Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 211 First Impression With The Emissary

The Emissary sat on his chair in his office with a worried expression, slowly pacing down his fingers on the table before him.

Three months had gone by in a flash, and he has yet to hear from Caius concerning the progress of the mission assigned to him.

A detailed report was sent to him from a city called Murian, under the leadership of an Earl ranked noble serving under the Gucan Empire.

The report, spoke of Caius coming down to their fief to request the assistance of their troops to which it was assigned to him immediately.

It also talked on the difficulties they faced, and how the tides were easily turned against them, following the invasion of the Wyverns on their territory, causing an havoc that resulted in countless lives lost.

That was mostly the important points the Emissary got out of the report, and he found it shocking, especially the part where it spoke of them never hearing from Caius again after the Wyvern attack.

What has the Emissary really concerned, is the fact that Caius, one of the four Cardinal, was present when the Wyverns attacked a city and killed the human kinds, all happened under his nose.

That was enough to tell the Emissary that something was not right with Caius's condition. He has also never being the type to stay away for too long, or take this long to complete a mission, irrespective of what it was about.

"he has never gone missing for the long, at least not without reporting back to me first. perhaps I should send Kang Ru to go and investigate the matter? Or would Klara be a better fit for the job?"

The Emissary called out two names belonging to the Cardinal group, contemplating on which of them would do better when it comes to investigating quest.

"i suggest calling on both. That is, if you don't want the same tragedy that befell the first one to happen to the other two when they are separate!".

Deep in his thoughts, an unfamiliar voice woke him up from his slumber, coming from behind him.


The Emissary was bewildered with surprise, and thoughts on how someone managed to make it to his back without him noticing anything.

The only way to his office, is through the door, and that is still left unopened, with guards at the entrance, so he could not have come in through there.

The other place, is through the windows, but even those are left untouched, so it could not have been through there either.

What has him even more disturbed, is that, the abode of the sanctuary of the holy congregation, is tightly and securely protected by high level barriers put up by those with the Arch Mage job, the highest ranking job for those involved with magic casting.

It is sealed shut, and can only be assessed by outsiders under the mandatory law that they must be permitted by the Emissary or any other high ranking members of the order before they can be allowed access through the barrier.

'is this the doing of one of the congregation high ranking members?'.

The Emissary questioned in his thoughts, with curiosity on how an outsider was able to bypass the security walls of the congregation, and get into his office unnoticed.

The Emissary did not have the guts it takes to turn his head to see who was speaking to him.

Sweat dripped down from his chin to below, at the cold, stiff yet warming and assuring voice that sounded from his back.

Never has he been faced with a situation where he had an intruder sneak into his office unnoticed, because it was supposedly an impossible scenario, until now that is.

"you are scared, curious, and most of all, furious!".

The voice says, slowly pacing his words with dignity and pride with a sense of relaxation composed in his tone.

The Emissary's body hair rose itself up in fright that the intrude is also capable of mind reading coupled with burglary.

"relax Emissary, I am not reading your mind, nor am I capable of such feat.

"I just have this really extraordinary hearing senses that allows me to hear the heartbeat of another, and through monitoring their heart rate, I can use it to predict what they are feeling".

"that is also how I know how anxious you currently are, but I can assure you, that you have no reason to be. If I wanted you dead, I would have done it already".

He said so reassuringly, manipulating his voice to make him out as someone who is trying to put the Emissary's worried heart at ease.

"who are you, and why are you here!".

The Emissary put himself together, sounding tough and unwavering before the intruder whose presence he still has not seen, but have only heard his voice so far.

He was hoping he would at least get a name, or something else to identify him by.

From the tone the intruder was using to speak, he sounded proud and confident, like someone who has nothing to lose, yet has the power to give out unprecedented catastrophe.

People like that are always bragging and showing off. For some reason, they all feel the need to be acknowledged, worshipped and feared.

"my apologies. I have been a monster for far too long that I have forgotten how valuable mannerism is to you humans".

"my name, is Orun, a monster by birth, and a monster by livelihood, a goblin kind monster to be precise!".

When he introduced himself, he did it so elegantly, almost like he was whispering, but still loud enough for the Emissary to hear from where he sat down.

The Emissary found it hard to believe that the identity of the intruder is a monster like he had claimed himself to be.

Everyone knows how weak Goblins are, and he is expected to believe that a goblin, one of the lowest and weakest species of the monster kind is the one responsible for the infiltration of the Sanctuary of the holy congregation's abode?

More over, if there is one thing that the Sanctuary of the holy congregation is known for, it is how strict they are on anything concerning the monster kind in general.

The congregation is an organization that preaches the superiority of human kind over all, with contempt for any race outside of humanity's banner.

They are especially strict when it comes to monsters, a race comprised mostly of animalistic beings who lack any basic thoughts, with only their craving as a means that drives them to act.

Such a race, is one that had shown to pose a lot of threats to their livelihood. Surely, drastic overly excessive means are expected to be taken when dealing with them.

It does not take a genius to understand how tight their security will be when it comes to warding off any monster kind that seeks to evade their humble abode.

The Emissary believes that whoever the intruder is, he is using the monster identity as a means to cover up for his true identity.

But what the Emissary found very hard to come to terms with, is why would he call himself a goblin when he knows that no one is going to believe that.


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