After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 985:

Chapter 985:

Time had swiftly flown by, spanning many years.

The Westwind Holy City had become the largest city on Fengmo Continent. It boasted advanced industry, convenient transportation, a vast population, rich culture, and was the trendsetter for fashion. Additionally, the New Church of Light, which had always been rooted here, had also flourished remarkably.

A small church, located in the prime center of the city, had originally been moved onto an airship by Godfather. This church had turned into a cultural landmark, revered by everyone. A sign had been hung in front of it, reading Former Residence of Godfather. The entry fees collected by Westwin city from this historical site had funded the construction of numerous civic facilities.

Close by, the headquarters of the New Church of Light had been reconstructed. This grand church, built against a hillside, covered a vast area and could accommodate tens of thousands of residents.

Nevertheless, this number was rather insignificant. The population of Westwind Holy City had exceeded two hundred thousand, making it the largest city in the Kingdom of Gran, even surpassing the scale of the new capital, Black Earth Tower.

Certainly, it wasnt just Westwind City that had prospered; the New Church of Light had also soared.

Nearly half of the western worlds population had become followers of the New Church of Light. Even in the eastern world, many churches of the New Church of Light had been erected, accumulating a significant number of believers.

However, due to Godfathers strong advocacy and Little Yis persistence, the New Church of Light hadnt walked the same path as the old Church of Light. The church hadnt established a Templar Knights Order or attempted to possess any military force. It didnt interfere or even attempt to interfere in state policies and didnt incite the populace.

Its existence remained low-profile but its growth had surpassed the previous, more conspicuous Church of Light, because its focus had shifted to education and charity.

At this moment, inside the main hall of the New Church of Light, a large group of priests and nuns was in a flurry, dashing about as if searching for something.

Archbishop Eddie, adorned in a golden robe, was among the group, aimlessly roaming about. He opened a door, peeked inside with a disappointed look, exited, and repeated the process with another door.

As a young nun passed by, Eddie quickly inquired, Have you found the Holy Nun Ishir?

The young nun shook her head, No, we cant find her anywhere.

Eddie, in distress, exclaimed, Oh dear, whats happening? The grand ceremony is tomorrow. How can we not have the Holy Nun present? Shes the spiritual symbol of our New Church of Light, the greatest of the holy nuns. The ceremony wont be complete without her.

Time had rapidly passed, spanning numerous years.

The New Church of Light hadnt possessed a Pope, for no one dared to assume that role. Everyone knew that Little Yi was designated by Godfather. Anyone else who dared eye the papal throne of the New Church of Light would be challenging Godfather. All major ceremonies and services had been led by the Holy Nun, who acted in lieu of the Popes position in other denominations.

Yet, with the grand ceremony looming the next day, the Holy Nun had gone missing, which was maddening for Eddie.

The young nun said, Ill search over there.

Eddie responded, Quickly, please.

At that moment, a priest ran over, exclaiming, Archbishop Eddie, weve found a note in the back garden left by the Holy Nun.

A delighted Eddie asked, Whats written on it? Any clues about the Holy Nun?

The priest, looking rather embarrassed, said, Theres just one line

He handed the note to Eddie.

Upon reading, it stated, Its pointless, truly pointless. Im leaving; you all carry on.

Archbishop Eddie:

A group of priests and nuns gathered around, peering at the note held by Eddie. After reading it, everyone looked bewildered, What What does this mean?

Eddie said, I have no idea what it means.

A priest speculated, Maybe, it means exactly what it says. That its pointless.

What does pointless mean?

It means its pointless.


Frustrated, Eddie exclaimed, Damn it, all of you! At such a crucial time

After a moment of stunned silence, a priest had an epiphany, Lets get a massive piece of jade. Well give our craftsmen a boost of agility and have them work overnight to carve a statue of the Holy Nun. That will do, right? Future ceremonies can be conducted like this.

Eddie, taken aback, responded, Thats a brilliant idea! Proceed at once!

The next day, at the grand ceremony led by the New Church of Light, the Holy Nun Ishir was absent. Archbishop Eddie announced to everyone that due to her devout faith in the God of Light, the Holy Nun had been blessed and had entered the gates of heaven to be with the deity. Therefore, the ceremony would be presided over by a sacred effigy of the Holy Nun.

Then, the priests unveiled a crudely carved jade statue, evidently hastily made. The eyes of the Holy Nun statue were uneven. Although the believers wanted to criticize, they were rendered speechless.

Afterwards, the Holy Nun never personally attended any ceremonies. The tradition of presenting the jade statue continued from one generation to the next. With each iteration, the jade statue was refined, meticulously crafted, no longer a product of hasty workmanship. The moment the statue of the Holy Nun was revealed during the ceremony, all believers cheered and knelt in reverence, creating a spectacular scene.

Time had swiftly passed, and in the midst of Eddies headache-inducing task of carving the initial statue, the Holy Nun Little Yi, who had left a note and escaped, was now aboard Robbs flying vessel. Accompanied by the two young nuns of light, she was traveling the world with Robb.

Well, it wasnt precisely a world tour; rather, they aimlessly wandered the skies.

Life had been long, and traveling exhausting. Touring the world had seemed too strenuous. After all, the scenery, once experienced in abundance, all felt the same, didnt it?

Robb, lounging in his chair, said with a grin, You know, for a devout follower of the God of Light and the helm of the New Church of Light, running around like this is it really appropriate?

It had been terribly boring there, Little Yi said with a long sigh.

How can that be? Robb asked, surprised. Werent you happily spreading the teachings? Why this sudden change of heart?

Little Yi sighed, Perhaps, Im no longer devout enough.

Robb responded, Oh?

Little Yi continued, After holding this position for so long, I realized I might understand the thoughts of the Light and Dark Popes. Because I feel the same temptations.

Robb, intrigued, pressed, Do tell.

Little Yi lamented, Being in a position of power, my every word carries immense weight. Even the most whimsical of my requests are fulfilled without question. People claim my desires are the will of God.

Robb laughed heartily, Thats hilarious!

Dont laugh. Im truly troubled, Little Yi said. Sometimes I cant help but wonder, what would happen if I mixed my personal desires with the proclaimed will of God?

Robb replied, Theres no need to ponder that. The outcome is pretty obvious.

Little Yi nodded, Exactly, which is why it all seems so pointless to me.

Robb smirked, Your feeling of pointlessness makes you quite interesting.

Little Yi sighed deeply, Ive come to realize that perhaps there isnt an actual God of Light. Or if there is, it might just be me, or the Pope, or whoever controls the church. That person, whoever they might be, will inevitably replace the deity.

Robb chuckled, Thats profound!

Little Yi said, That wasnt my intent, which is why I fled.

Robb nodded, Thats probably for the best. Let the deity be represented by a jade statue. A statue doesnt speak, doesnt possess desires, and can remain eternally pure and just.

Little Yi wondered, But what if someone tries to exploit that statue?

Raising his fist, Robb declared, Then, theyll face my wrath!

Little Yi, caught between laughter and tears, remarked, Using your fists to beat someone to death isnt that a bit too violent?

Robb shrugged, So, what method do you think is better?

Suddenly, Little Yi stood up, her body gracefully spinning, causing her long skirt to billow out, revealing her slender and beautiful legs. Around her thighs, two holsters had been strapped, each containing a silver-plated pistol. With a swift motion, she drew the pistols. Only then did her skirt gently settle, covering her legs once more.

She looked stunning with the pistols in hand and said seriously, Why not use a pistol? It seems gentler than a fist.

Robb exclaimed, Hey! Tell me, nun, how is that considered gentle?

Imitating Robbs gesture, Little Yi shrugged, From today on, Im no longer a nun. I want to return to secular life. Ill become a Holy Light Judger, but not to judge others for the church. Instead, Ill specifically judge the church itself. I want to stand behind the scenes, watching the New Church of Lights gradual growth. If anyone dares exploit it or attempts to become a deity, Ill use these pistols to show them the true power of the Holy Light.

Robb clapped his hands in approval, Well said! By the way, since youre leaving the clergy, does that mean I can hehehe.

Little Yi felt a surge of panic, wanting to flee, but it was already too late.

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