Aether Beasts

Chapter 188

Chapter 188

[Things in this arc may feel slower and like things aren't progressing as fast, but I assure you there is a reason for all these povs and everything being said. The next arc, the return journey across the great scar, will be a lot faster-paced and filled with action, not that this arc won't have any action at all, it will have action. The ending of this arc will be very enjoyable.]

Kai raged inwardly as he stormed away from the green court area.

Numerous possibilities had gone through his head about what Aeverie could want of him, but none had been even close to what had happened.

He had just met the daughter of queen Atmora and a legendary jungle queen, but that hadn't been the most shocking thing, which in and of itself was shocking. No, he had met the lost daughter of the Umbrin clan's main family

Kai didn't know much of her, but he did know that the main family had gone into a rage and that the culprit had been found and was still being punished, or so the rumors said.

At that moment, he had seen the possibilities and had considered that perhaps some divine being had brought him here. His brother, who was close to the same age as Sandra, and who was talented enough that the main family might actually accept a marriage between them.

They were both strong, and why wouldn't she when she learned of how much he had to offer. Not only was he handsome, but he was also powerful and perfect for her. Those hopes had dimmed quite a bit as he had gotten into it with the princess and the lady.

He had to admit to himself that he had been foolish and that either of them could have his whole family wiped out. His family was of interest, but they had yet to show much of anything. They knew of Pate and knew he was talented, but that was all. They hadn't seen him against any of the other mouths from other branch families and he had yet taken to part in any skirmishes or conflicts to prove himself.

He was lucky both had seemed to consider him as not a threat, which was true. He knew he couldn't beat the lady and if the stories about Zirani were true, then even at her current strength, he wouldn't stand a chance.

He had been blindsided though, in shock, his mind racing with possibilities and ideas. Then he had overstepped again. He hadn't expected Sandra and the princess to be so close, though it made sense. From what he had sensed, Sandra was far stronger than any one of the plains should be at her age. It only made sense that Zirani had taken notice and then trained her.

He had raised his voice, and angered the princess, leading to only more problems and alienating the girl. He knew now that he had been too forceful, and that he should have tried to remain calm and more reasonable.

He had thought after his second blunder that he would finally begin to make progress but then she had spoken of her lover.

That complicated things a lot, and he had so foolishly allowed his emotions to show so freely. Aeverie had read him like an open book. He wasn't used to the politics and maneuvering since he, like most of his family, spent most of his time in his family lands, helping to protect what they could, and not causing any problems, as what might have been a minor concern for other wealthier and stronger branch families, might mean the end of them.

It was a good thing that his family's land was out of the way and in an area that wasn't too strategically desirable or rich in sources. It allowed them just enough to live comfortably and to support what they did have. Of course, one of the biggest reasons they needed Pate to succeed so badly was because at any moment that could change. All it would take was once branch family or enemy of the clan willing to use enough resources to take their land. They would be able to ask others for help, but that also meant revealing that they were in a position of weakness and drawing more attention. They weren't wealthy enough to pay and had nothing to offer, so those that helped defend their land would then take it for themselves.

The guards noted his angry look and so kept quiet when he returned to the clan area.

He spotted his brother sparring against two other clan members and decided to watch as he calmed himself. Watching his brother fight and do what he did best always filled Kai with hope, and as Pate fought, Kai calmed, even as he thought about what he could do about Sandra, and getting her closer to them.

His eyes tracked Pate as he thought.

His brother's first core was of the dark affinity like all Umbrin clan members while his second was metal. It was a solid choice, but Pate didn't use it in the same way so many others did. No there had been a reason he had chosen metal, and it had become clear the first few times Pate had sparred against others. He remembered his father's excitement and how the whole family had watched when Kai had told them of his brother's training.

Kai watched as Pate expertly controlled two thin metal strings, his fingers dancing, and aether working, forming technique patterns. His eyes were closed, and it was clear he was handicapping himself as Kai knew if he wanted to, he could end the match anytime he wanted. He was limiting himself. Good, it would help.

Kai continued to watch his brother as he thought about Aiden. The boy was the lover and bonded to Sandra, and the princess so his first thought of getting rid of him wouldn't be so simple. If Zirani even though he was attempting such a thing, she would probably kill Kai, and he couldn't let that happen.

Perhaps he could try and break them apart, but that would be difficult as he and Sandra were bonded.

How the hell had some commoner of the peaceful lands bonded with not only the verdant princess, but also the lost daughter of the Umbrin clan, and why had they allowed it. The princess had made some comment about the reason she survived, and Kai knew enough to know that the boy must possess the arch vein bloodline which was rare, and perhaps the reason they bonded to him. Kai couldn't be sure and then there had been Sandra's comments. What exactly had they meant, and how could he find out more?

Sending spies over would not work out against a fae or the green court in general. When it came to awareness in their own domain, they were unmatched just like how the Umbrin clan was unmatched in the dark and shadows.

Perhaps if he just asked, that might work, though that was if they even allowed him back. He hadn't exactly made a good first impression with any of them.


Kai shook himself from his thoughts and realized that he had stopped watching the sparring match at some point and that his brother had won.

Pate frowned. "Is something wrong?"

"Yes and no," Kai answered. "I've learned of something quite interesting."

Kai then explain everything that had happened to Pate, holding nothing back. Pate was his brother and Kai trust him more than anyone else, even their father and mother. There was also the fact that Pate was very intelligent and Kai wasn't so naive to think that he might not have some idea of what to do.

"That is interesting," Pate said and Kai could see the wheels turning in his eyes as he thought. "What do you plan to do?"

Kia shrugged. "I'm not sure, what do you think we should do?"

"We need to act friendly and build trust," Pate said. "You've alienated her, and we can't try any tricks or be too forceful as that will just confirm any thoughts and assumptions she probably already has. I think we should wait and see what she does, and if nothing happens, then we can send a gift along with an apology and ask if she wishes to meet with some of us, with an escort of course to make her feel more comfortable."

Kai nodded, understanding what his brother meant. Tricks and lies would be easily spotted and would lead to catastrophe. The lady Aeverie had warned him and he knew she would follow through with her threat if he pushed or if he annoyed her enough that she might contact the main family and tell them what happened out of spite. Once again, his brother had proved just why he was the future of their family.

"Brother, don't you think this is going too far?" Pate asked, frowning.

"How so?" Kai asked.

"If she has a lover, and is bonded, then they must clearly be close," Pate explained. "And well, I don't wish to marry someone through lies or tricks."

Kai scoffed. "It won't be through lies or tricks. Once she sees you and what she's missing out on, she will realize her mistake, and it will be best for the family."

Pate still had a frown on his face, but he nodded. "Ok, brother, I trust you."

Kai reached over and placed a hand on his brother's shoulder. "We will get through this Pate, for our family and future."

Pate smiled, a rare occurrence when it came to him. "For our family and future."


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