After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

Chapter 26: Sleeping Together. Achieved!

Chapter 26: Sleeping Together. Achieved!

Which man had never dreamed of riding into battle? However, Su Li remained a diligent person. If his attribute points were not at their maximum, he would simply think about it. After acquiring the life experience of a seasoned warrior, Su Li finally understood that real combat was unpredictable. Besides falling on the battlefield, there were numerous peculiar ways to meet ones death. Sometimes, even a minor wound infected with tetanus could lead to death. Su Li decided against stocking up on additional medicine and instead focused on improving his physical fitness. He had no intention of venturing onto the battlefield.R/ê/Ad lat𝙚St ch/a/pters at nô(v)e(l)bin/.c/o//m Only

Furthermore, during the early years of the Tang Dynasty, opportunities for glory were abundant, and even if Su Li were unbeatable, it would be merely a bonus. Besides, he was not eager to rush into the battlefield like a frantic mite. What was the hurry?

Su Li scrubbed his body after soaking in jujube water for a while. It had become quite filthy after not showering for over a month. The grey filth scraped off his body could have been used to make noodles. Once he thoroughly washed his hair, Su Li changed his clothes and emerged from the inner room.

Upon leaving the inner room, several maids were already waiting in the outer room. Sir, please have a seat!

Su Li knelt down and took a seat while the maids brought towels one after another. They carefully separated Su Lis hair into strands, washing and drying them carefully. In ancient times, hair dryers didnt exist, and everyone typically had long hair. Even after wiping it, Su Lis hair remained damp, so he had to wait for it to dry naturally. Of course, this was the practice of the less fortunate. In wealthier households, servants would usually hold towels with excellent water absorption, carefully separating and drying the strands of hair. It was time-consuming, but the less fortunate couldnt afford such luxuries.

Ah Who wouldnt know about the corrupt life of feudalism Su Li thought. No wonder everyone hated corruption, it was like everyone wanted a taste of it, didnt they?

This was the first time Su Li experienced the treatment he deserved as a son-in-law. It felt pleasant, but Su Li didnt allow himself to pamper. He believed it was better to focus on earning points. After drying his hair, Su Li hastily departed.

When Su Li arrived, the female officer who had been taking care of Princess Changle was the one present. Upon seeing Su Lis arrival, the female officer tactfully stepped back.

Su Li continued with the rehabilitation treatment for Princess Changle, as he had been doing all along. He diligently carried out the treatment as usual, following the established routine.

During the noon mealtime, Su Li proceeded to feed Princess Changle, ensuring she received her nourishment. He adhered to the regular feeding schedule, ensuring the princess was well cared for.

In the afternoon, Su Li maintained his practice of holding Princess Changle and captivating her with stories. He kept her company and entertained her with engaging tales, as he had done before.

Su Li couldnt help but notice a significant change in the female officers attitude toward him. He sensed that her respect for him was merely superficial and lacked sincerity. However, Su Li chose not to complain about it. After all, he recognized that as the governor of the Princess Mansion, the female officer held a prestigious position. The queen had personally appointed her as the housekeeper of the Princess Mansion.

In light of these circumstances, Su Li silently endured this arrogant behavior and occasional embarrassment. Being shown superficial respect already exceeded his expectations, considering the hierarchies at play. However, he noticed a distinct shift in the female officers behavior towards him, indicating a more cordial approach.

For instance, during meals, the female officer took the initiative to inquire about Su Lis preferences and catered to his tastes. She even went so far as to ask if he needed anything regarding shopping. Moreover,  when conversing with Su Li, her tone became noticeably gentler, and her respect seemed to emerge from a deeper place rather than being merely superficial.

Su Li,  didnt exploit these changes to make additional demands. He remained content with the abundant food provided in the Princess Mansion. Given the limited choices available, it made more sense to have some say in what he ate each day instead of relying on randomness. Anyway, the food in the Princess Mansion was worse than eating cornbread in the field.

As for shopping, Su Li had no real needs beyond managing his scanty savings. He saw no reason to make any lavish  requests.

And so, the days passed swiftly, each one blending into the next, following the familiar routine with a few subtle differences. Nightfall arrived, and Su Li carefully carried Princess Changle to her bed, then picked up his small stool and naturally sat by her bedside.

To be honest, sitting on a small stool and sleeping by the bedside was truly uncomfortable. The discomfort and stiffness in his body were undeniable, leaving him without any true restful sleep experience.

When Su Li woke up the next day, his entire body ached, and his back was sore from the uncomfortable sleeping. However, he persisted, knowing that this was his duty and the way to earn more points.

The notable advantage for Su Li was his ability to gain attribute points periodically. Currently, his physique and strength attributes surpassed those of ordinary individuals, so the less-than-ideal sleeping conditions in such a restful environment didnt have much impact.

Nevertheless, sleeping on a small stool was certainly less comfortable than a bed, even with his heightened physical attributes. However, Su Li didnt mind because he woke up full of energy, and Princess Changle was still asleep. Since there was more than one bed in the room, Su Li had the option to sleep on a bed if he wished. No one forced him to endure such discomfort. Princess Changle simply slept in a separate bed.

For the sake of gaining attribute points, Su Li considered the minor discomfort insignificant. He would willingly endure it to accumulate seven or eight thousand points steadily. The long nights seemed to pass by swiftly.

Su Li remained calm as he sat down, took hold of Princess Changles little hand, and lay down next to her bed. The female officer had become accustomed to this sight. Su Li performed this ritual every night, even if it meant sleeping on a small stool.

Initially, the female officer believed that Su Li was merely putting on a show. She even anticipated his distressed appearance the next day when he would reluctantly return to his own bed with a sore back and aching legs.

However, that was not the case. Night after night, Su Li continued this routine, and each morning the female officer could hear the sound of Su Lis stretching exercises, unique music playing in the background.

What exceeded the female officers imagination was that Su Li not only chose to sleep on the small stool but also held Princess Changles hand. Apart from necessary trips to the washroom, Su Li remained by Princess Changles side almost constantly throughout the day.

It seemed as if Su Li couldnt bear to be separated from Princess Changle even for a moment. This had been going on for a month now. Su Li never displayed any reluctance. As a woman, I could sense that Su Li was not only willing but eager.

My son-in-law, go to bed and get some rest, the female officer said softly, looking at Su Li lying beside Princess Changles bed.



Su Li turned his head, disbelief etched on his face.

My son-in-law, you have been taking care of the princess during the day, and Im afraid your body wont be able to handle it much longer, the female officer explained.

She understood that Su Li preferred sleeping on the stool rather than in a separate bed, so she tactfully avoided mentioning it.

Happiness had arrived so suddenly that Su Li found it hard to believe. Yet, when he thought about it more carefully, it made sense. He was the son-in-law and husband of Princess Changle, so it was only natural for husband and wife to share a bed. The only reason things were different now was because of Princess Changles special condition, which required time for the female officer to accept and understand Su Lis character.

Now that the female officer, and even the entire princess mansion, acknowledged him, why shouldnt he sleep in the bed? Besides, going to bed didnt mean the female officer would leave. After all, Princess Changle was still in a coma, so it was out of the question for anyone to leave her unattended except for Su Li.

Even though he was being monitored, it was undoubtedly a pleasant surprise for Su Li.

Ive done good deeds my whole life, and this is my reward! Su Li grinned, and without any hesitation, he rolled onto the bed.


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