Adolescent Adam

Volume 3, 6 - Chance Meeting of the Twin Serpents

Volume 3, Chapter 6 - Chance Meeting of the Twin Serpents

“It’s lonely…with no one else around.”

Mutsuki woke up when he thought he heard someone’s voice.

Woke up? No, he was still dreaming. It was a deep dream, but his mind was clear.

It was too dark to see anything and he could not tell which direction the voice was coming from.

“Sob…sob…uuh. I don’t want to feel so lonely…”

The somehow sensual voice sounded a little out of breath.

Who was it? He strained his eyes and spotted someone in the darkness. A woman with nearly transparent platinum blonde hair was sitting there.

“I don’t want to be alone… Please come here…and…and…”

Her hair was twice her height and it spread around her like a carpet as she crouched on the ground.

She was beautiful. In fact, she seemed inhumanly beautiful.

Her skin was so white it seemed to melt into the darkness. The corners of her eyes rose sharply and she had a slender nose and modest lips. She was perfect enough to look like a standard for human beauty.

But that sculpture-like beauty also gave no sense of individuality.

She wore nothing, so only her hair hid her perfectly developed body. And…

“Nnah…ah, ah, ahh… Adam…please…hurry up and…”

Her fingertips were so slender and smooth they looked polished and they crawled across her crotch to stickily stir up the raw red flower petals there.

Mutsuki shuddered.

“This is no longer enough. I am sick of masturbation.”

She noticed him and looked at him with eyes as cold as glass.

“Hurry up and make love to me.”

“Fill me with your cock.”



The number of voices quickly grew. The next thing he knew, his surroundings were filled with flesh and golden hair. Beautiful and flexible hands wrapped around his arms, legs, and torso.

There were dozens if not hundreds of women. They ranged from kindergarten aged to young women. They were all beautiful.

And they were all her. Depending on the age, her body was undeveloped, budding, or mature, but they all shared the long hair and inhuman aura.


He suddenly realized he too was naked. The women’s hands competed to crawl across his skin. When one sucked at him, lips and tongues reached his mouth, face, and every other part of his body.

He felt more like he was being pecked at than kissed. He felt more like they were marking him as theirs than caressing him.

The original woman stopped masturbating, stood up, and brought her face close.

“Who are you?” he asked while writhing from ticklishness and the fear of being licked away to nothingness.

The woman laughed quietly.


Her double eyelids opened wide.

Her left eye resembled a black mirror.

Almost like a snake’s eye.

“Your wife Lilith.”


When Mutsuki opened his eyes, they did not immediately focus on Lucia who was right in front of him.

He was not looking at anything. He seemed to have simply opened his eyes without coming to.

But the Serpent’s Eye power gleaming in his right eye was overwhelming. Black Cat’s hand stopped in confusion. Lucia also froze up in confusion.

Mutsuki’s eye had opened without warning and activated the Serpent’s Eye that he could not control himself.

“Is it that woman?”

Lucia grew pale.


Black Cat stopped moving altogether.

The parasitic Springloaded in her brain was negating her arousal as a woman, but she still could not move in the face of that power to rule all women.

And she was not the only one affected.

“Wah, wah, wah, wah. Too far, too far!”

Two people burst out from the rubble of the collapsed school building.

The one shining with a golden light had sent herself too far with a mere jump, so she flew in a long arc and landed behind Black Cat.

Ange’s blue eyes now contained golden flames. Machina stood calmly next to her as if she had taken no damage from the two punches.

They were both confused by their own bodies.

“Is this the same as back then?”

“This is most likely the power to protect Adam.”

At the same time, they looked to Mutsuki.

When the boy’s Serpent’s Eye saw them, his eyes closed again as if to fall asleep.

“Mission progress…stalled. Requesting greater fusion.”

Black Cat muttered something below her breath and a noise came from the triangular devices that received the command.


Once she broke free of the Serpent’s Eye’s bonds and got down on the ground, she was no longer human.

All four limbs were tensed and she faced the two girls while leaning forward with shoulders rigid.

The way she lifted her upper lip to expose her fangs and hissed at her opponents was just like a carnivorous beast in a human body. She was a ferocious wildcat.

“She’s willing to go this far?”

“That is the type of person she is. She will use any means necessary to achieve her objective. Whether that means destroying the city, destroying the school, or destroying herself.”

The two girls exchanged a glance.

A moment later, they blocked the fists that had arrived right in front of their faces.


“Grrrraaaaahhhhh! Shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!”

Night had fallen as three figures crossed paths in the sky above the school building.

One was a black beast that attacked from the darkness.

Another was an angel with golden wings.

The final one was a witch scattering golden threads like rain.

The beast demonstrated dreadful ferocity as she attacked with no concern for her own safety.

But Ange could block those attacks now and she had both the power and speed to parry or dodge.

That was just how light her body had grown. Her heavenly battle sense allowed her to perceive Black Cat’s movements.

Meanwhile, Machina had fallen back to support Ange’s battle.

She would interfere when it looked like a lethal blow was going to get through. She did so with both Schwarze’s and Ange’s attacks. She was making sure neither of them was given a deadly injury.

Before long, it became clear that Ange no longer needed her help.

“I need to save Fujita-kun, so I would like to leave this to you.”


She made the suggestion in a gap between intense blows.

The bodyguard girl’s eyebrows twisted.

Ibekusa Machina was technically an enemy and leaving her with that boy was suicidal.

But after some thought…

“Mutual noninterference. Don’t forget that!”


When the beast tried to grab at her, Ange kicked her down from the school building. She pursued and Machina remained in the classroom.

Machina could hear the ground and school building being blown away. She could also hear the burning of golden plasma flames, but she approached Mutsuki.

Lucia had been using his own body as a catalyst to combat the toxin, so his stamina was near the limit. His entire body had grown pale.

Still, he was more worried about Mutsuki and he asked an immediate question when Machina returned.

“Do you have the cancelation key?”

“No, but I do not need the key in my current state.”

With that brief statement, Machina placed her palm on the spot with two pale arms embedded in it.

“What are you planning to do? It isn’t anything dangerous, is it?”

“According to Miss C, this toxin is a program that changes at a rate of 1021 binary digits per second. I only need to reverse the formula within a single second. Move your hands.”

“Don’t be stupid. If you mess up, the wound will grow.”

“Trust me.”


Lucia fell silent when Machina looked him straight in the eye.

His eyes wandered down to Mutsuki, back to her, and then back down to Mutsuki.

“I’ll give you three seconds.”

“Not a problem.”

He pulled his arms out.

Mutsuki’s skin immediately began tearing and splitting like wheel tracks.

During the first second, Machina placed her lips on the wound.

During the second second, the toxin spread to her lips and began splitting her cheeks and chin.

During the third second, the spread of the wound stopped.

Machina raised her head.

She spat some fresh blood and something black from her mouth. It wriggled around for a bit, but it finally melted into a red pool as if nothing had happened.

“Heal his wound. You should not have any trouble now.”


It had stopped spreading, but Mutsuki’s stomach had been torn to shreds during those three seconds. Lucia placed his hand there and the wound easily closed now that no new wounds were being made.

They both breathed a simultaneous sigh of relief.

The boy seemed to be having trouble accepting this and he looked at the girl’s face.

“What is it?”

He stroked her cheek with a displeased look on his face. The skin around her mouth had necrotized and grown bloody during that one second, but he returned it to normal.

“Thank you.”

“Now I don’t owe you a damn thing.”

“Of course.”

“What do you think you’re doing!?”

In the middle of her battle with Ange, Schwarze jumped down onto the edge of the half-destroyed classroom.

The angel was gaining the upper hand in their wild battle, but she was not used to fighting without a weapon. She could not seem to deliver a finishing blow and could not bring the battle to a close.

Meanwhile, the monster who had remade herself for the sole purpose of fulfilling her duty had begun focusing on Mutsuki. She was trying to take him away even if she could not defeat Ange.

As Black Cat charged in, Lucia picked up Mutsuki’s unconscious form and jumped out of the school building.

Even if his demonic powers gave him an edge against her, fighting in his exhausted state would not have been wise.

“Miss C. You should stop this.”

Machina forcibly stopped the black monster’s charge.

“Don’t you run! Deryaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!”


As soon as Black Cat slowed, Ange flew in and got in a solid roundhouse kick to the head.

The angel grabbed her out of midair and sent plasma flames bursting from her back. The air current producing the flames acted like a jet engine, so it created a downward-pointing star as she ascended into the heavens.

The two of them grappled in the sky.

Machina glanced over at Lucia who had descended to the courtyard with Mutsuki in his arms.

He seemed to consider running off with Mutsuki, but he finally grabbed something from the ground with a look of resignation on his face.


He threw it toward the girl.

The silver accessory glittered even in the darkness enveloping the school. It was Ange’s pendant.

Machina realized what it was, opened a magic circle to catch it, gave it some extra momentum, and directed it toward the sky. The fighters were rapidly exchanging positions, but Machina launched it with machine-like accuracy.


It flew right into Ange’s hand like a shooting star. A moment later, it became a divine sword wrapped in golden flames.

Black Cat did not even flinch. She intended to fulfill her mission even if it meant her life.

“You said before that you sensed something similar inside me.”

Ange faced her head on.

“I won’t deny that.”

“You’re just watching while the children do all the fighting?”

“I don’t really have a choice. I’m a noncombatant. I would probably have trouble with that demon named Lucia, not to mention FeTUS. I would only get in the way there.”

“Well, I won’t say anything since you did lead the evacuation of the normal students and faculty to make sure no one got hurt.”

“Thank you.”

Mutsuki came to because he heard that conversation between Micha and Rapha.

The grass was surprisingly comfortable to lie on and his mind and body both felt completely refreshed. He felt like he had caught up with the sleep he had missed and he tried to follow his jumbled memories as he sat up.

“Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!? What is this!?”

“Oh, are you awake?”

He screamed when he saw the school building with the top chopped off.

“What!? The school…eh? How did this-…oh, right. Black Cat! Micha-san, it’s an emergency! Black Cat is… Our teacher is Black Cat! And she stabbed me!”

“Yes, yes. Calm down. It’s already over.”

The boy patted his stomach to see if there was a hole there and the young woman rubbed his head to calm him down.

He looked around but did not see Black Cat anywhere. He only saw Micha and Rapha. The sky had grown dark and the clock tower up above told him quite a long time had passed.

“It sounds like you had a tough time of it. How are you feeling? I did a quick examination and didn’t see any real problem, but does anything hurt or do you feel sick?”

“Eh? Eh? I feel great, actually.”

“I see. Lucia-kun left when we showed up, but make sure to thank him tomorrow. You would have been in trouble without him.”

“Really? Um…”

“Same for Ange. I already had her go home, but thank her when you get back. Of course, she was only doing her job, but still. Also…”

After waiting for the boy to calm down, Micha looked over to the school building.

“You need to thank her too, of course.”

The half-destroyed building was being restored with unbelievable speed. He saw a golden circle floating in the center, so Machina seemed to be fixing it.

He had no memories of anything after being stabbed, but…

(Did they all save me? …All three of them worked together for me?)

He let out a sigh of both relief and happiness.

Rapha had been watching, but…

“I will be leaving now since I have work to do.”

He gave an unreadable smile as usual and left.

“Now, then. Everyone who might get in the way has left.”

Micha seemed to have been waiting for this. She got up, grabbed Mutsuki’s hand, and pulled him to his feet.

His legs were a little unsteady, but he still felt in great shape. The hole in his stomach was gone, but he could only assume he had been given some powerful nutrients when it was closed up.

Micha laughed.

“The last remaining job is for you.”

The classroom had been fully repaired and Mutsuki faced the person who had tried to kill him in the exact same location as that attempt on his life.


Katsue-sensei, aka Black Cat, was still writhing on the floor after being defeated by Ange.

She had been thoroughly beaten and Mutsuki grimaced when he saw the machines growing from her skull.

They had looked like cat ears from a distance, but they were quite grotesque from close up.

They also worried him. The mechanical ears were still making noise and doing something. Each time, the woman’s body would twitch and jerk around. She was suffering.

“The Y Device is the perfect attack circuit, so it does not have the concept of ‘losing’ built in. It is still trying to remake her body.”

“So she can’t move, but her brain is still filled with the tension and excitement of battle? Talk about a living hell.”

“Her body will not last much longer like this. I know this is selfish, but…”

After finishing her work, Machina spoke in a calm but clear voice.

“Fujita-kun, I have a request.”


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