After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 29: I hate that everyone in this world is dirty

Chapter 29: I hate that everyone in this world is dirty

Baron Perseus led the soldiers to the hillside and camped along a brook. His soldiers were skilled. They managed to camp in an instant.

However, the cold nun, Ishir, stayed.

They stared at each other for an instant.

Father, Im going to stay for the night. Ishir was clearly saying her thanks, but her expression was flat, cold, and emotionless.

Robb had no reason to refuse such a beautiful nun's request to stay in the chapel for a night, either from a man's or a priest's point of view. He shrugged, "You're welcome to stay, sister."

"That, um, I only live with a single little maid in the chapel, so there are still several vacant rooms. Just take whichever you like." Robb said, "Besides, bedding and other necessities are not available right now... I"

He was about to say that I would ask the maid to buy them when Ishir took the lead and said, "I'll take care of it. I'll go around town later and borrow one from one of the believers."

"Why borrow from a believer? Just buy it." Robb said, "Borrowing bedding can be scary. If the original owner has skin diseases or anything similar and doesn't even wash it Tut-tut, I'd rather buy a new one."

Ishir replied, I dont have money! Nuns dont need money.

Hearing this, Robb suddenly remembered that nuns must make three vows. The first is "Divine Poverty," or, in other words, being poor.

Nuns spend their entire lives defending their own poverty and have no personal belongings. Although they are occasionally paid for their work, they won't leave with the money but give it either to an orphanage or a church.

Although a little strange, one things certain. That is, they are not materialistic people.

Robb loves these types of women. He spread his hands and said, "If you don't have money, I do. I'll ask Lillian to buy you a set."

Ishir shook her head thoughtfully and said, "No need! I'll just stay for a night. I'll borrow a set of bedding. You don't have to be worried about infectious diseases. I know the magic "Cure Disease," which can borrow holy power from the God of Light to cure common diseases. Father, you are also a holy priest. Do you not know "Cure Disease?"

Robb replied, "Though I know "Cure Disease," I won't get myself infected deliberately and then use it to cure it. I'm not out of my mind.

Huh? I feel like theres something wrong with what I just said.

Whatever, I'm the host. I'll just make some demands on the guests.

He then forcefully said, I dont care which quality place you came from. Since youve come to my chapel, youll have to listen to me. Ill pay for the bedding. Dont go outside and borrow some dirty, smelly, and infected bedding. Otherwise, Ill wrap you up in that smelly bedding and throw you into the cemetery for the night.

Oh! Well, since you insist, I dont have any problem with that. Ishir stopped being overly polite and calmy and accepted Robb's offer. In the eyes of nuns, it was only natural for the church to provide food, clothing, and shelter because they devoted their lives to the God of Light.

Of course, she didn't know that Robb wasn't from the Church of Light. She would've pictured a huge sacred nova on his face if she did.

Thats right, sister. Robb said, Since Ill be spending the next half of the day in the yard, can I make a small request?

Ishir asked, What requests?

Think about it. Whenever I call you, I need to say 'My sister'. It's so long and troublesome to say, but if I call you by your name 'Ishir, itll also be quite long. Why dont I just call you Yi? How is it?

"No!," Ishir coldly said, Please use a more formal name.

All right, little Yi.

Please call me sister.

I see, little Yi.


He was unreasonable. She didnt know how to talk to such a priest, so she just shook her head and gave up arguing. Call me whatever you want.

She went into the chapel to find a vacant room, put down her luggage, and went back to the yard, where she saw Robb telling Lillian, "Go to town and buy some bedding for the nun. Oh, and while youre there, buy some towels, water cups, and bowls. The things she'll use must be separated from ours. Err, let's see, maybe something similar will happen in the future. Just buy a few more sets for backup."

My father, Ill only stay for a night. Little Yi raised her voice, Theres no need for you to waste so much money.

I know! Even if you only stay for an hour, your drinking cups and eating bowls must still be different from ours. Do you understand now?

Little Yi,

She's having a hard time understanding Robb's strange penchant for cleanliness. Isn't it odd that he's this fixated on cleanliness? Suddenly, she thought of something, and with an angry look on her cold face, Do you think Im dirty?

"I don't think you're dirty." Robb immediately denied it, and as soon as Little Yi's face eased up, he added, "I hate that everyone in this world is dirty. Oh, no, my little Lillian had learned in recent days and has become quite hygienic. Everyone except her and me is dirty."

Nonsense. Little Yi got angry, I take baths too.

Once every? Robb asked.

"Six No, seven days!" (This world isn't in the middle ages but is a world of swords and magic. There aren't any differences between taking or not taking baths. It's just part of the setting, don't worry about it. Please let history respect my father-in-law's setting. If my father-in-law said that she washes once every seven days, then she washes every seven days! Don't reason with me, history!).

Robb immediately showed a look of extreme disgust on his face and screamed, "Don't Don't come closer. Oh, my God, it's hard to imagine how dirty you are. You have such a pretty face, but it's a big trash can and a moving collection of bacteria. If you want to stay in my chapel tonight, you must take a bath, now, now!"

Little Yi almost fainted by his remarks, "I have washed very hard, all right? Do you take a bath every five days? How dare you use this tone to criticize me!"

Robb told Lillian, Tell this dirty nun the rules of this chapel.

Lillian did not dare to talk nonsense to a nun like Robb did. She saluted respectfully, "Sister, the master's rule is that you must take a bath every day, rinse your mouth three times a day, wash your hands before and after meals, and if you fail to do a good job, he will instantly become lazy. Ahem. Ahem. Instantly change from a gentle priest to a violent one. Uh. Err, master, I was talking too fast. I'll shush now. I'm not going to call you a lazy or violent priest."

Robb, "You already said it!"

"Wha, master. I didn't mean to. "

Robb grabbed Lillian and crumpled her little face into several strange shaped.


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