Aether Beasts

Chapter 196

Chapter 196

As Misty and Shana were spending time together, in another part of the city, a tall and handsome man leaned against the railing on an open balcony. His blond blonde hair swayed in the wind, and his dark eyes gazed down at the people on the street below.

Gregor glanced back into the room behind him and smiled at the naked sleeping figure on the bed. She had been someone he had come across while he had been waiting for confirmation from one of his men, and he'd been bored, so he had decided to have some fun. From what his men had told him at the time, it would take another hour or two and that was plenty of time for some fun.

It had been easy. The girl had clearly not been used to getting attention from someone like him, and so all it had taken was a few compliments and some of his natural charm. One thing had led to another, and soon she and him were in bed together. She had been a virgin and had made such sweet noises. If he didn't have important things to do and wasn't expecting a call soon, then he might spend more time with her, but there was no rest for the wickedly handsome. It had almost been two hours and if his men had been right then anytime now, he would have to begin his task.

He had been aware of Lex's illness and had known his friend, and boss would do anything he could to try and find a cure, which included taking risks with arcanists from the expedition. He had sent for Gregory, and for good reason.

Gregory had spent much of his early life as a playboy, seducing girls and spending all his time enjoying himself. Then things had changed when a woman he had been with had been taken. He had been at his first core at the time and only at the smoke stage in density so he hadn't stood a chance.

That situation had made him realize he needed greater power to make sure that would never happen again, and that he could not be bullied. He had turned his charm to improving himself and had caught the attention of Lex's father and after some negotiation, he had begun working for the man.

That's how he met Lex, and after a few years of working together, Gregory had been one of the first Lex had told his plan of overthrowing his father too, and soon after, Max, and the others, who were all dead now. Only he, Lex, and Max remained from the old days.

There was no way that brute Max would be placed on a job like this, and none of Lex's other men had the same set of skills as Gregory, most of which he had learned due to Lex's father who had seen Gregory's talent, and potential. Those years had been hard, but well worth it as he had learned much and gotten strong enough that only the top tier of arcanists from the plains could match him, though he didn't like fair fights. He preferred assassination, a quick death rather than a loud and prolonged battle. Unlike Max he didn't care for the thrill of the fight, all he cared for was getting the job done as efficiently and quickly as possible. That's all that mattered in the end, winning.

He felt a buzz from his pocket and pulled out the simple enchanted device Lex had given him years ago. It was expensive he knew and was from the lands beyond the scar, having been brought with a prior expedition. He placed the device into his right ear and pressed a finger to it to accept the call


"We've spotted the target," the voice of one of his agents said. "He's heading to the central garden."

"Good, keep an eye on him," Gregory replied. "I'll be there soon."

The call ended, and Gregory glanced once more at the beautiful woman before he jumped from the balcony, using his wind aether to slow his fall. A few people glanced his way, but then promptly ignored him. It wasn't too uncommon to see an arcanist using a simple technique, and most people knew to mind their own business.

He prepped himself as he neared the central garden, which was essentially just what most people called the park that was full of exotic types of greenery. Gregory had spent time there with many a woman under the shade of some of the trees and once even atop of the branches on the largest tree.

He thought of everything he knew about the alchemist and the best way to approach him. He needed to be careful not to offend or to use any of his usual tricks. All he needed this time was his charm, and to not overthink things. From the little information he had been able to glean from afar and without direct content, the alchemist seemed like a decent and normal enough person. He had interacted with some people, and those people had told Gregory's agents everything that had been said, and when they didn't at first, Gregory's agents handed over a few crystals as payment, and if they still didn't after that or refused, then pain was brought in the picture, though most began speaking once they realized what would happen if they didn't.

Pain was always the last option though, as it was far messier than bribes, or simple manipulation. Of course, there were times when witnesses needed to be killed, and of course, assassinations. No matter what though, and how well trained Gregory was in certain skills, he was a lover at heart, not a fighter

He knew the alchemist was at the garden before he even entered, as many people were outside, speaking and pointing in. Most people stayed away from those of the expedition because if they pissed them off then they were screwed. The city didn't have the authority or power to punish or enforce its laws upon those of the expedition, so the best thing to do was stay out of their way.

Gregory was walking into the proverbial fire and was hoping his information was correct and that he wouldn't get burned. He still had life left to live, and the reward for succeeding was something he was very much looking forward to.

Gregory found the alchemist sitting on one of the benches near the center of the garden. He looked exactly as had been described. Lanky with ginger hair and freckles. Dressed in a white and black enchanted robe, and with four spatial rings.

'Time to go to work.'

Gregory smiled and nodded to the alchemist as he passed. The alchemist nodded back, but his eyes widened ever so slightly as Gregory fell, or at least, he faked falling. It was an odd skill, but one he had mastered.

Before he hit the ground, the alchemist caught him and Gregory tightened his metaphorical mask as he turned to the man and bowed. "Thanks for the catch, I can be so damn clumsy."

"It's no problem," the alchemist replied. "It's actually nice to see someone else here. Everyone ran off when I came in."

"Really?" Gregory asked.

The alchemist nodded. "Yes, they looked scared. I think it may be due to my connection with the expedition."

"You're from the expedition?" Gregory asked in surprise.

The alchemist opened his mouth to reply and just like that, with a simple action and some acting, Gregory had found his way in. Now he just had to play his cards right and pray that his charm was enough.

'Lady luck be on my side.'


Luck was not on Gregory's side.

From the top of a nearby tree, standing on a branch, a cloaked figure watched the handsome blonde man. Little could be seen of his face or body as his hood and cloak hid everything. The figure didn't actually need the cloak but had decided to wear it just in case that alchemist's senses were sharper than he thought, though they would have to be very sharp indeed to pierce a fae veil.

The handsome blonde did not know it, but his remaining time was little, and soon he and the rest of those who had taken part in the Evenord slave trade would be gone, like a plague purged from the city.

All over the city, others of Aeverie's personal guard and retinue she had brought on the expedition were doing other tasks and preparing for what would amount to an easy and simple task for them, but what would feel like a surprise attack and the end for their targets.

No one would expect what would soon occur, and it would be the first time in a long time that the expedition took action against the city. It usually never happened, because no one had really ever cared to or gotten too involved, but things would be different this time due to the wishes of four.

It was not just the ending of the slave trade either, but the words of a certain dryad to the lady Aeveire would also cause more actions to be taken, but even that was caused by her time spent with the vampire.

Change was coming to the city of Evenord, all of which would be in the wake of four.

Gold, Blood, Shadow, and Green, mix to create things never before seen.

And in the heart of gold, pale light shines as a lost queen makes a choice.


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