Aether Beasts

Chapter 105 - 105

Chapter 105 - 105

The next week was filled with nothing but training, and when we weren't doing that, we were hunting for more cores, and even when we took breaks it was usually to meditate, and none of us forgot the two baths we took a day, especially not Sandra and I, since we dreaded them, though Zirani had spoken truly when she said it would get easier. The pain was still bad, but it wasn't as awful as it had been the first time, and I knew after a time I could get used to it, not that I wanted to, but I didn't really have much of a choice, though that thought wasn't as bad as the possibility of there being another version. Zirani hadn't said anything about such a thing, and I didn't really want to ask.

The base patterns were easier and easier to form with each passing day, and whereas I would have to pause and truly consider the first few times as I formed the patterns again and again it became not just easier, but more fluid and natural like a muscle I hadn't known was there was being exercised. I hadn't really noticed it or cared to notice it until Zirani had told me, but it seemed her words about patterns sticking in one's mind were true. I mean the pattern for my bark armor was basically instinct at this point, and I remembered how it had formed around me so easily when I'd been facing Misty the other day. I hadn't even known it was happening. It had simply formed in response to danger and a potential fight.

The new elixirs and the pill were working their charms and the boosts I was seeing to my core and infusion rate was greater than I'd ever expected to experience, and I knew that people in the plains would kill for this type of growth not just the elixirs, but the training, the knowledge. Perhaps one day I'd return to the plains and teach them about the arcane, but only when I was strong enough to make sure nothing like the twin horn sect ever happened again.

It was so crazy to think that at one point I would be that strong, maybe even stronger, maybe as strong as them. I didn't dare to speak or even think their names because what had happened last time had shaken me, even if I hadn't admitted it to any of the others. I still thought about it though, about how it would feel like to have that much power that you were essentially a god or the old world depictions of mythical gods. I didn't really know much about that, although I'd read a few of the history books my aunt had. More like skimmed through actually since I hadn't been interested in reading about a world without aether. How had things functioned before? What had the people used to power things? I'd talked to my aunt about it and she'd spoken of lightning and fire, but how exactly would they make those in great aunties? Could they capture lightning? I knew that the machines back then had been complex, but it was hard to believe that people could harness lightning and flame without aether.

I was glad I'd been born after the calamity.

"All right that's it for the day." Zirani looked down at us with a smile.

I took a breath and rose from my meditative position followed by Sandra and Misty who both looked as tired as I did. Zirani had pushed us further today than ever before, wanting to make sure we had the base pattern sets down since after today we would be moving onto advanced and affinity sets which would allow Zirnai to teach us advanced techniques and I would finally get to tap into the well of power and potential that was the warp seed mutation.

"I feel like my brain is about to explode," Sandra murmured as she shook her head.

"That's normal," Zirani replied. "You all did great today, and I'm happy to say that we can move onto the advanced and affinity sets tomorrow. After that then techniques and by that point, you should all be very close to the third level and forming your second core."

Sandra looked conflicted at that.

"What's wrong?"

She sighed. "I'm not sure what I want my second affinity to be. I was always certain it would be wind, but now I'm second-guessing myself."

Zirani placed a comforting hand on Sandra's shoulder. "I can help you with that, and we can go over the affinity and see which would suit you best. You are right in wondering if wind suits you. I've seen many make promises that they will choose a certain affinity but when the time comes, a lot will choose differently. It's always good to explore your options. We can examine your fighting style, preferred techniques, mobility among other things."

Sandra shot Zirnai a greatul look. "Thanks, Zirani… for everything."

"Your welcome." Zirani smiled. "Now let's get some food. We finally have fresh meat and fruit, and Aiden promised he'd cook something up."

"I said I'd try," I protested. "It might not turn out the way I want."

I was going to give it my all because I was sick and tired of rations. I didn't think I could handle tasteless bread and cheese, not to mention the dry meat. I missed my aunts cooking so much and even the steel heart food they always had.

"You'll do fine," Misty assured me. "Now let's go, I may drink blood, but even I'm looking forward to this."

Sandra quirked an eyebrow. "How exactly does blood taste to you? It is sweet, or does it depend on the person?"

"It's hard to explain," Sandra answered. "It does have a flavor in the way food does, but that's not the main thing that attracts my kind I think.. It's like drinking does something to me. It's like sleeping or breathing or eating food. Whenever I drink I get this euphoric feeling that"

Misty shuddered. "Amazing, and it… hard, hard to stop. Especially when it comes to you, Aiden. I don't know if it's because of our bond, but a bit of your blood feels more filling and satisfying than all of the bear's blood."

"It is," Zirani interjected. "The bond is something on a deep, deep level. The fact your close to him sensually also helps a great deal."

Misty blushed while Sandra grinned. "You can just say sex you know."

"I know," Zirani replied as she lifted her chin. "Buts that crude, although a few of my sisters love that type of talk."

"The dryads," I asked as we headed up the ladder to the treehouse.

Zirani nodded with a sigh. "You should have seen how the fawned over any visiting male"

She rolled her eyes. "Especially the Satyrs."

"Satyrs?" Sandra asked as we made it to the treehouse and towards the dining room. "Are they like you?"

Zirani nodded. "If you mean intelligent aether beasts with a human-like shape then yes. Imagine a ridiculously handsome and well-built human male but with furry goat-like legs that end in hooves."

"That's a funny image," Misty said.

"They are of the nature affinity like us." Zirani shook her head. "I could never stand them, too much postering although it was funny to see their reactions every time I refused them. My only love at the time was for nature. Thank goodness my mother never allowed any to live in with us or near us."

They took a seat at the table and couture talking while I headed over to the makeshift kitchen I'd made. It wasn't anything fancy, basically an indoor firepit with some pots, pans, and the ingredients I would need. Meat that I'd taken from a beast after skinning in, and various fruits I was going to try and make into a salad. I was very thankful for some of the things we'd found in the twin camps we'd seen on the first floor. It was also a good thing that this floor had herbs and spices that could be sued in cooking. It would be a gamble, but even a half-good meal would be better than what we were currently eating.

It took me a little over an hour to finish everything. It was a simple dish, or fried meat seasoned with some of the herbs and spices, alongside juice from one of the fruits that had seemed like a lemon. The salad was a lot more basic but I tasted the fruit and tried to get a good balance so that it wasn't too sweet, sour, or tangy. That wasn't something I would need to normally worry about, but the fruit on this floor was anything but normal.

I slowly took the food out to the dining room in plates and served each of the ladies with a plate of fried chicken and a bowl of salad which had also been seasoned. I served myself last and waited with bated breath and they each took a bite of the food.

Sandra actually moaned at her bite while Zirani and Misty sighed in joy.

"I take that to mean you like?" I asked.

Sandra gave me a heated look. "Fuck yes. You so getting lucky tonight."

I blushed as Misty and Zirani nodded their agreements.

"This is better than I expected," Misty said. "I didn't even know you could cook."

"My aunt taught me a bit," I replied as I took a bite of the chicken.

It wasn't as good as my aunty's but still tasty as hell. A hundred times better than plain old dry meat. The seasoning and fruit juice gave it a nice kick and the skin was crispy while the inside was tender and juicy, just as fired chicken should be. I probably could have used less oil as it was a bit too greasy, but it wasn't too bad, and there was always next time. I would definitely be making this again since it hadn't taken that long and there were plenty of beasts to hunt and fruit to pick.

We devoured the food quickly and headed off to our separate rooms to take our baths. It was worse this time due to my full stomach, and at one point during the pain, I thought I would vomit, but I managed to keep it in.

Once the water was back to its clear color I quickly jumped out then dried up.

Zirani entered my room just as I was preparing to head to sleep and to my surprise Sandra and Misty were with her. All three were dressed in nothing but a robe tied at the waist with a loose-looking knot.

"Uhm, is something wrong?" I asked as I tried to keep my eyes on their faces.

"You tell me," Zirani replied as all three women untied their robes and let them fall to the ground. "Is something wrong?"

Sandra giggled at my dumbstruck expression.. "I said you were getting lucky tonight."


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