After Losing My Memory, My Husband Begged Me to Love Him Again

Chapter 15

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Today was the day for Gu Wan to have her cast removed. Seeing that the lady of the house, who hadn't left home except to walk the dog for over a month, had woken up unusually early, the housekeeper instinctively inquired about it.

Since this wasn't a secret matter, Gu Wan casually mentioned it while eating breakfast.

When he learned that she was planning to go to the hospital, the housekeeper was momentarily stunned, then asked, "Why don't you tell the master and have him accompany you?"

Given Mr. Lu's attitude over the past month or so, he would likely not refuse if the lady asked.

In the housekeeper's eyes, it was only natural to seek companionship from family members when sick or facing difficulties, so he instinctively suggested it.

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Wan paused, then smiled and said, "There's no need for such trouble."

Over the years, she had grown accustomed to being on her own.

Gu Wan didn't even call Xia Qianqian, feeling it unnecessary. Moreover, she hoped that when Qianqian was with her, they would only encounter happy things, like celebrating after the cast removal.

After finishing breakfast, Gu Wan patted Beibei's head, instructing it to guard the house well, then headed to the underground garage.

The spacious underground parking lot housed over a dozen luxury cars, all bought by Lu Yu over the past two years. Apart from most being silver or gray, there were a few with distinctly different colors, more vibrant and leaning towards feminine preferences.

As Gu Wan passed by, she couldn't help but wonder if these cars were bought for her by Lu Yu.

Although it felt that way, to be safe, Gu Wan didn't choose them. Instead, she walked straight to the farthest corner, finding the car she remembered buying before getting married.

Although this white car was relatively inexpensive in comparison, it was the only thing Gu Wan could be certain belonged to her.

The housekeeper, who had been observing the whole process, couldn't help but sigh softly.

Just as Gu Wan was about to get in and call for a designated driver, the housekeeper stepped forward to stop her.

"Madam, the master has already arranged a driver for you."

Since Gu Wan's car accident, Lu Yu had decided not to let her drive anymore. After learning his lesson from Gu Wan's memory loss, he had replaced the previous family driver with a more experienced one. It could be said that the current family driver was even more skilled than Lu Yu's personal driver. Gu Wan didn't know about this because she hadn't left the house recently.

Not only that, Lu Yu was planning to buy several more cars that had been modified. Sports cars might be nice, but they were also fragile. Some other models were more robust.

Lu Yu had placed the order over two weeks ago, and by now, they were probably close to being shipped back from overseas.

Hearing that Lu Yu had made such big moves without her knowledge, Gu Wan was at a loss for words.

About five minutes later, after the housekeeper's persistent efforts, the white car finally slowly departed.

On the other side.

Lu Yu finally remembered that he had indeed met her years ago.

In a place like Zhenshui International Middle School, unconventional students were extremely rare. So even though it had been thirteen years, Lu Yu could still recall it clearly when he thought carefully, and the more he thought, the more vivid the memory became.

Lu Yu remembered that it was during his senior year of high school, and he was still serving as the student council president, as he had for six years. That day, he was inspecting the students' attire and accessories according to the duty roster. When the 8:30 AM bell rang for class, just as Lu Yu was about to leave with the others, a figure slowly walked in through the school gate.

At that time, the student council was responsible not only for students' appearance but also for discipline. Such blatant tardiness immediately caught Lu Yu's attention.

He wondered which class would have a student so bold, but upon inquiring, he learned that the student was from the middle school section.

Zhenshui International Middle School, as one of the top elite schools in the country, had a campus many times larger than ordinary schools. Even the middle school and high school sections were located in the same area, so middle school students were also under their jurisdiction.

Lu Yu had never seen a child dressed so... well, it was hard to describe. After reprimanding her as usual, he personally escorted her to her homeroom teacher.

Along the way, Lu Yu had thought that someone so different would surely be difficult to handle and was prepared for her to resist. To his surprise, although the girl's hair was fiery red, she barely spoke during the journey, revealing a rather quiet personality.

Later, when Lu Yu was on duty, he caught her several times. Just as he was beginning to wonder what kind of family would raise such a child, suddenly one day, that red figure disappeared. In the months that followed, Lu Yu never saw her again.

Lu Yu never imagined that the little girl he had repeatedly caught breaking rules would, years later, become his wife. It was truly...

Lu Yu couldn't help but hold his forehead, yet also felt that this must be fate.

It's a pity that they were both so young then, otherwise they wouldn't have had to wait nine years until they were both adults to truly spark a connection.

The young man beside him, hearing this, suddenly wore a strange expression. He too hadn't expected that the esteemed Mr. Lu would be so obtuse when it came to matters of the heart.

The young man couldn't help but say, "Haven't you considered that Miss Gu might have started liking you from that time?"

"How is that possible?" Lu Yu frowned, rejecting the idea without a second thought. "How old was she then?"

Gu Wan is twenty-seven this year, so thirteen years ago she was only fourteen. How could a fourteen-year-old third-year middle school student understand what it means to like someone?

Hearing this, the young man felt that Lu Yu's current mess of a love life was well-deserved.

It's common knowledge that girls generally mature earlier. Fourteen or fifteen is precisely the age when they start to become aware of romantic feelings. For a girl to realize such feelings in high school is already considered late, so developing a crush on someone at this age is perfectly normal.

The young man dared not imagine what kind of life Miss Gu had been living in the years since their marriage, given that the man before him didn't even know this much.

Fortunately, Lu Yu had paid him handsomely, so the young man had thoroughly investigated everything that needed to be investigated and even things that didn't.

The young man quickly presented evidence supporting his statement to Lu Yu.

"This is confirmed by your own classmate."

Compared to boys, girls' emotions are more delicate and sensitive. Especially a girl who harbors feelings for someone—she's like a radar detecting any potential threat from another girl.

Looking at the chat record the young man handed over, with the name Zhong Yi noted, Lu Yu thought for a long time but couldn't remember who this was. The young man, seeing his confusion, had to remind him, "This girl confessed her feelings to you at the high school graduation."

Lu Yu... Lu Yu still couldn't remember, but his expression became much more serious as he looked at the chat record again.

Then Lu Yu learned why the red-haired Gu Wan had suddenly disappeared back then. Two months later, she had dyed her red hair back to its original color and joined the student council.

Gu Wan remained as quiet as ever, so Lu Yu and others didn't notice her.

Lu Yu stared at the few pages of chat records before him, speechless for a long time.

After a while, he finally spoke, saying, "I never received her confession at that time."

Neither a love letter nor a face-to-face confession.

The young man shrugged: "Because Miss Gu at that time had no intention of confessing to you."

The young man had initially just been doing his job for the money, but later he became emotionally invested and dug deeper, coming to understand Gu Wan better.

"At that time, almost everyone knew you were going abroad after graduating from high school. Miss Gu, who was secretly observing you, of course knew this too. She was a very smart girl who understood that you wouldn't accept someone who was just starting middle school then, so from the beginning, she never planned to be with you."

If things had simply ended there, it would have been just a small story of unrequited love that faded away naturally, like the minor troubles of adolescence that most people experience.

But who could have known that Miss Gu was someone who rarely opened her heart to others? In the nine years that followed, she never fell for anyone else.

Even without falling for someone new, given Miss Gu's resilient nature, she would have continued living normally. After all, a little unrequited love was nothing to her.

That is, until Miss Gu lost her parents in a car accident during her college years. That devastating tragedy nearly severed all of Miss Gu's ties to this world.

She never had many connections to begin with. Her family circumstances had shaped her personality and habits in a way that made it impossible for her to form close relationships with others. She was always alone - eating alone, studying alone, living alone. After her parents passed away, the only things left in this world that made her feel alive were her sole friend Xia Qianqian and her little dog.

Under these circumstances, if she didn't want to be completely swallowed by the abyss, she had to desperately cling to that single, fragile thread - Xia Qianqian.

What surprised the young man was that even in this situation, Miss Gu managed to restrain herself from dragging down the only person who could keep her afloat.

Based on his investigation and analysis, given Miss Xia Qianqian's innocent nature and the deep bond the two had formed growing up together, if Miss Gu had wanted to, there was no way the other could have escaped.

While it's possible for a person to live without relying on others, someone who can't find even a single reason to live is bound to drown in confusion sooner or later.

The young man guessed that Miss Gu must have been aware that she was gradually losing control, so she struggled desperately to save herself.

It was at this moment that Lu Yu reappeared. And so he became the only medicine that could cure her illness.


"Miss Gu actually understood everything clearly. She simply chose to sink while remaining fully conscious."

However, the sad truth was that the one thing she had fought so hard to obtain in her life, she ultimately failed to get.

Thinking of this, the young man's eyelashes drooped downward.


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