After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

Chapter 8: Skyrocketing points, you can finally shop!

Chapter 8: Skyrocketing points, you can finally shop!

Su Li had a restless night, sitting on a small stool and sleeping face down on the bed. He would wake up with a startle at the slightest movement.

It was worth noting that furniture such as tables and stools were referred to as Hu stools during this era. However, in the Tang Dynasty, the overall sitting posture was still kneeling, so if anyone was hoping to make money by selling tables and stools, you could throw this idea to Timbuktu. The reason why tables and stools became popular in later generations in the Central Plains was not due to their convenience but rather the chaos caused by the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms after the Tang Dynasty, which disregarded all rules and etiquette.

It wasnt a bad thing for Su Li to wake up multiple times due to body shaking. Even when he slept on the bed, he had to control himself to get up halfway to help Princess Changle change her posture.

Long-term bedridden causing bedsores, the princess cant move, we can not neglect this just because of her peaceful sleep, Su Li explained to the female officer who watched his behavior carefully.

In this era, most people lacked scientific knowledge when it came to caring for patients who were bedridden for extended periods of time. Consequently, many people who had been bedridden for a long time ultimately died from sores and ulcers. When the body remained in one position for an extended period, the skin in that area was compressed, leading to poor blood flow and causing sores and ulcers.

Su Lis task was to help Princess Changle change her posture regularly to prevent any particular area of skin from being compressed for an extended period and causing ulceration. In reality, many complications could be avoided with proper care. Patients who received scientific care generally did not suffer from chronic sores.U//ppTodat𝒆d fr/𝒐/m nô/v/e/lb(i)n.c(o)\/m

The female officer observed Su Li gently assisting Princess Changle in adjusting her sleeping position, carefully covering her with the quilt, tidying her hair, and then settling down to sleep on the beds low stool. As the governor of the princess mansion who had watched Princess Changle grow up, she couldnt help but feel a sense of relief.

Got it, thanks! the female officer saluted, silently stepping back and resuming her watchful duties. Her responsibility was to serve the eldest princess personally. She would take over during the night, so she would not sleep at night, remaining vigilant in her duties.

Su Li looked at the points on the system panel, which were continuously increasing and had already surpassed 4,000. It seemed that he didnt let go even when he fell asleep. He adjusted his posture and placed his hand under Princess Changles arm to prevent his hand from falling down when he fell asleep. He knew that every hour of sleep was worth a thousand points.

However, Su Li didnt sleep soundly. He woke up from time to time to help Princess Changle adjust her posture, resulting in intermittent sleep. Moreover, Princess Changle had a bowel movement during the night, and the female officer woke Su Li up to assist in turning her over.

Su Li woke up with a sore back. He stretched lazily and felt mentally refreshed. When he checked the system panel, he saw that he had earned a full 10,000 points during the night. Now, he finally gathered the courage to open the system mall panel.

The system mall would randomly refresh five items each day. Using the permanent lock, one item would be locked and the other four items would refresh daily. In truth, Su Li rarely looked at the product page after acquiring the system. It was almost unbelievable that he, a peasant, could earn points for having physical contact with high-status individuals. Furthermore, what was the point of refreshing the page daily if he couldnt afford anything.

However, things were different now. Since he had married Princess Changle, who was in a vegetative state, Su Li had developed more confidence in the system. He eagerly opened the product page to see what he could purchase with his newly earned points.

He could earn a thousand points every hour, which added up to 24,000 points daily. That was almost nine million points in a year. He simply turned on the system to check out the latest refreshed products.

[Permanent top product: one-time shuttle door (you can specify time travel to return to modern times.) Value: 9999w points

Commodity 2: Attribute point gift pack (1-3 attribute points can be randomly obtained.) Value: 10,000 points

Commodity 3: Inferior life potion (Slightly improves the physical condition, slightly stabilizes the deterioration of the physical condition and injury.) Value: 2000 points

Commodity 4: Dragon Ball fragments x 1 (collect ninety-nine fragments to get a complete dragon ball, collect all seven dragon balls to summon the dragon, boy, what do you wish for, please speak boldly.) Value: 8000 points

Commodity 5: Summary of Art of War (obtains a complete basic theory of the art of war, and improves like enlightenment!) Value: 10,000 points.

Points balance: 11238

Su Li nodded with a sense of satisfaction, feeling great to be rich. As he looked through the products refreshed by the system, he felt that they were quite affordable. His point balance was increasing steadily, he could easily afford four out of the five available commodities, ignoring the first one that was permanently locked.

It was morning, and there were still many hours until the system refreshed its products at midnight.  Su Li could accumulate a product balance of about 28,000 before the next product was refreshed. However, the total cost of the four affordable items he wanted was around 30,000, which meant he had to let go of one of the products.

Su Li couldnt discard attribute point packs as they directly enhanced a persons foundational attributes. Su Li believed in buying as many as he could afford and eagerly awaited the chance to purchase five attribute point packs in one day.

As for the inferior life potion, Su Li didnt currently need it, but he recognized its potential future value. He glanced over at Princess Changle lying on the bed and felt responsible for her well-being.

Su Lis optimism stemmed from the fact that the system mall had already refreshed pills and celestial herbs of life and death multiple times. He believed that with patience, Princess Changle would eventually wake up. However, Su Li was also aware that the physical condition of a vegetative person was fragile, and unforeseen complications could arise.

Additionally, Princess Changles hereditary asthma posed an additional risk. While the poor-quality life potion could not wake her up, it could stabilize her physical condition and prevent potential accidents, giving Su Li more time to find a solution. Therefore, Su Li decided that it was necessary to purchase the potion.

Su Li knew about the Dragon Ball Fragments and how collecting all seven could summon a dragon capable of granting a wish. It sounded amazing, but after calculating, he realized that a complete Dragon Ball required 800,000 points, and all seven amounted to 5.6 million. Since the systems product refreshment was random, Su Li felt that it was unlikely for him to collect all seven, so he gave up on the idea. Instead, he decided to take the remaining summary of the art of war.

Su Li was feeling rich and confident, and he was willing to buy anything that was not entirely useless. He felt like a happy little hamster, hoarding things with his newfound wealth.

Despite being unable to leave the princesss mansion and unable to fight on the battlefield, Su Li hoped that Princess Changle would wake up and that anything he bought could be useful in the future.


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