After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

Chapter 11: First Kiss, Princess Changle’s Strange Emotions!

Chapter 11: First Kiss, Princess Changle’s Strange Emotions!

Princess Changle was overcome by a rush of unspeakable emotions in an instant.

Was ithis lips? Changle thought.

Due to the low-quality life potion, her consciousness significantly improved, and she perceived her surroundings much better than before.

In prolonged darkness, humans tend to improve their other senses. This heightened awareness made Princess Changle perceive the warmth around her lips with extraordinary clarity.

They were his lipshad he kissed me? Changle thought.

Princess Changle was enraged upon him. How could he do this? He was not a peasant but rather an imposter, She thought.

She was young and beautiful, and even though she was engaged, she never had any intimate contact with a man before.

At times, she had secretly pondered what it would be like to get married, and she had even witnessed her elder brother kissing a maid in the mansion. In her mind, this was what marriage was all about. Although, what just happened was completely different from anything she had ever imagined, as in Princess Changles fantasies, a kiss should be more gradual and planned out, not an unexpected action like Su Lis sudden kiss.

Princess Changles senses were much improved now. She could even feel the dryness and slight cracking of Su Lis lips and the roughness of his stubble against her skin. But she was powerless to do anything and forced to endure Su Lis actions.

Adding to her distress, Princess Changle recalled that the governor of her palace had already left to search for a physician. She couldnt shake the feeling that Su Li might have purposely sent her away to carry out this deceitful act.

Princess Changle was filled with anxiety and confusion, and she couldnt understand the emotions swirling within her. She didnt want Su Li to take advantage of her in this vulnerable position, yet she couldnt deny the heat radiating from his hands and lips that caused her to feel conscious.

This subtle emotion was similar to tasting forbidden fruit and fearing punishment. Princess Changle was at a loss as to what to do next.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for unlocking a new intimate action!] [Congratulations to the host for receiving the primary stage reward, Introduction to Medicine!]

Following the thought in his mind, Su Li also noticed that when he kissed Princess Changle, the rate at which points accumulated changed to one point per second, three times faster than before. Although, when their lips parted, the point accumulation rate returned to normal.

Ikki, at this level of intimacy, you earn 3,600 points per hour and over 80,000 points per day Behave yourself. I simply helped Princess Changle up, and it took about two seconds to earn one point. Wouldnt it be more intimate to scrub Princess Changles body? What about intercourse? A daring idea crossed Su Lis mind. Could it be possible to earn ten points per second? That would be over 800,000 points a day! And are there rewards for unlocking new intimate actions?

Su Li pondered this for a while until he obtained specific information about the system. As it turned out, the generation of points was not constant, it was actually related to the level of physical contact and intimacy.

Merely holding Princess Changles hand would earn a steady rate of one thousand points per hour. If the interaction involved closer contact, such as sharing a bed and a pillow, the constant rate would be one point every two seconds. Regarding kissing, the constant rate would be one point per second.

As for higher levels, the specific speed of point acquisition could only be seen after unlocking them. It might sound absurd, but upon further consideration, it did seem a bit nonsensical.

I couldnt keep my mouth on Princess Changles lips 24 hours a day, right? Moreover, I was only a nominal husband. Even when female officers assisted Princess Changle with her bath, I had to turn away. This kiss was a bold step only in the absence of female officers. It could only be considered a short-term plan. Currently, it was even impossible for me to hold Princess Changles hand all the time.

With this in mind, Su Li could only shake his head helplessly and then look at the stage rewards given by the system. One was a Medical Introduction, which included a vast amount of basic knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine that would enlighten him. The adjective used to describe this course was similar to the one used for the summary of the military strategy on the systems product page, indicating that the reward was probably of similar value, estimated at around 10,000 points.

It was possible that the Medical Introduction reward from the system could contain a way to revive Princess Changle since the field of traditional Chinese medicine had a wide range of knowledge and techniques. Su Li didnt hesitate and immediately clicked to use it.

In a trance, a lot of basic theoretical knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine flooded his mind, as well as more experience in curing diseases and saving lives. It covered various areas and diseases, from gynecological issues to bone adjustment for wind-cold, treating acne, and various types of illnesses in internal medicine, orthopedics, neurology, and trauma.

But its quite basic Su Li muttered.

The theoretical knowledge Su Li had acquired was quite complex yet basic, putting his current level at that of a clinic. He could cure ordinary diseases and provide general medical care but needed the expertise to handle complicated cases. Although he had a wealth of theoretical knowledge but lacked practical experience.

It was widely known that traditional Chinese medicine was an experiential discipline. Ones proficiency in this field was not merely a matter of theoretical knowledge but also the result of extensive practice and experience. In other words, the various theories in traditional Chinese medicine were like mathematical formulas. While they might appear simple at first glance, they were challenging to apply in practice.

Therefore, Su Li realized that even with the knowledge he had gained from the systems reward, he still had a long way to go in mastering traditional Chinese medicine.

It was true that exceptional individuals could solve various types of problems with a single formula, while less capable individuals struggle to determine which formula to apply. This concept was often discussed among medical students.R/ê/Ad lat𝙚St ch/a/pters at nô(v)e(l)bin/.c/o//m Only

Although, when it came to medical practice, there existed a significant gap between theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The reality was that patients did not always present textbook cases, and finding the appropriate approach could be challenging. This was especially true when facing complex conditions like Princess Changles, where even modern medicine lacked a systematic cure for vegetative states. In such cases, the focus was often on rehabilitation therapy, and the outcome depended on a combination of fate, luck, and the intricate nature of brainstem function. The uncertainty surrounding these situations made it difficult for anyone to guarantee a specific outcome.

Su Li had also searched for Baidu in his previous life due to the bosss vegetative father. Chinese medicine had some understanding of vegetative individuals, referred to as stupors by Sun Simiao. Being a doctor in a general clinic, Su Li couldnt do much about it.

Fortunately, the introduction to medical skills covered a broad range, including techniques like massage. This knowledge could prove useful in handling the daily maintenance of Princess Changles body. It was crucial to prevent muscle atrophy, joint stiffness, and poor blood circulation resulting from long-term inactivity in a vegetative state. Su Li was afraid of  harming Changles body, as he lacked expertise in this area.

With the introduction to medical skills and the nursing methods he had observed in his previous life, Su Li could easily assist Princess Changle in maintaining her body. He sighed, realizing that relying solely on studying medicine might not save Changle.

The only reliable hope for saving Changle was in his system mall, refreshing with better options.


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