Adolescent Adam

Volume 7, 2 - Mutsuki’s Secret

Volume 7, Chapter 2 - Mutsuki’s Secret

With the cultural festival just five days away, Megutono Academy’s activity was reaching its peak.

A week before, the number of classes had been reduced and the afternoon was instead used for festival preparations. Props and plywood lined the halls and the smell of paint filled the clear autumn air.

All of the band clubs were practicing at the same time, so it was loud enough to be heard throughout the building.

That drowned out their voices, so they temporarily stopped practicing for the play.

“Oh, honestly!”

“Calm down, Ange-chan. Don’t give us that scary look.”

They were using the gym stage to practice for the play. But they were making no progress and Ange was getting stressed out as the lead. She generally did not express her irritation unless it was directed at Mutsuki, but this was an exception.

Saya was good at soothing her at times like this, so she ran over with a drink in hand.

“Do we even need to practice anymore? I’ve learned the lines and movements.”

“Talking and moving around isn’t everything. You also have to act.”

Saya was helpful to have around since she could quiet down the constantly-complaining lead.

The lead part in the traffic safety play had been chosen for Ange, but she never held back on a job. She played the part perfectly.

As the lead, she was in most scenes, but she had no trouble playing that part.

The issue was her focus.

Thanks to Saya, she had not exploded, but she was still too irritated to get into the role.

There were two reasons for that. First, the more apparent one:

“Lu-kun, your sound was a little off there.”

“Was it? Okay, Nikki, let’s try this again.”


Her nemesis was helping one of the bands interrupting their practice.

“Agh, I can’t stand this! You! That’s painful to listen to!”

“Huh? We submitted an official request to practice here.”

Lucia was part of one of the bands. One named Silvia.

Their classmate Niki Hozumi had invited him based on his appearance. Since he would not be able to play with Mutsuki for a while regardless, he had accepted and was practicing a lot.

He was good looking, easily approachable, and had a lot of friends, so he seemed to be having fun. He was already speaking with the band members using nicknames.

…The noise was a pain, so Ange clicked her tongue and got up.

She left the gym to get away from all the noise.

“W-we’re going to do another practice run in 5 minutes.”

“I know that!”

She snapped back at Saya and left.

With the brass band and other clubs practicing, she could not hear Silvia while outside. That made her feel a lot better.

“Oh, Jiyuuni. Perfect timing.”

Someone called out to her once she stepped outside.

It was Sakae, their Class Rep. She was wondering what this could be about, but…

“Have you seen Mutsuki? I can’t seem to find him.”

“…I’ll look for him.”

“Thanks,” he said with a smile as she turned around.

Mutsuki was their odd job man today. He could do just about anything, but he did not always have something to do.

…And that girl was the same.

Ange had said she would look for him, but tracking him down was easy. As his bodyguard, she made sure he always had four different GPS devices on him.

And all four of those were pointing to the same location: the gym storage room.

“What are you doing!?”

“Wah, wah! A-Ange!”

She threw open the door and immediately yelled at him.

Mutsuki was so freaked out he nearly fell on his butt as he stood up. There was a wet sound as he moved away from what he had been sucking on.

And Machina, the one being sucked on, tilted her head as if to say “What?”

Ange grimaced.


Machina’s face was somewhat flushed and she swallowed to conclude their interrupted kiss.

She closed her scarlet lips which were wet with saliva and a bit darker colored than normal. The way the puffy lips pressed together was enough for Ange to imagine just how soft and sweet they had to be.

No boy would be able to resist an offer to kiss those.

Not that she was going to let him off the hook.

“We’re still working! Why are you ditching your job and making out in here!?”

“I-I wasn’t ditching my job. I just didn’t have anything to do at the moment. And…”

“It’s fine as long as no one can see us,” said Machina. “That was the agreement. …Nn.”


Machina sucked at the boy’s mouth again, as if to say “just a bit more”.

When he felt the incredibly soft sensation of that light peck, Mutsuki’s face quickly melted.

Ange could not stop them.

That was indeed the agreement.

Machina had suddenly become a serial kisser, but she refused to tell them why no matter what.

And even with this unexpected transformation, she did not go any further. That meant Micha and the other angels could not criticize it and they had to just let it happen.

And Mutsuki himself was confused but quite liked it. He had ended up mumbling something about “as long as it’s where no one can see us…”

“Mh…nn, nn.”

“Pwah, Ibekusa-san…nch, slurp.”


And that led to the present situation.

When the two snuck off to steal each other’s lips, Ange could only watch as long as they kept the promise to keep out of sight.

This was of course 90% of the reason she was too irritated to focus on her acting.


“Ah… Ibekusa-san, you’ve got drool on you.”


“Don’t move.”

Their mixed saliva was dripping down form their mouths. When Mutsuki noticed, he licked it up with his tongue.


Machina wrinkled her brow ticklishly as he licked around her mouth.

“Nh…h, hh, Fujita…-kun.”

After that, they returned to kissing.


“Nhah, I-Ibekusa-san…”

The usually obedient girl could barely contain herself as she returned the kiss.

This had gone beyond a mere kiss. It was a deep kiss with saliva-coated tongues.

“Hh? Nn…hhh?”

When the boy responded in kind, sweet noises escaped the taciturn girl’s vocal cords.

Her slender shoulders shook somewhat. The heat spread from her lips to her entire body and she rubbed the ample mounds of her breasts against Mutsuki’s chest.

She hit him with that volume and resilience that pushed out her uniform so much. Mutsuki had of course noticed, so he pushed out his chest to enjoy the soft and plump sensation.

It looked exactly like a lovers’ tryst.

“Not that it matters.”

Since she could not intervene, Ange shut the door hard enough to nearly break it and turned around.

(I already knew he was a pervert.)

She had not seen anything odd there.

She had no obligation to tell Sakae, so she went back the way she had come, pretending to not have seen anything.

At this point, practicing for the play would help distract her from this, so she started back toward the gym.

But on the way…

“Oh, Ange-chan. They say we can’t practice any more today.”


Saya spotted her and said that was no longer an option.

The time they had reserved in the gym had ended. And with their lead gone, they had broken up for the day.

“…I can’t believe this!”

She had lost her place again.

Saya had said she had other work to help with, so Ange clicked her tongue and set off in search of somewhere else to be.


Someone caught up to her once she was alone.

Mutsuki tapped her on the shoulder. She felt her heart leap and formed a lopsided frown to hide how shaken she was.

“Do you need something? I thought you were having fun with Ibekusa.”

“Fun…? Hey, don’t leave me behind.”


He had apparently shaken Machina off of him as soon as she had left. His cheeks were still flushed.

She was supposed to be his bodyguard, so she should have taken him with her then even if she had to punch him out first, not just leave. That had been her mistake.

But even if it was her duty as a bodyguard, how was she supposed to interrupt that kiss scene?

Since she saw fault in her actions, she shut her mouth. And the boy saw no reason to criticize her, so he could not say anything either.

They were both at a loss for words.

“Mutsuki-kuuun! My practice is over?”

Then a further nuisance interrupted.

“Nmh…hh, hh.”

“You kind of taste like Ibekusa. C’mon, use your tongue more. You promised, remember?”

“Y-yes, I remember. But, Lucia…nmh.”

This time it was Lucia’s tongue inside his mouth.

Machina did not use her tongue much, but the demon boy showed no restraint. He licked all over each tooth, both sides of the tongue, and the inside of the cheeks as if to eliminate any remaining scent.

“Pwah, pwahn, ah, ah.”

“Heh heh. You’ve always been sensitive below the tongue, Mutsuki-kun?”

Lucia whispered teasingly to him. When their tongues pulled apart, thick saliva bridged the gap between them.

“You don’t get to run away. Ibekusa okayed this.”

Lucia gave an excuse and pressed against Mutsuki’s lips even more.

That calculating demon had not just let the “as long as no one can see you” agreement slide. He had made sure to get the same thing promised for him. So as long as Mutsuki was out of the public eye, he had to kiss Machina and Lucia until they were satisfied.

But while Machina was “willing to” do it and was only thinking about him, Lucia really was a demon.


His kisses were so intense that Mutsuki could only gasp for breath, leaving no room for complaints.

And the sexual demon matched his seductive breaths to Mutsuki’s, so the sweet demon boy’s flavor spread throughout Mutsuki’s tongue, esophagus, and lungs.

He was used to the action itself, but he was still kissing another boy. That made it feel more odd and immoral, making the boy hesitate.

He saw Lucia as special and he knew that demon was not just a boy.

But since he generally saw himself as straight, homosexuality had a powerful sense of the taboo to Mutsuki.

Especially today since Lucia was wearing his school uniform. That boy’s uniform made it all too clear that they were the same sex.

And at the moment…he glanced to the side.


Ange was watching them uncomfortably.

Mutsuki was shy and sensible, so he was reluctant to have someone watching him kiss even when it was with Machina. There was no way he could focus like this.

(…Honestly. Stupid Mutsuki.)

But the girl did not know how to react to this either.

As his bodyguard, she could not leave him. But it was also difficult to interrupt.

She desperately brushed aside the indecent atmosphere filling the storeroom and waited for the two boys’ intense kiss to end.

(Really, though… What is…what is this?)

There was no real reason for her to watch. What did it matter to her what promise Mutsuki had made with a demon? Couldn’t she shout “Stop gaying it up!” and drag him away by the ear like she usually did?

“Heh heh? …Nn, you’re drooling.

With the demon’s tongue violating his mouth so much, Mutsuki’s mouth hung dully open and drool dripped out of the corner.

The demon’s pink tongue scooped up every last drop. Then he sealed the other boy’s mouth and slurped up the accumulated saliva.


Ange found herself gulping along with him.

(M-Mutsuki’s saliva.)

Kisses with him were always so gentle and sweet. And her synapses interpreted the flavor of his saliva like hands massaging her entire body. It felt like a powerful embrace. And like a manly girth penetrating her body. It was linked to so many pleasurable memories.

Those pleasurable memories ran through her womb and her lower stomach trembled.

(M-me too… M-me too…)

Her knees bumped against each other and she rubbed her thighs together.

She could feel the dampness inside her spats.

“Hee hee?”

While well aware of the angel’s reaction and the pride that would prevent her from asking to join in, Lucia pushed up against Mutsuki even further.

“Nhah…wait, L-Lucia-kun, what are you doing?”

He pressed his lips and body against Mutsuki and had him sit down on a nearby mat.

Confused at being gently pushed down, Mutsuki realized his shirt had been unbuttoned at some point.

He was wearing an undershirt, but this exposed his throat and he realized what was happening to him. But his body had already gone limp at this point.

“Y-you can’t do this, Lucia-kun. Um, it was just kissing. The agreement was just kissing…”

“Hm~? Was it?”

As long as their lips were together, Lucia’s prey remained limp. And while keeping Mutsuki from resisting like that, the demon boy swiftly stole away the boy’s clothing.

He opened the shirt and pulled up the undershirt.


While not to Lucia’s extent, Mutsuki’s build was not exactly manly. His early adolescent body had no muscle tone and was quite feminine. He had no excess flesh on his stomach or chest, but they were somewhat soft and the nipples were a cute pink.

Once his belt was undone and his pants pulled down, he finally revealed a manly part of him that was impressively erect, but the lines from his hips to his butt were childlike and adorable.

“Stop. Um, Lucia-kun, not…here.”

With the skillful kiss overwhelming him, Mutsuki could only resist the sexual demon’s lustful hands with a weak voice.

“W-wait, give it a rest.”

Ange was here to save him and she intervened, but…

“What? All I’m doing is kissing him.”


“Hee hee. Also…”

She could not defeat the demon in a game of words. Plus…


He tugged on her hand and pulled Ange onto the mat as well.

She should have been stronger than him, but he had realized she was weak in the knees.

“I’ll keep my promise, so don’t interrupt. …I just have to stick to kissing, right?”

Lucia moved his face to Mutsuki’s throat as a show for the girl lying alongside them.

Instead of just the mouth, his lips crawled along Mutsuki’s throat, chest, and belly.

“Hwah, wait, Lucia…-kun, ah.”

Kisses reached Mutsuki’s belly, ribs, and nipples. A ticklish chill caused his arms and legs to tense up.

It was so much more embarrassing with Ange right next to him, but Lucia was too good at keeping him from resisting. And…

“Hee hee. If you insist on doing something, then how about protecting him?”

“Eh? …Ah, hey.”

Lucia took Ange’s hand and guided it to the boy’s lower body.

She tried to pull free, but she stopped moving when she touched something far warmer than the demon’s hand.


“Hee hee. You protect that so I can’t do anything to it. …If you can resist doing something yourself, that is.”

“Protect? Um…”

He had sucked on Machina and Lucia’s saliva, so that penis was hot and rock hard.

When she felt it, Ange wrapped her fingers around it as if entranced.

“A-Ange…nn, ah, ah.”

He was aroused enough already, but the sexual demon gave a shower of kisses to his upper body while the angel grabbed and stroked the weak point on his lower body.

He could not resist. Even greater pleasure welled up inside him and he writhed on the mat.

“Hee hee hee? Stay still. I’m just kissing you.”

Lucia occasionally returned to the lips while kissing all over his upper body.

“…Pant, pant.”

Ange was also swallowed up by the abnormal situation.

She normally unconditionally rejected anything Lucia said, but now she was entirely obedient.

“Nhah, um, you too, Ange? …Ee.”

The fingers wrapped around Mutsuki’s male flesh were gently pistoning up and down.

“Hh, ah…ahh.”

Starting with Micha, he had been in a physical relationship with several girls and women. He was familiar with adult sexuality, but his sensitivity was still that of a child. His flesh pillar was sensitive, so those soothing strokes were enough for his belly to writhe sensually.

(Ah… Mutsuki’s thing just got even bigger.)

As the swelling gained intensity, his penis transformed into a weapon of flesh.

As she felt the growing violence of the male in her hand, Ange gulped for the second time.

Her mouth had been sluggish for a while now. Ever since she had seen him with Machina, she had been imagining Mutsuki kissing her like that. Her tongue was numb, her inner cheeks were hot, and her gums tingled, like she had just been kissed until exhaustion.

Just imagining it was making her mind foggy. She could not focus her thoughts and she was not entirely sure what she was doing.

Other than the fact that she could feel the object that had so often made her its captive.


She rubbed along the smooth and wide head.

When she tightened her grip on the shaft, it felt as hard as metal inside. The balls were wrinkled and ready for ejaculation.

It was ready for use. As a sex organ and as a tool to fuck a woman.

(No… I’m melting… I’m melting…inside.)

Just as her mouth had melted from the imaginary kissing, her lower body was starting to react.

It felt like a fire had been lit deep behind her navel – in her womb?

Had she remembered what it felt like to be penetrated with and pounded by that thing? She felt like something leap inside her. And because her vagina began expanding and contracting…

(Ah…ah, I’m wet and it’s dripping out…ah.)

Below her beloved spats, a warmth was spreading through her panties.

She had last done it with him a week ago in the infirmary.

And like he always did, he had been gentle, thorough, and passionate. That hard and hot thing penetrating her hips. The sweat covering her skin. The sensation was burned into her mind and her body.

He would remove her clothes, expose even her asshole, and have sex with her. The memories and pleasure came rushing back.

(I-I deserve this now, don’t I? I mean, I’ve waited a whole week.)

She had noticed him secretly doing it with Micha every night, but she had ignored it.

She wanted to do it every day, but she had restrained herself even as her sweat soaked the sheets of her bed. So the fire inside her told her she could treat herself today.

“A-Ange, you can’t do that here…nh, ahhh, not there!”

The hands rubbing his penis gained the same obscene movements that her vaginal flesh would normally provide.

She wrapped her fingers around it from the head to base.

Ange’s small body was the size of an elementary schooler and her hands were no exception, so she could not wrap them fully around the shaft. But she still massaged it ever so lovingly.

And that accelerated the imaginary arousal inside her.

(Nhah, when this here…this thick part here goes inside me…?)

She had a flashback to the almost painful pleasure of the head’s ridge pulling at her vaginal flesh, so she thrust her trembling hips forward.

“Hee hee. What a lewd angel.”

Lucia laughed bitterly that his nemesis was being unexpectedly useful and he lay down alongside the boy’s other side.

“I detest you, but this isn’t bad. …Nn?”

He once more took Mutsuki’s lips.

The little demon sucked at Mutsuki’s tongue and tickled all over his upper body, from his nipples to his belly. All the while, the angel girl was persistently massaging his sex organ. When his nipples were kneaded, his penis jumped in Ange’s fingers like it was going to explode.

“Ahh…nn, Mutsuki, I can’t…I can’t stand it any longer…”


Ange’s rational mind melted away as she drowned in the sensation of growth between her fingers.

Mutsuki responded by pulling on the girl’s hand. He unsteadily lifted her small frame and had her straddle his body.

She had yet to remove her panties and he had not performed any kind of foreplay on her, but the tip of his straddled penis could feel just how damp and wet it was inside her skirt.

Ange rolled her spats down to the knees, pulled just the crotch of her panties to the side, and lowered her hips.


Lucia was clearly displeased that she had gotten ahead of him when he had started this.


The penis head sank into the soft and melted female slit.

“Kwaaaahh, hh, it’s so thick…Mutsuki, aaahhh, and it’s still growing…kh.”

The sensation of her around him caused him to expand further, like some kind of biological reaction.

The soaked flower petals were widened from within, causing the girl to arch her back. The sensual shock was nearly painful, but it also robbed Ange of the strength needed to support herself.

Since she was on top, the honeypot dropped straight down on that brutal tip.

“Hyaaaaaaaaahhh…! Hhh.”

“Ah, ah…Ange, nkh.”

The thick tip surged inside her all at once.

The hard meat pounded on her cervix and the girl’s eyes opened wide. At the same time, nectar-coated flesh as pure as a virgin’s rubbed at the penis and the boy cried out.

“Hmph. Steal him from me, will you?”

Lucia pouted his lips toward the two who were trembling just from the insertion.

Watching the boy and girl was enough to tell just how compatible they were. They had forgotten all about the sex demon because they were so focused on each other’s flesh, each other’s sensations, and the fact that they were now bound together.

Lucia did not like that. But if he tried to undo that bond, he would be seen as a nuisance. He gave a lopsided frown.


But then he grinned.

It was a mischievous and devilish smile that would forcibly make any boy or girl fall in love with him.

“Mutsuki-kun, she looks pretty unsteady. Isn’t that dangerous?”

“Eh…? Ah, nn, Ange, are you okay…?”

Mutsuki had grown intoxicated on the shaking deep in his brain, but he quickly came back to his senses.

Ange’s upper body was wobbling. She tended to be on the receiving end, so she did it missionary style about 70% of the time and the rest were just changes in angle. She was not used being on top, so she was about to fall over.

Riding a cock with her mind clouded with pleasure was apparently too high a hurdle. She was losing her stability.

“S-sorry, sorry.”


Mutsuki quickly got up and supported her small body in his arms. With her mind so clouded, Ange smiled happily like a baby and leaned in toward him.

He embraced her soft skin without undoing their union.

They felt even more closeness than before, so it was perfect for the two of them.

“Heh heh? Go on, Mutsuki-kun. Make sure you hold her.”

And it was even more convenient for the demon boy.

He saw his chance, so he circled behind the boy and clung to his back.

Mutsuki thought it was odd for him to take up position where it would be so hard for them to kiss.


But he figured out why a moment later.

“Mutsuki-kun, your butt is so soft. Just like a girl’s.”

That erased the question marks in his mind. Lucia got down on the mat and moved below the hips that supported the boy as he held the girl. He stuck his hands below Mutsuki’s butt.

Before Mutsuki could wonder what this was about, Lucia spread his butt.

“Ahhhhh, um, Lucia-kun? That’s my butt… I’m not sure I, uh…”

Ticklishness burned seductively within him and a familiar sensation attacked the back of his penis. He trembled as the sex demon’s fingertip captured that rear weak point.

The boy quickly tried to stop him, but…

“Nhhhhh. Mu…tsuki…ahhhhhn.”

“Oh, s-sorry, Ange. …Ah, hh, L-Lucia-kun, stop that.”

When he struggled, the twisting of his body caused his tip to torment Ange.

With his prey unable to move, the sex demon had an easy job of winning him over.

“You just have to enjoy the pleasure. I know how much you like it here?”

Instead of forcing it, he gently pressed on and massaged the boy’s anal flesh.


He had been fully focused on his union with Ange, but that focus was rapidly fading.

“Ah, ah, no…ah.”

He uttered short moans and shook his head. However…

“Nhahhhh, Mutsuki, you’re even bigger than before…”

“That’s…not…hyah, wahhh, ahhh.”

Ironically, Ange’s reaction proved the falsehood of his attempted denial.

The flesh cannon forcing open the juvenile vagina was clearly lifted to a greater angle from Lucia’s teasing. Ange could feel just how much the blood flow had increased by how much it swelled out inside her and it was enough for her eyes to widen. That showed just how aroused the boy was.


Ange had grown woozy from the insertion alone, so this expansion was too intense for her.

She seemed to be growing faint, so the boy had no choice but to hold on tight even as he trembled. Her trembling mouth hung open and only drool and amorous breaths escaped it.

It was a good thing they had shifted to a sitting position. If she had still been on top, she might have collapsed.

With his last shred of rationality, Mutsuki made sure to support Ange so she would not fall and hurt herself.

“Heh heh. You really are weak to this?”

“Nhahhhn, L-Lucia-ku…n.”

Meanwhile, the sexual demon accelerated his attack.

“Wow, you really are hard. And big. I can see why that angel can’t think straight.”

His hand reached down and around. It stroked across near the anus and then continued forward where it grabbed the thick swollen shaft and toyed with the base by stroking it.

Most of the penis was being tightly squeezed by Ange and that was pleasurable enough to feel like the ejaculation function was being directly stroked and heated. But…

“I’m glad you liked it so much.”

He grew brutal once he found the girl’s extract dripping down the shaft from the union.

He stole some of the secret nectar meant to protect the girl’s sex organ, got his fingertips nice and slippery, and then pulled his hand back.


His finger reached the tightened collection of wrinkles.

Just stroking around the circumference caused an extreme reaction. The boy’s small hole relaxed the force meant to reject an intruder and accepted the sexual demon’s slender finger in up to the second joint.

The wriggling pleasure was so great it made Mutsuki shudder. It felt like having the inside of his penis licked from the bottom. It was a feeling most boys would never feel.

“Nfh? You got even harder. That’s incredible, Mutsuki-kun. Just touching it is enough to feel the bulging veins…?”

With one hand, Lucia gently stroked the shaft and teasingly fondled the balls. With the other, he continued his thorough massage.

“Ah, ah, ahhhh, wait, wait.”

“Eh…? Mutsuki…nnn.”

To let his hips escape, he naturally tilted his body further and further forward.

In his arms, Ange could not properly grasp what was happening, but she followed along with Mutsuki’s movements. She lowered her butt from his lap, but…

“Hyah, ahhhhn? Mutsuki…wait, not so rough.”

When she let go, their union naturally began to come apart.

The boy could not think straight and he must have instinctually sought her body because he refused to let it happen. He thrust just his hips forward to stick his penis deep inside her again.

Instead of holding her on his lap, he leaned over her. Their forward-leaning seated position was close to being the missionary position.

And that defenselessly raised his butt.


He had not planned it this way, but the demon boy smirked at how convenient this was for him.

The adolescent boy’s butt had less flesh than Ange’s, but it was not all that different from a girl’s. And a solid object several times thicker than a finger pressed against the central valley.


“It won’t hurt, so don’t worry. Hee hee? You seem to like this too, Mutsuki-kun.”

Lucia did not just roughly thrust his hips forward. He simply loosened up the wrinkles with the finger still in there and then pushed the tip inside.

“Ah…ah, Lucia-kun…d-don’t do that.”

Mutsuki tried to reject him, but his body was rejoicing from the finger there. With that going on at the same time, his body could find nothing wrong with this other intruder either.

Micha and Lucia had teased him there a few times before. And those lessons made him feel more sensitive and less resistant to that kind of improper usage. He could not deny that having his prostate stimulated felt good.

But this clearly went beyond simple “teasing”.

“N-no…I’m…I’m a boy…so…”

“Nooot listening? Now relax or this will hurt. I’ll make sure this feels really good…?”

The girl-faced rapist smiled as he pushed his slender hips forward.

The tip slid smoothly in to take the place of the massaging finger. Once it reached the rubbery internal flesh, the shaft also buried itself inside surprisingly smoothly.

“Ah, ah, ah…”

Mutsuki felt faint at the sensation of being penetrated and at the bizarreness of a boy like him being violated.

There was not much pain. He simply was not used to the intense feeling of a foreign object inside him and it would not let him cry out.

He felt no reluctance to this act when he was on the other end. In fact, he had fucked Lucia here more than once. He had seen how wildly the demon reacted, so he knew a boy could derive pleasure from this.

But he felt .fear. Like this was a loss of identity, like his masculinity was rapidly fading away.

And more importantly…

“Ahh…you’re so warm inside. Heh heh. Was your pleasure spot somewhere around here??”

Lucia sent his penis head dancing along the inner flesh.

A strange sensation licked at Mutsuki’s body from within. He felt goose bumps across his skin.

“Th-that isn’t going to…make me feel…pleas-…nnahn.”

“Found it? That’s your prostate.”


The greatest source of the fear making him feel faint was just how forceful Lucia was.

This demon boy often did things on a whim, but he truly cared for Mutsuki. He would not do anything that Mutsuki really did not want.

So Lucia was only being so forceful because he was certain that some part of Mutsuki really did want to be fucked like this.

That was what scared him the most.


“Eh? Eh? …Hwah.”

In search of some kind of escape, he clung to the girl.

Ange was feeling lightheaded from the sensation of the foreign object rubbing against her womb and she still did not know what was happening to Mutsuki. The possibility of him being penetrated by another boy would probably never have occurred to her. And she could not see the union point with him lying on top of her.

There was only one thing she could tell.


He was holding her with an almost violent strength.


Her heart pounded in her chest and new juices coated the vaginal walls filled by the massive cock that seemed to have taken all of the boy’s blood pressure for itself.

The closeness of their union joined the sticky sense of oneness and enveloped the two of them.

“Ah, ah…Mutsuki, this…this is too good.”

Since her first time, this angel had been ensnared by his manliness several times, so this sense of fullness was the greatest aphrodisiac.


Her usual refusal to be honest with herself was numbed over by the pleasure. Her womb was knocked around inside her, so she returned the favor by clinging to him and kissing him.

“Hwah, ah…hahm, nn.”

She did not use her tongue. It was a childish kiss ruled by emotion.

But it was enough to wake Mutsuki up as he grew faint from the shock of being violated.

As he attempted to escape the sex demon’s tentacle rubbing at his anus, his movements worked to shake the depths of Ange’s stomach.

“Ahh, ahh, hahh…Mutsuki, nh, yes, oh.”

Each time he thrust into her wet vagina, her semi-lolita body twisted, bent, and pressed lovingly against the boy.

On a nearly instinctual level, Mutsuki held the girl to him.

Looking only at the two of them, it was the ideal picture of a boy and girl making sweet and passionate love.

“Ahh…it’s so wet and sticky inside you, Mutsuki-kun. Ha ha. You really do like it here, don’t you??”


But you had to ignore the penis assaulting the boy.

And the girl had yet to notice that penis. Even as the boy was violated, she still saw it as the ideal picture of sexual love.

Mutsuki’s expression and behavior no longer showed any sign of suffering from the violation.

(Wh-what is this…weird feeling? Ah, ahhh, my butt feels so hot. It’s like Lucia-kun’s thing is pushing on my dick…)

The impact of having his anal flesh penetrated was feeling more and more normal.

The initial pain had subsided, so only faint confusion remained. And that confusion was similar to intoxication.

“Ah ha? Ah ha?”

Lucia’s arousal was building as well.

He rubbed his hips against the roundness of the defenseless butt and derived carnal pleasure from the inner flesh licking at his penis, but that was not the only source of arousal.

“Mutsuki-kun…you’re mine now. I’ll make you feel even better?”

The most arousal came from the fact that he had complete control of a part of that beloved boy.

He pressed against Mutsuki’s sweaty back and reached for his nipples like he really was a girl. He intended to attack every pleasurable part of the boy.


Lucia’s penis head had found Mutsuki’s prostate, so it pressed against and kneaded it.

(No…not, not there. It’s like something’s rushing through me. Just rushing through me. Ahhh.)

This was not his first time having his prostate stimulated, but he was not familiar with this feeling.

Micha and Lucia had teased this area a few times before.

But he had cum almost immediately those times. He could not remember exactly how it felt and what kind of pleasure it brought because the pleasure had been so insanely great that it wiped everything else from his mind.

The same thing was about to happen here.

“No, no, ahhhh, it feels so good.”

“Hee hee?”

The thrusting motion filled the sphincter with heat, which added to the pleasure of being violated.

Lucia’s lips twisted into a satisfied smile because he knew it was him bringing Mutsuki so much pleasure.


And Ange was of course involved in all this too.

Her breathing had been in sync with Mutsuki’s since he had penetrated her. The lewd sticky sounds coming from their point of union, her own pleasure, and the obscene movements of the penis that was being pounded on from behind all acted to fill her with dense sensuality.

And most importantly…

“Hwah…Mutsuki, ahhn, more, kiss me, kiss me more?”

“Mh, nh, Ange, ah, ahhn.”

They pressed their drool-coated lips together as they fucked.

With forceful, rough, and sweet attacks coming from the front and the back, Mutsuki finally unleashed the torrent of stimulation rising within his manhood.

“I-I can’t keep going. I’m gonna cum.”

His weak voice rang through the stuffy sweaty smell of the room.

“…Ha ha?”


Ange and Lucia said nothing. They only laughed in satisfaction.

No matter how badly that angel and demon got along, they both loved to see Fujita Mutsuki melting with pleasure.

“Ahhn, ahhhn. Ahhhhh!”

But Mutsuki did not have it in him to notice because his entire body began trembling.

The pleasure rushing from his prostate when Lucia pushed on it would pass through his penis and out into Ange.

A pulse burst through his dick. With that as a guide, his bodily fluid passed through with tremendous force.

“Ah ha, ahhhhn, ahhhhh?”

Ange’s cheeks loosened happily at the sensation of him trembling in her soft vagina. She knew this pulsation would soon be followed by a spray of that hot stuff. And she had developed a conditioned reflex to reach orgasm when that happened.


With a penetrating pleasure, the burning semen passed through his urethra.

“Hwahhh! Ah, ahhh, hahhhhhhhh???”

He was pressed against her cervix hard enough to feel the opening and the thick cum shots suddenly pounded against it.

Ange was dragged up to climax while she wildly shook her long red hair. Her slender body bent back the other way. As if to move her womb even closer to him.

“Ahhn, ahhh, hahhhhhh! Ahh, ahhhh!”

His ecstasy infected her and they both convulsed together. Their sweaty bodies naturally pressed and rubbed together.


As the only one to outlast that moment, Lucia stopped moving.

He made sure to remain motionless for a while and continued to hold Mutsuki. The internal flesh wrapped around him and stickily rubbed against the tip as it pressed against the prostate.

“Ah, hyahh, hahhhh.”

The hard object pressed against the prostate seemed to wring out the cum and guided Mutsuki to an extra-long ejaculation.

And once that was finished and he had been milked of every last drop…

“Now it’s my turn.”

After enduring so long, Lucia trembled and looked like he could not wait a second longer. The first thing he did was pull back his hips.

After pulling the hard erection out, he held it at the ready and stood up.

And he placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder.


That fluid was like a mass of male hormones and it sprayed out with a thickness and quantity that was at complete odds with his androgynous and perhaps even feminine build.

With his hand still on Mutsuki’s shoulder he aimed the cannon toward Mutsuki’s face.

Another boy’s cum splattered all across the side of his face and then his entire face

This was a different sort of humiliation than the penetration. Mutsuki frowned a bit, but…

(Well, as long as it’s Lucia-kun’s.)

As usual, he went along with the demon boy’s plan and accepted it.

“Hahh…? Ah ha.”

The sexual demon laughed happily after marking that beloved boy’s face.

Pumping it all out seemed to make him go limp. He fell to his knees and then wrapped his arms around Mutsuki’s back again.

Mutsuki narrowed his eyes while receiving an embrace from Ange in the front and Lucia in the back.

The sensation of someone else’s flesh felt pleasant during his post-ejaculation lethargy.


The other boy spoke near his ear. He must have been feeling lethargic too because his voice was weak and trembled a bit.

“You can choose whoever you like. If you choose them, then you don’t have to worry about me…about us anymore.”


Ange said nothing, but she was holding him tighter than usual.

“Although that end of adolescence and the beginning of adulthood isn’t far off now.”


“But never forget that I love you.”


Mutsuki was simply confused.

Lucia’s tone was clearly different from normal. And…


He realized the way Ange held him was different too.


The girl looked up.

And he saw her usual lopsided frown inside of a sweet post-orgasm look.

She refused to be honest. She never would say what she really wanted to say.

She would fall silent when there was something she wanted to say.


Then some kind of film dropped onto her face.

With so much cum on Mutsuki’s face, some of it dripped down onto Ange.

“Satowaaaaaaa! What do you think you’re getting on my face!?”

“Wah, wah, wah! He wasn’t trying to get it on you!”

Ange moved away from Mutsuki and approached the demon. Lucia did not want to get fried, so he fled.

The two of them got dressed and began their usual game of pursuit.

Mutsuki lost his chance to ask what Lucia had meant.


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