Aether Beasts

Chapter 79 - 79

Chapter 79 - 79

The camp, as it was looking like now, was set up rather haphazardly, and most people were running around from place to place, carrying medical supplies, jugs of water, and other things. The Orton arcanists were easily identifiable when compared to the steel heart sect as most either had the colors of Orton or wore the crest of one of Orton's prominent families.

I was a bit peeved to note that some were celebrating with smiles while others just stood around doing little, but I was glad that it wasn't any of ours.

"You know I'm so used to the way the steel heart act,' I said. "When I see another sect or other arcanists it's always a shock."

"Yeah," Kara replied, following my gaze to a group of Orton arcanists who were drinking and chatting nonchalantly. "But we can't get too mad. We wouldn't be here if it weren't for them, and they'll be gone soon enough."

"They will?" Sandra asked in confusion. "They're not heading to the tower with us?'

Kara shook her head. "The prominent families and the general citizens of Orton will get split access while the majority goes to us. Of course, the caveat is that we will sell all goods we find in the tower at a lowered price for the first month."

"Doesn't seem too bad," Misty noted. "I imagine they tired for more though."

"They did," Kara replied. "But they were quickly shot down. They may have saved us, but that doesn't give them the right to do or take as they wish, not to mention they lost more than us."

"Really?' That was surprising since we'd been fighting well before they'd arrived.

"It was our defensive," Kara explained when she noticed my surprise. "We didn't break into full chaos until Orton's army arrived, and they charged in at the side all across the twin horn lines."

"So the tower our next stop then?" I asked

"Mhm." Kara nodded. "The Orton army met those we sent away on their way here, and they should arrive within a day then were pushing on towards the tower.'

"Won't there be a few twin horn disciples left?" The twin horn was stupid but there was no way they'd brought everyone.

"I can tell what your thinking," Kara said. "And you right they didn't bring everyone. The Orton arcanists have already seized and taken control of all twin horn properties within and around Orton, and we've sent a scouting force out to check the tower. There will most likely only be a small force there."

"How about the slaves and servants?" Sandra asked.

"All are being freed and provided help by both us and Orton," Kara answered.

"How will we do that?" I questioned. "Didn't Kaylin spend most of the steel heart's money?"

"He did, but soon we'll have full access to an aether tower and all its surrounding areas." Kara grinned. "We'll be swimming in riches soon even with the lower selling rates in the first month."

We finally arrived at our destination which was just a few stone tables and benches set up next to a storage device. Kara walked up, pressed a hand to it, and then a few wrapped packages appeared in her hand. She handed one to each of us then placed her hand back on and pulled a few water flasks from it. I'd assumed I'd have to use the ratios from my ring, but this was fine.

We took a seat and began eating. It was a simple sandwich, just dried meats with some sauce between two slices of thick bread. It was still far better than any of the rations I had, that was for sure.

Misty pushed her's over to me with a smile and I tried not to look at her as I was pretty sure she was gazing at my neck.

"I really hope you know what you're doing with Misty, Zirani," I said.

"Oh I do," She replied. "Trust me."

As we ate in relative silence, I noticed that we were getting a few stares, which wouldn't have been odd by itself since that had happened at the steel heart camp, but it wasn't just members of our sect, but people from the Ortona arcanists as well.

"That's him, isn't it? The genius of the steel heart."

"And those girls, I heard the blonde killed more than anyone."

"Yeah, not surprising, she has a death affinity."

"Why does someone as pretty as her have a death affinity, I think something else like fire would suit her better."

"Maybe I'll go over and talk to her."

"Yeah right, as if you have a chance, besides you'd have to get past him, and you shouldn't mess with the wrath of nature.'

I almost spit out my food at the words, and I heard Zirani chuckle in my head.

"The Wrath of Nature?" I shook my head. "You've got to joking."

"It is a bit presumptuous and those at the green court would kill him for naming you that, but it's not a bad thing."

"I'm not even a second-core arcanist yet. Hel, I'm not even at the second level of infusion."

"Not yet, but soon," Zirani replied.

"Did that guy just call Aiden the wrath of nature?" Sandra asked.

"He did," Kara interjected. "Don't get to bothered. This always happened to arcanists when they get a bit of fame or notoriety. I mean, Kaylin is called the young genius while Elder Hyphen is known as the lord of the steel heart."

We finished our food up quickly then Kara led us over to a large tent that looked familiar. As we grew closer, the sound of shouting grew louder.

"That doesn't sound good," I said. "You sure we should go in?"

"Those are the orders he gave me, so yes, but wait here and let me check."

Kara slowly entered the tent and the shouting stopped for a second before some muffled words were exchanged then Kara poked her head out and motioned for us to enter.

We glanced at each other then together we entered the tent. It was lacking in anything even compare to how it had been before, but that was only the focus of my attention for a second as I saw two familiar figures standing close to each other. The mayor of Orton, Hayson, and Elder Hyphen. Both still had on their bloody armor and Hyphen had a long gash across his left cheek, though it looked like it had been closed and treated.

"Good to see you three made it out of the battle alive," Elder Hapyhen began. "All your deeds and acts have not gone unnoticed and the three of you will be greatly rewarded, but there is one thing left to do."

I held back a groan. Couldn't we get a break, just for a few days?

"I know you've already done quite a lot, but this is integral," He explained.

"What is it?" I asked.

"The twin horn have retreated into the tower," The mayor cut in. "But before that, they did something to the tower. The entrance is not as it should be and no arcanists of the second core or above may enter. One of our scouts went in, but he didn't spot anything out of the ordinary, although he only searched for an hour. There's also one last thing. He was in there for an hour, but only around two minutes passed for the scouts outside."

"So what, you want us to enter and see what's causing this?" I asked. "Why not anyone else?"

"Because you three are some of the best first core arcanists we have," Elder Hypehn said. "You may all still be at the first level of infusion, but you come up with results, and we need to send people after them as soon as possible. Two minutes for every hour gives them a lot of time, far more than we should allow them."

His words did make sense as much as I didn't want to admit it. We couldn't let the twin horn somehow bounce back from this.

"Aiden this is perfect, accept it!" Zirnai demanded in a tone that brooked no argument. She sounded existed, very excited.

"Zirani what is it?" I asked

"Just accept the mission and I'll explain later," She replied.

"Just the three of us?" I asked.

Both elder Hyphen and the mayor nodded.

I looked over to Sandra and Misty but they too seemed to be waiting for my response. When had I been made leader of this group?

"We'll do it," I said with a sigh. "When do we leave?"

"As soon as possible, we've got three riding beasts ready for you." The elder motioned to Kara. "Kare here will take you to the temporary stable's that have been set up."

"How about a map?" I asked.

"Just keeping heading east," Hayson said. "And you'll spot it eventually. It's a giant, extremely tall tower. It's very hard to miss."

As Kara led us out of the tent, I held back another sigh. We'd just fought in a large battle and almost immediately after we were heading on another dangerous mission, with a bunch of unknown factors.

"Don't fret, Aiden," Zirani comforted me. "Trust me this is a very good opportunity for us. I'll explain everything on the way there"

"I do trust you," I replied.. "I just hope your right."


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