Aether Beasts

Chapter 40 - 40

Chapter 40 - 40

The next three days for the most part were quiet and uneventful. We didn't run into any other twin horn disciples or local aether beasts. The air of the group was rather odd since the only people used to each other were me and Zirani and that was for obvious reasons.

Sandra and Misty? Well, let's just say it was weird.

Sandra was clearly trying to deal and cope with everything in her own way. A way that involved humor, although that didn't last long since most of her jokes were met with flat silence or a forced chuckle, and one such joke had almost left Misty in tears, which had earned Sandra, Zirani's ire, which was not something you wanted.

Sandra must have assumed that because Zirani was a nature beast that she would be all peaceful, which meant her view of nature was what my old view had been, but she couldn't be any further from the truth. Nature was not one thing and was ever-changing, and Zirani was similar in many ways. One moment she could be peaceful, considerate, and kind, and the next she could be a raging storm of anger or a shimmering heat wave of fury ready to be unleashed. She had amazing control over her emotions which she'd probably gotten over her long years, but she wasn't the type to hide or suppress emotions if she didn't need to or if she didn't think it was necessary. If she was angry, and she wanted you to know, then you sure as hell would know.

Her body did not belie her age in any way, but one look into those eyes would inform you of just how old and dangerous she was. She had a human form and the same emotions we had with levels of understanding I just couldn't compete with, but despite all that, she was still an aether beast.

Misty just remained silent for most of the trip, sometimes taking glances at Zirani or me. She kept far away from Sandra, not even daring to look at the girl, though I guessed it was more out of guilt than fear. Even though I wanted to tell her she shouldn't feel guilty since she'd saved us all, I kept it to myself. Perhaps I would tell her later, but for now, it was probably better to leave it rather than try and help her.

The only time she showed much emotion during the three days was on the second when she and Zirani sat down to carve the array on her back.

I knew the basics about aether arrays and a bit about the different types, but once again Zirani was basically a master at the craft. Her long years had taught her much as had the fact she'd lived below the great scar and five minutes of trying to explain what she was doing had my brain whirling because I had no clue what she was talking about. I got the basic principle of what she was trying to do, but how she was doing it and the talk about rune forms and arcane scripture went completely over my head.

They sat down next to a fire we had made, and Zirani had formed a wooden chisel and what was essentially a wooden stick with a brand at the end of it. Our wood wasn't normal and could easily function as some metal did and the burning point was far higher than regular wood.

Sandra fell asleep before it started, not wanting to be witness to anything, but I remained awake, curious to see what would happen. I'd spent many a day helping my aunt in her clinic and I'd seen all types of injuries so this wasn't really much to me.

She began at the center of Misty's back, carving a symbol that was so convoluted and complex that I swear it was moving. She had aether channeling through her arms and into her tools in odd and strange patterns. I tried to understand and keep up, but it was like an insect trying to understand a human. She moved so fast and worked so efficiently that it was scary in a way. Sometimes I forgot just how powerful she'd been and just how much skill she had. I couldn't even begin to do a single one of the patterns she had, not to mention the way she wove them together, and the flow-through her tools. She wasn't just pumping aether into them, no it was like she was… Enchanting them.

I didn't even have it in me to be shocked at this. She was enchanting them on the fly with such ease. She was completely locked and focused on her task and soon she was done, and symbols and runes covered the center of Misty's back. The array wasn't too large and only the center of her back and the edges were carved, but even so, it had to have been painful, not that Misty had moved. She'd been still the entire time, not making a single noise of protest in reaction to what must have been pretty painful. Zirani had offered to do the carving later when she found some herbs to make a cream to numb the blondes' skin, but Mistry had been adamant for once. She wanted it done as soon as possible. It made sense after all. Who knew, we could end up running into steel heart disciples close to the camp and we couldn't kill them and if one of them saw Misty they could bring news back to the sect or hell, mistake her for an aether beast and attack.

The carving was only the first part of the process. The next involved Zirani placing both hands and Sandra and feeding aether into the array. Once again I found it hard to understand what she was doing. It wasn't just basic reinforcement or charging, she was somehow weaving a pattern into the flow of aether while still keeping its shape, which was confusing as hell. The aether was doing two things at once. When an arcanist normally formed a pattern with their aether that was it and they usually let it flow along a stream of aether via natural movement, but Zirani was different. Her pattern was the stream yet not.

The array on Misty back lit up with a dark green light mixed with some white and blue. There was a small hiss from Misty, the first sign of pain she'd made through the entire thing.

"There we're done," Zirani said with a sigh.

She turned to give me a smirk. "I understand your urge to learn, but I recommend not trying to understand what I was doing just yet, it might muddle things later on."

"I don't think you need to worry about that," I replied. "I didn't get a single bit of that."

"They won't be able to tell I'm a—" Misty stopped herself before she could say the word and lowered her head slightly when Zirani shot her a look.

"Yes, they won't be able to tell you're an aether vampire," Zirani said, emphasizing the aether vampire part. "To them, it will just be as though you have a death core. It was the easiest one I could do and if someone checks that is what it will appear as."

"What about the array?" I asked. "It's quite visible and I'm sure some arcanists would love to examine it. I may not understand it, but it looks like a masterpiece."

Zirani laughed. "That's pretty basic from where I come from, although I did add a few things so perhaps it is better than most, but it's far from a masterpiece. As for the being visible, it has an illusion effect, go ahead and take another look."

I frowned and glanced over to see that, yes, the array was now gone as though it had never been carved into her skin.

"I keep forgetting you weren't born down there," Zirani said.

"T-thank you Zirani."

"No need, you saved our lives, let that be thanks enough, now I think I'm going to head to sleep, that took a bit out of me."

She gave Misty a smile and a look I didn't understand before she moved back into her core. She liked sleeping outside with me, but sometimes she preferred her core, and sometimes she had no choice. I wasn't strong enough that she could be manifested at all times.

I headed over to my moss bed that Zraini had made for me and lay down.

"Goodnight, Misty."

After that event, the rest of the trip went by quickly on on the third day we finally found signs that we were close to the camp. The remains of an aether beast were lying next to a tree, and while it could have been twin horn disciples, it was unlikely they would ever venture this near to a camp without a large force, and they wouldn't waste time-fighting an aether beast which could draw attention to themselves.

"It was most likely just the scouts or some disciple on an errand. They keep the areas around the camps clear of aether beasts. It's one of the bounties disciples can take and the pays decent."

"So we're close then?" I asked.

"Yes, should only be a few more hours away," She replied with a relieved look on her face. "I can't wait to rest in safety even for just a bit. We also need to bring news of what happened to our group. The elders are definitely going to want to know about the attack, especially Elder Darin, he handles most of the mercantile side of things."

Sandra's words and the idea of safety urged us on and We picked up our pace, all of us eager to get to the camp.


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