Advent of Immortal Truth

Chapter 93: Who Would Suspect a Two-Year-Old?

Since Li Leifeng had already spoken, Zhu Xuanji did not hesitate and immediately extended his hand to check the pulse. He channeled his mana into Li Leifeng's body while a pair of golden eyes shot out divine light.

Quickly, Zhu Xuanji had a clear understanding of Li Leifeng's physical condition, and his expression instantly changed.

"Senior Li, you…"

Li Leifeng persisted for a while before he finally couldn't hold it in and started coughing violently.

His breath weakened again, regressing to the Qi Refining stage. He coughed so hard that blood appeared at the corners of his mouth, and his face turned ashen.

【I'm already old, my body is decaying, even breathing has become extraordinarily difficult.】

【No matter how gentle Master Zhu's mana is, it still caused unavoidable harm to this old one.】

【But, it's fine.】

【If this old one hadn't had a fortuitous encounter in my youth and consumed a life-extending Ganoderma, I wouldn't have lived to this age.】

【I must thank Master Zhu for helping this old one find relief.】

Zhu Xuanji sighed, his brows furrowed, unable to hide his guilt: 【Senior Li, I am fully aware of your contributions to the orphanage. Why do you have to do this?】

Being a wise man, Zhu Xuanji saw through Li Leifeng's tricks after falling into his trap. He felt deeply troubled.

Li Leifeng laughed: 【Master Zhu, if you truly feel remorse, then please, on behalf of the court, appoint a good director for this orphanage. If you don't, even in death, I won't be at peace and won't dare to close my eyes.】

Zhu Xuanji raised his head and couldn't help but sigh deeply.

The primary reason he had come here was to thoroughly investigate Li Leifeng.

According to the intelligence he had gathered from the City Lord's Mansion and the three major families, Li Leifeng was undoubtedly the prime suspect.

Although he hadn't reached the Golden Core stage, he possessed the Thunder Spirit Root and was in charge of the Mechanism Tower, making him a formidable opponent with half-step Golden Core strength.

Moreover, he had profound expertise in the art of mechanisms, recognized by the Lava Immortal Palace, and was considered a candidate among Foundation Establishment stage cultivators who could enter the Immortal Palace.

According to the records of the four major families, Li Leifeng had entered the Immortal Palace several times and had reaped significant rewards!

And this was just what was recorded.

In fact, before the Lava Immortal Palace was unearthed, the summit of Mount Huoshi wasn't under strict control, and the path to the Red Flame Demon Molten Cave was fixed, allowing many cultivators to easily disguise themselves and explore the cave.

It was simply impossible for the four major forces to keep records of all the cultivators who had entered the Immortal Palace.

In other words, the number of times Li Leifeng had explored the Immortal Palace was far more than what was documented.

Now, after Zhu Xuanji's investigation, he confirmed that Li Leifeng was nearing the end of his life, with only a few days left.

And he, a Golden Core stage cultivator, had been outsmarted by Li Leifeng.

Zhu Xuanji sighed inwardly.

He had been targeted by such tricks many times before.

Once he appeared in public, his past experiences, personality, and likes and dislikes would be thoroughly investigated by those with ulterior motives.

Li Leifeng's actions hit right at Zhu Xuanji's weak spot.

Even small figures have their own ways of surviving.

Zhu Xuanji knew that this investigation had likely shortened Li Leifeng's life by at least three months.

Feeling guilty, he could only promise to find a good director for the orphanage in Huoshi Immortal City.

Li Leifeng nodded and smiled, "Master Zhu, after I pass away, there will be a bequest event where I will donate all my belongings to others. I know you come from the royal family and are a divine detective, wealthy and powerful, but I still wish to give you something to express my respect!"

"This old one certainly can't produce any treasure that would catch your eye, but I do have a little toy I collected early on, which is quite amusing."

"Master Zhu, please take a look!"

Zhu Xuanji accepted a wooden board, the size of a chopping board and quite heavy. Its surface was light yellow, with many natural wood grain patterns.

The surface of the board was also crisscrossed with various lines, dividing the board into many small pieces of varying sizes.

Having some expertise in mechanisms himself, Zhu Xuanji was immediately intrigued at first glance.

He tried pressing one of the small pieces with his finger and successfully moved it to the side.

Just as he had guessed, these small pieces were movable.

"Interesting!" Zhu Xuanji's fingers moved quickly, shifting many small pieces back and forth, gradually uncovering the puzzle.

"This mechanism board hides some information. As long as the pieces are moved and placed in the correct position, part of the information will be revealed!"

"And when all the information is gathered, the complete message that this board wants to convey will be pieced together."

Zhu Xuanji frowned at this: "There are so many pieces. How long would it take to move and place them all to reveal the entire message?"

Li Leifeng chuckled, "This is just a toy, similar to the puzzles I played with in my youth, like the wheel, the crossed legs, and the three hairs!"

"But it's quite intricate and can pass the time!"

Zhu Xuanji laughed, "Time is the one thing I can't afford to waste!"

As he spoke, he activated his Golden Eyes to gain insight.

With this cheating method, he quickly obtained all the information hidden in the mechanism toy: "So this is just a story about an immortal god? And it's not even the complete story?"

Li Leifeng sighed, "Master Zhu, it's just a toy!"

"In my opinion, perhaps some mechanism cultivator in his later years made this for his grandchildren to play with."

Zhu Xuanji nodded and returned the mechanism board, "I think this board is better suited to stay in the orphanage. Elder Li, I must be going now. I'll take care of what I've promised you!"

Li Leifeng replied, "Master Zhu, take care. Please forgive this old one for not being able to see you out!"

Zhu Xuanji hurriedly waved his hand, "No, no, please stay lying down!"

He was afraid that seeing him off would cost Li Leifeng even more of his remaining lifespan.

Leaving the orphanage, Zhu Xuanji couldn't help but sigh deeply, looking up at the sky, thinking to himself, "Heavens, why can't you show a little more mercy to good people in this world?"

Zhu Xuanji felt a sense of loss, filled with regret over Li Leifeng's impending death.

As for the time he would now need to spend reporting to the court and personally participating in the selection of a new orphanage director, it would all consume energy and delay his investigation.

But he was willing to do it.

Ning Zhuo did not sleep well in Ning Xiaoren's residence!

In fact, it was even worse than at his uncle's house!

What truly gave him a sense of belonging was still the small courtyard his mother had left for him!

Breakfast was lavish, filled with various Spirit Foods.

Ning Xiaoren had specially come over to share breakfast with Ning Zhuo.

He asked with concern how Ning Zhuo had slept last night and if the food suited his taste.

Ning Zhuo responded with an awkward, embarrassed demeanor, feeling uncomfortable with Ning Xiaoren's care.

Ning Xiaoren noticed this and appropriately toned down his enthusiasm.

Only then did Ning Zhuo gradually relax and start eating the Spirit Food.

After all, these items could increase one's cultivation.

Ning Xiaoren was surprised to see Ning Zhuo eating more and more quickly.

Most of a plate of Spirit Food was consumed by him.

Some of the small Spirit Food dishes had little in quantity and were meant to be savored.

But when Ning Xiaoren went to pick up his chopsticks—nothing was left!

"Eat well, eat plenty if you like it!" Ning Xiaoren smiled broadly.

Ning Zhuo's chewing paused for a moment, and he once again showed an embarrassed expression.

Ning Xiaoren laughed heartily, "Good, good, child. Eating more helps you cultivate faster and gain more from exploring the Immortal Palace!"

"Thank you, Young Clan Leader," Ning Zhuo mumbled with his mouth full.

Ning Xiaoren laughed again, "I told you, just call me Uncle Ning!"

Ning Zhuo then called him Uncle Ning.

"Good, from now on, let's call each other uncle and nephew!" Ning Xiaoren stood up, "You eat well and fill up. Then focus on cultivation; don't waste the Spirit Stones! I heard you like mechanisms, so I'll loosen up the mechanism books for you to read later!"

Ning Zhuo immediately showed a look of joy and quickly stood up, cupping his hands in thanks.

Ning Xiaoren laughed heartily, waved his hand, and left the room.

Returning to his study, his expression cooled. Not getting enough to eat, especially in his own residence, was a first.

He had to order another breakfast, instructing the servants to prepare it.

Ning Zhuo flipped through the books.

These books were obviously from the Ning Family's secret library, far superior in quality to those in the public library.

On the surface, Ning Zhuo

appeared to be fully focused, but in reality, he was distracted.

Under normal circumstances, he would have been eager to absorb the knowledge, unable to put the books down.

But now, he was acutely aware of his precarious situation.

No matter how well Ning Xiaoren treated him at this moment, there was no guarantee that the next moment, Ning Xiaoren wouldn't turn against him and throw him into a private dungeon.

Ning Zhuo was walking a dangerous path, but he had no choice.

The appearance of Yuan Dasheng forced him to take action, a perilous move that removed a powerful enemy. He was just a hair's breadth away from being exposed.

Zhu Xuanji's early arrival had been investigating and applying tremendous pressure, forcing Ning Zhuo to act quickly.

"When did my situation become increasingly precarious?" Ning Zhuo reflected on the beginning when he decided to blow up the Immortal Palace.

Once he had done that, it was as if he had stepped onto a lone boat, needing to navigate through tumultuous waves, reaching the shore to be truly safe.

Even the slightest mistake or the smallest delay would result in the boat's destruction.

He could no longer step off the boat.

If someone else captured the Immortal Palace, they would inevitably investigate the explosion, exposing Ning Zhuo as the real culprit.

He could only move forward, constantly pressing on, biting the bullet, no matter how difficult it was, and forging ahead with all his might.

"After a long night, Ning Xiaoren is still treating me well. This shows that they have already reached their conclusion from the investigation!"

"This is the result of the defensive lines I began weaving from the age of two, the roles I played, and the many pieces of evidence naturally scattered along my growth trajectory."

"As long as they investigate these, they will arrive at a reasonable explanation and recognize my talent in mechanisms."

"Even if they search the underground workshop, it doesn't matter. I've already cleaned it up, leaving behind many drafts of the Mechanical Explosive Monkey, numerous failed mechanism prototypes, and so on!"

Ning Zhuo, though weak and isolated, had one advantage.

He had started preparing more than a decade ago, and during that time, he had deliberately left many traces and clues!

These clues and information, once gathered, would form a body of intelligence.

And that intelligence was, in fact, Ning Zhuo's carefully crafted personal defense line—who would believe that a two-year-old child had been acting all along?

As long as his early wisdom wasn't discovered, Ning Zhuo could temporarily hold this line of defense!

Of course, Ning Zhuo's love for mechanisms and obsession with them was not an act but his true passion!

"Ning Zhuo, come out!" Suddenly, Ning Xiaohui's voice rang out from outside the room!


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