Aether Beasts

Chapter 115 - 115

Zirani led Sandra and me over to an intricately carved circle that looked somewhat familiar to the array on Misty's back, though far greater in detail and size. The outermost ring had smooth curves, jagged lines, and runes that seems to connect to form different patterns, while the middle ring seemed to be made up entirely of runes that made little no sense to me. There were a few I thought I recognized from classes from the academy, but I couldn't be sure. We hadn't learned much about runes, at least not in how to use them, and I hadn't really put any time into learning more about than after the academy, though with Zirani, I probably would eventually learn.

"So where we do stand?" Sandra asked, taking acre not step onto any of the carvings, even though they looked to be carved quite deep into the ground, at least a few inches.

"You see those two half circles," Zirani replied, pointing them out with a finger. "Each of you will stand in one when I tell you, ok?."

We both nodded and I inspected the half circles closely. Their ends were only inches apart from each other, and at a distance, it might have looked like just a normal circle. In any case, I assumed it had something to do with the bond, and how we would become one or something like that.

"Alright now, I'm going to teach a basic bonding pattern to the two of," Zirani said, and aether began to gather in her hands. "This is going to be harder than anything you've done before because we're going to be keeping the aether as it is when it's out instead of allowing it to form into something."

I frowned, trying to recall if I'd ever seen something like that. There was normally never a reason to keep aether unformed or as a pattern for long periods of time unless it was needed of course, at least that's what I'd been taught. Not only was it difficult to do since aether naturally wanted to become something else, but it also required a lot of focus to make sure the aether didn't disperse or form into something you didn't want.

An odd pattern began to form in Zirani's hands, outside her body, which was baffling and something I'd never witnessed before. Aether was easiest to control when in your body. When outside it was extremely difficult.

Sandra must have had the same worry. "Erm, Zirani are you sure we can do this? I've never formed a pattern outside my body."

"You won't be forming this outside your body, Just keeping part of it from dispersing. The majority of the pattern will be pushed inside you two, but not all." Zirani finished the pattern then presented it to us. "This is the patten that will link both of you. You will push it through your scar, and into the other person's at the same time. Te patterns will connect and merge naturally, and then I will activate the circle. Now, it's very important you do nothing while the ritual is taking place. Don't move, and don't mess with your aether. Just let things happen."

"Is it going to be painful?" I asked as I inspected the pattern. Now that it was finished, I could fully see its oddity. It was unlike any technique pattern I'd ever seen, and parts looked half-finished, which I guessed were the parts that would connect to Sandra's pattern. I could also see what she meant about certain parts remaining outside.

"It won't cause you any pain," Zirani said. "But it will be rather uncomfortable for the beginning phase."

I could deal with that, especially if there wouldn't be any pain involved, not that I couldn't if there was. I took two baths of pain every day after all.

"Now let's spend a few minutes practicing the pattern before we begin." Zirani shot both Sandra and me a serious look. "You don't want to mess this up as it could lead to severe mental injury. We're meddling with not just the mind, but also the soul, taking two on forging a link, a bond. There's going to be a point during the ritual where both of you will be left horribly exposed to mental manipulation and soul tampering, though you don't have to worry about anything from the outside causing you harm, this circle has many layers of protection, but if you get the patterns wrong, or disrupt things then you could end up braindead, or worse."

What was worse than braindead, and if I hadn't been keen to practice before, I certainly was now. There was no way I was going to risk causing problems for not just me but also for Sandra, and she must have felt the same as she made no protests or even the slightest of complaints as we practiced forming the odd pattern. It might have taken us a long time a few weeks ago, but with Ziranis training, it took only around ten minutes before we could successfully form the pattern five times in a row.

"Misty i want you to keep watch on our surroundings," Zirani said. "Don't let anything disrupt the ritual."

The blonde nodded as death claws formed around her nails. She shot the three of us a danged smile. "I'll keep you two safe."

I returned the smile then side by the side with Sandra, took a seat in one of the half circles.

I calmed by breathing, and focused my mind on the task ahead, pushing everything else away.

Zirani's voice sounded soft as she knelt by the permitter of the outermost circle. "You can close your eyes if you wish, I found that helps beginners."

The beginner term stung a little even though I knew it was true, even so, I followed her advice and closed my eyes, happy that it did help me focus as there were no distractions in sight.

"Remember, remain still and do not do anything once the patterns merge into one," Zirani said. "Now rise your right palm, Aiden, and you, your left, Sandra. I'm going to cut a line across each, and the moment I'm done I want you to start forming the patterns."

I raised my right palm and a moment later I felt a stinging sensation as Zirani cut a line across my skin. It stung, but compared to bath and other painful moments in my life, it was nothing. My pain tolerance was high.

The moment I felt Zirani's blade, which I assumed was a thorn, leave my palm, I began to form the bonding pattern, taking great care in making sure it was as perfect as could be, and not rushing things or letting nerves get the better of me.

"Good, good," Zirani praised. "Now press tour plans together and remain still."

Despite having my eyes close my other sense were enhanced enough that I knew where Sandra's hand was, and I felt her smooth skin press against my own as our wounds touched, aligning perfectly.

Nothing happened for a long moment but then I sensed aether beginning to surge around us, the ring was been activated. An odd vibrating sensation began in my hand, and in what felt like less than a second, the pattern was out of my control, merging with Sandra's. I felt an odd pressure begin in my head, along with a numbing of all my other senses, apart from my arcane sense.

The bonding pattern continued to merge for a few seconds, and when it was complete, I felt the urge to gasp as it was single-handedly the most complex and intricate pattern I'd ever seen, on a level I could barely begin to grasp. I hadn't noticed before when I'd been practicing with it, but now that it was whole, I could see dozen of different working parts, along with other things I couldn't understand.

"Yes, just like that." Zirnai's voice sounded somewhat strained. She must have been using alot of aether.

My focus was snapped from her, however, when the pressure in my head spiked, and the bonding pattern fully merged and formed. I felt what could only be described as a stilling of every part of my body, and then I felt something within myself being touched, something I'd only felt twice before with Zirnai and Misty, but hadn't recognized then. This time, however, I knew it for what it was. My soul. My soul was singing? No, resonating with Sandra's which I had a vague sense of.

I remained in the state for what felt like an hour, through I was probably just a few minutes, until like a switch beginning flicked, things turned back on, my sense returned and the pressure was gone.

"We're done." I could hear the smile and relief in Zirani's voice, though it wasn't coming from my surroundings, but my head.

I opened my eyes and glanced around. "Zirani, are you back in your core?"

"Yes, that took a lot out of me," She explained in a faint and tired voice. "It went well though, but I'm going to need to rest for a few hours."

Her voice grew more and more distant until it vanished altogether, and through our bond, I could feel that she was now sleeping.

"Did it work?" Sandra questioned aloud as she glanced at the circle.

"Only one way to find out." I focused inwards and felt a grin spread across my face as I felt our bond. It was small and not as large or strong as Misty or Zirani's but I knew it would get there. I tried to send happiness through ur bond, and Sandra gasped. "I feel you."

She flung herself forward and embraced me in a hug, which I returned happily.

Footsteps sounded nearby and we both turned to see Misty walking over with a smile on her face, her death claws gone. "I'm guessing it worked."

Sandra hopped up and bawled the blonde over in a hug. "It did, it did."

Misty seemed shocked, but then she returned the embrace and smiled. I'd never seen Sandra act like this, but I liked it, seeing her smile and be happy.

They broke the hug a moment later, and Misty glanced around with a frown. "Where's Zirani?"

"Resting," I answered. "The ritual took a lot out of her, she'll be out for a few hours. In the meanwhile, I think we should get something to eat, and pack."

Despite wanting to rest and celebrate, I knew we couldn't, not yet.. We had to find the entrance to the next floor and put a stop to the twin horn before they could accomplish their goals and bring back their great master, whoever he was.


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