Aether Beasts

Chapter 98 - 98

Chapter 98 - 98

We began our trek out the map out the floor early the next morning after our usual hour of meditation, baths, and some breakfast, although Misty's breakfast consisted of some of my blood and those sweet fruits she'd picked the previous day. I'd been worried at first, but this time it hadn't really hurt all that much and she'd only taken a small amount of blood, although, from the look in her eyes, it had been clear she'd wanted more, but thanks to our bond anchoring her to herself, she was able to get a handle on that side.

We started with the west, and in intervals, Zriani and I would use green pulse to check the land ahead and around us. When we found something interesting like beasts or herbs Zirani needed we would head in that direction.

"Take care," Zirani said as we moved through the exotic landscape "The beasts here are stronger than those on the first floor. I doubt will we see any beasts above a two-core on this floor, but the one core and two core beasts we do see will have stronger cores. I don't think they'll pose much of a challenge by themselves, but if caught off guard or swarmed, then it will be a completely different matter."

Zirani's words were proven not a few minutes later when we ran into a group of what I could only describe as humanoid frogs with giant faces, and to my absolute shock, wielding wooden spears made out of pale wood.

"Murwogs," Zirani explained as we examined them from a distance. "They're a crude race of beasts but more intelligent than any you three have faced so far."

"Since when can beasts wield weapons?" Misty asked.

Zirani raised an eyebrow then motioned to herself.

Misty blushed in embarrassment then looked away sheepishly. "Sorry."

"Well look at that." Sandra smiled. "I know something you don't. There are beasts nearer the borders to the scar in the plains that wield weapons. The minotaur we fought is a type of beast often seen with stone hammers and clubs."

"Very good, Sandra," Zirani praised. "Though these aren't as deadly as a minotaur. It's mostly their speed and prowess in jumping you have to look out for. They don't have any techniques apart from a natural ability to walk on water. Just get them locked down and then it's easy from there."

Instead of one of us going aone, Zirani was fine with all three of us fighting since there were seven Murwogs and even Misty would have trouble since they would swarm any single opponent, and unlike the minotaur, they were agile, nowhere near as agile or as fast as Misty, but enough that the gap wouldn't be as big.

As we grew closer I noticed that one was far bigger than the rest and had odd red swirls on his skin compared to his kin whose skin was just a dark swampy green, probably to help them blend into the environment.

We were spotted relatively fast as we approached and the largest Murwog let out a rumbling croak which the others chorused as they raised their spears in our direction.

My bark armor was already formed around me, and good thing, as one of the beasts bent his knees then sprung towards me like an arrow in flight, its spear, the arrowhead. I managed to dodge and wrap my right arm around its neck as it flew past. Its croak of protest was cut off as I formed a spike on my left gauntlet and drove it down into its head.

The Murwog went limp, and I was forced to fling it away and duck as a spear flew by where my head had been moments before.

I looked over to Zirani and Misty fighting two Murwogs of their own, although it had been three for Misty a few seconds ago evident by the Murwog at her feet with its stomach split open and inwards spilling out.

The lead Murwog let out another loud croak and charged me with another of its minions at its side. I was about to form some lashing vines when the spear that had been thrown caught my notice. It was stuck in a nearby tree, deeper than I'd expected. Apparently, these Murwogs were a lot stronger than they looked.

I quickly ran over and pulled the spear out, and twirled it in my hands as the head Murwog approached. When it was only a few feet away it sprung towards me, and I lashed out with the tip of the spear, but to my surprise, the Murwog twisted its body out of the way and planted a kick into my chest, although thanks to my bark armor I only stumbled back a bit. That however had been enough of a distraction for the smaller Murwog to close the gap and try to skewer me with its spear. I parried then tried something different. I grabbed his spear then fused its wood to my gauntlet. It happened far faster than iI expected almost as if the wood was like my bark armor.

The Murwog pulled, but although it was strong, it was not strong enough, and with a strong tug, I sent it stumbling forward towards me, and right into my right spear which pierced its stomach and its heart.

I ripped the weapon out as the head Murwog sprung at me with rage in its large black eyes.

I waited, both spears twirling in my hands. Adrenaline and the rush of battle was surging through me and I couldn't help but grin as he neared.

Time seemed to slow for but a second as I struck with the right spear. He dodged to the left, and I saw the moment he realized his mistake in his eyes. He tried to turn away but his dodge had put him directly on course with the other spear in my hand, the one I'd fused to my bark armor.

With a quick strike, I shoved it up into his head from his chin.

He fell to the ground and I stumbled as the spear now lodged into his head pulled me down.

I unfused the spear and let it go then looked over to see Misty and Sandra done with their fight and staring at me.

"Didn't know you could use a spear," Sandra noted.

"I can use a lot of weapons," I said as I examined the spear in my right hand. It was made out of the pale wood some of the trees had, and it felt so much lighter than any type of wood I'd ever felt. It was literally as light as a feather, but from what I'd seen it could easily pierce through flesh and wood from how deep it had buried itself in the tree when the head Murwog had thrown it.

"It's quite the marvel isn't it," Zirani said as she approached me. "We call it fleet wood where I come from and it's highly valued. As you've noticed it's extremely light yet strong enough to be used as a weapon."

She smiled and then placed a hand over mine. "Focus your mind on the spear, on the wood, and tell me what you see?"

I did as she said and my eyes widened as I felt it. "Aether? Its wind aether, but… how?"

"You know so little of the world, Aiden," Zirnai explained. "So little of what's out there. This fleet wood is a naturally occurring enchanted material like dull stone, or ever ice, its something you can find beyond the great scar, and not in plains because—"

"Because of the aether quality," I finished.

She nodded. "Indeed. Like I said this floor is going to be a great learning experience, more for you than them, but they will still learn much."

As I thought on her words and looked down at the wood I thought of something. "What if I wore armor made from this?"

"It's not as simple as that," Zirani replied. "But you have the general idea. This is already enchanted, but naturally, without any runes, arrays, or carvings, now if you added those then you can boost it to a whole nother level, mold it to your desires. You could make boots that negate the impact when you fall at great heights, or gauntlets that increase the speed of your blows, and many more."

"Should we take some with us?" Misty asked.

"We not in a rush," Zirani said. "There are plenty of fleet trees near our treehouse. Let us continue on our search. There are many herbs and other plants I wish to find before the day's end."

Despite what Zirani had said, I placed the spear in my storage ring, more as a memento or a trophy rather than something I would use since it was only around the length of my arm and it was quite crude. If what Zirani said was true then I could make a spear of my own from the trees.

As we continued on, I couldn't help but think of all the possibilities. Just what clothes sort of things were out like the fleet wood.. More and more, I felt myself getting excited for the day we finally began our trip to cross the great scar.


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