Aether Beasts

Chapter 73 - 73

Chapter 73 - 73

"How so," Micheal asked curiously. "The Seller wouldn't tell me anything about them. All he said was never to set any of them to prime, whatever that means."

"Everyone gather round," Kaylin said. "What I'm about to explain is very important for both your safety and our chances of increasing our odds in this battle."

Once everyone had gathered round into a circle rough circle around the elder, he held up a box into the air. "What you see in my hand and on the ground in front of you is our last hope at making a dent in the twin horn and buying ourselves some more time. Since our chances don't look too good, the other elders decided there was no reason to hold back on our spending. I was given permission to spend nearly all our funds."

"And you spent them on these?" Someone asked.

"I did," Kaylin announced proudly. "These boxes believe or not originate from one of the cities bordering the great scar."

That caused murmurs through the crowd. That was quite far away and was where the peak of arcanists of the plains lived.

"Quiet down now," Elder Kaylin said. "I will answer any question you have after I'm done, but first why I called you here."

The elder tapped a foot against the ground and a shot of aether moved down from his core to his foot and then into the earth. It was a simple pattern and a moment later a stone table rose from the ground. Kaylin pulled a large sheet of paper out and unrolled it onto the table, revealing a familiar map. It was the same map we'd been given when we'd been sent off to Orton, except this one was larger with a bit more detail.

"These boxes are actually explosives, and come with a key," Elder Kaylin explained. "When the key is used and the boxes are set to prime, they can then be fed what aether of any sort, and a countdown will begin depending on how much aether is fed into it. Once the countdown ends, a very large explosion will go off. Each box holds enough explosive power to tear down a stone house easily, but that's not the best part. Depending on the type of aether you feed into it, the explosion will have unique effects."

He pointed down at the map and traced a line from our current position to a path that seemed to curve around the cliff. "This is the only backdoor the twin horn can reasonably take if they plan on flanking us, which we doubt they do, but it's also our best shot at a backdoor. The plan is not complex because it does not need to be. We will set up in this position, and then when the time comes will use these boxes to cause mass damage to the twin horn."

"Won't they have scouts and elders watching out for things like this?" An arcanist asked.

"They might," Elder Kaylin replied. "But from what we gather they are all moving as once force, and aren't even sending forwards scouts out. They seem assured of their victory. As for the twin horn elders? Well chances are they will most likely be with the main force, and even if we are spotted, these boxes are very hard to break, even a second-core arcanist wouldn't be able to destroy one of them, and they are unlikely to expect such a tactic from us. Also, you have me. I can't beat three or even two elders, but I can hold them off long enough for escape."

There were a few more questions, but soon Elder Kaylin had everyone going along with the plan and assured that the chances of failure were low, not to mention the fact that we didn't really have much to lose by doing this. He'd already bought them and so we might as well make the best of them.

Once we were done, Elder Kaylin put Micheal in charge of leading us to the area where we'd be setting up. As we traveled to the location, I couldn't help but get a bit nervous, especially as the sky darkened and clouds seemed to block out the light. In just a few hours, the twin horn would arrive and the final confrontation would begin.

I could tell Zirani was pleased with this plan since it allowed us to help, but would also make it easier to flee if all looked lost, and even though I didn't want to, I had to agree with her. This was for the best, and we had Sandra and Misty along with us.

"Zirani do you recognize those boxes?" I asked as we followed the large group of arcanists.

"This exactly what the elder said they are," Zirani answered. "Though they are usually used as landmines and are often dug into the ground, but in all honesty, they look old. I've seen far more complex and better devices. They're most likely scraps or trash people from the beyond the great scar had sold off when they arrive in the plains during an expedition."

"Do you think this might give us a chance at victory?" I asked.

"I doubt it," She said with a sigh. "That Kaylin seems smart and if he doesn't think this will give us a chance of victory then it probably won't. I'd assumed the twin horn had a large force, but if this many explosives won't even give you a chance at victory then they must have more than I imagined."

"I think it's mostly cannon fodder," I remarked. "You remember how we learned that the twin horn recruit people then essentially turn them into slaves and servants. I can imagine droves of people lining up for the chance to join a sect. They probably have a ton of low-level arcanists."

"Most likely," Zirani replied. "That's a common tactic, I've seen it used plenty in my lands, though the definition of low-level arcanists differs greatly from beyond the great scar compared to here. An arcanist at the third level of infusion with two cores are around the iron stage would be considered low level."

It took us about two hours to arrive at the location, and Micheal quickly organized everyone into smaller groups. Our groups consisted of me, Misty, Sandra, Kara, and to Sandra and Kara annoyance, Lily.

"This is going to be quite fun," Lily said as she took a seat next to me.

We were all waiting for the elder to arrive so he could explain how to use the boxes so, in the meantime, everyone was taking a break because there would be little chance for one once things began in earnest.

"You never seen explosions before or fireworks?" I asked.

"I have, but I've never seen an explosion that changed depending on your affinity," she replied with a smile that slowly changed into a lot of curiosity. "I have to ask why Nature?"

I blinked. "What?"

"Why nature, why did you pick nature as the affinity for your first core?"

"Well a lot for reasons, but, well, nature is far more than people think it is, and well I used to be like you, in that I underestimated its capabilities and its versatility, but I… I had a friend to show me the way, and with her help, I was able to learn just how powerful nature could be."

"And who is this friend?"

I smiled. "I'm afraid that's a secret."

She tskeed. "Ah, your no fun. My affinity is wind. I picked it for the speed and it matches my fighting style."

"A focus on speed I assume?"

"Bingo," She answered.

Lily moved her eyes onto Misty and Sandra who was speaking with Kara a distance away. "I'm surprised the blonde has a death affinity, but I guess it just shows you can judge a book by its cover."

I nodded. "Yeah, you should see her in combat. She's as deadly as they come."

"Are you talking from experience?" Lily asked.

"I've seen her fight," I replied. "And trust me, you don't want to be her enemy."

"And Sandra?"

"What about her?" I asked in confusion.

"Are you two…"

Her words trailed off as she wiggled eh eyebrows suggestively.

I blushed and looked away as Lily chuckled. "It's complicated."

Lily laughed. "Complicated, how so?"

I shook my head. "I'm not going to talk about it. I've known you for how long?"

"A few hours, but," Lily said. "We could die soon, so why not let it go. I mean it's not like I could tell anyone if I'm dead."

I sighed. "I don't plan on dying and you don't seem like the type to accept death so easily.."

We talked for a bit longer until Elder Kaylin finally arrived. He looked around with a smile on his face that was a mix of pride and sadness, and unlike his usual robes, he wore a mix of reddish leather armor and tight robes similar to the combat robes most steel heart disciples wore.

"Let's get ready shall we."


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