Aether Beasts

Chapter 163

Chapter 163

Getting into the brothel was the easy part since all we had to do was flash some money, and our clothes were of a high enough quality as to not make us look like common folk, though in the end, I chalked it up to the fact that we were both of the third level. Zirani had taught us how to show only what we wanted to show. We kept our cores hidden but allowed our level to be visible. The level of aether infusion was tied to the body while the cores were all located in the same place.

The large and muscular man who let us in was dressed in an old-world suit and wore an odd white mask that had no feature save for the black circles around the eyes openings. He was of the second level and had a metal core which explained the chains warped around his arms. He probably didn't think I could sense them, but I did since there were of aether and not just normal mundane metal he'd bought from somewhere.

He led us through a long hallway lit by red lights and carpeted plushly. The difference in temperature was also clear as it was perfectly warm in here yet it had been too hot outside, not that it had bothered us.

"Is there anything, in particular, you're looking for?" He asked.

"We'd like to browse if possible," I replied in a cheery and excited tone. I had to play the part of an eager new patron with money to spend.

"That's fine." he shrugged. "I'll take you to the main room, and one of the madames can explain everything to you."

I glanced at Sandra who was glaring at the man's back. Anger was clear through our bond more so now that the man had confirmed this was indeed a brothel, thought one run with slaves and force? That was yet to be seen.

The hallways led into a wide-open room, lit by floating chandeliers that gave off more red light with twinges of dark blue and the occasional bit of orange. Laughter sounded from tables and people who walked around the room, some with drinks in hand and others, beautiful women. There was an open space with raised platforms surrounded by circular couches that allowed people to look up at scantily clad women who danced around metal poles. Every now and then, small golden pieces who been found up on stage as the women were egged on to do more.

On the other side was an area like a barroom with tables in neat rows while alcoves dotted the sides, some with curtains drawn up, no doubt to hide the erotic acts occurring.

Above it all, a loud thumping beat played, though I could see no one playing an instrument. An enchantment then.

As our guide looked around for someone I tried to find the three burning sands arcanists but couldn't spot them so I assumed they were either in one of the alcoves or in another area.

"Natalia!" our guide yelled over the din of sounds as he spotted who he was looking for.

I followed his gaze to a caramel-skinned woman dressed in little more than a pair of lacy black panties and a matching bra. Over it, she wore a sheer dress, that did nothing but enhance the beauty underneath. She turned at the sound of her name and scowled as she spotted our guide, though it transformed into a smile as she saw us standing close by. Her amber eyes lit up and she flung her long black hair over one shoulder before strutting over to us, her hips swaying and her breasts bouncing slightly with the movement. Only Sandra's amusement and anger made me realize that I was watching her intently and I gave her an apologetic shrug.

"New patrons," our guide explained once Natalia had stopped in front of us.

She nodded, ignoring the guide. "I can see that. You can leave now, I will handle things from here."

The large man grunted and then walked off, probably back to his post.

Natalia scowled at his retreating back. "What a brute. Not like the two of you."

She turned back to us and smiled, her eyes trying to get a clearer look at us from underneath our hoods. "I understand secrecy, but there is no need to hide yourselves here."panda novel

"We will take them off when we're somewhere more private," I said, and Sandra nodded in agreement.

Natalia sighed then nodded. "Very well. We can use one of the private rooms. If that brute brought you to me then you must be very well off."

I didn't reply, not trusting myself to be able to, not clearly at least. Her proximity to me made her assets very clear, not to mention all the other half-naked women about. I was strong wiled, but this would be a test for any man. I couldn't tell if the working women were here against their will from their expression but then again maybe they had been drugged or had to act so lest they be beaten or punished. Someone working in a brothel needed to be good at acting the part so as to get more customers. I didn't know much about that, but even I knew that. No, Sandra and I would need to dig deeper, and get some answers.

Natalia would be perfect for that. She was a madame which meant she helped organize and sort out the girls and other things.

As Natalia led us away from the main room and up a set of stairs, I tried to focus on the reason we were here. If this palace wasnt using force to make its women work then we would just deal with the three arcanists, but if it was then the palace wasnt going to survive the day. From what I had seen in the main room, there were around half a dozen guards, of which all were at the second level, and I assumed there was probably at least one or two at the third level. A few weeks ago I would have been worried, but with everything we had learned, I had no doubt we would come out on top.

The private room was similar to the living room of our suite, though with more red, and silk. It was clearly designed for erotic purposes if the multitude of pillows and soft carpet were any indication, not to mention that there were two attached doors which probably led into a bedroom and bathing room.

"Would you like any drinks?" Natalia asked as she walked over to a table of different drinks, most looking to be alcoholic.

Sandra and I declined as we lowered our hoods. I gave her a nod and she went to stand by the door as I focused on Natalia. She was at the second level with a fire core, so I wasn't too worried about this being difficult. Even if she was skilled in combat which was unlike given her profession she wouldn't stand a chance against me let alone both of us.

Natalia who had been about to ask something else now looked worried as Sandra leaned against the door, and I pulled aether from our nature core. "Don't scream it won't help. I can see that this room is soundproofed."

"W-What are you—" She glanced over at the door, and I could see that she thinking of her chances if she tried to run past me and if she could get past Sandra. I stopped that line of thinking by removing the mask that hide my cores.

She already knew I was at the third level, but now her eyes widened as she noticed the strength of my core. Zirani had taught us that just as you could mask you could also increase the ease at which your power could be sensed. At lower stages, it was done as a way of causing fear and deterring beasts, but at higher levels, the sheer power of a core could send people to their knees.

"We not going to hurt you," I said as I walked closer to her, my hands raised as a sign of peace. "We just have a few questions."

"What sort of questions?"

"Take a seat." I motioned to a plush chair near the center of the room. "Get a drink if you want, but relax. Your not under any threat of harm as long as you answer truthfully."

It was clear she didn't believe me, but also that it was best if she did as told so she served herself a drink, gulped it down in one swig then walked over to the chair, her strut nowhere to be seen. Even without it though, I found it hard not to stare at her backside. It wasnt that I hadn't seen a naked woman before, but her clothes and something about this place was getting me worked up, which I guess was probably on purpose. I shook my head and thought of the fact that this woman could very well be here against her will. I focused back on what I needed to do.

"Good." I took a seat opposite her. "Now, Natalia. Let's begin."


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