After Being Bent by Reader

Chapter 34: Pt.1

Chapter 34: Pt.1

By now, Xu Chuanchuan had already gotten used to Ange occasionally declaring ownership over her out of the blue. Typically, she would treat her words as a joke. However, some jokes would stop becoming funny when repeated too often. Xu Chuanchua was also a person who tended to overthink matters, so the more she thought about it, the more afraid she became.

Xu Chuanchuan: "Ange, I'll start to panic if you keep doing this. Are you really interested in me?"

Xu Chuanchuan had known Ange for six years now, and there was almost nothing they couldn't talk about with each other. They even knew each other's account passwords. They were the closest of friends, and she was happy with the way things were right now. However, if she were to be asked if she could accept letting this relationship evolve into something closer, the answer would be a definite "no."

Although Xu Chuanchuan knew Ange was a lesbian, she wasn't one, so

Xu Chuanchuan felt anxiety welling up within her as she waited for a reply. For a moment, she was even afraid of hearing Ange's answer.

After waiting for roughly five minutes, she finally received a reply.

Ange: "To tell you the truth, I have indeed fantasized about you initially. However, after my failed relationship with Citrus, I realized that online relationships are unreliable. Without spending time close to someone, you will never get to know a person's true personality. Back then, I thought Citrus was cute and innocent, but only afterward did I discover how shallow of a person she is. She's also someone who likes causing dramas behind the scenes. Despite being the same person, her personalities in the 2D and 3D worlds are vastly different from each other. This experience has truly given me a scare, so I think I'd better be careful."

Xu Chuanchuan fell silent, unable to refute Ange's words. This was because she knew she was similar to Fragrant Citrus. Her personalities in the real world and virtual world were vastly different as well.

Xu Chuanchuan had never experienced romance through the internet before, so she didn't find it appropriate to comment on Ange's experiences. However, Ange's words did allow her to feel relieved.

Xu Chuanchuan: "That's good, that's good. You nearly scared me to death."

Ange: "Actually, I've earnestly thought about what would happen if we were to get together. Setting aside whether you like women or not, just your personality already makes you a bad match for me."

Xu Chuanchuan: "How so?"

Ange: "You know how I'm quick-tempered, right? I prefer to do things decisively instead of dragging things out. You, on the other hand, are the complete opposite. You like to take things slowly and overthink matters. If the two of us were to get together, it is only a matter of time I run out of patience and explode, just like how I lost my patience with Citrus. There are a lot of flaws in my personality. I hate trouble, and I don't know how to take care of others. So, after thinking it over carefully, I feel that staying single isn't such a bad option."

Xu Chuanchuan: "Don't say that. You'll definitely find someone who loves you and deserves your love one day. [Hug]"

Ange: "Strange. Weren't we analyzing your problem? Why did the topic change to me instead?"

Xu Chuanchuan: "...You were the one who interrupted me. You continue."

Ange: "I've finished reading the conversation log, and I don't see any problems with this Passerby Shi. This isn't the first time a reader has teased you. She also doesn't understand much about you. She's probably just giving you a scare or toying with you by asking you to be her girlfriend. Why must you take it so seriously?"

Xu Chuanchuan: "I'm not taking it seriously. o()o"

Ange: "If not, why are you still thinking about it so much? Don't tell me you're going to fall in love with someone after just a few short conversations?"

Xu Chuanchuan: "I won't."

Ange: "That settles it, then. Focus on your writing, maintain a distance with your readers, and stop thinking about nonsense."

Xu Chuanchuan: "Yes, yes, I've received your lesson. -_-||"

After thinking things through, Xu Chuanchuan pushed this matter out of her mind and gradually forgot about Passerby Shi. That was until this capricious tycoon suddenly reappeared before her on one particular day.

Passerby Shi: "Your physical books are well-made. I've already read through half of them."

Xu Chuanchuan couldn't help but doubt her eyes when she saw the familiar avatar appearing in her chat list.

I Love Malatang: "HiHello. "

Passerby Shi: "Are you okay?"

Xu Chuanchuan: ...

Passerby Shi: "I've been busy lately, so I didn't have any time to get on the internet."

Facts had proven that Xu Chuanchuan had indeed been overthinking matters once again.

Xu Chuanchuan was so embarrassed that she didn't know how to respond. After struggling for some time, she barely managed to find a common topic to talk bout: "There are some minor differences between the physical books' content and the content published online. Did you notice them?"

Passerby Shi: "Mhm. You've made quite a few changes. I also noticed that you'd added more details. Your characters and plot are more fleshed out."

I Love Malatang: "Hehe, that's right. I proofread the books myself when making the physical copies. After rereading the books, I found and edited many crudely described scenes and typos."

Passerby Shi: "How thoughtful of you."

I Love Malatang: "The physical books are meant to be gifts for others, so I naturally have to make them perfect. I've also kept a set for myself. [Shy]"

Passerby Shi: "Can you give me a copy when you print another physical book in the future?"

Surprised, Xu Chuanchuan replied: "Sure, but that will have to wait until I conclude this current book."

Passerby Shi: "Thank you."

Thank you?

For a moment, Xu Chuanchuan doubted that the person she was conversing with was Passerby Shi herself. After all, how could the arrogant and imposing tycoon from before suddenly have such a gentle personality?

This must be a misconception.

I Love Malatang: "You're welcome. You've shown me so much support, so it's only natural if I give it to you."

Passerby Shi: "How long will it take before you finish this book?"

I Love Malatang: "I can't say for certain. My plan is to write 100,000 words a month and 300,000 words in total. That will take at least three months. If I deviate from the original plotline, it might even take longer to finish..."

Passerby Shi: "You're updating too little each day. There's not enough to read."

Passerby Shi: "No need. I'm busy and don't have time to read."

I Love Malatang: "Oh..."

Their conversation ended on a normal and peaceful note for the first time, and Xu Chuanchuan couldn't help but be surprised by this situation.

Passerby Shi's comment was like a stone thrown into a still pond. In the blink of an eye, a bunch of replies had appeared under her comment.

I caught a live Darling Shi!

Darling Shi, long time no see~

Xu Chuanchuan was working a full-time job, so she could only write a limited number of words every day. Apart from the first day of monetization, publishing 1,000 words a day was already her limit.

After the comment section started begging, the members of her reader group began begging as well.

Xu Chuanchuan promptly stopped reading the messages in her comment section and reader group, turned off her computer, and went to take a shower.

After more than a month of renovations, the employee dormitories on the third floor were finally ready to accommodate people. Linda also had the honor of adding the title of "dormitory manager" to her name, and she hurried to work out a proper management system and list of occupants for the new dormitory. There were also some details she needed to communicate with Murong Shi, so the two of them were currently having a discussion. Amidst their discussion, the phone sitting on the desk between them rang.

When Linda helped pass the phone to Murong Shi, she saw the caller ID displayed on the screen and asked, "It's Young Master Jiang. Do you want to pick it up?"

With a look of indifference, Murong Shi extended her hand and said, "Give it to me."

As soon as Murong Shi connected the call, she heard Jiang Shaohua furiously saying, "Murong, you need to get your receptionist replaced! Why is she stopping me every time I visit?!"

Murong Shi turned to the surveillance monitor beside her and enlarged the video showing the situation at the front desk. She then saw Jiang Shaohua in his suit standing in front of the front desk and giving her a call.

After a slight pause, Murong Shi said, "Pass your phone to the receptionist. I'll talk to her."

Very quickly, a timid voice came from the other end of the phone, "Miss Murong, this Mr. Jiang here says he is"

Interrupting the receptionist, Murong Shi said, "Just let him in from now on."

"Okay, I understand."

When Linda saw Murong Shi storing her phone away, she asked, "Since Young Master Jiang is coming, how about you two have your conversation first?"

"It's fine. Continue with what you have to say. Also, let me have a look at the list of applicants."

After handing Murong Shi a list, Linda said, "Currently, apart from several of the Business Department's fresh graduates, two other single employees have applied. Once they move in, should we have the Finance Department deduct their monthly housing allowance from their salaries?"

"Mhm, it has to be deducted." Linda had already assigned all applicants to a room. After reading through the list, Murong Shi asked, "How come Xu Chuanchuan did not apply?"

"You mean Little Xu? I talked to her about it before, and she says she's renting an apartment outside. Maybe her rental contract hasn't expired yet."

Murong Shi remained silent.

Looking at Murong Shi's face, Linda hesitantly said, "You seem to be very concerned about Little Xu."


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