Aether Beasts

Chapter 181

Chapter 181

The earliest memory Sandra could remember was that of her and her older sister playing together after one of her lessons. Most of her memories from her early childhood before the incident were of her and her sister with a few others here and there. Those memories which she had once cherished had been painful to think of in the years after the incident. After she had become lost, and her memories of the event stolen.

She didn't know how she had ended up in that town, waking up in an alleyway far from the border of the scar. She had spent a lot of time crying and wailing. It had gotten her some sympathy but also her first taste of pain.

She still remembered the kind woman who had shouted the group of young boys away as they had been kicking her. It was that woman who had taken pity on her and given her just enough to survive for a few days.

She had learned in those few days, and life had changed. From a daughter of a wealthy and powerful clan to a beggar and pickpocket in the streets. She'd gone it alone for those first few weeks using her tears to draw pity and sympathy and then after meeting a few others like her, she has started thieving. They had taught her how to, and that had been the first few friends she had made.

Those first three years were spent in that town, sleeping in the dirt, in abandoned houses or wherever she could find that was warm. Learning to beg, steal, and worse. She had pushed the memories of her old life behind in those years, not daring to look back as she had no way of ever returning. Even at that age, she had been smart enough to know that. She had no money, and what she did earn she needed to use for food and other necessities, and the one time she had tried saving up, it had all been stolen by someone she had thought was a friend. That had been a lesson she was glad she had learned. Trust could be so easily given and she had never made that mistake twice,

Then her friends had been caught and then killed at the orders of a wealthy merchant. She had barely managed to escape and had fled, hiding herself in a caravan bound for the city of Orton. It was there that things had gotten better. She had managed to steal enough that she was able to afford a dark essence core, and a few other items to help her. She had formed her first core and became an arcanist.

She had spent some time alone, making decent money doing odd jobs and hunting beasts, but then she had joined the steel heart. Things had been good with the sect, and despite not getting along with anyone save for Lucas, she had enjoyed it. She had gotten better pay and more opportunities. Then the new tower had appeared and war had begun. She, like many others, had considered running, but in the end, she had chosen to stay.

All the while she had kept the memories away until she had met him. Until she had learned what he and his bonded beast planned to do, and hope, a faint flame kindled within her. She had hoped and hoped, and after a few stupid decisions, she had been accepted, and to her surprise fallen for someone, for Aiden.

She had never romantically loved anyone in her life, and the first time she had felt the feeling, she hadn't known what to make of it, but as they had gotten closer and she had gotten to know him, she had decided to see what happened. They had gone through thick and thin, into impossible odds, and come out together, not just as friends, but as lovers. She had never thought she'd have to share him but she didn't mind anymore. She loved him and saw the others as sisters in a way. She liked both Misty and Zirani, even if she and the blonde had gotten off to a rocky start.

Now, here she was, being given a tour by a cat person, or mowkrin as he had introduced himself. She knew that not too far from this area, was an area for the Umbrin group, and there lay her future, maybe. She didn't know these people, and they could very well be part of the group that had taken her memories and left her in the dirt. She would see what type of people they were and wouldn't align herself with them immediately


She turned to see Aiden staring at her while Garth pointed out his favorite flower to Misty. "Zirani wants to speak with you."

Sandra nodded. "Ok."

"Want me to come?" Aiden asked

She was quiet for a few seconds before she shook her head. "I'll be fine. Besides, if I call you I know you'll come running to help."

He gave her a quick peck on the lips. "Always."

She felt that warm feeling inside, the same feeling she felt every time he kissed her or made her feel wanted. Their bond allowed her to know his feelings and she knew he loved her, enough that he would fight an army for her. It made her smile and glad that she met him, not just because of what he and Zirani had allowed, but because she was happy with him, truly happy, even when they were in dire straits, and tough situations, as long as he was there, she was far calmer than normally would have been.

She made her way back to the tent, getting a few looks from some of the green court people, but nothing hostile. She got a smile from what she thought was a dryad, and a wink from a muscular and unusually handsome man with hooves and goat horns. She smiled back at the dryad and gave what she thought was a satyr, a raised eyebrow.

Just before she made it to the building, she spotted Julian the consort not too far away, staring at the open door. She met his glare head-on and gave him a once-over before snorting and shaking her head. She enjoyed the pissed-off look on his face before she entered the building.

It was odd walking into a building that was bigger on the inside, but she quickly turned her attention to the two who had been waiting for her.

Zirani and the lady Aeverie were sat upon chairs formed of floating flowers. Between them was a large flower that was serving as a table atop which a pitcher of a purplish drink sat.

The fae waved a hand and a glass cup appeared and filled with the purple liquid before floating over to Sandra who nodded gratefully, before taking a seat on a third flower chair. She sat slowly expecting the flowers to push down, but no, they were as solid as could be and she couldn't feel any gaps. It just felt like a very comfy seat.

"Sandra, as you know, we need to speak about you and your clan," Zirani began.

Sandra nodded. '"I know, but I don't just want to waltz on over there."

"That won't be happening," Aeverie said. "You are under my sister's protection and care, and they won't dare intrude even if they learn of your existence prematurely."

Zirani nodded and smiled comfortingly at Sandra. "She is correct. We shall take things slowly, but we also want your input. This is your call after all, and if you don't want to, we can wait until later to deal with it, perhaps after our journey when we can contact the main family and someone like your sister."

Sandra felt that hope again, but this time it was a blazing bonfire as she knew that it was possible and she would see her sister again.

"I think there won't be any harm in meeting them at least," she said. "If we travel, then I'm not going to stay locked up or hidden behind a mask."

Zirani and Aeverie shared a look before Zirani spoke up. "We can invite their leader here if you wish and we can aid you in this."

'If Zirani's here then I won't have to worry too much. Even if she isn't the strongest level or density-wise, she could probably wipe the floor with anyone in the expedition.'

Almost as if Zirnai could read her thoughts, she leaned over and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We will not let anyone do anything you have not agreed to, understand?'

Sandra nodded. "Ok, then yes, I'll speak to them here."

Aeverie raised a hand and snapped two fingers. Her consort appeared at the door, an eager look on his face. "Julian, be a dear and send a message to Kai for me. Tell him I wish to speak with him and that it's urgent."

Julian's smile died and his face darkened at the name, Kai, but he still bowed and walked off to do as told.

'Jealous type indeed,' Sandra thought to herself.


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