Aether Beasts

Chapter 239

Chapter 239

Ashala paid close attention as I spoke and for the most part, I kept things vague and took out any detail which I thought could be used against me even if it didn't seem like it. Ashala was beautiful and another might have been blinded by that beauty and spoken without thought, but I was not for she was a candle flame compared to the blazing bonfires of my lovers. She could smile and lean forward all she liked, and while I wasn't complaining, it wouldn't get me to talk and spill any secrets.

I had made far too many foolish mistakes since leaving West Vale half a year ago and I was not eager to make anymore and I was not as clueless as I had been back then. I knew there would be others as I wasn't omnipotent and everyone made mistakes, but things like this I could avoid.

You live and learn, that was life and I needed to learn as much as I could.

Ashala seemed to realize that she wouldn't get anywhere with her charms so instead tried to ask questions, but I just refused to answer the more specific ones which earned me a rather cute pout but once again her looks weren't going to make me talk. As Zirani had said, i wasn't going to let lust muddle my mind.

Ashala did seem very interested in hearing about my training which was something I was able to say more on. She seemed shocked by the brutality and how hard we had been pushed, but also very much impressed.

"Two baths a day?" Ashala winced. "I've taken such enhancement baths before but never more than three a week and even that seemed like a lot. How did you handle the pain?"

I shrugged. "I'm resilient when it comes to pain."

I felt the memories of the tower attempt to rise to the forefront of my mind but I pushed them down not wanting to think about the pain I'd felt there. Even after all this time, it sent me into a haze of emotions which usually left me shivering, nervous, and afraid. That pain wasn't something I was going to be able to ever forget and I didn't think there was anything that could ever match it.

Ashala stared into my eyes and coughed before hastily asking another question, clearly recognizing the pain in my eyes.

I was thankful and answered her next question a bit more honestly.

"Our relationship isn't that complex," I answered. "I love them and I'm pretty sure they're starting to love one another, not as strongly as they do me, but it's still there and well, that's pretty much it. We don't really care what others think, not that it will be a problem. Zirani has told me relationships in the green court can be varied and differnt."

"Not just the court," Ashala said. "A strong enough arcanist can have as many wives, husbands, or lovers as they want, and as long as they have the strength to support and protect them, no one's going to complain. Speaking of strength, I would like to ask one more question if you don't mind."

"Go ahead," I replied. "Though I might not answer depending on the question."

"What's your current goal, your endpoint so to speak?" Ashala asked, leaning forward again, but this time not to show off her impressive cleavage, but out of actual curiosity. "That is if you have one."

I leaned back, not having really expected such a loaded question. I had thought about it often and had come to one simple conclusion. I didn't really have a grand reason. What I had was a mix of reasons, one of which being that I simply liked progressing, not just in the arcane arts but in body, mind, and soul. As a person. Perhaps one day a great reason would spring up and show itself but for now, there was none.

"There isn't really an end goal," I said, thinking of the analogy Zirani had taught me. "I do want to keep climbing the mountain and reaching new heights, but it's not for some grand person, but more a mix of reasons, some personal and some having to do with my family, friends and lovers ones."

"I see." Ashala leaned back and took another sip of her glass which she had refilled several times.

I had given the wine another and was barely through one glass while she had drained half the bottle.

"Well, Aiden, it was pleasant to speak with someone like you." She stood.

"Like me?" I said, standing.

"Someone I don't have to have my guard up around," she replied. "Someone who isn't going to get angry at the way I act or do things even if they know there is no malice in my actions. What you have seen is the real me, and it is nice to be able to be myself and not have to put up a mask."

"I get it," I said. "Though I don't put on a mask, ever, unless it's for a specific reason like stealth. I probably would have more problems because of it if I wasn't bonded to Zirani. Her position does help a lot."

"I would imagine so." Ashala bowed. "Well, Aiden, thank you for speaking with me. It was a shame we could not spend some more intimate time together but perhaps another time?"

"Maybe," I said, though not before i got to know her a bit more and get a full measure of her because at the end of the day, her words were just words and she had just spoken of masks as though she knew how to wear them well. Her words seemed honest, but you could never be too sure.

"Till the next time," i said, inclining my head to her before leaving. I rarely ever bowed out of courtesy, usually, only respect or gratitude earned a person my bow though I suppose I would have to bend that rule when we reached the green court. I really hoped Zirani's mother was at least somewhat like her as I did not want to have to bow and scrape before anyone.


Sandra's voice broke me from my thoughts and I turned to see her approaching with a raised eyebrow. She glanced at the vehicle behind me and then wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. "Have fun?"

I shook my head. "We just spoke. How about you, how did things go with Lucy?"

"Pretty well," Sandra replied with a smile. "She understands things clearly and won't be a problem. Now, we will be eating with the Umbrin Clan, but first, I want to pay a visit to the other representatives You can tell me what you think of Ashala on the way there."

I did just that, and Sandra listened intently, trying to get a measure of the woman from my words, experience, and opinions which I very much appreciated. Just as she valued my opinion I too valued hers.

"So she seems trustworthy but could be faking it?" Sandra questioned. "That's the general gist of things?"

"For the most part." I shrugged. "I didn't detect any malice or hostility from her, but once again she could just be hiding it. I don't think you have to worry about her though to any of them. Perhaps if it was just you, it would be harder, but you have Zirani backing you, and Ashala herself basically said only a fool would try tricks and deception. Not to mention, you have also proven yourself a capable fighter."

Sandra sighed. "I know, I need to relax."

"We don't have to get it done today," I began to say but Sandra shook her head. "No, I want to get it over with as we'll have training soon."

"Fair enough," i said. "Let's get it done quickly though. I want to speak with Aneva today."


"Oh yeah I never told you her name," I said. "The lost queen's name is Aneva."

"Aneva," Sandra repeated the name a few times. "Seems oddly normal. I sort of expected something weirder?"

I nodded "I sort of did too, but remember we don't actually know what or who she is."

As we made our way towards another vehicle and a group of three people waiting in front of it, I focused on my second core and my bond with Aneva who was currently dormant. I hoped that she kept to the deal and that on this trip I could learn more about my divine bloodline and how to use it not to mention her power, though that might be a harder task. She was cooperating more, but I didn't think she actually gave much more of a damn.

If she could she would have taken over my body by now or torn me to pieces. I remembered what Zirani said about chance and I knew people could change, but it was just hard to think about Aneva ever being able to change that much, then again I shouldn't rule it out.

I had seen and done impossible things. What was one more miracle?


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