Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 188 Orun Against A Fused Ignatius/Caius Iv

"why the hurry? You need to stick around to find out what more I have to offer with my Soil elemental ability".

Caius intended to fly himself out of the hole he had abruptly fallen into as a result of the ground turning liquid.

He reached to the entrance, with his hand taking the lead, and on the verge of having his whole body out as well, until another unexpected anomaly came his way.

His hand that had gotten out of the hole, was swallowed back into it with heaps of sand coming from the sides, and gathering above the hole, rising itself like a desolate mountain of despair standing tall as a great form of obstacle to reaching his goal.

The heap of sand, like rain that comes and goes unnoticed, poured down on Caius without any warning.

"you think this will stop me!".

Caius struggled, using the great sword and Spear in his hands to release all sorts of fire attack above, to get the sand to disperse before it gets to him, but his efforts were rendered futile against the raging heap of sand that continues to pour itself on Caius until none of his parts could be seen hovering above it.

"i knew it wasn't going to be enough to do the trick, and that is why I did not just stop at trying to bury you in sand".

Orun replied to Caius's earlier outburst even though he had already been buried deep into the ground with none of him remaining above.

The sand that had rested on the ground with Caius underneath it, rised up in ways that when visualized, sends cold sweat running down one's back.

The amount of what had now risen up was more than the quantity of what buried Caius down.

The sand started a weaving process, moving in a random yet well patterned form, going inside itself and stretching back out, then in again.

The action continued for a while, and the sand was starting to take its desired shape of what it was aiming for by carrying out the weird movements.

"what do you think? I thought of it after my misfortuned encounter with an enemy that just won't die no matter how much pain I give him".

Orun is a goblin who makes certain that before anything else, he has to continue to evolve when it comes to combat.

What he does when he comes out of a battle alive, Orun makes sure that he improves himself well on it.

He sits down and starts to revise the outflow of the battle, making himself aware of the mistakes he has made and how to later improve on it if he ever finds himself in the same situation again.

It is the same thought reasoning that he applied after his battle with the Goblin king.

Orun can say for sure, that the Goblin king is the most troublesome opponent he has been faced with so far.

Not the strongest, but the most troublesome opponent. The strongest opponent title goes to Caius, the ones he is currently doing battle with, and the runner-up on that position, deserves to the handed over to the first Goblin general.

The Goblin king was indeed a strong and fearsome opponent, but when compared to the first Goblin general, he has a lot of flaws.

The Goblin king relies on the souls of the dead to strengthen himself further before he served as a worthy opponent to contend against Orun.

The first Goblin general on the other hand, had a unique skill that nullifies any mana based attack, and also enhanced his body to the point where he could go toe to toe against Orun without being pushed back.

If the first Goblin general had the appropriate body to help him use the skill to its full potential, no doubt the outcome of Orun and the first Goblin general's clash would have turned out differently, with the odds favorable to the first Goblin general.

Till today, Orun is still in search of ways to contend against an opponent with the ability to nullify mana based attacks.

He has also extended his scope of thinking to taking into consideration, him meeting with an opponent with the ability to nullify both physical and mana based attacks.

He has yet to come across an opponent like that, and is not even sure if there really is someone like that, but what is to say there won't be? especially when there is already someone with the ability to nullify mana based attacks?

Orun has to be prepared and ready for anything that might come his way, even the most absurd of things.

His end goal, is to become strong enough that he will not have to worry about sparing or killing another. To do that, he has to familiarize himself with things known and things unknown.

Even the most absurd thoughts could be made a reality in this insane world, hence why he always makes sure to revise his battles and think of ways to better himself through them.

If Orun was forced into a situation where he has to choose between battling the Goblin king or the First Goblin general, he will without hesitation, pick the Goblin king.

He considers the Goblin king to be weak when compared to the first Goblin general. The only thing he has going for him, is the immortality through transference of soul into another body.

If it wasn't because of that, the first Goblin general should have been the one in the position of a king.

Another reason why Orun would not hesitate to pick the Goblin king, is because he has found a way to fight against the Goblin king's soul transference skill without the need for him exhausting his mana to destroy the surroundings.

What Orun thought of using to counter the Goblin king's skill, is a skill that would seal the Goblin king in his own private cell.

A cell composed of sand trapping all exit and blocking off all vision to prevent the Goblin king from seeing his environment and finding another dead prey to latch his soul on.

Once he has been trapped in the sand, Orun will then strengthen the sand, changing the physical properties of the sand into hard steeled gold for enhanced durability.

To make sure that the Goblin king would not easily break out of the seal with brute force, Orun made the inside of the sand prison as layers stacked unto each other.

He also sacrificed a portion of his mana to give the golden sand a permanent regenerative ability.

No matter how much of the sand is damaged from the inside or outside, the regenerative ability will kick in before it is destroyed beyond repair, restoring it back to its shape.

He named the self made skill; Soil Grand Mausoleum.


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