intently at the carriages behind him, cheering, "The imperial physicians are here! We're saved!"

As long as there was hope, no one wanted to leave their homes, let alone clash with armed soldiers.

The crowd began to retreat.

The agitators hidden among the people, seeing the fickle mob starting to waver, had no choice but to speak up again: "How do we know if these are real imperial physicians or imposters?"

"How can this timing be so convenient? Just as we start to riot, the imperial physicians arrive. They must be fake doctors that Prince An found to fool us!"

The people hesitated once more, exchanging uncertain glances.

At this moment, Li Shuchen's sharp gaze swept over, and he commanded, "You there. Come forward."

Forced into the open by his piercing stare, the crowd parted, leaving the agitator exposed.


Suddenly thrust into the spotlight, the agitator had no choice but to step forward, steeling himself.

"You doubt the authenticity of these physicians?"

"...... I was just saying."

"Would you like to test their skills yourself?"

"...... How?"

Li Shuchen's lips curled into a barely perceptible smile. With lightning speed, he drew his sword and slashed at the man's arm.

As blood spurted out, Li Shuchen turned and ordered, "Summon the physicians to treat him."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Quickly, several men in official robes approached with medical boxes, skillfully tending to the wound.

The onlookers murmured in approval: "Look at their technique – they must be real imperial physicians!"

"The bandaging is so neat!"

"And they stopped the bleeding so quickly."

Hearing this, Yan Qinghe took the lead in applauding, "Let's all thank this brave man for... testing the physicians with his body."

The agitator was at a loss for words.

He also deeply regretted speaking up. Why didn't he just attempt the assassination directly? ... All because of his loose tongue.

He raised the cleaver in his other hand, swinging it at Li Shuchen.

"Know your place," Li Shuchen sneered, severing the man's other arm. This time, he didn't call for the physicians to bandage the wound.

Simultaneously, Yan Wu casually grabbed a rolling pin from a bystander, knocking the assassin unconscious with a single blow. He announced, "This man attempted to assassinate His Highness. Take him away for later punishment."

The other assassins in the crowd surged forward. To blend in with the citizens, they all wielded cleavers and had removed their masks, intending to get close enough to spit on Li Shuchen. However, before they could approach, the guard engaged them.

Although the assassins had taken medicine to alleviate their symptoms, their skills were still compromised. Soon, Yan Wu, Yan Qinghe, and others joined the fight, swiftly eliminating all the assailants.

The common people watched in shock, trembling with fear.

Li Shuchen spoke again, his voice stern: "Gatherings are forbidden during this epidemic. Everyone must disperse immediately and return to your homes."

"Yes, yes, that's right. Let's go home quickly."

"It's almost noon, time to go home for lunch... Sir, could I have my rolling pin back?"

The people scattered in all directions, clutching their makeshift "weapons."

As the city gates cleared, Li Shuchen raised his horsewhip and rode away.

The day before, after the secret guards had discovered where the imperial physicians were trapped, he rode tirelessly for three hundred miles, bloodily raided the bandit's lair, rescued the trapped physicians, and rushed back with them.

The imperial physicians were still shaken.

Half a month ago, all the official soldiers accompanying them had perished. Their personal belongings were all looted, and they were kept to treat a bandit chief who wasn't even ill. Every day was filled with anxiety. Fortunately, Prince An came to their rescue and brought them to Yunzhou City.

After a quick lunch, the imperial physicians hurried to the infirmary to examine patients and discuss prescriptions.

Meanwhile, Li Shuchen returned to the government office, bathed, changed clothes, ate, and slept.

When night fell, he changed into all black attire and moved swiftly through the city like the wind.

Skillfully, he climbed into the backyard of the Yunying Caravan and knocked on the door.

Before setting out, worried that Qi Huan might not eat well on the journey, he had sent her back to the villa.

Having grown accustomed to her constant presence, he missed her dearly after just one day apart. Li Shuchen embraced her, expressing his endless longing with a passionate and lingering kiss.

"Huan, I've come to get you."

"Mm!" Qi Huan nodded with a beaming smile, wrapping her arms around his waist and playfully patting his buttocks, urging, "Let's go, Fei Fei!"


Li Shuchen swallowed the words about having her enter the space, instead lifting her up and carrying her through the night.

Finally, he brought her back to his room and laid her down on his bed.


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