After Being Bent by Reader

Chapter 31: Pt.2

Chapter 31: Pt.2

If she's worried about exposing her address

Thinking up to this point, Xu Chuanchuan suddenly had an idea, and she privately messaged one of the computer experts in her reader group.

Although Xu Chuanchuan knew what she was doing was immoral, she couldn't help her curiosity. So, she ended up asking the computer expert to help check Passerby Shi's IP address.

Several minutes later, the computer expert gave her a reply.

And although Xu Chuanchuan had known about it beforehand, when she received the computer expert's investigation result, she still couldn't help but be shockedPasserby Shi's IP address belonged to the same city she lived in.

However, with just the IP address, the computer expert couldn't pinpoint Passerby Shi's exact location. Though, Xu Chuanchuan was already satisfied with this result, so she didn't ask for more.

The computer expert was one of Xu Chuanchuan's loyal fans who had followed after her work for several years. To show her gratitude, Xu Chuanchuan promised to send the girl a physical copy of her book and reminded the other party, "Make sure not to tell others about this matter, alright?"

Fortunately for Xu Chuanchuan, the girl was sensible and didn't ask any questions on the matter.

Meanwhile, Xu Chuanchuan had complicated feelings as she looked at the investigation result.

She's living in the same city as I am. In that case, why would she refuse to tell the truth when I tried probing her previously? Is it because she has a guilty conscience? Is she trying to keep her privacy? Or is it because she's just being a tsundere and couldn't be bothered to say it?

Xu Chuanchuan bit her lip and pondered for a moment. She then moved her cursor to Passerby Shi's avatar.

I Love Malatang: "Do you not want it? Or is it because you're afraid of accepting it?"

Passerby Shi: "Afraid? What do you mean?"

I Love Malatang: "I did some calculations with my fingers just now and calculated that you're living in the same city as me. Don't you think that's magical? [Snicker]"

Passerby Shi: "[Sweat]"

I Love Malatang: "o()o"

Passerby Shi: "You should stop writing and stop going to work in the future. You'd probably be better off starting a fortune-telling business."

I Love Malatang: "...Fine. It's your loss."

Xu Chuanchuan felt that she must've been bewitched. Whenever she made a new discovery, she would always try to link Passerby Shi with Murong Shi. If Ange found out about this, she would definitely be teasing her again. Passerby Shi probably thought that she was sick in the head as well.

A lot of renovation work had been taking place on the company building's third floor recently. During her lunch break, Xu Chuanchuan overheard her colleagues saying that the company was constructing a dormitory for employees.

Are they available for everyone?

I don't think so. According to Linda, the company prepared them for the Business Department's staff. They've been very busy recently, and most of those fresh graduates don't have a fixed residence in the city. As nobody is using the third floor, the company decided to modify it into a dormitory.

How is that fair? Everyone is working in the same company, so why do those fresh graduates get to stay in the dorms while we don't?

How is that not fair? Every one of us gets a housing allowance, while those newcomers don't. Besides, even if you're allowed to live there, will you want to? You're already married.

That's true. Most people in our company are married, right?

Little Xu doesn't seem to have a boyfriend yet.

Xu Chuanchuan never thought she would be brought up as a conversation topic. While pretending to drink water to hide her embarrassment, she said, "I have a place to stay. I'm renting an apartment outside."

Her colleagues liked to gossip a lot, and whenever the topic of her relationship status came up, they could always make up a bunch of nonsense. Some of them would offer to introduce her to potential partners, while others would ask a bunch of questions. Xu Chuanchuan feared these situations the most, so she quickly finished her water and used getting a refill as an excuse to escape.

The hallway outside the Engineering Department was quiet, though Xu Chuanchuan could occasionally hear renovation noises coming from upstairs. After getting a refill from the pantry and taking a sip, she suddenly saw a person walking hastily into the pantry.

This person was Linda.

As Murong Shi's assistant, Linda was always dressed appropriately. This time, though, she looked like a mess, and her meticulously combed hair had many loose strands sticking out of it. However, as if she was unaware of her messy state, the first thing Linda did after entering the pantry was to grab a disposable cup, fill it with water, and gulp it down in one mouthful.

After catching her breath, Linda turned to Xu Chuanchuan and smiled, explaining, "I haven't had a sip of water the whole morning. I haven't gone to lunch yet, either, so I was dying of thirst."

Responding with her own smile, Xu Chuanchuan said, "Lunch break started long ago. Are you that busy?"

Leaning against a cabinet, Linda breathed out a heavy sigh and said, "Not exactly. I was checking up on the renovation progress upstairs just now and forgot about time after chatting with the workers."

"Is it going to take long?"

Linda shook her head and said, "It'll be done soon. Actually, there isn't a lot to be done. Most of the renovation work consists of repainting the walls. By the way, are you renting an apartment outside by yourself?"

"Huh? That's right."

"You can stop renting it once the renovation works are completed. The dorm rooms hold two people each, and they're modeled to hotel standards. You will like them."

Xu Chuanchuan was slightly stunned by Linda's proposal. She then asked, "Weren't they meant for the Business Department only?"

After downing another cup of water, Linda said, "No. Anyone can stay in them so long as they're single. This is special welfare from the company."

In other words, it was welfare for singles. Unfortunately, while it sounded nice, Xu Chuanchuan preferred to live alone because of her part-time job as an author. So, she simply smiled and did not make any verbal responses to Linda's offer.

"I'll stop here. I'm going to go have lunch now."

"Mhm, bye-bye."

However, after exiting the pantry, Linda suddenly turned around and said, "I nearly forgot something. Little Xu, are you busy?"

Blinking her eyes, Xu Chuanchuan replied, "No, I'm not busy."

Putting on a radiant smile, Linda said, "The cleaners are on their break right now, and the workers upstairs need some dry rags. Can you help me bring some up for them? I might faint if I don't eat something soon."

"Sure." Hearing that it was easy work, Xu Chuanchuan was more than willing to help out.

Familiarly opening one of the top cabinets in the pantry, Linda grabbed some of the dry rags inside and handed them to Xu Chuanchuan. "Just place these on the floor once you head upstairs. The workers will take the rags when they need them. Thanks, and sorry for the trouble."

"You're welcome."

Afterward, Xu Chuanchuan entered the nearby stairwell and made her way upstairs.

The rooms on the third floor were mostly empty, and hammering sounds echoed throughout the floor. Clutter also covered the ground. Fortunately, Xu Chuanchuan wasn't wearing high heels, so she could nimbly maneuver her way through the place. After locating an occupied renovation worker, she asked, "Are you the one who needs the rags?"

The worker stopped hammering at Xu Chuanchuan's words. He then pointed at one of the empty rooms and said, "In there."


When Xu Chuanchuan approached the room in question, the stench of paint entered her nostrils. As soon as she entered the room, she immediately felt something gooey sweeping across the top of her head.


A gasp came from above Xu Chuanchuan, startling her. When she looked up, she saw another renovation worker squatting on wooden scaffolding, and this worker was currently staring at the top of her head with an awkward expression.

Xu Chuanchuan subconsciously touched her head, her hand coming into contact with something sticky. When she looked at her palm and saw the green paint staining it, she was dumbfounded.

"Sorry, sorry. I was squatting down and about to take a break. I didn't think someone would suddenly come in," the worker said apologetically as he held up the paint-stained brush in his hand.

Xu Chuanchuan had the urge to cry but failed to shed any tears.

Xu Chuanchuan dared not recklessly touch her head. She also didn't know how much paint had gotten onto her head. After dropping off the rags, she hurriedly ran back to the stairs and made her way to the washroom downstairs. However, in her hurry, she very nearly crashed into someone walking up the stairs.

When Xu Chuanchuan saw who the other person was, she grew even more flustered.

Just as Murong Shi was about to ask Xu Chuanchuan why she would be coming down from the third floor, her eyes inadvertently saw the state of Xu Chuanchuan's head. "Why is your hair green?"

"..." In a depressed state, Xu Chuanchuan gave Murong Shi a brief explanation of what just happened.

Murong Shi was briefly stunned by Xu Chuanchuan's story.

Lowering her head in embarrassment, Xu Chuanchuan said, "I'll go and try to wash it off with water."

However, Murong Shi grabbed Xu Chuanchuan's wrist, easily stopping the shorter woman from leaving. She then said, "It's paint. How are you going to wash it off with water?"

Her face growing pale, Xu Chuanchuan asked, "What should I do, then?"

Putting on an ambiguous smile, Murong Shi said, "Just think of it as getting your hair dyed. You're not a man, in any case, so nobody will say you're wearing a green hat."[1]

How excellent you are at consoling a person. Xu Chuanchuan's lips twitched when she heard Murong Shi's words.

Retracting her mirth, Murong Shi took a step forward.

Meanwhile, Xu Chuanchuan instinctively backed away when she saw Murong Shi approaching. However, she forgot that she was currently standing on a staircase, so she ended up tripping and losing balance.

Fortunately, Murong Shi reacted quickly and grabbed Xu Chuanchuan's arm, preventing the fall.

Xu Chuanchuan's face heated up at her blunder. After struggling out of Murong Shi's hold, she said, "Thanks."

Currently, the two of them were already standing on the same level.

Patting Xu Chuanchuan on the shoulder, Murong Shi said, "Lower your head and let me take a look."

Xu Chuanchuan was confused by Murong Shi's words but still obediently followed them.

When Xu Chuanchuan looked down, she saw Murong Shi extending a hand toward her head from the corner of her eye. She then heard Murong Shi saying, "Let it dry. Thankfully, none of it got onto your scalp, so it should be possible to get rid of it. I'll have Linda help you deal with it once she returns."

Xu Chuanchuan relaxed when she heard the paint could be removed. She then said, "I'll head back to my office and wait for her, then."

"Return to your office?"

"Where else can I go?"

Drawing a circle on top of Xu Chuanchuan's head with her slender finger, Murong Shi said, "Are you sure you want to go back and show everyone your green hair?"

"..." Of course she wouldn't want that. Clearing her throat, Xu Chuanchuan said, "I I'll wait for her in the conference room."

"The Business Department is holding a meeting there. Right now."

Pulling a long face, Xu Chuanchuan said, "I'll head to the pantry, then."

After pondering for a moment, Murong Shi said, "My office isn't locked. You can head inside and use the air conditioning there to dry the paint faster."

TL Notes:

[1]green hat: In China, wearing a green hat ( or di l mo z) is an expression that Chinese use when a woman cheats on her husband or boyfriend because the phrase sounds similar to the word for /green-hat-a-no-no/


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