Aether Beasts

Chapter 205

Chapter 205

[This is just a quick note for those who are worried about the upcoming fight between Aiden and Pate. I don't want to spoil anything, so all I shall say is, don't worry too much. I have planned things out and don't plan on letting the story lessen in quality.]

Misty glanced at Vita who was still smiling before turning back to Juiveria who motioned for her to take a seat.

"So," Juveria said. "You are Misty. I must say I was unsure of what to think when Vita came to me which information that she had discovered a vampire among the green court, from the plains no less, something that as far as I'm aware, is unheard of."

She moved her gaze up and down Misty. "Now I see she wasn't lying."

"I told you," Vita said.

"Hush," Juveria said. "It still remains to be seen whether or not she is right for the sisterhood. You've brought back strays and others before."

"I'm no stray," Misty said with a glower. "And I'm not here to join, only to see what this sisterhood is about, or did Vita not tell you that?"

Juveria leaned back. "No she did not, but that's unsurprising. She usually leaves out anything that would hurt her cause, and I am aware you're not a stray. You were trained by Zirani Atmore and are under her protection, which means you didn't come here for a home, wealth, or material gain. You came because you were curious and wanted to meet other vampires, correct?"

Misty nodded, seeing no reason to lie. "I did."

"Well we can certainly help with that," Juveria said and waved a hand to Vita. "Leave us."


Juveria turned to stare at Vita who shrunk back and nodded. She shot one last look at Misty before leaving the room.

"Now that we're alone." Juveria stood and walked over to an area of the room that had bottles of blood. "Want a drink?"

"No, thank you?"

"Are you sure?" She asked. "What have you been having?"

"My bonded lets me drink his blood," Misty said, and her lips did grow somewhat chapped. She hadn't had a drink since yesterday.

"Ah yes, your bonded lover." Juveria poured herself some blood before bringing it to her nose and taking a deep whiff. Misty could smell it from here, and had to admit it smelled good, but nowhere near as good as Aidens, which after awakening his divine bloodline had gotten even better.

"You know of him?'

"I do," Juveria said. "Vita mentioned him and I had my intelligence gatherer find out some more. "He has the arch vein bloodline and not only is his bonded to you, but also the lost daughter of the Umbrin clan and Zirani Atmore."

Juveria turned her gaze to Misty as she took a sip of her drink. "Tell me, did Vita go on a rant about him, and how you didn't need him?"

Misty nodded. "She did."

"Typical." Juveria sighed. "Her heart is in the right place, but she is far too fanatic about the sisterhood. In truth, we do not hate men, at least most of us don't. Some other branches are as fanatic as Vita, but most aren't."

"Branches?" Misty questioned. "You're not the only one."

She chuckled. "No, the Red Ribbons are part of a larger group."

"If you don't hate men, then why only women?" Misty asked.

"That is complicated," Juveria said. 'And not something caused by me, but my predecessor. The group we belong to isn't made up of only women, just us and a few other groups. I lead the Red Ribbons now and I am allowed to do anything I want with them as long as I accomplish the tasks I am given. We can go into it later if you do end up joining, but before that, I want to ask you a question. Would you cut your bond with your lover temporarily if required to join us?"

"Probably not," Misty said. "Though I don't know what you mean by cut it temporarily, and I still don't know much about your group yet."

"You should ask your teacher about that," Juveria said. "As for our group. Well, it's as Vita said. We are a sisterhood. We help and look out for one another. We all have different goals and dreams, but we've come together as we are stronger that way. If you joined you would start off as a half-sister, and after a certain time, if you prove yourself, you become a full sister. You would live and journey with us wherever we went, and help the group accomplish the tasks given to us. You would be rewarded, and gain many perks. You do well enough and grow stronger, then you rise, and one day you might lead a group of your own or join their ranks."

"And if I wanted to leave?"

Juveria swirled her glass. "That is not a simple thing. If you wanted to leave as a half-sister, it would be easy, but as a full sister? You would have to go through a lot of unpleasantries."

"What if I stayed as a half-sister?" Misty asked.

Juveria quirked an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"What if I joined, but just stayed as a half-sister then left when I wanted to," she replied. "Is that possible or is there some sort of rule against it."

"No," Juveria said slowly. "There isn't. You could stay as a half-sister, but you'd miss out on certain perks."

"Which ones," Misty asked.

"You'd get less pay, wouldn't be able to rise through the ranks," She listed. "And there's also the fact, that you wouldn't be trusted as much."

"Is that it?" She asked.

Juveria nodded. "There are some other things concerning those who lead us, but it wouldn't matter if you never planned to become a full sister anyways."

"I see," Misty mused.

She wasn't sure if she was going to actually join them yet, but there was no harm in asking questions and planning. Before she did anything she would speak to Zirani and learn about this cutting of the bond temporarily. Just the thought made her want to reject the Red Ribbons outright, but she knew that was a stupid thing to do.

"I need some time to think," Misty said. "But I do thank you for speaking with me."

"Your welcome," Juveria said. "Do you have any questions?"

Misty was about to reply when she heard raised voices and shouting from below. She turned to Juveria who sighed and massaged her temple with two fingers. "What have they done now."

"It seems we have a problem," Juveria said. "Or I do. I'm afraid we must cut this short."

"I understand," Misty said and followed Juveria as she made her way through the short hallway and down the stairs.

What they saw when they arrived in the living space was Milenia being held back a half a dozen vampires who were yelling at her while Vita smirked at her from a few feet away. Another vampire was beside her, speaking, though it didn't seem like Vita was paying attention.

"What in the hell is going on here?" Juveria shouted. "Can I not have a day without one of you getting into an argument, or fight. Am I too lenient or showing too much mercy? Are you all so eager for us to go back to how we were when we traveled through the ruins of Blydar? Well?"

The room grew silent and the vampires holding Milenia let go, while Vita's smirk faded.

"Milenia, what is this?" Juveria turned to the blonde.

"This one doesn't know when to shut her mouth" Milenia growled and pointed to Vita.

"She started it," Vita replied. "She kept insulting me and Misty."

"She said I must have been changed by someone with talented blood," Milenia said.

"And worse," Another vampire commented.

Misty was taken aback that Vita would get offended on her behalf

"She called me a blubbering fool," Vita said, and it was the first time Misty had seen anger on her face. "She said that I was only comedic relief and the jester of the sisterhood. She said that Misty was unfit to join us and scum of the plains."

Juveria was about to speak but Misty stepped forward, her beast awake. "Did she now? Care to back up those words or say them to my face?"

Misty wasn't about to let this woman talk about her like that, and she knew she needed to show dominance and her power if she was ever to join this group.

"Glady," Milenia replied, baring her fangs.

Misty bared her own and began to pull aether from her death core.

"Enough," Juveria said and Milenia stopped.

"If you two wish to fight then so be it," Juveria said. 'But not here and not now."

"Then when?" Misty asked.

"A day before we leave," Juveria said and then smiled. "In the center area, in front of everyone. Four days should be enough time for both of you to prepare."

"I don't need time," Milenia said. "I can crush her right here and now."

"Are you questioning my orders?" Juverisa asked.

Milenia scolwed. "No, four days is fine."

"Misty?" Juveria turned to her. "Any objections

"None," Misty said. "I'm fine with four days."

"Then it's done," Juveria announced. "Now, the next person that disrupts me or causes problems will regret it for the rest of the journey home, do I make myself clear?"

Everyone nodded.

"Good," Juveria said, glancing at Misty. "I await your decision. If you do want to join us, then consider your fight against Milenia as your application. You don't have to win, just show us that you're capable."

Misty thanked her and then left the Red Ribbon's area.

Vita caught up with her halfway and apologized, but Misty wasnt angry with anything she had done. In fact, the fight would be a good chance to see how far she could do against another vampire, and how they fought.

'I need to talk to Zirani.'


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