Aether Beasts

Chapter 183

Chapter 183

Kai Umbrin, son of Mire Umbrin, and family member of a forgotten branch family hadn't expected to join the expedition, nor for orders to come down from the main family, informing them that they had taken notice of his brother, and his family once more.

Kai remembered how excited his family had been, how proud he and every family member had been, that they had finally raised someone worthy of the main family's attention, and not just that, but they had hinted at much if it was proved that Pate was as well trained and talented as they thought.

Their family had used everything on Pate, noticing his talent early on, and like kindling to a small flame, they had strengthened the fire, and it was paying off.

Kai and his family hadn't known what the main family would do or when they would be contacted, but just weeks before the expedition was set to disembark, his family had been asked if they could have one of theirs act as the representative. It was framed as a request but he and his family had known it was a command, but one they were eager to follow.

The job itself wasn't anything of note, but the fact they had been asked was proof that the main family was showing them more attention, which was a good thing. Their family had been dying for a very long time, and most of the branch familes and powers in the clan didn't even consider them part of the Umbrin clan.

Kai had immediately volunteered and his father had accepted, deciding to also send Pate to see if time in great scar could improve his skill and abilities. It was a long shot especially since the planned route was the safest, but Pate had also expressed interest so he and Kai had set off.

The trip to the gathering site had been via Umbrin can skyship, and they had been treated well, especially Pate who had been approached by multiple people and propositioned by just as many women.

Many would have thought Kai would be jealous, but he wasn't. He and his brother were close, they had always been close, and it was him who told the family of Pate's talent, and who had given up all his resources for his brother. He was at a decent level, but he honestly never expected to get much higher, not without greater resources, which Pate could acquire if he proved himself. Kai had used methods to get stronger quickly but that damaged his ability to grow,

They had been joined by a few branch families, but it had him who had been given the lead for the most part. The journey had been quiet, with the only real trouble occurring mid-way through the journey when a group of smaller beasts had attacked. Some had been injured but none had died, and the rest of the trip had been a bore.

Pate had actually used the time to spar and train with the other clan members, mostly Lucy, and others in the expedition and Kai was proud to note the murmurs and rumors about Pate's talent, some even speculating he was part of a close branch family or even the main family.

Pate was the future of their family, and if all went well, then a bright future it would be.

Kai watched as Pate downed another of his sparring partners. Most of the others around his age, excluding Lucy who was part of another branch family, didn't compare to him and couldn't last in a fight. Even some at higher levels had trouble and Kai had taken great satisfaction when one of the other branch leaders, the fool Darn, had challenged Pate to a spar. Pate had lost, but he had given his foe many bruises and had made him work for it. His brother was a force to be reckoned with and would pave the way for their family.

'Our clan will rise, even if others must fall.'

"Good work, brother," Kai called. "As usual."

Pate wiped a hand across his brow and bowed to his opponent before walking over to Kai. "It's becoming less and less of worth it, brother, to spar against them. I do not learn anything, and Ashala won't allow Lucy to train with me for more than an hour a day."

As usual, his brother's voice was calm and collected with little emotion.

"Repetition isn't a bad thing," Kai reminded his brother. "I could still spot a few mistakes, and if you bore of them, then challenge some of the others."

Pate frowned. "The Red Ribbons won't give me the time of day, and the Lycans just growl whenever I ask. The Forlorn stay to themselves, and the Elder Xavier won't let me spar anymore of his disciples."

"What of the green court?" Kai asked.

"The consort to the lady is skilled, but he cares not for battle, just his lady," Pate replied. "The others are the same. The green court did not send their best or even close. The only ones who could truly give me a challenge are the lady Aeverie and her personal guard, but they won't spar and she won't let them."

"If only they had sent some of their more skilled fighters," Kia said, though it did make some sense. Most of the green court, from what he had heard, had been on a warpath as of late, and the Umbrin clan among many others were keeping well away. He had heard rumors that the queen of the court herself had ended many sects alone.

"We can spar if you wish," Kai suggested. "You still struggle against me."

"Because you know me best," Pate said. "And your fighting style and techniques counter to mine."

"Then you need to learn to work around them," Kai said. "And—"


Kai broke off his sentence as he turned to see the consort of lady Aeverie being escorted towards him by two clan guards.

"I have an urgent message for Kai!" The consort glared at the guards and took a step forward before both guards held hands out, and began pulling aether from their first cores.


That was all it took for both guards to stand down, and Kai turned to the consort with a raised eyebrow. "What message and from whom?"

"My lady requests your presence immediately," The consort replied. "It is urgent."

Kai immediately knew he was going to go, but kept the consort waiting as he thought. This was the first time the lady Aeverie had called him, or anyone as far as he knew. She kept to herself for the most part and didn't interact with the others unless necessary. The fact she was calling and it was urgent meant something interesting must be going on.

"Return to your lady and tell her I will be there in less a few minutes," Kai answered, and then waved the consort away. "Escort him out now."

"Shall I accompany you, brother?" Pate asked.

Kia shook his head. "There is no need. She may be fae and deadly, but she is also a lady of the court, and we have done nothing to offend her. You stay here and continue your training, we will spar later."

His brother nodded, so Kai left, waving off the guards who asked if he needed an escort. The green court members he had interacted with during the expedition had all been polite save the consort, and apart from a few glances from some guards he was able to make it to the lady's building fairly quickly.

The green court was very respectable and there was the reason they were so popular and so many did business with them. They did not cheat or lie unless you were an enemy. If you wished to speak, trade, or another reason, then the court would hear you out.

Many had used that kindness and leniency to their advantage and had caused trouble for the court. Kai imagined that they were all very much regretting that now.

The interior of the building was as well-decorated as he expected and immaculate, but his attention only remained on it for the barest of moments as he turned to gaze upon the two people he hadn't expected to see.

The first he immediately recognized as a jungle queen, though different, lesser in a way. She was reclined on a seat and staring at him with a thoughtful look on her face, only one pair of arms visible. She held herself like a queen, and there was a regal air about her.

The second somehow caught his eye even more. It was a teen, around the same age as his brother, though maybe a year younger. Her eyes were bright emerald and hair midnight black that flowed down her back and framed a face that looked very smiler to a few portraits and pictures he'd seen of some of the female members of the main family.

"Kai, good that you came here so fast."

With an effort, Kai tore his gaze from the girl and turned to face Aeverie. He bowed and she returned the gesture with a slight lowering of her head.

"Lady Aeverie, you requested my presence."

"I did, but before we speak further on topics let me introduce you."

Her next words shocked him to the core as she motioned to the jungle queen. "This is Zirani Atmore, daughter of queen Atmora, and niece to queen Zafira. Lady of thorns and verdant princess. Jungle queen and blade of Kyrolin, granddaughter of Yggdrasil, and my own title I've come up with, the resurrected or returned, both work."

Kai stared dumbfounded, but it was not over and somehow Kai's eyes grew wider and his heartbeat like a drum in his chest as the lady Aeverie introduced her other guest.

"This is Sandra Umbrin, daughter of Dade and Hesperia Umbrin, sister to Nerissa Umbrin. The lost daughter of clan Umbrin."


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