Aether Beasts

Chapter 202

Chapter 202

It didn't take long for Misty to find where the Red Ribbons were staying. Just like Vita had said, there was a tall black building right next to an odd little dome that must have belonged to the person there were guarding. It stood out from any other building she had seen in the plaza because of its enchantments, one of which seemed to do something with temperature, and keeping something in. She might have been able to figure it out but her thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice.


She turned to see Vita approaching her with a smile. "I thought I smelled you, so you decided to take me up on my offer?'

Misty returned the smile, seeing no reason not be polite, even if Vita was an odd one. "I did, is this your employer's?"

She pointed at the domed building that was around one story tall.

Vita nodded with a grimace. "It is. Don't go in there, it has detection enchantments, and even if it didn't, the smell is… overpowering to say the least."

Misty frowned and sniffed, smelling not much, but Vita who smelled of blood, though not her own, and cherries oddly enough.

"He's an alchemist," Vita said, moving to stand beside Misty. "My sisters and I have no real clue why he wanted to come here to the plains, and he mostly keeps to himself, but that's enough of him, come on, it's time to introduce you to my sister. They are very interested to meet you, at least two of them are, though we need to talk to Juveria first."

Misty didn't ask Vita to elaborate as she would be meeting these sisters herself soon enough.

"Is there anything I should be aware of?" Misty asked. "Any customs I should know?'

Vita shook her head. "None of them will expect any of that from you. Just act normal. Some of my sisters aren't as friendly as I am, but they won't do anything stupid like attack you. No one would do that to a potential new sister, though one or two might ask for a spar. We don't bother with any of the others in the expedition and sparing each other gets boring so they might want a new challenge if your willing of course."

Misty nodded, and found herself, interested in the possibility. She had never faced another aether vampire and she wondered how she would stack up. She knew she was average in terms of her cores, but had a powerful bloodline, and had been trained by Zirani, so she was confident she could beat the average arcanist with ease, but something told her these Red Ribbons wouldn't be average. She didn't know if it was some sort of premonition or her instincts, but she would take care before agreeing to a spar with any of them. After all her instincts hadn't let her down yet.

Vita led her into the building and unlike the temporary home she was staying in, the first room wasnt a living area, but more like a mix of a training area, bar, and a place to relax. Ok so maybe it was a living room, sort of.

There were few lights but as a vampire that didn't impede her eyesight in any way, and as she looked around she noticed that some of the enchantments in the room were definitely there to try and make it feel as though it were night and it worked to some degree because she felt her beast stir slightly, and feel more comfortable.

To the right was a small bar and Misty saw all sorts of drinks, most alcohol, and blood, or a mix of both. She could smell some but not others, which meant they must have had an enchantment that kept the smell in. That made sense since there were probably beasts of the scar that could smell blood. She guessed it was the stronger bloods and mixes that were enchanted.

To the left lay comfy-looking couches and two tables, one of which was occupied by two female vampires who seemed to be in the middle of a game of chess, which she hadn't played in a very long time, not since her mother had died.

The rest of the space was mostly just an open area for training, and she saw training dummies, an area for target practice, and something that looked like a metal coffin, that was currently open to reveal that the inside was shrouded in shadow, arcane in nature because she couldn't see through it like normal darkness.

Vita walked them over to the bar where a dark-haired vampire was leaning on the counter.

"Hex, where's Juveria?" Vitra asked.

Hex responded to Vita but her eyes moved to Misty. "She's upstairs with Milenia. This is the one you were talking about? I'm Hex."

She offered her hand and Misty shook it. "Nice to meet you."

"You might want to wait, Vita," Hex said. "Milenia was in a sour mood when she went up."

Vita waved a hand. "Nonsense, it'll be fine, and best to tear the blade from the wound now so it closes faster."

'I don't think that analogy works, at least not for humans.'

Hex shrugged. "Suit yourself, but I warned you, oh and Misty, that is your name, correct"

Misty nodded so Hex continued. "A word of caution, don't fall for Milenia's taunts and harshness, she's like that with everyone."

"Ok." Misty nodded. "I'll take that into consideration."

"Come on." Vita pulled her towards the stairs on the left, and Misty nodded to the female vampires who looked her way. Most seemed interested in her, and her beast stirred whenever she met any of their eyes. None matched her stare for long, and most lowered their eyes, which she didn't understand. There was a lot she was going to have to learn, she knew.

'That's one of the reasons I'm here.'

They headed up a single flight of stairs into a small hallway with doors on either side, but their destination seemed to be the door on the far end which was slightly ajar and Misty could hear the sound of upraised voices.

"You can't seriously be considering agreeing to this deal?" A voice said, holding back a growl

"I consider everything that could benefit us," another more relaxed, calm, and collected voice replied. "And as I have said before, you are worrying too much. You've complained this entire journey, more so than usual."

"I only want what's best for us."

"I know," the calm voice replied. "That's why I'm as not angry as I might be, but Milenia, you are pushing it. You are lucky they sent me, and not somebody like Talia. She wouldn't show you any mercy, and you'd be strung up by your intestines and fed tainted blood or worse."

"That bitch would never be given a leading position," Milenia growled.

? ?? ??-?? ???. ??? "Don't be so sure," The woman who Misty assumed was Juveria, said. "Her work in the east has been quite impressive."

Once they made it to the door, Vita coughed loudly and then knocked thrice.

Both voices quieted before Juveria muttered. "And you didn't shut the door, great work sister."

"Who is it?" Milenia said angrily

Vita smiled reassuringly at Misty before leading the way into the room.

"Your favorite sister," Vita announced. "With the new prospect."

Misty walked into the room, and her gaze immediately rested on the tall woman, seated behind a large desk, with coal-black hair and dark red eyes which were now looking at Misty in clear interest. Her robe and armor were similar to Vita's and the other vampires but she also had a gold lining and had more enchantments. She assumed this was the leader simply because she looked calm, and was the strongest vampire she had seen yet.

The other looked down her nose at Misty with a glare. Milenia was a more natural blonde, compared to Misty platinum blonde, with slitted amber eyes that held no kindness for her. She too was dressed differently from the other Red Ribbons with metal armor rather than leather and gauntleted hands. She looked far more brutal than the elegance and style the others had, not that she didn't look attractive. Everyone she'd seen in the expedition looked attractive, especially the women. It probably had to do with the differences between the plains and the lands beyond the great scar

"You're meant to wait for a yes before you enter," Milenia said to Vita though her eyes never left Misty whose beast had stirred to wakefulness, clearly detecting the hostility in the blonde vampire. Misty didn't lower her gaze or back down like some meek person.

"Milenia, we'll speak of matters, later." Juveria waved a hand. "You're dismissed for now."

The blonde vampire opened her mouth to speak, but Juveria shot her a glare. "As I said, you're pushing it. You may be my second in command, but do not think that I will not punish you. Go and be glad it is Vita here and not the others who would complain at my mercy."

Milenia barged out, shoulder checking Misty as she did, though Misty probably didn't budge as much as she had expected as the angry blonde stumbled. She righted herself and left, slamming the door behind her.

Vita coughed. "As I was saying. I've brought the new prospect I told you about. She's perfect for the sisterhood, right?"

Juveria's glare faded and she leaned back as she met Misty's eyes. "We shall see."


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