After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

Chapter 125:

Chapter 125:

The next morning, at five oclock, the sky was still pitch dark, yet Su Li was already in his official attire, casually riding White Dragon as he arrived at the front of the Imperial Citys Jianfu Gate.

By then, the area in front of Jianfu Gate was filled with a bustling crowd. Looking around, one could see prominent figures in red and purple attire waiting for their turn to attend court.

Consort Su over here, called Cheng Yaojin with his distinctive loud voice before Su Li had even approached.

What occasion brings you here today, Consort Su? How did you find the time to attend the court session? Cheng Yaojin teased Su Li with a grin.

Since the military strategy examination, more than half a year had passed. During this lengthy period, Su Li, as the Deputy Second General of the Right Martial Guards, surprisingly hadnt set foot in the military camp even once.

Cheng Yaojin, who prided himself on maintaining strict military discipline, found immense joy. Su Lis apparent willingness to engage in leisure activities rather than official duties put Cheng Yaojins mind at ease. Furthermore, Cheng Yaojin wasnt concerned that others might try to take Su Lis place on this day. He was thoroughly enjoying himself.

This rare occasion allowed Cheng Yaojin to interact with his nominal subordinate. Given Cheng Yaojins cunning nature, he naturally took the opportunity to build rapport. After all, they would be future comrades fighting side by side, and it wouldnt be beneficial for there to be a divide between them.

Su Li glanced at Cheng Yaojin, then casually nodded in his direction, acknowledging the greeting.

The old, dignified men who planned to approach him were puzzled by his unfamiliar demeanor.

Whos this kid

Cheng Yaojin felt a bit awkward and couldnt help but touch his nose, chuckling.

By now, everyone could tell that Su Lis attendance at the morning ceremony was intentional, indicating that something was up.

However, no one knew what could have triggered such an unusual reaction from the normally apathetic consort. At that moment, a solemn drumbeat could be heard from the direction of the Chengtian Gate Tower.

Supervised by the imperial censors, officers from both civil and military ranks lined up in two columns and proceeded into the main hall.

While the consort of the Great Tang might not have the highest reputation, his status was indeed lofty. Despite lacking a noble title, he often received treatment similar to a prince during court gatherings. Hence, during the censors queue arrangement, Su Li was placed third in the line of military officers. Standing before him were only Li Jing, the foremost military figure, and Li Daozong, the King of Jiangxia.

Passing through the Jianfu Gate, they advanced towards the main hall. After a short while, a whip crack sounded, followed by the entrance of Li Er, adorned in a dragon robe, striding purposefully.

Li Ers gaze fell upon Su Li standing among the generals, causing a brief pause in his step. He soon took his seat.

The most pressing matter today concerns the Tubo marriage proposal. Speak up, what are your opinions? Li Er spoke calmly, then turned his gaze towards Zhangsun Wuji.

Stepping forward, Zhangsun Wuji spoke, Your Majesty, Tubos Zanpu, Songtsan Gampo, has submitted a formal request for marriage, expressing genuine intentions without disrespect towards the Tang Dynasty. Tubo is willing to pay tribute to the Tang Dynasty, and if the marriage takes place, Songtsan Gampo will treat Your Majesty as a father and observe proper familial rituals.

I believe that Songtsan Gampos appeal is sincere and not mere rhetoric. As we all know, Tubo sent envoys to seek a marriage alliance with the Tang Dynasty several years ago. Revisiting this proposal after all these years indicates a steadfast desire to form a bond. In my view, we could consider accepting.

Li Er nodded in agreement and inquired, If we agree to the marriage, who shall we send?

Su Li witnessed Li Daozong standing before him, visibly trembling, and then voluntarily walking out with a bitter expression.

Your Majesty, my younger brothers daughter, Lady Jincheng County, has reached marriageable age and has not been married yet

Li Er nodded in approval.

At this moment, Zhangsun Wuji said, Lady Jincheng County is knowledgeable and wise, talented and beautiful. If she can take on this important responsibility, it will become a timeless tale.

The scene before Su Li made him feel disgusted. He was aware that in Li Ers position, he usually wouldnt handle things directly. Many decisions were made before being presented.

However, the practice of wanting both benefits and a clean image was distasteful.

Especially considering they were deciding the fate of an innocent woman while casually chatting, Su Li felt even more impatient.

Just as Su Li was about to speak out

A sinister voice came from behind him, belonging to Cheng Yaojin.

Prime Minister is quite generous. Since you have such high regard for Songtsan Gampo, why not send your own daughter for marriage?

Zhangsun Wuji became furious and retorted, Tubos request for marriage specifically involves a member of the imperial family. What merits and abilities do our Zhangsun family have to claim this honor? You fool, dont meddle in this matter!

At this point, Weichi Gong sneered, Prince Jiangxia understands righteousness well. I, Weichi, greatly admire that!

Speaking was Weichi Gong, a peculiar character. After Li Er ascended the throne, he hosted a banquet for his courtiers, and Li Xiaogong, the Prince of Hejian, sat before him.

Weichi Gong had a longstanding grudge against Li Xiaogong and took this chance to provoke him, asking about his accomplishments and why he ranked above him.

Before Li Xiaogong could respond, his cousin Li Daozong stepped in to explain. As a result, Weichi Gong didnt hesitate and gave Li Daozong a black eye with a punch. Their conflict had originated from that incident. Of course, Cheng Yaojin and Weichi Gongs provocations werent solely personal vendettas.

Although they anticipated Li Ers decision to pursue marriage, being generals, they felt pressured to fulfill the request, which didnt sit well with them. Regardless, the situation irritated them.

Li Daozong looked miserable, gazing at Weichi Gong, Youre right. From today, Ill let go of our past grievances.

Weichi Gong was shocked and couldnt help but feel sympathetic when he saw Li Daozongs woeful expression.

Sensing the awkwardness, Zhangsun Wuji quickly suggested, Songtsan Gampo has shown genuine sincerity. Your Majesty, why not invite the Tubo envoy to the court?

Li Er agreed.

Soon, the Tubo envoy entered, performing the customary three-kneel and nine-bow ceremony with utmost respect.

How can Songtsan Gampo prove his sincerity in seeking peace under the suzerainty of the Tang Dynasty? Li Er asked casually.

The Tubo envoy hurriedly replied, Your Majesty, Zanpu has sent 5,000 taels of gold, 1,000 cattle, and 3,000 sheep as a goodwill gesture.

The ministers in the hall looked surprised, including Weichi Gong and Cheng Yaojin, who fell silent.

Given Tubos impoverished state, the envoys offering was undoubtedly a significant effort to display sincerity. Li Er surveyed the hall and nodded just as he was about to announce the marriage alliance, a voice, somewhat passive, interrupted.

The Tu Valley Region has maintained a positive relationship with the Tang Dynasty, offering tribute annually as a vassal. Since their submission, they have been respectful. When Tubo attacked them, the Tang Dynasty remained indifferent. Subsequently, Tubo used military might to pressure us. Is it fitting for our powerful nation to compromise integrity for a minor advantage?

Li Er grew furious and turned towards the source of the voice, only to be surprised.

The speaker was Su Li.


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