Adolescent Adam

Volume 1, 3 - Demonic Eye of Corruption

Volume 1, Chapter 3 - Demonic Eye of Corruption

As midnight rolled around, Mutsuki was lying in bed inside the room prepared for him. He had turned out the lights, but he was having trouble getting to sleep.

It may have been the new bed and it may have been how strangely clear his mind was.

Only about eight hours had passed since school had let out, but so very much had happened. He was exhausted as if he had redone his entire life two or three times and his body refused to relax.

He had received more of an explanation, so he now had a general understanding of the situation.

It was sounding like he would need to give up on a portion of his life. Just as Micha had said, he would have to live here. For today, he had called home to say he was sleeping over at a friend’s house.


He rolled over and looked across the room that was empty save for the bed. He had turned off the lights, but he had not shut the curtains. The moon was bright tonight, so perhaps that was why he could not sleep.

He had wanted to be somewhere bright, so he had not felt like closing them.

Whenever he shut his eyes, the exciting events of the day played back in his mind’s eye.

He was wearing the shirt of his school uniform and boxers since he did not have any pajamas with him, but the memories were enough to soak the shirt with sweat.

Micha had explained it all again earlier.

None of it felt real, but he had a general understanding now.

He had a strange characteristic called the Serpent’s Eye.

He did not doubt that part. He had seen it and he had seen Chiaki go crazy from its power.

And there were two groups who wanted the Serpent’s eye.

One was the demons. That meant the boy named Lucia and the black liquid creatures known as Succubi. Based on what he had heard, the demons were not human.

The other was FeTUS. This one was a human organization and they were the ones who had controlled the Porsche and police car.

They were led by high-ranking individuals known as the FeTUS Witches and when they “wound the spring” of a machine, it became a Springloaded. They were not limited to cars and could affect airplanes, satellites, cellphones, or anything else.

The Serpent’s Eye was powerful enough to throw the world out of balance if it were misused.

The ones protecting the bearer of the Serpent’s Eye were the angels.

They had joined together to protect the human world and were trying to come up with a countermeasure against the demons and FeTUS. Ange and Micha belonged to that group and they would protect Mutsuki until a countermeasure was found.

In other words…

(I can’t live at home for a while. I bet Mutsumi-chan will cry.)

Doing what the angels said seemed like the wisest decision. He wanted to avoid having his family attacked by that sticky black water or those walking cars.

When it started to hit home that he was the target of those bizarre things, he began sweating even more. He rolled onto his side to let the heat escape, but then the sweat appeared on his forehead.

Inhuman monsters and a group with the superhuman knowledge to control machines were both trying to pluck out his eyeball.

It was such an unreal reality. And the events of this day were enough to know he could not write it all off as a dream.

Thinking about it all brought a chill to his chest and spine. He kept tossing and turning to escape these thoughts.

It sounded like his only option was to rely on Micha and Ange.

(Not that I feel particularly welcomed.)

When he remembered his other roommate, he felt depressed for a different reason.

“Um… Nice to meet you Ange-san.”



“Just to be clear, I’m only protecting you because it’s my duty. I don’t actually like humans.”


“And I hate pathetic guys and perverted guys most of all!”

Things had been like that ever since she had learned he was staying here.

It was not an easy situation for a pacifist (or rather, weak-willed person) like Mutsuki.

(I won’t argue with pathetic, but how can she call me perverted. It wasn’t my fault.)

Even if it was not his fault, he started to picture her nude body, so he shook his head to clear it away. However, the image seemed to have been burned into his retinas, so it refused to disappear.

At the same time, he became aware that he was in the same apartment as a beautiful woman and beautiful girl he had only just met today. Not only that, but this was going to be his home now. That kept him awake all the more.

And then…

“Mutsuki-kun? I’m coming in.”

He heard a voice from outside the room. Before he could answer, the door opened and Micha stepped in with a small plate in her hand.

“I brought an aroma to help calm you.”

She seemed to know he was awake and could not sleep. The plate was filled with oil and she placed it on the bedside table. She snapped her fingers and a fingertip-sized flame appeared above the plate. It seemed to be something like an aroma candle.

When he tried to sit up, she held out a hand to stop him and sat down next to him.

He looked up and saw her illuminated by the moon and candlelight.

The wild aura of her brown skin was neutralized by the gentle light. He noticed all over again how beautiful she was and grew embarrassed. Her blonde hair absorbed as much of the faint light as possible and gave off the stickily sweet aroma of an adult woman.

She stuck her finger in the warm aroma oil and softly stroked his cheek.

“Don’t worry about Ange. She doesn’t know much about the human world, so she’s a little on edge. She’s actually a really good girl.”

He felt her palm sliding across his skin and smelled the faint aroma of olives coming from the oil. Entranced, he narrowed his eyes.

But that peaceful atmosphere only lasted a moment because Micha seemed to completely change her tone of voice.

“It’s probably because she’s a virgin that she hates the Serpent’s Eye so much. She’s too obsessed with purity. It’s so childish. Maybe she’d understand the world a little better if I deflowered her with my strap-on.”

The boy was shocked by what she just said.

She laughed. It was a childishly mischievous, somewhat alluring, and erotic laugh.

“Just kidding.”

She narrowed her red eyes that seemed to absorb Mutsuki and suddenly straddled the boy’s stomach.

“Um…Micha-san? What are you doing?”

She did not wear her coat or boots indoors, so the beautiful woman on top of him was covered by no more cloth than a swimsuit.

(She’s so close. …H-her boobs are about to touch me. Ah, she smells so nice.)

The scent wafting from her body was strong enough to drown out the aroma oil, but it was still gentle enough to not sting his nose. Mutsuki had no idea what to do, so he frantically looked away.

The woman seemed to find his reaction amusing and she brushed back her blonde hair.

“Are you a virgin, Mutsuki-kun?”


“You are, aren’t you?”

She slid her knees forward.

He did not immediately know what she meant by “virgin”, but his thoughts were quickly diverted elsewhere.

Micha came in close enough that her thighs nearly touched his armpits. Even as short as it was, her skirt was actually hiding its contents…until she pulled it up, that is.


She revealed a small piece of hard leather. It only just barely covered the most precious part of her body and the thong back was wedged into her butt. It was less underwear and more an accessory to seductively show off a woman’s body.

And even though he could pretty much see it all already, she pulled it to the side.

“Heh heh heh? Is this your first time seeing one of these?”

It was so sudden that Mutsuki tensed up.

The contrast between her brown skin and blonde pubic hair burned into his retinas.

The upside-down triangle of female flesh filled the indentation between her two flexible thighs. A bit below the center, curly blonde hair formed a long vertical line. A crevice ran down the center of the flat area at the bottom.

(Th-that’s a woman’s…)

With the internet so ubiquitous, anyone Mutsuki’s age had seen a few inappropriate images or videos, but this was his first time seeing that area without a mosaic over it.

Not only was he seeing his first vagina, but it was in person and from extremely close up.

He was more amazed than aroused and his mind went completely blank.

“There’s one thing I haven’t told you yet.”


“It’s about the Serpent’s Eye’s effects. I’ll show you just what kind of power you have.”

The boy was on the verge of tears. His breathing was gradually growing more animalistic and those breaths were touching her vulva. Micha did not seem able to calm down, so she held his face firmly between her hands and whispered to him.

“Look. This is my body. It reacts just like a human woman’s would.”

With his head fixed in place, she moved her crotch up until it nearly touched his nose. The indescribably bewitching aroma only produced by an adult woman’s flesh tickled deep inside his nose.

“Open, demonic eye of corruption. I grant you thirteen seconds of freedom, so pierce your prey every which way you may turn.”

In that instant, Mutsuki felt the temperature of his body’s blood dropping as if he had become coldblooded.

All, that is, but for in his right eye.


That eye was assaulted by the same pain, throbbing, and heat as when Lucia had done this that evening.


“Ah! Ah…ah, ah! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!”

Muffled screams echoed through the room.


But they did not come from Mutsuki. He used his black eye of a coldblooded animal to stare blankly up at Micha as she straddled him. His right eye had ached and throbbed like it was not his own, but that had subsided after a moment.

It was the second time, so his body was accepting the power.

Micha was the one screaming.

“Ahhhhhhh! Kh. You’re kidding. Oh, god… This… This is…”

“Ah? Eh? Micha-san? What’s-…?”

“~~! M-my name… Ahhhh, it’s just…your voice…but…nnnn….”

This was the same as with Chiaki.

The woman raised her voice in a mixture of screaming and moaning. Beads of sweat quickly covered her brown skin and those droplets flew from her as she twisted her limbs and writhed madly as if electricity were surging through her body.

(Is this…?)

Watching this finally clued Mutsuki in to what his power did.

As if to confirm his guess, the vagina in front of his face began to react. The brown flesh twitched at a different rate than the rest of her body and it split in two.

The sensitive-looking flesh that appeared in the gap between was a salmon-pink paler than the rest of her skin. This flesh was folded up inside, but once it was exposed, it grew further engorged, split to the left and right, and pushed the outer flesh aside as it expanded.

It was a lot like watching a time-lapse video of a blooming morning glory.

“~~ Ahhh…”

Exactly thirteen seconds later, a chilly sensation enveloped Mutsuki’s right eye and Micha collapsed. She fell on top of him as his Serpent’s Eye closed, so he frantically supported her.

Her body was hot and the sweet scent of an adult now included the essence of sweat and a seductively female aroma.

“Ahh… Heh… That’s more than the legends said and more than I ever imagined. I can’t believe that was just from you looking at me. Your voice was intense too and I thought I was going to die when you called my name.”

Micha was short of breath and leaned on him because she could not gather her own strength.

Mutsuki’s face was pinned below her breasts, but he could not exactly throw her off of him when he could feel how hard her weary heart was beating. He left her where she was.

“You know what the power of the Serpent’s Eye is now, don’t you?”

She turned her moist eyes his way and he blushed a little.

“It makes women…um, horny.”

“Correct. It’s been said since ancient times that the serpent can corrupt women.”


That was what it meant to conquer half the world. Once that clicked into place, he realized what he had done to Chiaki and frowned in self-loathing.

He was starting to feel a little glad that he was no longer living with his family. If he turned this power on his mother or sisters, he would want to kill himself.

“I won’t let you abuse this power. You can’t use it while it’s sealed like this, so don’t start plotting to make all the girls in the world your sex slaves.”

“I-I wasn’t thinking that.”

It was true he could think of a lot of ways to use this power, but he shook his head to clear his mind. He was not the type to do bad things.

Micha suddenly spoke up as she lay limply on top of him.

“The legends all say it ‘corrupts’ women, but that’s far too vague. That was amazing.”


“Heh heh. You don’t need to apologize.”

While still using him as her bed, she slid a hand down toward his hips.

“Do you think you can take responsibility for making me feel this way??”

“Fwah! Um, eh!?”

Her fingers slipped inside his pants, tickled along his thigh, and pulled down his boxers.

Just as he was thinking it tickled, she reached his most sensitive spot.

Her fingers were flexible and as delicate as if they were carved from marble, so they had seemed more like a work of art than a living creature. And yet those very fingers moved in a surprisingly raw manner and wrapped around his shrunken testicles.

“Wait, Micha-san? What are you doing? Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah!”

“Hmm? You can’t tell?”

Without removing her hands from his weak point, she softly pressed down on what was growing there.

It was not that he did not understand. He bit his lower lip.

“Or is my body not to your liking?”

“That’s not it.”

“I may have juuuust a little extra flesh around the hips, but I’m still pretty confident in my looks. Or am I not young anymore?”

“No, um… I-it’s just that I only met you today.”

Mutsuki was a healthy, growing boy, so there was no way he would not react to the advances of such a beautiful woman. His penis began to fill with blood as she toyed with it and she could feel his pulse as it pressed up against her hand.

However, he had a sense of morality. A pure young boy like him might be curious about sex or aspire to have sex one day, but the idea of it being taboo was even greater.

The woman, on the other hand, loosened her pink lips like a small child given a new toy.


She moved her knees up next to his face and grabbed his neck between her thighs.

She had moved her panties back into place, but the fluids dripping down said all one needed to know about the state of the female flower blooming from the brown skin behind that cloth. The boy was left speechless and the woman placed her butt on his collarbones.

“Well, Mutsuki-kun? Am I attractive?”

She laughed and looked confidently down on him.

Her expression was hard to see with the moonlight shining in behind her, but it made her long eyelashes twinkle and made him feel all the more like he was being absorbed by her red eyes.

He did the best he could to nod with his head so restricted.

(Of course you are… I’ve never seen someone so pretty.)

Her deep-looking brown skin was smooth and the moonlight reflected in her sweat made it look like she was covered in lamé. Her revealing clothing did not look at all obscene because the flowing lines from her bust to her waist were just too perfect.

Her stomach was thin and her butt was indeed a little big, but…

(That plumpness is really sexy. And she smells so good.)

Strength filled the hand teasing his penis.

“C’mon, c’mon?”


As if tempting him, she wrapped her fingers around the shaft instead of just pressing down on it.

The throbbing at the base of his hips shook the reasonable part of the boy’s mind. He normally had enough inhibition to resist his desires, but this cheerful and kind young woman was using the entirety of her exotic body to seduce him. He was not enough of a stoic to reject these advances.

“Of course, I’ll just take you by force if you resist?”

She started massaging his balls and moved her other hand to her panties.

“You’re the legendary bearer of the Serpent’s Eye which can corrupt any and all women. That means you have the power to make any woman your slave.”

When she rubbed it, the cloth absorbed the moisture, plastered itself to what lay beneath, and grew nearly transparent.

“That alone makes it worth being your first. But more importantly…”

A somehow bewitching light filled her red eyes as she slid the piece of clothing aside once more.

The boy’s eyes opened wide when he saw that hidden flesh within arm’s reach. In fact, it was so close he did not even need to reach out.

Before, the engorged pink flesh had split the outer brown flower in a diamond shape, but in the minute or two since, it had gone through further changes.

A round hole had opened in the center of the inner flower petals. The small flower petals were lined up like creases and he could see inside her body.

He had known a woman had two holes down there, but he immediately knew which one was the important one even though he had never seen one before. The urethra would never open that wide.

The hidden hole in the center of her garden reacted harshly, as if it were another creature altogether. It twitched while opening and closing, it wriggled as if biting at the air, and finally spat it back out as a nectar-filled mist. It was such an intense sight that he might have been afraid if he had had no prior knowledge.

This was a clear reaction of longing.

“Your eye has closed, but the effects are really sticking with me. …The ether resonance is just too powerful. It really is like you’ve stolen my body and my heart.”


“I’m saying my pussy is going to drive me insane if you don’t fuck it.”

She grabbed the boy’s hand and guided it to her breasts.

He had thought he was used to the sensation of a woman’s bust since his sister liked to cling to him, but the sensation in his palm was completely new. His forearm stiffened at the unexpected softness. He unintentionally filled his fingers with strength.

He could have sworn he was not squeezing that hard, but his fingertips tore right through the material of her black shirt.

“Ah… S-sorry.”

“Hm? Oh, no, no. That’s just how my clothes work.”

Mutsuki let go in surprise, but Micha smiled and pinched the torn part of her shirt.

It had felt like cotton when he had touched it, but that turned out to be inaccurate. When she pinched it together and massaged it, it reconnected and was as good as new.

“It works fine when it’s dry, but it gets like this when it absorbs salt water. Like seawater. Or sweat.”

She pulled on it herself and tore it again.

It seemed to become something like gelatin when it absorbed sweat. At any rate, Mutsuki breathed a sigh of relief that he had not ruined her shirt.

A lightbulb seemed to go off in the woman’s head and she brought his hand to her chest again.

“Feel free to tear it as much as you want?”


She claimed to be an angel, but she tempted him like a demon.

Tearing her clothing was somewhat removed from sexuality and that slight shift of guilt opened a hole in his resistance. His fingers reflexively tensed and peeled away her gel clothing.

With the cup removed from one of her breasts, it tumbled free with a lovely bounce. Despite its weight, the tip not only did not sag but actually pointed somewhat upwards. Her beautiful, large breast almost seemed to stick out from her wild-colored body.

(I-I can’t do this when I only just met her today. …It’s, um, rude.)

He did think that for a moment, but at the same time…

(But she’s the one telling me to do it. …Her breast is so beautiful. It looks so soft.)

A crack had formed in the dam set up by the reasonable half of his mind, so he could no longer control his instincts. He gulped as he looked up at the perfect curves of that melon that was trembling ever-so-slightly.

When she saw him breathing more heavily, the beautiful woman laughed lewdly and guided his hand to her other breast.

“Go ahead. Have your way with my tits.”


It did not take him long to grab that cup in his hand too.

The second kiss of Mutsuki’s life lasted long enough to burn deep, deep down into his brain.

Not only were Micha’s lips nice and plump, but an abundant supply of sticky saliva was hidden behind them. He could hardly remain polite when offered such a luscious fruit, so he sucked on them and jammed his tongue in from the moment they reached his own lips.

He licked through her sticky mouth and slurped along the base of the sweet tongue that gently responded in kind.

(Micha-san’s tongue… It’s so slippery and feels so good. And it smells amazing.)

Mutsuki attacked with his youth on full display, but the woman responded with the composure of an adult. She stroked his hair while softly receiving his lips and providing him with the wet nectar of her saliva.

When he occasionally needed to take a breath, he inhaled an intensely fragrant floral aroma. She had taken over his lungs as well as his mouth.

The boy lost himself in the angel’s kiss and his hands crawled along her soft cocoa-colored flesh.

“Nkh… Nfh. Mfh. C-c’mon, Mutsuki-kun.”

She had retained the composure of an adult with just his lips, but she too began to melt when he began roughly attacking her bust.

The great hills of her breasts were large enough to bulge out between his fingers as he squeezed and fondled them from below.

(I never knew boobs were so soft. My fingers feel like they’re going limp. Ah ha ha. But this part is nice and hard.)

He continued his persistent attack, waited for her to moan directly into his mouth, and pinched her nipples.

Unlike the pink he had seen below, these stiff points were darker colored like her skin. That made them look incredibly obscene, so he could not help but tease them. Not satisfied by only pinching them, he tickled her trembling areolae too. He also poked at the depressions at the very ends of the tip meant for lactation.

“Nfh… S-stop that. Don’t tease my breasts.”

Even though it was his first time, his persistent petting made Micha’s limbs twist around.

“Hyah! D-don’t tug on them like- ah! I mean it…”

“But your boobs are so sexy.”

“You’re such a naughty boy. Your Serpent’s Eye has only just awoken and you’re already trying to make a woman your slave?”

Heat had entirely filled her eyes, so she moved her hand from his hair, slid it down his back, and pulled down his boxers.

She had been touching it quite a bit already, but removing the boxers exposed his sweaty hips to the cool air. The boy shuddered.

“Heh heh. You might know your way around a pair of tits, but I see you’re still a kid down here.”

With her lips still ready to kiss his, she wrapped her fingers around what she had pulled from his boxers.

Mutsuki was a picture of adolescence with how hard and full of life he was, but he could not argue when she called him a kid. As his short stature suggested, the wrinkly balls she gently stroked were still nearly pink and there was barely any pubic hair to speak of. Most of all, the tip was still covered by the foreskin even though the penis bent upwards like a scimitar.

The woman gave a satisfied grin when she saw that youthfulness that belied the boy’s lustful attitude.

“Not to worry. I’ll make a man out of you.”


She began mercilessly stroking the base.

As her fingers pulled up and down, the cover at the top was peeled back.

This was not the very first time, but he had only rarely peeled it back even when pleasuring himself. He had generally moved the foreskin to stimulate the contents until he ejaculated. That was all he would do. And yet…


The woman’s slender fingers mercilessly wrapped around the sensitive head.

It felt like jolts electricity surged from the surface of contact and his spine bent backwards.

“Did that hurt?”


Her fingers were still wrapped around it, so his entire body trembled as he answered. Technically, it was not pain he was feeling. The base of his thighs seemed to itch and the pure boy did not know how to explain it.

But Micha seemed to know exactly what words would affect him.

“Bear with it. A cock this lewd is sure to be feeling good in no time?”

“Ah…ahhh…ahhhh. Micha-san, wait, wait!”

She rhythmically squeezed and relaxed her fingers.

She had only wrapped her fingers around the head of his penis, but an electric storm of shocking pink filled his vision. He lifted the muscles of his lower stomach and writhed about from the sharp, prickling sensation.

Micha’s smile grew.

“How very strange. You claim this hurts, but your cock is only getting bigger.”

“Fwah…ahh…No…Please don’t…do that so roughly…”

“Heh heh heh. I can hear the pleasure in your voice, too. Are you only pretending it hurts? Or does the pain feel good?”

She teased his penis while mischievously whispering in his ear.

She placed her thumb on the slit at the tip and gave it a rubbing massage. The sensation traveled down his urethra and nearly made him pee, but that attack fortunately did not last long.

With pre-cum coating her fingers, she moved them back to the head and began stroking up and down with the fluid acing as a lubricant.

His overprotected tip had stung just from being held, so this friction was impossible to endure.

Veins bulged out on the shaft as it grew until it seemed it would explode.

“Ah ha. You’re so damn cute. I want to tease you because you’re cute and teasing you makes you look even cuter. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop?”

She seemed to like their respective positions. He was lying on his back and she was leaning over him on all fours. As he writhed and grabbed the sheets, she pressed her nose to the shirt over his chest.

“Nnnnn. I love this smell? It’s the smell of a boy.”

The boy’s somewhat tanned skin gained a unique youthful scent when it was soaked in sweat. She could not get enough of breathing it in as she delightedly stroked his rod.

“It feels good, doesn’t it? You’re about to cum as I tease your cock, aren’t you?”

“Stop…stop. Wait, Micha-san. Wait a second.”

“Why would I stop? You want me to tease you, don’t you?”

Her aggressive arousal seemed to be growing as she whispered even more strongly into his ear.

As she buried her nose below his arm, in his navel, and anywhere else that would gather his scent, he saw her large ass wiggling back and forth. She seemed to be pleasuring herself with the thong.

“C’mon, say ‘yes’. Say ‘yes, my cock feels good’.”

Her red eyes sharpened as she entered full S-mode and she began using her sticky tongue to lick his sweaty armpit, neck, and face instead of just smelling him.

“Can’t you say it? Just say ‘yes’. That’s all you have to say.”


The movements of her hand grew even bolder. She rubbed the head, traced her fingers along the frenulum, and suddenly gave the entire shaft a soft squeeze.

“No, ah… I’m… Ahhh, I’m…I’m going to…”

He still only barely thought of what he was feeling as “pleasure” as this young woman ruled over him, but the bed springs creaked as he approached his climax.

Her wild and beautiful face grinned as she felt the head swelling in her hand.

“Are you about to cum? C’mon, c’mon. Not yet. Let me see that cute look some more.”

Even as she spoke, she continued massaging the round head that looked like a ripe fruit made of flesh.

He was on the verge of tears. The stimulation was so strong that, just like the first time he had masturbated, he did not know quite how to reach the climax. He was already approaching orgasm, but it never quite seemed to arrive.

The almost painful experience left him writhing on the bed.

“Fine then. You can cum after I finish counting to ten.”

Micha smiled cruelly and began stroking his shaft more gently.

“10, 9, 8, 7…”

“Ah… Ahhh! Ah.”

This duller pleasure was somehow easier to experience, so he rapidly rose toward ejaculation.

“Heh heh heh heh? 6, 5...4…3…”

She teased him by slowing down the last five a bit and the tip of his erection opened its mouth wide as 0 approached.




“Oops, ten more seconds?”


At the very last second, she removed her hand from his rod entirely.

Mutsuki’s eyes rolled around in agony at having the goal snatched away right at the end. But his dominated body was obedient. More from the lack of her permission than from the lack of any stimulation, he could not quite reach his climax.


“Nope, not yet? C’mon, let’s get going again! Ten! Niiine, eiiiight…”

As soon as she judged the wave had receded, she grabbed the tip again and dug her fingers into it.

Just as his building pleasure had started to drop, it shot back up again. The pleasure left him in such agony that the boy’s entire body struggled as if trying to elbow the sheets below him.

But Micha still showed no mercy and continued her countdown and perfect finger technique.

“Fiiiive, foooour, threeeee…”


“Twooo, ooooone…”

Her fingers stopped again and she grinned a little.

It was obvious even to Mutsuki that she was going to return to ten once more.

By this point, he was certain that only her fingers could bring him to orgasm, so clung to her without shame, wrapped his arms around her slender brown neck, and begged her with tears in his eyes.

“Please… Please, Micha-san. Don’t tease me anymore.”

He gave her the weak, pleading look of an abandoned puppy.

She must have realized she had gone too far because her cruel witch’s smile was replaced by a bitter smile and she apologized.

She seemed to be satisfied by the cute boy clinging to her like a baby. She lowered her body to place chest on chest, crotch on crotch, and lips on lips.

“Okay. Go ahead and cum.”

She began stroking the head and shaft with the exact level of strength she had learned would make him writhe the most.


Her soft, springy thighs touched the head and it grew as dark as any adult’s.

Some sort of particle seemed to circulate through his body and he could tell they were surging down toward his crotch. They left behind such an intense itching, he would have thought they were balls of fur. He could not even scream at a pleasure that felt like having all of his bones tickled by a feather duster.

“~~~~~~~~~~~! Ahhh!”

The spiral of sparks finally gathered at the bottom of his hips.

The boy shouted through his clenched teeth at the pleasure of something hot and sticky racing from his vas deferens to his urethra.

One beat later, he fired a bullet that was unbelievably thick for a liquid.

“Ah! Ah! …Ah…hh…nhah!”

With each consecutive firing, Mutsuki’s body shook so hard he thought it would break. The first and second shots splattered on Micha’s hips, but the path of the next surge strayed and flew elsewhere. It flew unbelievably high for a third shot.

His mind went blank at the pleasure that surpassed his first time masturbating. It was enough to keep him from feeling the actual ejaculation. He simply felt like this cruel woman’s hand had milked him of his semen.

After offering her his most defenseless moment, he entered a dazzling state of intoxication.

Strength filled the arms wrapped around her gentle body line.


Micha delightedly narrowed the corners of her eyes at the sensation of the warm man juices continually landing on her thighs and butt and at the reaction of the boy who clung to her like a baby.

“Now, then.”


“Have you said goodbye to your childhood self?”

He had cum enough to empty out his balls, but the caress of Micha’s fingers, lips, and weighty breasts managed to get him hard once more.

The room was colored by the silver moonlight and the red candlelight and the woman sat up in those two sources of illumination. She pressed her hips against the flesh spear covered in a film of dripping semen.

Most of the ejaculate had fallen on her, so Micha’s thighs were just as stained as the meat rod.

The two sticky films moved close and obscenely mixed together as soon as they touched.

“Before crossing this final point, let me ask, Mutsuki-kun. You want me to take your virginity, don’t you?”

In between kisses, she guided his hand to her panties.

Earlier, she had claimed she would take him by force if he resisted, but she still gave him the choice in the very end. Feeling a little troubled, Mutsuki’s face grew red.

But he already knew the answer.

He had no reason not to accept this beautiful, kind, cruel, and sexy young woman he had only met today.

He tore through the object obstructing their union.

Micha smiled happily. While her seductive, mischievous smile was charming, this pure smile was downright cute.

Being cummed on had increased the reddish color of that hidden flower and now it lowered toward his shaft. Her shiny brown thighs sank down and the taut labia sucked in the head of his penis.


Surprisingly, Micha was the first to raise her voice. The tip had not even fully entered her slit yet, but her skinny silver eyebrows twisted and sexual moans escaped on her breath.

Mutsuki, on the other hand, could not say anything at all. He was spellbound by those well-formed hips sliding forward and back, left and right as if taking aim. Both of their hips would shake as soon as her wet flesh touched his spear tip, so they had a difficult time of it. He enjoyed how her soft pubic hair would tickle him and her plump butt would hit him.

Finally, the widened head lined up with that secret entrance.

(W-wow. It’s going in.)

He commented on the events before his eyes.

He felt a tight ring of flesh wrap around his penis as if measuring its circumference. He was impressed by the pleasure his aroused penis’s nerves received from the warmth of a soaking wet woman. He was even more impressed by how the delicate pink flesh blooming on her brown skin flexibly swallowed a portion of his body.

He had not had a complex about his virginity, so he had no real thoughts about losing it. He was more excited by the strange yet natural sight of his body becoming one with someone else’s.

As their union grew deeper, the woman’s lovely body arched backwards. Her skirt and panties had been removed and the boy had torn her shirt to shreds, so she was very nearly nude. Unable to wait as she slowly lowered her hips, he lifted his own hips.

“Ahn! C’mon, stay put.”

Even as she scolded the mischievous boy in a low voice, her beautiful vagina squeezed tight to deepen their bond. Mutsuki had already cum once, so she was in the more precarious state.


“Fwah… Ah…ah hah. Maybe I got a little too worked up. That felt way too good.”

Her tone was jocular, but a look of longing filled her face as she placed her hands on Mutsuki’s stomach and adjusted the depth of her sitting position.

Her body occasionally trembled as if from an electric shock, so he could tell how great the pressure building inside her was. The beautiful bell-shaped breasts lifted by her upper arms bounced and her wavy blonde hair fluttered through the air, reflecting the moonlight.

(I’m giving Micha-san pleasure.)

When the head of his penis reached the deepest point, a new honey-like stickiness wrapped around it.

(What a lewd expression… Ahhh, sex is amazing.)

The pleasure of sharing one’s flesh with another was on an entirely different level from masturbation or the earlier handjob. It came with a sense of oneness like he had become a part of her and he had gained all of her. The amazement and arousal made him feel dizzy.

“Heh heh heh. How do you like my body, Mutsuki-kun?”

Micha was breathing so heavily she could barely ask. Each time the head pushed into her deepest place, her ample breasts would shake and she would writhe in ecstasy, but she still remembered her position as the older one.

“It’s…amazing. It feels so good. And…and…”

“Ah… H-hey, stop that.”

The boy could not help put thrust his hips up into her twitching and nearly convulsing vagina.

“I’m so happy I could do this…with someone as pretty as you.”

He smiled bashfully as he said that.


The beautiful angel gave a troubled twist of her narrow eyebrows at the joyous pleasure of the friction on her throbbing internal flesh and at the boy’s smile that tickled her maternal instincts.

“Heh heh heh. You might be a genius at winning over older girls even without the Serpent’s Eye?”

She smiled bitterly, brought her face in close, and moved her lips to the side.

“Nhah… Ah! M-Micha-san…that tickles.”

“Nyeh heh heh heh? Your ear’s your weak point, isn’t it? Don’t worry, I’ll gobble it up even more.”



She breathed onto and licked at his earlobe, sending a numb shudder down his spine, so he subconsciously reached out his hands to fight back.

He grabbed both of the soft breasts pressing against his chest.

“H-hey… Not so sudd-…ahhn!”

He lifted the swollen shapes from below as if weighing them and he gave them a squeezing massage. They felt wonderful and the penis buried in her hidden garden would throb each time he teased her nipples.

“Wait…c’mon… Not three…places at once…?”

“Ahh…Hee… Then you stop…with the ear…hyahhh.”

Mutsuki’s ticklishness seemed to weaken the dam keeping him from cumming and Micha’s bust grew more sensitive thanks to the attack on her nectar hole.

At some point, it had become a competition to see who could overwhelm the other first. They almost looked like friendly siblings playing with various parts of each other’s body.

“Nfh… Ahh, Mutsuki-kun… You’re such a dirty boy.”

“Micha-san… The way you wiggle your big butt is just too lewd.”

“Ah hah… I wouldn’t be doing that…if you weren’t making me feel so good.”

As she straddled him, her seductive butt started wiggling around in circles all on its own. Just as it seemed to be moving right, it would start left. Meanwhile, her inner flesh continued to gently constrict, stroking the brazen younger boy inside her.

The creaking of the bed grew louder and louder.

“Ahh… I-I can’t hold back any more, Micha-san. I’m cumming again… I’m cumming.”

“G-go ahead. Cum. I’m…I’m also about to…”

Her hair shined just like silk as it flew through the air and her moans grew to their peak.

The second surge gathered in Mutsuki’s penis and he instinctually thrust his hips upwards. He was burying himself to the hilt in her vagina.

Her brown hips were lifted into the air as their union grew all the deeper.


The wonderful shock was so great that a scream-like moan left her throat.

Her spine arched backwards with her upper body leaning forward, so their colliding cheeks separated and they could look each other in the eye.



Without exchanging a single word or sign, they pressed their lips together as if in an embrace.

They looked like lovers reunited after many years.

“Ahh… Mutsuki-kun. Kh…I’m cumming…I’m cumming…”

Her entire body was erotically wet and shining with sweat as she tensed up like a beast and breathed her adult moans of pleasure into his mouth.

“Ahhh. Micha…-san.”

“Cum… Khhn. Cum with meee!”

They seemed to melt into each other as their lower bodies jerked madly together.


In addition to her sweet moans, her fleshy crucible begged him by sucking him in, so he sprayed his carnal desire inside it.

“Ahhhhhn! Ahhhhhhhhhh???”

His second load of juices was no less impressive than the first as he fired it into her womb like bullets.

He came with such fierce intensity that simply receiving it was enough to melt the core of the woman’s body and send harsh jerks through her body as she supported herself on all fours. Her chocolate-colored butt was wet with sweat and a number of other bodily fluids as she threw it to the left and right.

They continued pounding their intertwined skin together until he had expelled the very last drop.


In the end, Micha was the first to collapse.

“That was intense… I’m not as young as I used to be, so I’m going to be sore tomorrow.”

Micha’s skin was still twitching from the lingering sexual pleasure, but she was more focused on gently embracing Mutsuki to calm him as he trembled from his first time.

He was overcome by the lethargy of consecutive ejaculation, but he looked up from within that adult woman’s arms.

She looked back at him from right next to him.

They had become one not long before and they were still embracing each other in the nude, but he still looked away in embarrassment when she looked him in the eye. She gave her usual mischievous laugh.

“The Serpent’s Eye is even more powerful than the legends claimed. Arousal alone would be one thing, but I can’t believe I was putty in the hands of a virgin. I think my body might already be your slave?”

She sounded somehow delighted by that risqué fact.

On the other hand, Mutsuki felt he had become a slave to this sexual temptress. He gave a random bitter laugh, but the woman’s tone of voice suddenly dropped.

“But this has proven that you are an extremely dangerous element for us angels as well.”


“If you could use that eye, you could leave all women in no state to fight. And angels like us would be affected the most. Machines and flesh are neither male nor female.”

Her tone was entirely serious. Her usual casual attitude gave this an odd sense of impact, so Mutsuki gulped.

But it only lasted an instant. Her mischievous smile was back soon enough.

“You understand, don’t you? Once I’m like this, I can’t think about anything but your hard cock?”

She sat up and pushed her hips out toward the boy who was lying down.

Her flower garden had been covered in a milky liquid a few times already, but it had yet to calm down and the engorged pink flesh was pushing out from its brown flesh cover.

“Heh heh. I see you’re still full of energy, too. You can keep going, can’t you?”

Her laugh held the youth of a child, but Mutsuki could only blush as she licked her lips seductively and reached a hand to his crotch.

They had started feeling thirsty, so Mutsuki had gone to the kitchen for a drink before starting the next round.

“Get me a beer, will you? Two if possible.”


Micha claimed she could not go because her hips were too weak from all the pleasure, so Mutsuki left the room alone.

There was still nowhere to walk in the living room and he could not see where he was stepping with the lights off, so he shuffled his feet along toward the kitchen.

The kitchen was well-equipped with appliances like a microwave oven and a large dishwasher, but it had none of the crucial cooking equipment, not even a frying pan.

He opened the antique wood paneled refrigerator, but it was amazingly empty. He had had his suspicions since they only had convenience store meals for his welcoming party dinner, but there were not even any seasonings. The only things there were the wrapped-up leftovers from dinner. There was a surprising amount of ice for how little the freezer and refrigerator were being used.

When he opened the drink shelf at the very bottom, he found a shocking amount of beer cans crammed inside.

He saw everything from major brands he often saw ads for to local beers and even ones labelled with strange foreign writing. He dug through it all a bit and found Chu-Hi, sake, shochu, wine, whisky, brandy, rum, Shaoxing wine, grappa, and spirits. It was an impressive selection.

Unsure what to choose, the minor boy grabbed two of the major beers he had at least heard of.


He leaned against the sink to take a break.


He drank a cup of mineral water from the same cup he had borrowed for dinner.

The water felt gentle and sweet on his heated throat. He drank a second cup and was finally able to calm himself after drinking half of a third.


Now that he was alone, he ended up lost in thought with everything on his mind.

He almost felt like he was floating.

It was a lot like dreaming and nothing felt real.

He had become one with Micha, he had become an adult, he was in a dangerous situation now, and…

The Serpent’s Eye.

Any woman he looked at would be forced into a disgraceful state.

Something inside of him was far more dangerous than he thought. The brief serious expression Micha had shown him was burned into the back of his mind.

It pained him that he had turned those venomous fangs on his sister, but he did not find that curse of a power to be all that unpleasant.

He was of course scared.

The human organization named FeTUS and the demons were after his power. If either of them caught him, they might pluck out his eye. Just thinking about that was enough to scare him.


Danger approached him, he was going to miss living with his family, and he was anxious about his new life.

Despite the many stressors bearing down on him, his mood was oddly carefree.

(Oh, is that because of Micha-san?)

He suddenly realized all of the worries weighing oppressively on his heart had faded away quite a bit.

They seemed to have been knocked out of him by his intense first time.

He had embraced, kissed, and exposed everything with that beautiful young woman. He had experienced so much pleasure he had thought his blood was going to boil over. He did not know what would happen next or how long he would have to be away from his family, but his mood was oddly light.

What if this was why she had shared her body with him?

(She’s such a nice person.)

Her mischievous smile had been enough to cheer him up.

He quickly washed the cup and prepared to hurry back to his room with the beers in hand. This was only an intermission. Micha had already suggested some other positions they could try and his cheeks loosened when he thought about it.

He was going to miss his family, but he thought he was going to enjoy life with this new family.


“Yawn. Honestly, how am I supposed to sleep with that pervert in the same apartment as-…ah.”

If it were not for the other member of that family, that is.

He was humming on the way back to his room at 1:30 in the morning when the door next to his opened.

The plate on the door said “Ange” in cookie cutter lettering and a girl stepped out.

It was her own carelessness at fault this time, but she was quite lightly dressed. She was wearing spats and a custom-fit tank top that was only large enough to cover her chest. Or was it what they called a sports bra? Regardless, her cute navel was exposed.

“!?!?!?!? Wh-what are you doing up so late!?”

Ange quickly covered her chest.

“Wait! I-I was just thirsty, so…”


Mutsuki too had been careless. As a boy, he was not embarrassed by the fact that his shirt and boxers was just about as revealing as her outfit.

The problem was the object pitching a tent in his boxers just from remembering Micha’s mischievous smile, even if he had already cum twice.

“Wah, wah, wah! Um, you’ve got it all wrong! This is-…”

“You pervert!!!!!!!!”

A solid fist became the last of the day’s many disasters.

As he flew backwards, he could only conclude that his new life was not going to be an easy one.


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