After My Favorability Level Is Up to the Top

Chapter 176

Chapter 176 - Arrest Adultery!

Pann Xiaoying's countenance shifted abruptly as she hastened forward, yet her efforts proved futile.

Abruptly, the stone door sealed shut with a resounding thud, the stones melding seamlessly. A slender fissure remained. Pann Xiaoying grasped her sword, endeavoring to pry open the gap. Despite her attempts, the stones exhibited relentless cohesion. Her vertical, elongated sword was compressed and contorted, emitting a grating sound.

Her sword possessed remarkable qualities, shimmering with an icy gleam, evidently a formidable weapon.

Nevertheless, confronted with ostensibly mundane stones, it offered no resistance. In an instant, it metamorphosed into a lump of corroded iron. The sword's blade first bent, then was flattened into a piece of metal. Faint flashes of light emanated from the crevices between the stones before vanishing instantaneously.

The entire stone door morphed into a seamless stone wall, adorned with a protruding pattern reminiscent of nine cauldrons. The sword became embedded within it, akin to a mere ornament.

Pann Xiaoying stood transfixed, gazing bewilderedly at her sword.

She attempted to withdraw the sword, yet the slender middle section snapped apart with ease.


Those behind exchanged dismayed glances, inhaling sharply as their expressions soured.

Their recklessness was apparent. The secret realm seemed to permit entry but not exit, promptly sealing its entrance shut.

Their misjudgment compounded the situation. Initially presuming someone had already entered, they noted no alteration at the entrance, leading them to believe it safe to proceed.

Who would have anticipated this entrapment?

Furthermore, with his cultivation base now restrained and the gravitational shift here…

Dong Yuan compelled himself to composure, joining Pann Xiaoying's side. He prodded the stone wall, but it remained unyielding, seamlessly melded with the mountain's face.

“Seems I've no choice but to forge ahead. If I enter, I must surely emerge. Erecting such a stable secret realm demands substantial energy. They wouldn't allow entry only to perish. Since Si Mi and Su Makeup tracked them here, they won't permit entry. This suggests the Snowflake Mansion's contingent has arrived. This locale likely houses the Martial Sovereign's legacy.”

Dong Yuan pivoted, voice grave, eyes fixed on the two young foxes.

Despite the troublesome predicament, they confronted the unknown within an enigmatic secret realm. As pioneers, they braced for such eventualities.

The absence of Snowflake Mansion's party ahead underscored the peril here.

As the leader, he couldn't betray panic. Doing so would sow chaos among his followers, exacerbating the situation.

“Since immediate peril eludes us, let's regroup and assess our resources to adapt to this evolving environment.”

Dong Yuan directed. Among his retinue, besides Pann Xiaoying—a disciple of a middling sect within the Red Stream Sect, adept in swordsmanship… Though her sword lay crippled, they still possessed standard long swords from the Sword Pavilion. Though inferior to her former blade, it was their only recourse.

They still had combat strength.

Despite the circumstance, this situation was somewhat favorable. She possessed proficiency in sword techniques, relying on physical prowess for combat. In contrast, the other two hailed from the Peach Blossom Temple, adept solely in spells. The depletion of Spiritual Energy had left them in dire straits. Their countenances now pale, they recognized their loss of combat capability.

It wouldn't be unexpected if the others abandoned them and departed immediately.

Nevertheless, Dong Yuan wouldn't entertain such a notion at this critical juncture. Having led numerous expeditions, the three Qingfu statues engraved on the coin attested to his extensive experience with the Soul Haunt Ship.

Opting to leave behind these two ineffectual companions might have seemed rational and expedient. However, witnessing this, others couldn't help but shiver. Soon, apprehension permeated the group, eroding trust. Suspicion prevailed, hastening their demise.

Dong Yuan had orchestrated matters methodically, assigning even the two proficient solely in magic a task—to explore any means of breaching the magical barrier sealing the stone door. Their elation was palpable, easing tensions among the group.

“Take this sword. Once we secure the inheritance within the Martial Emperor's Tomb, we'll have ample funds to purchase a seven-star or even eight-star magical treasure from the Sword Pavilion, in addition to the reward from the Chao Chao Listening Sword several days ago.”

Dong Yuan handed the standard long sword to Pann Xiaoying, offering solace.

Pann Xiaoying gazed at the sword before her, examining it thoughtfully.

Although a creation of the Sword Pavilion, it was still a practice weapon for disciples, surely inferior in quality to her own sword, which had accompanied her for years.

Moreover, it held sentimental value.

Her countenance darkened momentarily. She performed a swift sword flourish, concealing it behind her back, then turned, fixing a cold gaze on the twins Si Mi and Su makeup. With a sweet smile, she addressed them, “Thanks to the two of you, we've swiftly located this secret realm. My earlier judgment was in error. I hadn't anticipated the fox clan's tracking prowess to be so formidable. Henceforth, I entrust you both to lead the way.”

Si Mi pouted, her tail swishing as she glared at Pann Xiaoying with her clear black and white eyes. Curling her lips, she retorted, “You lost your sword and now seek retribution from us. Why cloak your intentions in lofty rhetoric?”

Pann Xiaoying's expression faltered before adopting a troubled mien. “Impossible! It's merely a practical suggestion. Consider, among us, only you two are demons, endowed with innate physical strength surpassing ours. It's only natural for you to take point. Shall we leave it to the pair from Peach Blossom Temple instead? They're as helpless as chicks now…”

Nearby, nods of agreement ensued.

Si Mi intended to counter but Su makeup pinched her tail, prompting reluctant acquiescence. With the group organized, they resumed their exploration.

The secret realm presented a verdant forest appearance. It wasn't until a nimble team member ascended for a vantage point that they realized it was an island, encompassed by vast seawater.

“Hold! There are individuals over there!”

The lookout exclaimed from above.

Dong Yuan's gaze sharpened. He summoned the scout down and queried, “Who are they? Are they from the Snowflake Mansion?”

The scout furrowed his brow, replying, “Unlikely. They don't match the descriptions circulated. There's a young man carrying a cat, alongside a girl of about ten and another fourteen or fifteen, standing before a tablet.”

“Very well, we proceed cautiously and approach slowly…”

Before Dong Yuan could conclude, two fiery-red figures suddenly leaped out.

They left behind mere streaks of fluffy tails.

Dong Yuan stood stunned, taking a few steps forward in vain pursuit. He demanded sternly, “What's the meaning of this?”

“Apprehend the traitor!”

The two young foxes declared simultaneously, their expressions gravely serious.


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