Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 213 Who Is Caius?

"no.....that can't be. I was told of your presence by the Pillars, and I doubt they are the kind of people who would make any mistakes".

The Emissary's eyebrows twitched at the mention of the Pillars, and his body movements became partially unstable.

"you know of the Pillars".

The Emissary's voice was uncomfortable, with signs of a shaken resolve mixed in it.

"yes. After my battle with the underling that you sent after me, the Pillars summoned me against my will, to revealed to me the order in which the world has been arranged".

"they also told me of how my actions so far, have been to bend the rules, infringing on those set orders".

"if truly you have met with the Pillars, then surely you must have been fighting with Caius during that moment".

The Emissary put the puzzles together, and brought himself under an assumption, using the Pillars as a case study on why they would move because of an ordinary being.

The Pillars, are not some average beings that would decide to take an interest in someone else ordinary. Like the Emissary, they play a major rule in the decision making of the world, and if such beings were to move, it would have been because of a reason that threatened the balance of the world.

Caius, is an important member of the human race, and anyone that seeks to pick a fight with him, is the same as signing themselves up to go against the entire human race.

He and the other three Cardinals, are an important asset that could help in making a dent on the world's balance. And Caius specifically, is one of said members who have gone missing for three months so....?

"Caius? That is a name I have never heard of before".

The word Caius, is a foreign word to Orun because, when he fought with Caius, he did not get his name, and he also could not speak the human language back then.

"he is a human with an elemental spirit by his side. A fire Elemental spirit to be precise".

"ohhhh.... You mean the walking powerbank guy".

"power what!".

Orun was quick to answer the Emissary's question, with words that does not sound familiar to him.

"you are talking about the man with a fire spirit as a companion right".

"yes him".

The Emissary answered, still wondering what a powerbank really is.

"that is the man I am talking about. The same man that you sent after me".

He did not know who Caius is by name, but he sure as hell would remember the elemental that gave him the fun of his life in combat activities.

"what happened to him".

The Emissary asked with a worried voice, disturbed to know what had became of Caius when his opponent is still standing, and in good health.

"i..... don't know!".

He thought that the monster was going to lie to him about Caius's condition, but was appalled to hear him sound unknowing.

"how can you not know? did you not fight with him".

The Emissary was dismayed, troubled if he was being toyed with by the monster by pretending not to know, of if he really meant what he said.

"i really don't know. What I do know for sure, is that his partner, the fire spirit king, is no more".

The Emissary was left speechless, dumbfounded, and unsure of what sort of reaction he should give upon hearing that an elemental spirit king is dead, killed by a goblin no less?

It was supposed to be unbelievable to his ears, but the way he said it, made the Emissary have concerns on the verification.

Elemental spirit kings do die, it is not like they don't, they do, but just not in the truest sense.

When an elemental spirit king dies, they are reborn, but with their memories all wiped out, making them a kind of new entity but with the same title and purpose.

The purpose behind not retaining their memories after their rebirth, is so they can be free from whatever contract they have had prior to their deaths.

'If Ignatius is dead, that would mean Caius is?!'

The realization that Caius is no longer contracted with Ignatius, worried the Emissary, in fear that something bad had happened to him.

The Emissary's concern, is that would Caius without Ignatius by his side, have been strong enough to fend off this monster?

"if you were to achieve separating Caius and Ignatius, and attract the attention of the Pillars, means you are someone with great powers".

"i start to wonder, why one such as yourself would come to an old man like me, or are you here to gloat about Caius".

The Emissary still did not get the purpose of the monster's unwanted visit into his house, and he summed it up as the monster coming in to brag about what happened to Caius.

"i am not so petty that I would rejoice over the death of another. You see, my belief, is that all life are sacred, and important to the continuous existence of our legacy. The only problem with my belief, is that I happen to always put my life first at all times".

"even though I treasure all lives as equal, I can't help but put the safety of my life above all else".

"tell me, does that make me selfish or selfless?"

"I am not interested in what you are, or what you think you are. I just want to know, what is it that you want from me".

"that is..... Disappointing, but understandable".

He cod not see his face, but he could feel it from his voice, how disappointed he really is.

"well anyway. The Pillars, told me about you, and the vast authority you have over all human kind. A dictator to humans, viewed as the direct messenger to the three Gods".

"you have made... Quite a reputation for yourself".

"your point being?"

The Emissary was not comfortable with the monster calling the Gods using a defiance tone.

"you are responsible for what happened to Caius, so if you are not here to kill me, is your aim to seek my grace through flattering".

He was silent for a while, not because he found the Emissary's question to be confusing, but actually because it was funny, and he, was trying to hold himself back from laughing.

He is on a role play, taking the personality of an overconfident monster, and his laughter, will blow that personality up.

"you would pass for a jester Emissary. Sadly for you, that is not what brought me here".

"my race, are a bunch who believe in subservient of the weak to the strong. And you? Well.... Let's just say, you are not in the condition to lord yourself over me, or have me seeking your grace".

He said it in a way that mocked the Emissary's words, making it clear to him, that his kind, do not decide who their masters will he based on who has more followers, but rather on whose individual authority is higher.

The monster standing at the Emissary's back, looked at him with a gaze that diminished his authority, an old man that he could easily end his career with just a flick of his finger on his forehead.


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