Aether Beasts

Chapter 192

Chapter 192

After our fun, we didn't spend too long in the bath, and after cleaning up, we dried ourselves using an attached room which after pressing a button, would fill with hot air and dry anything inside. It was quick and not uncomfortable. We were dry in seconds and when we made our way back to the living room, we found Zirani there waiting for us with a smile on her face.

"Have fun?" She asked teasingly.

"You know it," Sandra replied as she took a seat next to the jungle queen. "How did things go?'

"Fine," Zirani replied. "Aeverie will deal with everything. The brothels and those behind them will get what they deserve."

"That's good to hear," I said. I had been worried about what would happen to them, but now that the green court was here and Aeverie had agreed to take care of it, we wouldn't need to act and things would probably happen far more smoothly than if we attempted a rescue. I hadn't known the fae for long, but from how Zirani had acted and the little I had gleamed Aeverie seemed like a very deadly and competent person, though there was still the mystery of Julian and why exactly she kept him around.

"I've ordered some food and drink for us," Zirani said. "I'm sure you'll all enjoy it."

"It's from the green court?" Sandra asked.

"Yes," Zirani said. "There will be a lot of new things to try. Speaking of new things, how was your time with the green court members, save for Julian of course. That one is unpleasant, to say the least."

"It was good," I said. "I met some new races, and for the most part they all seemed very welcoming, some more than others."

"Oh." Zirani raised an eyebrow.

"The dryads took an instant interest in him," Misty explained. "Is it true they're a mix of dryad and nymph?"

Zirani nodded with a smirk. "They are. Dryads are dual affinity beasts of life and nature with unique abilities."

I frowned. "But you're of only the nature affinity?"

"I was born a dryad," Zirani said. "But I'm not one anymore. I gave up my life affinity when I became a jungle queen."

That seemed like a big loss and Zirani must have been reading my thoughts because she shook her head. "Trust me, there was a reason I chose to become a jungle queen, and with it came many benefits, and remember, dryads are aether beasts, and do not have the same core system as humans. Most races of the court are aether beasts, though we don't refer to ourselves as such and you shouldn't either."

There was another thought I had, but I didn't know if I should say it or not so instead I just thought it, and hoped Zirani was listening in. She was, and she chuckled at the question. If Zirani had been like Shana then how had she remained a virgin for the three hundred years she had been a dryad.

"My love was mainly for the green, Aiden," Zirani said mentally. "And I said I hadn't lain with a man before, I never said anything about women, plus dryads can suppress the urge and there are plenty of other ways to do so, via techniques, alchemy, and items. Mosy simply don't because why would they?"

"What are you two talking about?" Sandra asked, glancing from me to Zirani. "You both have that look that says your talking mentally, and I can tell through my bond with Aiden."

"Just a question," Zirani said as she turned to Sandra. "How are you doing?"

Sandra shrugged. "Fine, a bit annoyed and angry, and disappointed I guess, but fine."

"Makes sense," Misty said as she walked over and sat beside Sandra, leaning against her in an effort to comfort her. Sandra smiled at the blonde and grasped her hand. Once they hadn't gotten along at all, but now they were like sisters in a way.

"Say, Misty what happened with you and Shana?" I asked, remembering that she and the dryad had been trying on clothes the last I knew.

"Not much," Misty said. "At least not at first. I actually ended up meeting another vampire."

"Really?" Sandra asked. "Who?'

"A woman named Vita from the red ribbons," Misty answered. "They're a group of vampires, and acting as bodyguards for some alchemist, at least that's what she told me. She was nice if odd."

Misty frowned and bit her lip as though she was deciding if to say something or not. "She really, really disliked men."

I blinked. "Ermm, men? Like all men?"

Misty nodded. "The red ribbons are made up of only female vampires and they call it a sisterhood. You should have seen how casually she spoke of leaving all of you and joining her. It's odd because I don't think she thought what she was doing was odd, only that it didn't work, and so she tried something else."

"You didn't get into a fight did you?" I asked.

Misty shook her head. "No, but she did ask if I could give them a chance. I said I'd think about it."

"You're not considering joining are you?" Sandra asked, and for some reason, my heart skipped a beat at the question, and all my focus turned to the blonde.

"No, probably not," she said, and my body, which I hadn't realized had been tensed, relaxed.

"I think I will take her up on the offer to talk with the others, and maybe see if I can learn anything." Misty turned to Zirani. "What do you think, do you know of the Red ribbons?"

"Do you know how large the lands beyond the scar are?" Zirani asked. "It's the rest of the continent. I know a lot, but not every group or organization that exists. These Red Ribbons are like other groups I've come across, there are even some smaller groups in both my mother's and aunt's courts. As for learning more, I think it's a good idea. As long as you remain alert and don't allow yourself to get caught up in anything you should be fine, and you have us. You call, and we come running."

Sandra and I nodded in confirmation of Zirani's words.

"Thanks." The blonde smiled.

Just then, a guard entered followed by a pretty dryad who set four domed trays of food down on a nearby table and a pitcher and four glasses. She glanced at Zirani, ad it was clear she was holding back her shock and awe. I smiled at her which earned me a blush.

"Thank you."

She curtsied then quickly left, her cheeks red.

"Is there anything else you need, princess?" The guards asked.

Zirani waved him off. "No, that'll be all, thank you."

He bowed and then left, leaving the four of us to head to the table. Then we pulled off the domes and were treated to an extremely pleasant smell and sight. It seemed to be some sort of stir fry of meat and different vegetables with golden rice topped with a sauce over it.

We each took a seat and filled a glass with what Zirani said was a type of berry wine, though form what type of berry she couldn't sure, since there were hundreds of types of them the green court produces, and many more have probably been created during the time she had been gone, and that wasn't even factoring in combinations with other fruits, ingredients, and mixing different types of berries.

I didn't think about it for long however as we dug into our food. It tasted incredible and the mix of new flavors was intense, and unlike anything, I had ever experienced before. Everything was perfectly cooked and I realized halfway through the meal, that the plate was enchanted to keep the food at the perfect temperature which meant I didn't need to rush.

The drink paired with it very nicely and was sweet, but not overpowering. Misty took an immediate liking to it and had gulped down three glasses of the stuff by the time we had all finished our food, and were leaning back with content smiles on our faces.

Zirani looked the most peaceful and happy.

"It's good to taste such food again," ZIrani said, and the rest of us agreed.

"I think I'm going to get some rest," I said as I stood and made my way over to my room. "Just call me if you need anything."

I entered the room and shut the door behind me before I began to get ready for bed. I usually slept with my pants and shirt on, but the main part of my battle robe, I usually took off, not because it made me feel too hot as I was now, but because I had done it so much when it had, that it felt odd to sleep with it on.

I was just about to lay down on the bed when my door opened and Zirani entered, a sly smile on her face. "I'm not interrupting, am I? I can go if you're feeling too tired."

I stared at the lustful look in her gaze and decided that sleep could wait for a bit. "Not at all."


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