After My Favorability Level Is Up to the Top

Chapter 242

Chapter 242 - Two of Ling Yao's Three Questions

Xiahou Cenyi seemed to catch on to his thoughts and suddenly smiled mischievously, “What if she decides to confront your lovers?”

Guo Fan,… “”

His eyes widened. He had never considered this possibility before. But it was exactly the kind of question Song Na would ask.

If Song Na really went to fight Sun Fen, Xun Yimu, Fang Xiang, and the others to the death, even though Song Na's realm was a level higher, she wouldn't be able to handle the sheer number of opponents. Wouldn't that be risky? The future was uncertain.

Should he save Song Na or the others?

Damn it, after all this time, this question turned out to have the same meaning as the previous one. Moreover, the people involved and the situation were even more complicated!

Guo Fan wished he could go back to the moment when he thought “I've answered a lot” and slap himself awake!

How could he let his guard down, even for a moment, when dealing with these women? He was really too naive…

“She's just trying to scare you.”

Song Na looked at Guo Fan's blank expression and fell into deep thought. Suddenly, her expression changed, becoming pained and fearful. The resolve she had shown earlier instantly crumbled. But both sides were sincere; it was clear they were truly afraid she might actually fight to the death. Finding it somewhat amusing, she said, “Just one sentence is enough to make you panic. Just like earlier…”

She suddenly paused and softly said, “Someone asked you this question, and it was a matter of life and death.”

Guo Fan was stunned, and then he heard Song Na calmly and confidently say, “It was Sun Fen.”

Guo Fan was taken aback, but before he could respond, Song Na, after thinking for a moment, added slowly, “It turns out she asked you this question at the Sword Singing Platform in Night's Fall Sword City. After asking, she decided to only bring you back to Blistook Pavilion. Your answer at that time must have been good; otherwise, given her nature, whether it was you or the girl involved in the Night's Fall Sword City incident, it definitely wouldn't have ended with just taking you away.”

Guo Fan was utterly dumbfounded.

He knew these women were all very smart, especially when it came to relationships. They were incredibly precise, but wasn't this level of accuracy a bit too much?!

He had already guessed the timing and location of the events… [You've actually reached the Tribulation Passing Stage. Aren't you pretending to be weak just to deceive?]

Fortunately, you do possess a genuine Tribulation Passing Stage. Elder Xiahou rested his chin in his hand and blinked, saying, “It was your junior sister who told you that, right?”

Song Na nodded and said, “When Xiaobo disappeared, Song Ru also stayed in Night's Fall Sword City for seven days before leaving. She first contacted me with a communication jade slip, saying that she had been entrusted by him to bring a young girl up the mountain… and told me about what she had seen and heard during those days. She also mentioned seeing you both in a confrontation at the base of the Sword Singing Platform. However, Sun Fen used Spiritual Energy to block out sound. She remained curious for a few days.”

Only then did Guo Fan realize that at that time, Song Ru was also at the Sword Singing Platform. He just hadn't noticed that she was watching from not far away.

However, when he suddenly heard about Gu Chao, he felt a sense of relief. Although Song Ru was somewhat unprincipled when it came to certain matters, she was very reliable in serious business. If Gu Chao could successfully cultivate in the Soaring Wisdom Sect, he would report back to Luoyang and Yin Fen.

Yin Fen's last words still echoed in his mind. Moreover, he still had the oath of heavenly tribulation with him. Guo Fan asked Song Ru and Gu Chao about their whereabouts and found out they were traveling in a white-maned dragon carriage provided by the Lord of Night's Fall Sword City. Although it was fast, they were on land after all, needing to pass through many checkpoints, and their speed was slower than the stars on the river. He might even be able to catch up halfway.

Guo Fan said with a serious expression, “Then Senior Ding's matter, she mentioned it too, right?”

Song Na replied, “Of course she did, but you probably didn't tell her the whole truth at that time.”

Naturally… Although the Soaring Wisdom Sect knew about the Heavenly Devil, they didn't only seek Yin Fen because of it. There were also those who wanted to obtain Yin Fen's inheritance, as well as competition among the Soaring Wisdom Sect Masters. In the past, among the disciples who joined the Jade Void Sect, there were also large-scale sect missions. Some even started threads to analyze the internal conflicts among the various factions. This showed how complicated the situation was.

Hence, Guo Fan's head was spinning like a hot potato before he could place the Jade Void Dao Canon into the Dao Inheritance Tablet.

He would only hand it over once Song Na became the Sect Master. Otherwise, it would just cause trouble…

Guo Fan nodded and was about to speak when Song Na placed a finger on his lips and said, “Answer the last question first.”

Guo Fan choked. He vaguely wanted to change the topic to official business, but the moment he thought of it, the idea vanished. He could feel the woman behind him hugging him tighter and tighter as her posture shifted. The sensation on the back of his head became more and more pronounced, even brushing against his ear, highlighting how close she was.

Song Na's current actions could be described as “gentle and tender.” If others saw the usually cold and aloof Eldest Senior Sister being so intimate with a man, their eyes would probably pop out.

Guo Fan had already steeled himself to face the ultimate question, although he was somewhat uneasy. But Song Na's behavior made him believe that at least there wouldn't be any bloody consequences. Xiahou Cenyi also didn't cause any trouble with Song Na's questions. Her few small interruptions were just habits, not meant to create conflict. In fact, with her personality, it could even be seen as very cooperative.

But Song Na didn't immediately ask her question; instead, she summarized softly.

“You want to protect everyone, and you're willing to live and die for them without hesitation. I've known you for so many years. I know who you are. I don't care how many women you have, and I don't even want you to risk your life for any woman in my heart. In the end, human emotions can't coexist with heaven and earth. But cultivators, over a long period of time, can remain as devoted as a single person. If one were to lose love or be abandoned by it, the impact would be no less than having one's soul torn from their body. It's not something I want to see happening to you, unable to recover and even dying from it.”

Guo Fan's back was to Song Na. He couldn't see her expression, but he could feel the warmth of her chest and the calm voice by his ear.

However, he could imagine her gaze on him, filled with a fiery love beyond comprehension. Guo Fan vaguely sensed that her feelings for him and the responsibilities she placed on him… far surpassed mere love.

“Therefore, I am actually very satisfied with the answers to the first two questions,” Song Na whispered into Guo Fan's ear, “But because of this, there's a third question. I want to become the next Master of the Soaring Wisdom Sect, and I will be bound by rules and responsibilities. Sun Fen is the younger sister of the master of Blistook Pavilion and bears the duty of Destiny's Song Sword Cultivator. Fang Xiang carries the burden of being the widow of the previous master of Sword Pavilion. Xun Yimu will become the master of Profound Yin and is tied by the rules of her bloodline. The supreme elder before you… faces an unsolvable crisis. The mother of the guard beside you bears the chasm between good and evil.”

“Binding, duty, shackles, rules, and tribulations. How do you plan to break all these?”


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