Aether Beasts

Chapter 178

Chapter 178

The procession picked up speed as it grew nearer to the center of the city which was a circular plaza surrounded by buildings, the largest some sort of town hall, and I was pretty sure there was a head guard barracks, and what seemed to be some sort of medical center, though it looked far larger than any I'd ever seen.

Where on any other day the plaza might have been bustling with activity, today only a handful of people waited, one of which was clearly the mayor. His entourage must have been people of influence or those looking to trade what they could with those of the expedition.

I was confused at first when I tried to figure out where the expedition would be staying, but as the vehicles entered the plaza and began to make a perimeter, I released they would be staying in the plaza itself.

The crowds did not enter the plaza, and guards blocked off any entrances, though people still tried to get a look.

The four of us were on a rooftop of one of the buildings, awaiting the right moment.

Once the vehicles had stopped, a group of six made their way to meet the mayor while others began to conjure buildings. They didn't set up tents, instead, some had items they used that just made buildings pop up right then and there. All were of a higher quality than the actual buildings of the city, and the enchantments immediately caught my attention.

I could have spent hours staring, but my attention turned to the people. Now that they weren't surrounded by crowds, the passengers began to disembark and I saw a few more species I'd never encountered.

"An interesting bunch," Zirani commented, and her gaze was locked onto the horned figure.

"You know him?

She shook her head. "Not of him, but of his clan. He is from the Sevire clan. They go by other names as well, the forlorn, the outcasts. Notice how all those with their clan symbol are not human or possess some sort of unique trait or are of a less than liked race."

"Like her." Sandra pointed to the person covered in bandages.

Zirani turned and frowned for a second before a genuinely shocked look came to her face.

"What is it?" I asked.

"A lesser revenant." She whistled. "A type of undead, a powerful type. It's not something you see every day, especially not here in the plains, though I suppose the same could be said for the rest."

"When you say undead, you mean as once alive?" Sandra asked.

Zirani shrugged. "For the most part. Some are simpler than others. A zombie is just someone brought back via a mix of death and life essence, and they possess unique properties. A revenant on the other hand is usually a mix of souls, essences, and who knows what else. They are usually used as powerful weapons in conflicts, created by necromancers."


"A type of arcanist who specializes undeath, death, and the soul," Zirani explained. "Also life, but that depends on the necromancer."

"They're evil?" I questioned.

"They can be," Zirani replied. "Just like every other type of arcanist can be. You, Misty, actually have the potential to become a necromancer, if you wish."

"I'll have to think about it," Misty replied.

"Zirani, what are those?" Sandra asked as she pointed to two gruff-looking men who stood beside a shorter man with a bald head.

"Lycans," Zirani answered. "Specifically bear lycans and the man in between seems to be a scholar."

I thought back to the few times Zirani had spoken of lycanthropes. Another hybrid race like vampires, though more beast-like in a way and had shape-shifting abilities.

We waited as those from the expedition got settled, and there were a few times when I was worried we would be spotted, but Zirani assured us that none of us would stand out, not with the crowds so close, and Misty's mask. There was also the fact that we weren't that close and the expedition probably wasnt on high alert for obvious reasons. They could destroy this city if they wanted and wouldn't be anything the people could do. To try and attack the expedition would be plain suicide so they had nothing to get worried about.

The conversion between the mayor and who I assumed were the leaders of the groups from the expedition seemed to go well, though the mayor and his entourage were far more excited than those from the expedition, probably because they were getting more. At one point in the conversion, the mayor had seemed very worried but that had changed after one of the people from the expedition had said something

The mayor and his group bustled off, probably to sort everything out while the expedition settled in.

"Now is best," Zirani said, and pointed to a section of where those from the green court had set up, "We won't need to sneak past anyone, though you're going to need to repeat what I tell you so we can get past any guards and such."

"Code phrases?" I questioned.

"Sort of," Zirani replied as she turned to Misty and Sandra. "You two just remain quiet until the time comes."

Both ladies nodded and so we made out way across the rooftops until we got to the building closest to the green court's area. We climbed down and after only a few seconds of walking towards it, two guards approached us casually, neither looking worried.

"What business do you have here?" A taller-looking man with large eyes and bluish skin asked. His teeth were pointed and triangular and his limbs were very long, far longer than a human's.

Zirani sent me the words mentally and I spoke them.

Both guards straightened and then immediately frowned, looking at me in confusion.

Zirani began speaking to me mentally and I repeated everything she said. The guard's eyes grew wider and wider until one raised a hand. "Who are you?'

"I need to speak to your lady," I replied. "I shall explain everything to her. I mean no harm."

The guards looked at each other and something unsaid seemed to pass between them before one took up a position next to me. "I will take you to her."

I nodded gratefully. "Thank you."

Both guards were at the 4th level with two cores which Zirani said was unusual but not unheard of. Both were probably minor guards and had one core at iron and the other at hydro.

"Something is off with this expedition," Zirani said. "A lot smaller than normal and the quality of the guards isn't what I expected. They're arent bad, just average. It seems that interest wasnt as high this time around."

The guards led us to a large building in the center which was made out of reddish wood and ornately decorated. Flowers and other types of foliage covered the area the green court took up and the door to the building was normal. It was hundred of vines that seemed to connect and tangle together to create a beautiful pattern. The guards waved a hand and spoke a word which caused the vines to untangle and retreat into the sides of the opening.

The guard took the lead and we followed into a spacious room that was bigger on the inside, similar to Zirani's tree, though not as large.

Aeverie was sat reclined on a chair that seemed to be made up of floating flowers, oddly enough, and behind her was the young man from earlier, his hands on her shoulder, massaging. He was a black-haired and tanned youth. He looked to be about the same age as me, maybe a little older with a muscular build. He had eyes the color of dark leaves.

Both he and his lady turned to look at the guard as he approached.

This close, the lady Aeveire looked even more stunning, with a face straight out of a fairytale, and a tight dress that hugged a very attractive body made up of curves and smooth edges. It was a perfect mix of athletic and sensual.

"That's all fae," Zirani said. "They are all beautiful. In fact, you should expect those in the lands beyond the scar to look far more pleasing to the eye than those in the plains mainly to the abundance of aether, easier access to healing, the greater variety of items like, alchemy products, cosmetic and beauty products among other things What only the wealthy could afford here is very affordable and accessible to most beyond the great scar, and at a better quality. Honestly, most of the time just being healthy improves beauty by a lot."

"Lady Aeverie, I have someone to see you." The guard bowed low.

Aeverie turned her gaze towards me and raised an eyebrow. "And on what business?"

Her voice was cold for the most part yet held a musical quality to it, which definitely wasn't normal.

I felt Zirani smile inwardly. "Oh, little Aeverie, still so cold. Let me handle this, Aiden."

I shrugged and took a step back as Zirani manifested. It was slower this time and I had a feeling she was doing it on purpose.

Aeverie's eyes had narrowed at my shrug but now they grew steadily wider as Zirani fully formed. When my lover was stood there, arms crossed, the lady Aeverie stared for a long moment as did the guard and consort who both gawked.

"Hello, little Aeverie." Zirani's voice was warm and soft.

"Elder sister, is… is that really you?" She stood and slowly made her way over, her eyes growing watery. When she was within touching distance she raised a hand, and Zirani grasped it. Aeverie gasped and then tears began leaking from her eyes as Zirani pulled her into a hug.


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