Aether Beasts

Chapter 210

Chapter 210

Night fell on the city of Evernord. The day market closed and the night market opened, as a new crowd took over the city. The noisy bustle had died down, but the city was still very much alive. Lights shone upon all major streets and areas, leaving only the dark corners and forgotten places of the city to remain in darkness. Areas where men and women of unsavory character gathered for many a reason.

Locked doors opened, and awakened by the night, those who profited from a darker sort of business took to the forgotten streets, the dark alleyways, and certain areas. There was no middle ground to them, and either they were well off, or living off scraps.

Whores sold their bodies while back street thugs picked out targets. Scavenger alchemists sold cheaply made potions, most of which, barely did what was promised. Knives flashed, blood was spilled, and money was stolen. A night ripe with the sounds of a darker side to a city that seemed so happy in the light.

But just as the day falls and gives way to night, so did the common folk sleep, to allow the criminals out.

Of course, crime did occur in daylight, but not to the extent it did at night. No, the night belonged to the criminal element, of which many took part. Including those which already stood above most. The rich, the wealthy, and those with power.

Many had once been common criminals and had risen, while others were simply rich folk looking to get richer.

Another night, but this time it was different.

Nobody in the city knew, and they wouldn't know. Not until it was all over, and the change had already occurred. They would fall asleep in a masked city, only to wake up to find that the mask had gone and that the ugliness had been revealed. It would be hard, but it was needed for things to heal, for the ugly to become beauty.

"Sir, five minutes remaining."

Atop a building sat three of lady Aeverie's personal guards. Highly trained fighters, and agents skilled in espionage, and infiltration. They were elite, and not like the normal soldier. Each had enchanted clothing and techniques around them. They would make no sound as they walked, no breath would be heard. The lesser arcanists of the plains would not notice them, and never would, not even when they died. There was more there, enough to make any wealthy man of the plains salivate, but to those in the lands beyond the scar, the armor and enchantments would only be above average. They didn't need anything else for this plan

All across the city, others groups lay in wait, with the largest at the manor where the ringleader known as Lex was located and where the bunker lay underneath. The brothels which had been shut, the warehouses, and every single known minor and major criminal group had been located and on this night those that had been deemed too far gone would be put down and cleansed. This whole city would be cleansed, and all the creatures of the night would fall.

So too would the corrupt, and those who had profited from the suffering of the less fortunate Those who had thought there were above the law, and that their positions, wealth, and power would be enough to protect them.

Perhaps against those of the plains, yes, but a lady of the verdant court? They were already dead, they simply didn't know it yet.

It was not just a night where people would fall, however, but also where many would rise. People who were deemed worthy and those that had not been corrupted and cared for the city and its people had been given instructions, wealth, power, and promises. In exchange, they had taken an oath, a binding oath that would see them dead if they ever broke it. Many would rise to new positions of power while some who were already in such positions would simply have more to do, and wouldn't be threatened by others like Lex. Those types would be gone by the end of the night, so none had to worry about them anymore

"One minute left."

The various groups of Aeverie's guards readied themselves and each began counting down in their minds. The seconds ticked by and when they all hit zero, they moved into action.


The various criminals in the city didn't stand a chance and most didn't even see death coming. One moment they were alive and the next they were not. None died a painful death even if most deserved it. They were being seen as filth to clean, and it wasn't like you showed malice when washing your hands or a piece of clothing.

It was undoubtedly the crueler and more apathetic side of the fae which had remained even after the calamity. One spoken of in many forgotten folktales and legends across many worlds.

The brothels that had been closed due to the destruction of one were all destroyed and the men that had been set to guard them and watch for any attackers were killed. Aeverie guards didn't bother with picking up the dead bodies.

The new mayor and the rest of the newly risen by Aeverie would deal with most of the aftermath and informing the city's people of the changes and what had taken place. Aeverie was not planning on leaving any of her people behind which was why binding oaths had been used to ensure things did not fall back into what they had been. That and she had promised to send people over with the next expedition to check on the City.

The smaller groups of criminals responsible for murder, theft, and worse were ended, though a few of the lesser groups which only did minor acts such as pickpocketing and stealing from stores were given warnings. If they decided not to heed them then the new City guard would deal with them.

The current city guard was almost completely corrupt and though minor crime was stopped, it was only the crime committed by the common criminals. Those who worked for the wealthy and powerful and those who paid bribes got off scot-free for the most part. The people of the city knew, but most had lived with it for so long that they saw it as normal and most people dared not go against the status quo.

The criminals that were part of groups were also for the most part put down, though many were also spared and would be given opportunities to give up the crime and live better. Many criminals did what they did out of desperation, and because they had no other way to make money. Those supporting families or who were redeemable would be given chances and helped. Aeverie hadn't ordered everyone to be killed indiscriminately.

Lastly came those in power. It was more difficult to get rid of them, but not by much. Their manors, estates, and homes were easily infiltrated and many were killed in their sleep alongside much of their forces which would make things easier for those chosen by Aeverie to take control. It was a sad thing, but Aeverie had allowed a few to surrender and give up much of what they had before this night. Those who were being killed were those Aeverie had deemed deserved death.

Of course, many had children and those that were deemed innocent would be spared and given part of their partner's wealth, but that was all. It would be a new dawn for the city of Evenord, and many families would fall, never to rise again.

As this was all happening, one group in particular, larger than the others was getting ready to play their part. They were set to begin after the others. Their target was Lex, and the group he was with along with the bunker beneath his manor, where all of the slaves were located. The warehouses where the slavers that went to get slaves were, had already been dealt with by now.

On this night, Lex was hosting another party, smaller than the last but still full of many targets and people that would need to be dealt with.


From within a tree in the park or garden of Evenord, Zirani sat beside Sofia, watching as the other girls got done with their meals. She had decided to bring them food from the court, and it had really impressed many of them, especially a few who had been cooks before being taken. They all looked far better than they had when she had first seen them and though many were still broken and needed healing, it was progress and with what was soon about to be done, they would all get the help they needed.

She felt bad that many had been left alone since their families had been killed, but in a way, they had found a new family. Many of the women had taken comfort in each other's presence and only a few preferred to be alone. The body had been fixed, but the mind was not as simple nor easy. If she and Aeverie had another week then they would be able to help personally and get things done faster, but they didn't. Zirani would help as she could and Aeverie had given some elixirs which she had brought with her to Zirani to give to some of the women.

"Zirani, is it happening…now?"

Zirani nodded with a warm smile. "It is Sofia. They will all be free and safe very soon."


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