Adolescent Adam

Volume 2, 5 - The One Who Attacks from Behind

Volume 2, Chapter 5 - The One Who Attacks from Behind

“I’m going to ask you one more time.”


“Are you insane!?”

“I already said no.”

They stepped off the bus.

The giant shopping mall SeeDWalK was located alongside the town’s biggest road. It was also a one minute walk from a bus stop, which one was one reason Mutsuki and the others often used it.

He and Ange entered that busy mall again today.

It was a sunny Saturday, making it perfect for shopping.

“I can only conclude you’re an idiot to go out of your way to live somewhere the enemy knows about. You’re putting yourself in danger, you know?”

“Sorry. I know it’s more work for you. But…”

He could not think of Ibekusa or Lucia as enemies.

He knew saying that would only anger her, so he dodged the issue.

“W-well, anyway, I’ve already made up my mind.”

“…If you’re that insistent, I guess I have to go along with it.”

“Let’s try to enjoy the move for now. You don’t hate shopping, right?”


“I’ll pour my heart and soul into dinner tonight. I’ll make us a feast.”

“…Please don’t. At least don’t act so excited about it.”


Her second sentence was muttered too quietly to hear, so he was left tilting his head.

“Hey, over here, over here!”

They met up with Micha in the motorcycle parking area.

All three of them were moving, so they were of course all going shopping. Mutsuki and Ange had taken the bus while Micha had taken her big motorcycle. The Latin beauty’s outfit left her navel and cleavage fully exposed as she operated a motorcycle two sizes larger than all the others. She stood out in a variety of ways, so finding her had been easy.

“Okay, let’s get going.”

She took the lead without showing any concern for the gazes of the passersby.

Mutsuki followed, and…


Despite seeming displeased, Ange’s expression relaxed and she followed in the rear.

SeeDWalK was the largest shopping mall in the area.

Its grounds covered 1.8x3 kilometers, it had over 100 establishments that ranged from clothing stores to restaurants, and it brought in plenty of guests from other prefectures on the weekend.

“This place is as busy as ever. Why do humans gather in places like this?”

“The main reason is how convenient it is, but I’ll admit there might be some group psychology at work making us want to go somewhere so lively.”

“…Heh heh?”

She still had a twisted view of things, but a smile still reached the girl’s face in the crowd.

Ange liked this mall. It was filled with too many stores to remember and countless people walked here and there. She seemed to enjoy it as much as the excitement in a multi-day festival. It was incredibly cute how her uncontained cheer found its way to her face.

“Where should we go?”

“We need to check out the electrical appliances first. While we can skip on a TV, a vacuum cleaner and washing machine are a must living with you, Micha-san. And we can have those delivered, so we won’t have to carry anything around with us.”

“Okay. …Neh heh heh? Looks like I can finally go nuts again.”

Micha grinned and waved around a black credit card she pulled from somewhere. She had previously shown off that card which could produce as much money as necessary.


A warm sensation came over Mutsuki as he viewed his two excited roommates from behind.

He had already been away from his family for a month and it was thanks to living with those two that he could confidently say he was enjoying himself.

If Ange could always smile like she was now, he would have no complaints.

“Attention, shoppers.”

An announcement played from a nearby speaker.

“A taste-testing event for regional beers from all over the country is being held in the basement specialty section. Please feel free to take part.”

Micha completely ignored the next statement (“If you will be driving home, please refrain from attending the event.”) and turned toward the other two. Her red eyes were opened so wide it scared Mutsuki.

His month living with her told him it was no use telling her she had come on her motorcycle, so he raised three fingers.

“You will be going home on the bus with us. Do not ask for any more than they provide at the event. Only buy as much as will fit in the fridge.”

“Got it!”

She ran off in no time.

“~? ~? Hm? Where’d Micha go?”

Ange had been so entranced by the dondurma being mixed at a nearby ice cream shop that she had missed the exchange, so she was left tilting her head.

Mutsuki killed some time with the girl who held a five-scoop ice cream cone in both hands.

A mall was useful for times like this. SeeDWalK’s third floor was the amusement floor. With books, CDs, miscellany, and a movie theatre, there was a lot they could enjoy just by window shopping.

“I want to go the arcade.”

“The arcade?”

“Yeah. That’s what you call the place with all the games, right?”

She did not know much about the human world, so she apparently wanted to show off the words she had learned. She nearly dropped her ice cream when she stuck her chest out in pride.

After thinking about it for a moment, Mutsuki decided that was a decent idea.

They had been forced to wait for Micha in this mall once before and the two of them had killed time at the mall’s arcade which was known as Game Master City.

He had made her mad at the end, but they had enjoyed themselves up until then. He was confident he would not make that same mistake this time. They rode the escalator up and made their way to that corner of the third floor.

Even as large as SeeDWalK was, Game Master City took up a third of its third floor. It was the largest amusement park in the prefecture.

It included standard boxy arcade games, token games, crane games, ping-pong, billiards, karaoke, bowling, and a manga café. Part of the roof was used for tennis, basketball, volleyball, futsal, a golf driving range, and a batting center. One could even enjoy archery in the massive entertainment center.

“It’s pretty busy today.”

“It was a weekday last time we came. It’s always like this on Saturdays.”

“What’s that weird creature? A monster? Should I defeat it?”

“That’s a character suit. They’re just handing out balloons, so leave them alone.”

“Hmm… A character suit, huh? The human world is full of strange creatures.”

The ice cream would have gotten in the way, so they waited for her to finish before going inside.

The inside was full of people. The area near the entrance contained the prize games popular with more casual players, so there were a lot of couples and parents with their children.



(I wonder what we look like to the other people around here.)

It started bothering him and his face grew warm.

(Ange may be short, but surely we don’t look like father and daughter. Brother and sister maybe? No…)


“Hawah!? W-what?”

He thought his heart would leap from his throat when she suddenly turned around. She was shorter than him, so hanging his head had made him look directly into her raised eyes.

“Why are you zoning out? …So where is it?”

Luckily, the flashing lights of the games hid the red on his face and he smiled bitterly at the girl looking up at him with her usual lopsided frown.

“Sorry, I wasn’t listening. What is ‘it’?”

“You know what I mean. That motorcycle one we played last time.”

“Motorcycle one? …Oh.”

He remembered. When they had come here before, they had played a motorcycle racing game at the very end. He was pretty good at the game and she was a complete novice, so he had beaten her very badly which had angered her.

“Show me where it is. You caught me off guard last time, but I don’t think I’ll lose this time.”

Ange crossed her arms and leaned her short body backwards.

It made her look cute rather than arrogant, so the boy smiled bitterly, nodded, and pointed to the line of racing games with his eyes.

“Okay! Let’s do this!”

“Wah, wah! Wait, Ange!”

She was so eager to play that she grabbed his sleeve and began walking quickly toward the game.

Mutsuki followed while nearly tripping as she tugged on him.

Having a girl drag him around by the arm was quite embarrassing. He tried to break free, but this was the most powerful angel. There was no way he could match her strength.

He started looking around, afraid someone was watching.

A complete stranger would not be too bad, but the problem was someone he knew.

After all, they had run into a classmate their last time here.

The light sound of a bell reached their ears even through the background noise of the park.

“I thought maybe I was being too hasty, but you actually showed up.”

Mutsuki stopped on reflex and looked back.

Ange noticed the added weight to the object she was dragging behind her, but they did not have time to grasp the situation.



The excited and cheerful background noise had been far from uniform, but the tone of all those voices changed at once.

They grew to screams.

The reason was obvious even from where Mutsuki and Ange were. One of the nearby crane games had begun to transform.

The exterior decorated with neon and colored tape began to bend and the scrap-like inner parts were shown off. After that, the transformation took an unexpected turn. The hanging crane became an arm, the neon lights became eyes, and it overall took on a humanoid shape.

It was essentially a supernatural phenomenon, so anyone would scream if they saw it. Mutsuki did not, but that was simply because he had seen it a few times already.

He had met things like this several times before.

They were the contraptions controlled by the humans of FeTUS. FeTUS Witches Miss E, aka Ibekusa Machina, had said they were tools loaded with a “spring” to power them.


Ange faced him and pointed to the machine person.

“…Character suit?”

“No! It’s a Springloaded!”

The crane was not the only one. A total of eight Springloaded rushed toward Mutsuki while sweeping aside the surrounding arcade equipment.

There was a fighting game, a shooter game, a horse-riding game, a roulette wheel, a token exchange machine, a bowling lane panel, and lastly one carrying twelve archery bows that fell from a hole in the ceiling.

“~~~ Outta the way! Mutsuki!”

The closest one, the crane game, reached its giant arm toward Mutsuki. Once Ange noticed the enemy attack, she rushed forward.

She pulled out Prominence and made a full swing toward the machine as it extended its arm. She hit the enemy, but it took a back step to reduce the force of the slash. It was knocked backwards but not sliced in two.

“Ah… A-Ange…”

He had known he was a target, but his legs were still about to give out because he had not expected for his life to be put in danger on such short notice.

His guardian angel stood in front of him and faced the eight Springloaded.

“Springloaded… Kh! I can’t believe they would attack in a crowd like this.”

Mutsuki checked their surroundings. Fortunately, the other guests seemed to be fleeing in panic.

(Th-this is weird. It’s not like normal.)

Mutsuki wrinkled his brow and looked to the eight machines that were undoubtedly targeting him.

He had run across Springloaded a few times before, but something about this did not seem right. All of the previous ones had made absolutely certain to avoid any damage to its surroundings. They had never made an attack that could hurt someone else like this.

“This is too forceful. ………Ah.”

Mutsuki and Ange exchanged a glance.

Ibekusa Machina had warned them about a dangerous FeTUS member who would use any means necessary and did not care about secondary damage.

“Heh heh heh.”

Another light ring of a bell sounded clearly through the screams and commotion.

A woman stood among the fleeing guests. They spotted her as soon as they started looking. Everyone else was panicked, but she alone had an icy smile on her lips and stood with her back perfectly straight and her hands clasped behind her.

“…Black Cat?”

“I’m honored you know my name.”

A solid, chilly aura surrounded the woman, like she was a steel sculpture.

When a trained soldier stood tall, it could coldly strain the surrounding atmosphere. This may have been the perfected form of that. Like a thread drawn taut, she perfectly maintained her upright stance with the solidity of metal. Her eyes had a cleverness to them that showed no emotion in a different way than Machina’s. She wore a skintight suit that covered her from neck to wrists, but its black color may have assisted the steel-like impression.

However, she was not a Springloaded. She was undoubtedly human. The slight opening at her chest revealed soft curves and the thighs exposed between her flared skirt and long boots contained feminine fat. Her knee-length hair was braided and it swayed behind her like a tail.

The lines of her cheeks were round and she had a somewhat childish face that stood at odds with her aura. She also wore a strangely fancy black helmet with cat ears attached.

Sharp glasses accentuated large feline eyes with raised corners.

Vertical pupils ran down the deep golden irises.

“Jiyuuni Ange. I had heard you have great power even for an angel, but…”

She spoke in a low voice that was enunciated as clearly as a bell.

“Battle preparations complete…positive.”

“Target of attack…Jiyuuni Ange…positive.”

Out of the eight Springloaded, the fighting game rushed forward.

This was what had seemed off to Mutsuki. All of the previous Springloaded had been tasked with “capturing” their target. These ones were here to “battle” and “attack”.

Just as it got close, it began stepping in place like a boxer.

The literal iron fist that flew toward Ange would have turned a normal person to mincemeat, but the angel blocked it with her giant sword and began her counterattack.

“Daaaaaaaaaahhhh! Prominence – Loop!!!!!”

As the sword parried the fist, it split in two like a pair of scissors.

She had not had time to use it in her fight against Machina, but this weight adjustment allowed her to compensate for her own light weight. And this double-sword style was where Ange of the Double Flame truly shined.


She danced within the reach of the enemy’s outstretched arm and built up centrifugal force to swing the two blades toward the enemy’s neck and legs.

The enemy used its incredible reaction speed to sway back, but prioritizing its upper body meant its lower body could not escape.

The lower blade dug in at what would have been a human’s thigh and then sliced through the machine.

“All right!” cheered Mutsuki with a clenched fist, but…

“Damage…32%. Attack possible…positive.”


This opponent really was a machine. The damage was light.

Its fist jabbed into her gut as if to say she had simply put herself in the perfect position. Ange took a back step at the last second to escape most of the shock, but it was still enough to knock her small body backwards.

“A-Ange! Are you okay!?”


Mutsuki ran over. Despite crashing through three slot machines, the girl did not seem injured, but she was grimacing.

In pure ability, Ange, the most powerful angel, was clearly winning, but she was poorly matched in a direct-fight against a machine with no sense of pain.

Angels were weak against human knowledge and that gap was grimly apparent here.

“Ange, let’s run away.”


He made his suggestion too quietly for Black Cat to hear.

“We should run away. We’re outnumbered here. And even Ibekusa-san said-…”

Ibekusa Machina had told them to run away and Mutsuki was inclined to agree given the situation.

But the determined girl’s eyebrows bristled.

“To hell with that! You’re telling me to run away!? You’re telling me to do what Ibekusa said!?”

“N-no. I’m not saying it because someone else said so.”

“Shut up, shut up, shut up! Just you watch! I’ll smash all eight of them to pieces!”

She got back up and it seemed to have only fired her up even more.

“She acts calm enough at school, but is she still just a kid?”

This was exactly what Black Cat wanted.

“Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall. …Springloaded! All of you attack at once!”


“Simulating combat situation…odds of victory…99.92%.”

Springloaded could consume other machines, so the fighting game absorbed some components from a nearby arcade game to repair its leg. Then, all eight machines moved forward and Ange faced them head-on with her two swords.

However, the attack came from a surprising direction.

A paper cup flew in from behind, hit her head, and dumped its contents on her face.

The golden-brown liquid gave off the unique scent of beer.

“Honestly, and when I was busy too. I’d only gotten to drink fifty-eight varieties so far.”


Micha had appeared behind Mutsuki at some point.

“Cool your head, Ange! Your top priority is protecting Fujita Mutsuki-kun, not defeating the Springloaded!”


Ange was forced to restrain her killer intent when the older angel spoke harshly for once.

Her nose twitched a little in frustration, but the liquid dripping from her hair finally seemed to calm her down. She recombined her two blades into the single sword.

“Fine then. …I’ll prioritize my mission and fall back.”

She returned the sword to its pendant form and grabbed Mutsuki’s hand.

“Target escaping. Beginning pursuit…positive.”

The eight Springloaded also began to move, but…

Micha stood in their way. Wings of red flame grew from her back, transformed into hands, and threw a nearby billiards table. The table knocked the fighting game onto its butt.


“Go. I won’t last too long, but I’ll buy you what time I can.”

Micha winked at worried-looking Mutsuki while she emitted hellfire hot enough to melt the surface of the nearby arcade games.

“Let’s go, Mutsuki!”


Ange pulled on his hand and started running. She took him out of the park and into a passageway created by lines of onlookers. They immediately jumped over the edge and into the open central area.

Mutsuki was seriously afraid at first, but Ange emitted her blue flames just before landing which created an updraft that let them gently land. They ignored the other guests who had no idea what was happening on the third floor and were dumbfounded by the boy and girl who had just jumped down two stories.

“Um, I know it was my suggestion, but should we really have run away!? If the Springloaded chase after us, the panic is only going to grow.”

“If you’re captured, the panic will encompass the entire world. And since the Springloaded are human weapons, they’ll keep the damage to other humans to a minimum. More importantly…”

After they ran out into the obviously packed parking lot, Ange came to a stop.

“I can’t exactly run away with you in tow…and the bus would be too slow.”

“Y-yeah. We could call a taxi, but we don’t have time.”

“That leaves only one option.”

She began running again. Due to her great strength, she was more carrying Mutsuki than pulling him and he had no choice but to go with her.

They made their way to the motorcycle parking area.

“I’ve thought of destroying this thing countless times before, but who would have thought it would finally come in handy?”

She ran over to Micha’s beloved off-road motorcycle.

“Eh? …This?”

“Perfect, isn’t it? According to Micha, it gets good speed. Or do you want to steal another vehicle? You can’t start them without a key, right?”

As she spoke, Ange used the blue flames from her back to stroke the giant engine attached to the back wheel. This seemed to be how it worked when it belonged to an angel. The internal combustion engine roared to life.

“No, that’s not the point. We need a driver.”

“We have one.”

Ange climbed onto the engine that acted as a rear seat.


The boy’s thoughts froze for almost three seconds. With a confused look, he brought his index finger to his chin and tilted his head.

“You’re good with motorcycles, right?”

His thoughts froze for another three seconds.

He wished he could have stared for another five seconds, but he did not have time.

The outer wall of the SeeDWalK’s third floor exploded and two Springloaded jumped out, presumably after escaping Micha. They both crushed a parked car when they landed and then consumed those machines to make the tires and engines parts of themselves.

“We don’t have time! Let’s go, Mutsuki!”

“I-I-I-I-I-I-I can’t! I’m only good with them in games! In games!”


In the ruins of Game Master City on the third floor of SeeDWalK, Micha somehow managed to escape the veritable mountain of foam she was drowning in.

She looked around and her eyes met those of the security guard who had hesitantly arrived to check on the situation. The only remaining Springloaded was the fighting game one that she had somehow managed to defeat. The other seven had likely pursued Ange and Mutsuki.

“Cough, cough. Come on now! Don’t just spray that sticky white stuff all over a lady. It’s rude.”

She had wanted to hold them here for a while longer, but they had gathered up the fire extinguishers and fire suppression system nozzles to bury her alive in the firefighting foam. She had failed to hold them here.

She pulled out her phone and called Ange.

“Hello!? Micha!? What is going on!? One, two…seven of the things are after us! You couldn’t take out at least three of them!?”

“Sorry, sorry. I’m not as young as I used to be. Are you okay?”

“We’re retreating on your motorcycle. They haven’t caught up yet, so we’re still okay. Other than Mutsuki’s tears, we haven’t received any damage.”

It seemed they were okay. She even heard a more distant voice shout, “I am not crying! The wind is drying out my eyes!”

“We can’t seem to lose them. If you’re fine, then come help us. …Oh.”

A loud roar grew closer and some panic reached Ange’s voice.

“They’re catching up… I’m going to hang up! Come help us!”

“Ah, wait, Ange!”

Micha wanted to know where they were going or at least in which direction, but the girl hung up before she could ask.

She had no choice. Rather than pursue, she called a different number and jumped out the hole the Springloaded had made.

Meanwhile, Mutsuki was in the greatest danger of his life.

“Hey! Can’t you drive any faster!?”

“No, I can’t! You should really be praising me for not getting into an accident so far!”

As he turned the accelerator grip, he moved his hand as carefully as stroking a baby, but the engine was so incredibly powerful that the acceleration was still intense. The speedometer passed the 200 mark in only a few seconds.

He had somehow made it this far without falling over. Fortunately, the startup and gear changing was the same as in the game, so the real danger was taking turns. He had nearly fallen over at first, but Ange had used her marvelous reflexes to kick off the ground and correct their balance.

Humans were powerful when their life was at risk, so he had gotten the hang of it in about ten minutes. He had not had the guts to drive down normal roads, so he had moved from the main road to the highway. Despite being the weekend, there was fortunately not much traffic, but…

“Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah!”

“Ahh! Watch out!”

“I’m sorry! But we’re going way too fast!”

Weaving between the other cars only moving at 100 kph was not easy. Shifting his weight even slightly pulled him to the side like the earth’s gravity had shifted and he would nearly pull the handlebars to the side with him. He was truly glad that the large back wheel provided some stability.


There was, in fact, a way to provide further acceleration, but he did not have the courage to try it.

“Here they come! Don’t swerve!”

After placing her phone in her pocket, Ange stood on top of the engine cover over the back wheel.

Despite their great speed, they had not been able to lose the Springloaded. The seven of them had all absorbed a car engine and had surrounded the motorcycle on either side as it traveled at over 200 kph.

The angel clicked her tongue, pulled an elastic band out instead of her phone, and tied back her red hair that was getting in the way as it danced in the blowing wind.

“Bring it! I’m not about to lose to some humans!”

She split her divine sword in two and pointed them to the left and right.

The first to attack were the crane game and the shooter game. The crane and shotgun barrel were sent toward them simultaneously.

Ange was already poorly matched against these enemies, but she also had unstable footing and the wind pressure of their speed got in her way. She frowned at her overwhelming disadvantage.


Even with her narrow footing, she used her elasticity and centrifugal force the best she could and swept aside both attacks.

Just as the enemy was forced to flinch back, she leaped into the air and onto the shooter game. She stood on its shoulders, recombined her two blades into the single giant blade, and used its weight to stab deep into it.

“Ggh…main frame…damaged.”

The machine soldier writhed with a great hole in its chest.

“Combat possible…negative. Prioritizing operation…”


It slammed on its brakes.

Ange was about to be taken away from Mutsuki, so she made an immediate jump. She used her momentum to assist her powerful leap.


And she cut at the crane game driving alongside the motorcycle.

She swept aside the enemy’s extended arm in midair and used the force to launch herself upwards.

Just like with the horizontal bar in gymnastics, she twisted her straightened body to land on the motorcycle.


But her position was a little off and she landed on the boy’s shoulders.

She was fairly light, so that alone would not have been an issue. However, the unexpected landing position surprised her, so her feet slipped and she fell into a sitting position.

“Ngaaahhh! Why youuuuuuu!”

“Wabh!? Ange!? I can’t see!”

She clung to the boy’s head to hold on.

However, the boy began to panic as she clung to his head with her thighs on his shoulders.

His face was sticking right up her skirt and he could not see the road ahead.

“Kh! Why you! Deeeryaaaaaaahhh!”

While clinging to his head, the girl somehow managed to swing her giant sword and drive back the crane game’s fierce attack.

“Um, um…”

As the battle grew more intense, the boy’s nose was pressed harder and harder against her spats.

He could feel the soft squishiness below and smell the strong scent of sweat.

The girl attacked with all her might and swept aside the crane machine’s arm.

“You’re miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!”

This was the perfect chance to slice its body in half.

“I can’t see!!”


However, Mutsuki’s shout sent a tingle through the base of her thighs and her strength left her.

Her weakened sword strike was deflected by the metal body and the crane game escaped.

“Gh… Stupid Mutsuki! That was my chance! …And where do you think you’re sticking your face, you pervert!?”

“You landed on top of me!”

“Shut up, shut up, shut uuuuuuuuuup! You pervert! You butt devil!”

“This has nothing to do with your butt! …Wah!?’

They did not have time to argue. A hole suddenly appeared in the road and he frantically swerved. They just about toppled over.

The hole had been created by an unpleasantly shiny projectile: a bowling ball.


The other Springloaded had caught up. The bowling machine was firing its balls into the air like a cannon. They did not actually hit, but they created plenty of holes in the road up ahead.

“So they’ve switched over to long-range attacks. Mutsuki! Don’t let us fall over!”

“I-I’ll do my best.”

The token exchange machine opened its mouth(?) wide and fired countless tokens as bullets.

However, that was no reason to worry. The girl climbed back down onto the back wheel and brushed up her ponytail.


Her blue wings surrounded the two of them in a thin field of flames. The tokens were diverted off course by the change in air pressure made by the intense flames, and they were either swept upwards or created holes in the ground. And…


The blue flames produced glowing beads that assaulted the approaching Springloaded.

The balls of light only reached a few hundred degrees and could not pierce the metal bodies, but…

“Grl!? Gbhhhhbhhbhhh!!”

The token machine was an exception because it had opened its large mouth. The glowing heat bent its ejector and caused its bullets to tear through its own body.

Even if she was poorly matched, Ange had already begun adapting to her lack of footing and the intruding wind. Anyone with an understanding of combat would have trembled in fear at her combat instincts.

She had taken out two, which left five.

“Capture of…fleeing target…deemed difficult…positive.”

The archery machine drew its bowstrings.

Arrows fired from all twelve bows. The tips were dulled since they were made for a game, but they could still easily tear through the human body at that speed. But…

“It’s no use! Corona! …!?”

The angel created another shield, but she had mistaken their target. The arrows flew low and were not aimed at her.

The shield of flames was concentrated around her and Mutsuki, so it was weaker elsewhere. The tips of the twelve arrows melted as they continued straight toward the motorcycle’s back wheel.

“Trying to take out our means of transportation? Don’t underestimate me!”

She immediately swung her divine sword and swept all twelve arrows out of the way, but…

“Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah! What, what, what!?”

One of them destroyed the support for the back wheel’s cover. Ange’s footing sank down and she had to quickly escape to the seat the boy was sitting on.

“What just happened? …Wah!”

Mutsuki paled when he looked back. The cover frame’s position had lowered and the engine was scraping against the back wheel.

“Wait…is this thing broken!? Are we in trouble!?”

“Um, I think we’re fine. It only shifted position.”

If they continued like this, the frictional heat could destroy the engine, but Ange managed to pry it back up. Three of the four frame supports still existed, so it was fine once they were unbent, but…

“I can’t stand on this anymore. Mutsuki, scoot forward.”


He moved to the front of the seat and Ange stood on the back half.

Her butt was squishing against the back of his head, so he leaned forward too.

“Target speed lowered.”

“Operation completion possible…positive.”

Two Springloaded charged forward to take advantage of the lost speed caused by the back wheel’s damage. The roulette wheel used its entire disk-like body as a tire and the horse-shaped horse-riding game ran on its own as the only one not to absorb a car.

Ange desperately swung her two swords to fight back from her even more restricted footing.

Unlike the previous two, these two fortunately had no weapons. The horse-riding game did not even have arms and the girl had gotten the hang of fighting under these circumstances.

“Too slow!!”

She had no reason to fear these opponents. Her giant sword opened a hole in the roulette wheel’s guts…and the force of her attack sent her butt back into Mutsuki’s head.


The disk groaned in agony and Ange began to attack the horse-riding game.



Only then did she catch on.

Something was spinning on the inside of the roulette wheel as it rotated at 250 kph. A red ball was rolling along the inside edge of the rotating disk.

As soon as it fell over into the proper orientation for a roulette wheel, the ball hopped out using the sword embedded in the middle. It followed the blade, the arm, and…


It collided with the girl’s slender stomach.

The tremendous blow to the solar plexus knocked the strongest angel out for a small fraction of a second. She was unable to support her small body and she pitched forward.

The next thing she knew, the gray road was right in front of her eyes.

She was falling. She was going to slam into that asphalt.


But it was not her adorable face that contacted that rough surface. It was her long hair, tied into a ponytail.

That red hair scattered about as it caught on small pebbles.


The very next moment, she had pulled herself back up onto the seat.

An arm around her stomach had supported her. She was briefly caught off guard and her heart skipped a beat.

“Watch out! If you fell off, you’d…um, what would happen? Well, you’d get hurt!”

After seeing that she had recovered, Mutsuki grabbed tightly onto the handlebar that had started rattling even though he had only let go for a few seconds with just one hand.

The girl was briefly left in a daze, but then…

“Not bad.”

She pressed her forehead against his back.

“Let’s try this again!”

“Please no…”

She heard a pathetic complaint, but she did not mind. She kicked at the face of the horse-riding game and then lopped its head right off.

She ended up leaning too far forward again, but she did not care.

“Fwaaaaah! …Oh, honestly! I said watch out!”

After all, Mutsuki’s arm would wrap around her if she was about to fall.

The boy pulled her close as if embracing her. She let him do as he wished, so they swapped out who was in front and who was in back and her butt landed on top of his lap.

This was the most stable position with only the one seat to work with. She did feel a little too close to him, though.


She said nothing as she stared at his face.

He had a look of extreme focus as he drove a motorcycle for the first time while being forced to handle an unruly girl. The hints of tears remaining in the corners of his eyes were a little pathetic, but he did not look too bad.

Mutsuki had noticed her gaze, but he did not have time to return the look. They were already moving at 280 kph. A slight lapse in attention and they would crash into the other cars that were essentially stationary obstacles at this point.

Meanwhile, the three remaining Springloaded had been unable to keep up since they had passed 250 kph. Due to the heavy arcade games loaded on, they had reached the limits of normal car engines.

Still sitting on the boy’s lap, Ange realized they were pulling away from their pursuers and breathed a sigh of relief. But then…


The look on her face changed when the destroyed roulette wheel and horse-riding game caught up with those other three.

“Um, Mutsuki?”


“Umm, about that romance of men you mentioned.”

“The giant robots?”



Mutsuki looked over his shoulder and noticed what has happening.

As the destroyed two caught up to the other three, their various parts intertwined, transformed, and became a single giant body. The cars that were slamming on their brakes also had pieces taken to create an even larger and more complete form.



“For today, I’ll find a new hobby.”

It was a giant measuring over twenty meters tall.

The upper body was humanoid, one hand held a crane, and the other held a roulette wheel.

It had four legs to support its incredible weight. It had the long, manly legs of a horse, wheels spun on its torso, and twelve arrows were drawn.

Ange looked back toward the dull sound of the arrows whizzing through the wind and her eyes opened wide.

“Stop, Mutsuki! No, wait, don’t stop!”

“Eh!? …Fwah!”

Ange forcibly twisted the accelerator grip. The burden shifted to the back wheel, but Mutsuki somehow managed to keep the motorcycle from popping a wheelie.

A moment later, the barely passable road dropped by about a meter.

“Its size has only made it crazier!”

The twelve bows fired twelve bowling balls connected by wires.

Each ball was large enough to break a hole in the ground, so a horizontal line of them connected by wires was enough to split the road itself in two.

Shocked into a daze, the boy’s face paled.

Even Ange looked troubled. She could fight back as long as the car chase continued, so destroying the road necessary for the chase felt like cheating.

They had miraculously avoided that one, but who could say about the next one. In fact, the enemy could probably take out one of the bridge’s supports, causing it all to collapse.


Ange wrinkled her brow and glanced up at Mutsuki.

“…? What is it?”

He was on the verge of tears again now that the enemy had shown off its overwhelming power, but he did not give up and continued operating the motorcycle. The close calls seemed to be helping him gradually grow accustomed to this insane race.

His tear ducts were still loose, but he may not have been that pathetic a guy.

The girl smiled, pulled out her phone, and placed it in his pocket.

“Afterwards, call Micha for help.”


“Make sure you escape. If you’re captured, I’ll have failed as a bodyguard.”


Before he could turn around, she had jumped down from the motorcycle.

They were already travelling at more than 300 kph, so her short redheaded form vanished in an instant.


With a blade in each hand, Ange slipped past the arrows fired by the twelve bows and attacked the twenty meter giant.

Blue wings of fire appeared and she used the air pressure they created as footing to jump up to her enemy’s head.


She recombined her giant sword and slashed straight down at the top of its head, but…

“Lithography…excellent. No errors in anti-angel tools.”

She sliced through the metal framework with a grinding sound, but it immediately fused back together and regenerated.

(This really isn’t easy.)

She might have managed in a one-on-one fight while on the move, but a head-on attack against three at once was playing right into their hand.

All Springloaded could regenerate their own functions by copying their semiconductors in a process known as Lithography, so the only way to defeat them was to destroy the entire “spring” at once without giving it time to make a new copy.

With a body this big, normal damage was unlikely to have much effect. However, producing enough damage to destroy it in a single strike would be difficult.

(This might come down to a tie.)

The best she could do here was to draw their attention and buy enough time for their target to escape.

The Springloaded had learned just how much of a threat Jiyuuni Ange, strongest guardian angel, was, so they were forced to stop and face her even if it gave Mutsuki, their final objective, a chance to escape.

FeTUS would also want to avoid having their super-technology on public display for long. Once people gathered, this operation would be called off, so…

“I’ll take you on until then! Daaaaaaaahhh!!”

She deflected the extended crane and dodged the wheel hammer that was swung down toward her.

It was quite fast for its size, but a natural fighter like Ange could easily follow its movements.

(Where’s Mutsuki? Did he get away?)

For a brief second, she shifted her attention toward the motorcycle.


And that proved a fatal mistake.

She had been so focused on the attacks from above that she had not noticed one from below. Something grabbed at her leg.


If she had simply tripped, she could have easily recovered with her reflexes, but this grabbed at her leg and pulled her down.

It was an arm. A hand had grown from the concrete road and grabbed her ankle.

(A Springloaded? Oh, no!)

Ibekusa Machina’s face flashed through her mind. That girl had taught her this.

Three Springloaded had combined to create this giant, but it was probably only being controlled by one or two. The remaining one had shifted its spring to the road and turned the surface itself into a Springloaded.

Ange sliced through the concrete arm with her sword, but by that time…

“Anti-angel extermination simulation…complete.”


The giant wheel hammer was swung down.

It covered too much space, so she could not escape after falling onto her butt.

She was going to be crushed.




She heard the engine before the voice.

She looked up.

She should have been angry. She had told him to run away, to hide, and to call Micha, but he had ignored her instructions and made a U-turn right back into danger when protecting him was her responsibility.

However, she formed a smile instead of her usual lopsided frown.

Smoke rose from the motorcycles tires and he reached a hand toward her with tears in his eyes.

She would never have admitted it, but he seemed reliable for the second time that day.

Mutsuki leaned over so far his shoulder nearly scraped the road and he caught the girl.

Ange flipped up and over him to pull in the opposite direction. If she had not, he would have fallen over.

Smoke rose from the motorcycle as it slipped along, but its inertia pulled it just barely past the hammer’s range. As soon as the blue sky came into view, she heard the Springloaded giant’s hammer slam into the Springloaded road hard enough for the surface to cave in.

Thanks to the girl’s support, the motorcycle wobbled but remained standing as it came to a stop.

The boy’s mouth flapped wordlessly as he held Ange. He seemed to be trying to ask her if she was okay, but the words would not come out.

“Yes, I’m fine. I did panic a little there, though.”

“…” (Flapping mouth)

“Wipe away those tears.”

“…” (Nodding)

As she watched the boy wipe at his eyes, the bodyguard girl checked on their surroundings.

After the hit from its ally, the Springloaded in the road seemed unable to move. That meant escape was an option, but she was still afraid of those twelve bows.

Which meant…

“Hey, Mutsuki.”

She whispered into his ear.

After he heard her plan, he grew pale and shook his head, but…

“Beginning capture of Serpent’s Eye holder…positive.”

“We don’t have time to hesitate!”

The crane arm reached out to grab the stopped motorcycle.

“Do we have to?” he silently asked with his pathetic, teary look.

“Yes! We do!” she silently replied with her lopsided frown.

“Fine then!”

The boy spun the accelerator grip.

The engine sounded like it was going to explode. Mutsuki had gradually gotten used to driving the thing, so he quickly shifted up to top gear.

It tore into the crane as it raced up the Springloaded’s arm.


It was a slope of more than fifty degrees. Even the off-road motorcycle had difficulty with that, but the boy somehow managed while driving for his very first time. He had gained an excellent sense of balance from all the risk of death. He was half in tears while doing it, though.

The engine was incredibly powerful and its speed did not waver. Also…

“I’m going to accelerate, Ange! Hold on!”

He bent the accelerator grip.

The end of the grip was actually a cover for a small button. He had seen Micha use it once before and had feared for his life when she had.

The Springloaded tried to brush off the object climbing its arm, but it was too late. Once Mutsuki pressed the button, the engine roared so loudly it spewed flames and the motorcycle accelerated with nearly twice the speed.

Simply holding onto the handlebars was the most Mutsuki could manage, but…

“Tell this to whoever made you.”

The strongest guardian angel lightly raised her sword and the motorcycle flew straight toward the chest of the mechanical soldier protected by twelve bows.

“The crane is too slow.”

“I’m never riding a motorcycle again.”

“Huh? But what about our rematch?”

“Not even at the arcade. I’m never riding one again.”

“So you’re going to quit while you’re ahead?”

“I’m not doing it! I really did cry!”

The two of them climbed off the motorcycle as the Springloaded crumbled behind them with a hole in its chest.

Ange was of course exhausted and Mutsuki’s legs were giving out due to fear, so they both crouched down for a short break.

“Is it…over?”

“Yes. It looks like they’ve stopped. We defeated all the Springloaded.”

Ange tapped the ground with her heel.

Mutsuki breathed a sigh of wholehearted relief, but…

“But only the Springloaded.”

The girl’s tone of voice dropped and he remembered that this was still only the opening skirmish.

They both stood back up and faced the pile of Springloaded wreckage when they heard the ringing of a bell.

“That was a wonderful battle.”

Black Cat gave a round of light applause and Ange drew her divine sword once more.

“But…ein Unglück kommt selten allein.”

The beauty in black clasped her hands behind her back, spread her feet to shoulder width, and tightly arched her back as if to say she was most comfortable like this. With her bulky helmet, she naturally ended up looking down on people. As she stuck out her skinny chin, her long braided hair swayed like a tail.

She was FeTUS Witches Miss C, aka Black Cat. According to Ibekusa Machina, she was one of the witches who were more powerful than any Springloaded.

“I should apologize, Jiyuuni Ange. I underestimated you.”

Her round feline eyes narrowed behind her glasses.

As the corners of her eyes narrowed, a horribly repulsive murkiness covered her golden eyes.

“To be honest, I was disappointed when you showed up at the mall. You had visited there before, so I had set up a Springloaded as a lookout and ended up sending eight of them after you.”

Her apparent intelligence and calm were only on the surface. This girl was dangerous. Mutsuki was unfamiliar with the world of killing, but even he could sense the threat in her eyes.

“According to our calculations, eight cutting-edge Springloaded is enough to defeat one hundred angels. However…”

Her eyes narrowed even further.

“You managed to defeat all of them and destroyed a total of seven. …Heh heh heh.”

The next thing Mutsuki knew, an insane smile had appeared on her lips.

“It’s been a while…”


“…since I came across such a promising opponyent?”

She unclasped the hands behind her.

The backs of her slender hands were hidden by tight gloves. On both hands, glittering metallic claws were attached to the base of the second, third, and fourth fingers.


The bewitching cat appeared in front of the angel’s eyes too quickly for her to even be caught off guard. She had approached so quickly that she had seemed to disappear and reappear to Mutsuki.

“~~~~ Prominence – Loop!!”

Ange prepared her two swords. The cat instantly used the centrifugal force of a spin to attack the angel’s windpipe with her three claws. Ange pulled her body back and used a sword as a shield.

“Heh heh… Heh hee hee…hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee!”

The spinning black object released a faint, crazed laugh as she sent out her other three claws.

The girl somehow managed to defend against this attack too, but the later attack had more centrifugal force behind it and it launched her backwards. She flew through the air, bounced a few times on the ground, and finally stopped after hitting Micha’s motorcycle.

“Heh heh heh heh hee hee! What’s wrong? You’re slow, slow, slow! Nya ha ha!”

Black Cat’s pretty face twisted into something as hideous as a deep sea fish and she crouched down. She stood on all fours with her arms and legs straight.

It was the pose of an animal ready to fight.

The vertical slits of her pupils tightened in even further. Her braided hair bounced on her round butt like a tail.

“Grrrrrrrrr!! Let me enjoy thiiiiiiiiissssssss!!”

She tore through the concrete ground as she raced forward.

“Ange!” shouted Mutsuki.


Ange had finally gotten back to her feet, but she did not have time to prepare her sword.



But she protected herself with the flames emitted from her back.

However, she was not targeting Black Cat. She sent them toward Micha’s motorcycle.


The gasoline ignited and exploded. The motorcycle’s parts scattered every which way and the hellfire scored a direct hit on Black Cat as she passed above it.

The sticky gasoline stuck to her and set her ablaze.


Mutsuki frowned. Even if she was their enemy, he did not want to see someone on fire.

Ange, on the other hand, showed no mercy and immediately began her next action. The enemy was wide open, but instead of going for an attack, she put away her sword and ran toward Mutsuki.

She grabbed him in her arms and jumped from the edge of the road.

“Wah!? Eh? We’re running away?”

The boy’s eyes widened as the girl jumped from the elevated highway to a nearby building’s roof, to the building after that, and then to the roof of a house.

He agreed this enemy was too dangerous and he did not want to fight her if it could be avoided, but he had not expected this prideful girl to run away so easily.

Ange turned her usual sullen look his way.

“We’re not running away. We’re retreating. It’s a strategic retreat.”

“Oh… Yeah. That’s right.”



“Just to be clear, I haven’t accepted what Ibekusa said!”

“I know, I know.”

She seemed to be in a very bad mood, so he could not ask anything more. Her wrinkled brow twitched as she spoke.

“I don’t know how powerful she is, but I want to avoid facing her while holding someone as useless as you. Find somewhere to hide. Got it?”

She apparently did not like that she was doing exactly what Machina had suggested, but she had apparently prioritized making a rational response to the situation at hand.

Mutsuki was glad she had prioritized him (technically, her job) over her own reckless pride and he was glad she had at least kept Machina’s words somewhere in her heart. The corners of his eyes relaxed.


“A game of tag!? You’re gonnya have to be faster than that!”


At first, he did not know what had happened.

He sensed the unpleasant smokiness of burning gas and then Black Cat’s sick and distorted smile appeared before his eyes. She had caught up. All Mutsuki knew was that he had been torn from Ange’s hands.

“You’re kidding… She’s faster than me!?”

Not even Ange could react in time. Before she could put up her guard, a knee stabbed into her gut and she was sent flying into a neighboring building. She broke through the wall of wood and concrete.

Mutsuki gasped at the sudden turn of events. He tried to call for Ange, but the dry smoke reached his throat and he could only cough.

The flames had yet to vanish from Black Cat’s hair and clothes. She had pursued them while still covered in burning gas.

She erased her insane smile and faced the dumbfounded boy.

“The Serpent’s Eye holder….Adam. The final objective of FeTUS.”

“…? Ad…am…?”

“Hmph. So the fun is already over.”

He had previously heard both Machina and Ange mention the term “Adam”.

He had been curious, but he had not been given the time to investigate it and then had completely forgotten. He was confused by its sudden reappearance here.

But before he could feel too puzzled, Black Cut stuck a sharp syringe in his neck and its contents quickly dragged his consciousness into the darkness.

For better or for worse, Ange had been knocked into an abandoned building.

Plywood covered the windows and it only contained two business desks and six run-down chairs. She could tell at a glance the place was not used.

(Gh… That girl really is strong.)

The damage to her kicked stomach was surprisingly great, so she could not stand up quite yet.

When Black Cat caught up, she ran over and placed her hand on a nearby desk.

Just as Miss E had done, the material transformed. With a smooth movement, it wrapped around the collapsed girl’s wrists, forced her to her feet, and became a cross to hold the girl’s small body.

She grimaced from both the pain and humiliation.

Black Cat placed Mutsuki’s unconscious form in a nearby chair.

“Now, then. This is incredibly unfortunate, but even I am one of the FeTUS Witches. I am a servant to the realm of man, so I can’t focus on my own entertainment forever. The games stop here.”

She clasped her hands behind her back and stood tall, but some madness remained in her expression.

“Before I take you back to headquarters, I think I’ll investigate your special traits.”


Three silver lines raced audibly through the air while giving off a black glint. By the time Ange realized they were the girl’s claws, her uniform’s buttons had already been torn away. Her bisected red checkered tie fell away and the front of her clothing opened.

This revealed her delightfully slender white belly and the elastic sports bra that covered her small yet pretty bust.

Ange bit her lower lip because it hurt her pride that Black Cat had gone out of her way to avoid harming her skin.

“Hm.” Black Cat narrowed her eyes. “So this is the legendary armor used by the angels. That impregnable Suit is supposed to be harder, more elastic, and stickier than anything on earth.”

She pulled on the bra with the tip of just the claw growing from between her middle and ring finger.

Those claws had sliced right through the clothing, but it only stretched like rubber. Even after pulling, scraping, and twisting, the blade would not break through.


After adequately checking how sturdy the material was, she hid her claws and reached her fingers toward the back and armpit visible through the gaps in Ange’s torn uniform.

She scooped up the sweat worked up from running around so much and pinched the bra.

“It is weak to sweat. A defective product, just as reported.”

That solid material easily tore and revealed its white contents.

The Suit’s material was weak to seawater…or more broadly, salt water. It used an absorbent on the inside, but if Ange worked up too much of a sweat for that to absorb or the liquid was splashed on her from the outside, it grew fragile. FeTUS was wholeheartedly researching the angels, so they apparently already knew about that weakness.

“Why you… Do you like stripping girls? Are you insane!?”

“Oh, I quite like it.”

Ange clenched her teeth in humiliation, but Black Cat toyed with the hole in the black material. The hole easily grew and finally a light pink point popped energetically out into view.

The surrounding breast was covered in the elastic material, so the strangled tip and areola were pushed perkily out. The nipple itself was childishly inverted, but Black Cat forcibly pried out the young point.

“You don’t like it?”


“I can violate others. I can violate their bodies, their dignity, their pride, and their lives.”


Based on the color, that tip had to be delicate, but Black Cat pinched it so hard it looked like it would tear off.

The girl felt like her skin was going to tear and she screamed loud enough for her voice to echo around the floor. The intense pain forced out even more sweat.

The fingers did not leave the protrusion until it grew erect enough to force off a pasty.

“I especially like tormenting a truly ruthless opponent. I love seeing their look of unbearable frustration and their look of unbearable hatred for me. I love seeing their face twisting in greater and greater agony. The prouder the opponent, the better. No matter how great the pain and torment, they will never beg for forgiveness. Seeing them unable to hold back the tears and cries of pain as they desperately try to maintain their pride is the greatest pleasure imaginable.”

Black Cat happily narrowed her eyes as the prideful girl glared at her with hatred in her eyes and gasped for breath as the pain finally faded.

Black Cat gave the bewitching and insane smile of a female cat.

“Do you know what I mean?”

“…All I know is that you’re not just a pervert; you’re the most despicable kind of crazy.”

“I see. That’s too bad.”

This time, Black Cat removed just the center claw and reached out the other two.

“I sensed something similar inside you, so I thought you might feel some sympathy. But oh, well.”

She further balled up her clenched fist as if bringing her thumb and little finger closer together.

The metal claws followed that movement and curved like a scythe so their tips approached each other.

“This is part of my job. I mustn’t mix business with pleasure.”

They almost looked like electrodes.

“I will do my duty and gather some data for a new anti-angel weapon.”

White sparks passed between the two poles.


“This is known as the Kühler Kralle. You angels are weak to heat radiation, so this tool diffuses your body’s heat using the power of magnetism. But don’t worry. I don’t intend to kill you. I only want some data on the output level. However…”

Ange was still at a loss for words when Black Cat pressed the tool against her upper arm. Despite how easily she swung around her giant sword, that upper arm had a feminine softness to it and the tool almost lovingly stroked against it.

“When we tested this on a human, it was apparently painful enough to knock them out.”

The electrical current was released.


Another scream of pain reverberated through the building.

Even with just a single point of contact, the pulse instantly travelled across her skin and tormented the pain receptors across her entire body. Her slender form wriggled and arched its back so much the back of her head slammed into the metal cross behind her.

“…I see.”


By the time Black Cat removed it, all strength had left Ange’s legs and waist. She hung limply from just her bound arms.

The pain felt like having every inch of skin slapped at once. The damage was worst on the upper arm that received the direct hit, so she felt a throbbing sensation like the skin had actually been burned.

“Heh heh. I like the sound of that scream.”

Black Cat smiled in satisfaction, grabbed Ange’s ponytail, and forced her head up.

The angel was incredibly exhausted. She did not know how it worked, but that electric attack seemed to diffuse her body’s heat as well as cause pain. Angels were born from fire, so this robbed her of her energy. She could feel the weakness in the upper arm.

“That was some useful data. Now for the next test.”


This time, it was in the armpit. Before Ange had a chance to rest, the seed of intense pain was sent into a location closer to her body’s core, allowing it to spread to her entire body more easily.

However, no scream escaped her mouth this time.

In fact, she kept her dignified gaze on Black Cat’s icy smile even as the electricity surged into her.

The woman removed the electrodes with an impressed look.

“I’m surprised. No scream and we’re only on the second time. None of our specimens have managed that before. And I’ve never heard of any difference in the tactile nerves between angels and humans.”

The pain and diffused heat brought exhaustion. The angel’s breathing grew shallow, but she continued intimidating her opponent with her gaze.

As prideful as she was, simply having herself stripped bare and toyed with by the enemy was an unbearable humiliation. She would rather die than cry and scream to fulfill that enemy’s sadism.

“Heh hee hee hee. Now that’s what I like to see. But how long will you last? Nya ha ha.”

A mixture of surprise, admiration, and pleasure filled the sick smile on Black Cat’s face as she brought the tips of her claws to a more risqué location. This time, it was the pink object standing tall from the hole in the bra thanks to the previous pinching.

Ange’s blood froze over as she wondered what would happen if the electric attack hit her in such a sensitive place, but she did not let it show on her face.


The white sparks were absorbed by the light pink skin of that enlarged protrusion and the pain felt like having her heart squeezed, but she did not let her voice escape.

She reflexively shook her chest to escape the shock, but the soft, undeveloped mounds only swayed back and forth without dislodging the demonic claws seeming to dig into one of them. Her sweat weakened the Suit, the hole in the bra grew, and the entire breast was exposed.

A clear wrinkle ran from Ange’s brow to the tip of her nose. This one lasted a long time. Black Cat may have wanted to elicit a scream because she did not pull back the electrodes even after several seconds.

(I…won’t…lose… I…absolutely…refuse…to…)

The pain had been focused in a single point when she had been pinched, but now she felt like her body was being burned from the inside. No matter how much she tried to endure it, it continued without end.


Faced with this unescapable agony, her mind grew hazy. Tears left her eyes, her mouth hung half open, and drool flowed out.

The pain and suffering was just like having her body roasted from within.


(This happened…before…)

She could not remember who it was, but she did know she had not met that woman since being born as an angel.

She did not know what the woman looked like. The woman had always kept her back to Ange and when she had occasionally look her way…

“What are you looking at? It’s creeping me out.”

“What do you think you’re doing out of your room?”

“Ahh, ahh. Life has been so boring since I had you. This is the worst.”

She had a feeling that woman had said some awful things to her and had refused to look at her.

She remembered the woman being constantly worried about her makeup and rubbing white powder to a face much like Ange’s own. Her lips had been red and those lips had always held a thin cigarette.

Yes, she had always been smoking.

And much like now, whenever something displeased her, she had pressed that burning tip against…


“Oh, dear. Did I overdo it?”

The source of the heated pain left and Ange’s vanishing consciousness returned.

What had happened? Her mind was a mess and she could not gather her thoughts. She felt like she had seen something in a dream, but she could not remember what. She briefly had trouble remembering who the girl in a helmet standing in front of her was.

But once she remembered that girl was an enemy, Ange worked at moving her limp hips. Her tear ducts had loosened and her eyes were a little wet, but her gaze had not lost its dignified look. Black Cat seemed relieved to see it.

“You don’t scream even as it knocks you out? Not bad, Jiyuuni Ange.”

Black Cat brought the claws to Ange’s throat.

“It makes me want to draw out the tears by force.”

Those claws had sliced through the concrete road like butter and now they traced along Ange’s windpipe.

“But it seems pain isn’t going to do the trick.”

When the angel still did not react, Black Cat smiled bitterly and snapped her fingers.

Mutsuki looked up from his chair.

“Come here, Fujita Mutsuki.”

“Yes, Miss C.”

The boy walked up next to the enemy like a machine.

Something was clearly off about him, so Ange’s eyebrows twitched. That roommate always had the eyes of a frightened puppy, but now they were horribly empty.

(Was he brainwashed?)

She could intuitively tell. She could not guess what method had been used, but FeTUS had enough technological power to place an angel like her in danger. Brainwashing would be simple for them.

The target she was meant to protect had been made the enemy’s puppet. Being restrained and unable to move was trouble enough, so Ange let out a small sigh.

Black Cat gave a provocative smile.

“Heh heh. Fujita Mutsuki, aka Adam. I had no real interest in him, but he’s actually pretty cute. Makes me want to tie a bell around his neck and raise him as my pet?”

She pressed her body up against his motionless and expressionless body.

“Lick it.”

She held her hand up to his mouth.

The boy obediently nodded and traced his tongue along the back of her hand, between her fingers, across the tips of her fingers, and over all of the soft flesh he could reach.

The way he sniffed at the hint of sweat on her hand and thoroughly licked it all up was just like a curious puppy. Even the coldhearted cat relaxed the corners of her eyes a little.

(What is the point of this?)

Ange was confused as Black Cat glanced over at her.

“Good boy.”

She put away her claws and stroked his cheek with her fingertips.

She then tugged on his jaw.



As if showing off, she brought his half-opened lips into her mouth.

Ange watched in shock as the witch laughed deep in her throat and boldly wiggled her head to rub their lips together. She finally stuck out her saliva-covered tongue and slipped it inside his mouth while keeping her lips open so Ange could see it all.

Mutsuki naturally did not resist and even stuck out his own tongue.

Not only could Ange hear them trading saliva, she could hear their soft flesh pressing together, bending, wrapping around each other, and rubbing against each other. That was just how intense a kiss it was.

“Wait… Wh-wh-what the hell are you doing!?”

After far too long, Ange came back to her senses and shouted in anger.

Black Cat narrowed the corners of her eyes as if to say that was exactly the reaction she had wanted.


But as if she had lost interest in Ange, she exchanged a few more breaths with the boy and finally pulled back. Saliva formed a transparent bridge between them and she broke it with a sweet breath.

“You’re a pretty good kisser…for a kid.”

Her intelligent feline eyes were melting behind her glasses and she stroked his cheek even more intensely. The boy’s mind still did not seem to be functioning, but he did look a little happy.


Ange did not understand, but something did not sit right with her about this and she struggled against her bonds.

“So you’re at least close enough to feel jealous.”

Black Cat gave a pleased smile.

“Open the Serpent’s Eye.”


That was a command to Mutsuki.

Before Ange could even gasp, the boy replied “Yes, Miss C” in the same tone as before. A strange change came over his right eye immediately afterwards.

The entire eyeball was dyed black as if by ink and became a uniform pitch-black sphere. In fact, the black pupil at the center was a lighter shade than the rest. It looked like a dully glowing black-lacquered jewel had been placed in his eye socket.

It almost looked like a reptile’s eye.

The Serpent’s Eye was the power of the Perfect Man and it could turn the female half of the world into his slaves.

Ange quickly looked away, but she did not fully avoid it. She groaned and felt like the core of her legs had fallen away. Her knees nearly gave out.

“The report said he didn’t know how to open it himself, but it seems he can already control it subconsciously. This only makes him more of a threat.”

Black Cat gave a thin smile and looked to Ange who was desperately trying to avoid his gaze.

“Wonderful. So this is the desire triggered by the Serpent’s Eye, the special trait of Adam’s manifestation.”

“Kh…aaahhh. Stop…Mutsuki! Wake up!”

This girl was as powerful as one hundred angels, but in just a few seconds, she lost all will to fight and was transformed into a frail little girl.

She had experienced this once before two weeks ago. The power of the Serpent’s Eye was overwhelming.

She felt like a water balloon had burst deep inside her navel and like gravity was pulling its sticky contents down and quickly soaking the closed pathway there.

As her body softened like that, something long and serpentine raged inside her. Its fine scales scraped at her sensitive flesh, providing an almost painful throbbing.

(This feeling… Ahh… It’s the same as before…hyahh!)

She pressed her thighs together in a vain attempt to endure it. Her hips trembled and she could not have remained standing without the support of the cross behind her.

She rubbed her legs together like she needed to use the bathroom. Her sweat-soaked spats tore, revealing her white thighs and her baby pink panties. As her body writhed, the adorable pink protrusions grew engorged at the tip of her breasts.

Black Cat narrowed her eyes at the unexpected extent of the girl’s reaction.

“Good, Fujita Mutsuki. Now, face this way.”

She adjusted her glasses and gave her command, so the boy did as he was told.


The distinction between enemy and ally was meaningless. As a woman, Black Cat let out the same sort of voice as Ange when she received this direct hit.

She quickly tensed her expression and the soft skin below her skintight black suit convulsed a little. Her reaction was not as extreme as the younger girl’s, but…

“E-enough! Close the Eye, Fujita Mutsuki. Close the Serpent’s Eye!”

“Yes, Miss C.”

“I…see. Dr. Strangelove, you said these would cut off 88% of the Serpent’s Eye’s power, but they didn’t do a damn thing. They’re defective.”

She wiped the sweat from her brow and removed the glasses that had apparently been modified in some way.

She then took a look at Mutsuki whose right eye had returned to normal.

“Or is what I felt really only 12%?”

Her shoulders shook.

She placed the glasses back on and faced Ange. The angel glared back at her with unhidden defiance in her eyes, but those eyes had lost all intensity.

It was obvious at a glance that being exposed to that gaze for just a few seconds had done more damage than the painful electricity that had brought her to the verge of death.

Black Cat smiled thinly.

“While I’m here, I might as well collect that sex cell sample that Miss E failed to get.”

With Mutsuki and Ange still facing each other, Black Cat kneeled down.

She reached for the zipper of the standing boy’s pants. She opened the pants and pulled the flaccid object from his boxers.


Ange quickly looked away. She had seen that before, but only when erect. She had never seen it in this state before.

While erect, it had been hard as steel and had not seemed like a part of someone’s body, but when flaccid and covered by the foreskin, it really did seem like a part of the boy’s body. She grew oddly embarrassed about seeing it and her entire head grew red.

Meanwhile, Black Cat brought her face in close to the flesh covered by the pouch-like foreskin.

“It doesn’t look too impressive, but it has a nice animalistic scent.”


She gently grabbed the tip.

She massaged it with quick snapping movements of her entire hand. The boy groaned quietly and quickly began to react. The balls tensed a little, the shaft grew stiff, and it started rising.

“So it does peel back… I see. It looks just as beastly as it smells.”

As her fingers were holding the foreskin in place, the skin could not hold back the growing contents and the tense reddish tip pushed its way out.

The penis swelled out from the base to the tip and twitched in time to a manly throbbing. Black Cat was surprised by how much the head swelled out further than the rest.


Ange looked over for just an instant and immediately looked away again.

That brief glimpse of the boy’s organ was burned into her mind and the throbbing returned deep inside her crotch.

The serpent rampaging inside her body transformed into the shape of that obscene mushroom. The sensitive flesh deep inside her navel felt like it was on fire.

She wanted it to penetrate her. She wanted that thick head to stir up the seductively burning flesh inside her.

(Honestly… This power…is why I hate Mutsuki…!)

She was a virgin, but that power made her vagina alone crave a man. She did not know how much he was aware of it, but his was the cruelest of powers for a woman.

Ange had experienced it once two weeks before and it had been a true ordeal. Simply having her body touched had caused her to moan like a slut and finally climax.

The heat had continued inside her even afterwards.

She had feigned calm in front of him, but the heat had not cooled at first. Every night in bed, she had been overwhelmed by an urge to rub at an indecent location. Even when she had somehow managed to ignore it and go to sleep, her hips had writhed on their own as she slept. A few times, she had subconsciously pulled at her panties, wedged them inside her hidden slit, and woken to find she had wet herself. That was why she had wanted a private room even in the small house they had moved to.

Her lack of sleep and self-loathing had left her irritated throughout the following day. After about ten days of that, it had finally cooled down, but now…

“That was only 12%? It must be amazing at full power.”

Black Cat snapped her fingers and the bottom half of the metal cross behind Ange split into two parts. Shackles attached to her ankles just like her wrists and moved to either side.

It stopped when her legs were nicely spread.


Ange’s shoulders trembled as the cold air touched her heated inner thighs.

Her spats tore away from her right leg, fully exposing her pink panties which were soaking wet and plastered to their contents.

“That’s a lot of juices. Is this part of the Serpent’s Eye’s power? Or do you just get wet easily?”


Ange could only clench her teeth in frustration as he enemy mocked the fluids dripping down her spread thighs.

Black Cat was delighted to see the warrior’s spirit had not vanished from her eyes.

“How about I see just how effective it is?”

Her braided hair bounced behind her as she brought her face in toward the boy’s crotch.

Black Cat smoothly held out her head, parted her lips, and kissed the erection.



Even with his emotions erased, Mutsuki frowned at the seductive sensation. And while she watched, Ange groaned.

Black Cat’s round feline eyes grew damp as they viewed the head which was manlier than anyone would have expected of a boy who only looked like a child. She extended her saliva-covered tongue toward the shaft adorned with throbbing veins.

“Nkh…mfh…mnnh… The smell…really is amazing.”

She may not have been used to this because she had difficulty opening her mouth wide enough, but she eventually swallowed the rock-hard object. Her large helmet started swaying as she quickly moved her head forward and back.

The surface of her tongue was oddly rough as if it had countless tiny protrusions growing from it.

Her fragrant saliva surrounded the penis, allowing that rough sensation to rub more smoothly against it. Even with his mind put to sleep, Mutsuki’s shoulders trembled from the intense pleasure.


The angel girl was also reacting to this intense blowjob.

“Heh heh? I’ve never seen such a suckable penis.”

The woman’s tail-like braid shook behind her as she moved her lips up and down the shaft of the male organ and Ange had a feeling she glanced over at her.


While still pinned to the metal structure with her legs spread wide, the girl had been fully contaminated by the obscene atmosphere hanging in the air.

(I…I can’t stand it anymore… I’m losing…my mind…)

In the days of agony after being exposed to the Serpent’s Eye, she had been plagued by sexual dreams that had melted her body like ice cream, but now that same sensation rose inside her while awake.

When she looked up, she saw Black Cat pushing her head in toward Mutsuki’s crotch and taking the full erection into her mouth.

(I wish I could… ~~!? N-no, no!)

She shook her head to erase the unthinkable desire filling her chest.

But no matter how hard she shook her ponytail, the second the urge cooled inside her, she would find her eyes pointing right back toward his crotch.

(It’s so big… What would it feel like to hold that in your mouth? Would it feel filthy? No, it would probably be…amazingly…)


Saliva had filled her mouth without her realizing it, so when she let out an especially rough breath, the drool spilled out.

Since she could not close her thighs to stimulate her crotch, it felt horribly lonely.

The unbearable irritation caused her hips to start twisting around. She even pressed her butt against the metal seat behind her in the hopes of even the slightest stimulation.

She drooled like a starving dog and indulged in obscene pleasure like a monkey in heat.

(Penis… Mutsuki’s…Mutsuki’s penis…)

Her young face was as heated as the most lustful woman’s and her damp eyes stared at the boy’s item.


Fortunately, Black Cat did not notice.

“Heh heh…nnh…pwah… Nyah? Your pwenis ish…amashing…?”

Black Cat had begun this in order to see what Ange did as she stole Mutsuki in front of her, but at some point she had completely lost herself in the act of fellatio.

She had narrowed her sweet mouth and stickily moved her slender jaw forward and back.

“Nyhh…mnh. Nnnh, nn…ahh?”

Her slender waist wiggled as if she were being penetrated by something quite thick from behind.

“Nya ha…? Hahh, hh… O-oh, whoops.”

She realized she had lost herself in the very boy she was supposedly controlling.

“What a dangerous power. Controlling all women was no metaphor or exaggeration.”

She blushed and fixed her clothes that had shifted out of place even without anyone touching her.

Mutsuki was still sleeping with his eyes open, so he calmly stood there with his saliva-covered erection. Perhaps to hide her embarrassment, Black Cat looked over to Ange who had fallen into a daze.

“Fujita Mutsuki.”

“Yes, Miss C.”

“Show her some love.”


The metal structure supporting Ange’s body returned to its original desk form. Her hips were so weak that she nearly collapsed right there.

She somehow managed to cling to the desk and the boy leaned over her slender back.

“Wait… M-Mutsuki!?”


Her confused voice did not reach him. He simply followed his master’s orders and reached his hands around her small, childlike body.

The holes at the tips of her bra had widened far enough to reveal her budding, milk-colored mounds, but the material remained at the base. The elastic material dug into and pushed out her bust. Mutsuki grabbed those breasts and began fondling them.

“Heh heh… Your body is so wonderfully tender.”

“Nnahh… S-stop… Come back to your senses, Mutsuki!”

Ange raised a shrill angry shout as she was assaulted by the boy she was meant to protect, but her voice did not reach him.

His harassment was even crueler than anything Black Cat could do.

Fujita Mutsuki’s very presence was a potent poison to her at the moment. His rough kneading of her breasts was enough to leave her legs and hips too weak to stand without the desk.

(This is the attractive power of the Serpent’s Eye… No… It’s too…powerful.)

The Serpent’s Eye allowed one to rule over all women, but its power was more than simple hypnotism.

The women were made to adore its possessor, Fujita Mutsuki, on a genetic level. Even now, the girl’s skin cells had left her control as they begged for his touch. She could not even work up the slight strength needed to throw off someone as weak as him.

(I need to do something…something…hyah!)

The boy’s fingers pinched the tips that tended to swell out from her puffy areolae.

If she could break through the brainwashing, she could escape right away. She knew she had to break through that brainwashing, but she was overpowered by the fingers stroking up and down her weak points. She writhed with her hands planted firmly on the desk and her erect nipples throbbed painfully.

Mutsuki was far more talented as a violator than Black Cat.

“You’re so cute, Ange.”

He kissed the white nape of her neck and whispered in a voice that was empty yet not so cold it seemed emotionless.

He had been ordered to “show her some love”. Sadistic Black Cat had likely meant it sarcastically, but Mutsuki seemed to have taken it at face value. He provided a thorough caress, as if she were his lover.

He softly stimulated the tips, fondled the full breasts, and at some point started digging his fingers into her defenseless little butt.

(H-his touch…is too lewd.)

Without even taking his power into account, his technique had been developed to satisfy an adult like Micha, so young Ange had no way of resisting.

“…Oh, right.”

As Black Cat watched – or rather, was left behind by the two – she called out to Mutsuki.

“You can do whatever you want to her, but when you cum, do it somewhere other than her vagina. We need sex cells that haven’t been mixed with another life form.”

“Yes, Miss C.”

His fingers had started moving deep between her thighs, but they stopped on her butt.

The way Ange was standing emphasized her small, fleshy hipline. He placed his fingers on the crack visible through her panties and spread her butt.

“Ah! No!”

Even if it was through her panties, this exposed a spot even more inappropriate than her breasts. Her hips moved wildly to throw him off.

But the movement was weak. Her torn skirt fluttered and her ponytail slapped at him, but that was it. In fact, the action drew his attention to the adorable earlobe at the base of the hair brushed back on that side.

He placed his lower lip on it.

“Don’t worry… I’ll make sure you feel great.”

“Nkh… ahh….”

His warm breath reached her eardrum.

She briefly recalled him saving her on the motorcycle. She remembered his surprisingly strong hand, the slight smell of sweat, and the expression she had seen from so close.

She was already having trouble gathering any strength, but now it left her completely.


He used that opening to search out her deepest place with his finger.

Her anus was clamped shut like an undeveloped bud, but he worked to loosen it with what almost seemed practiced ease.

(N-no… You’re kidding… He’s touching…my butthole…)

The panties in between were so thin that she could clearly feel even his fingerprint. As a place far more embarrassing than her breasts was exposed, the girl’s face crumbled almost to tears.

But the truly embarrassing part was not the touch itself.

(I-it’s opening up…)

Young Ange was exposed to the finger technique that had won over Micha the Angel, Machina the Human, and Lucia the Demon over the past few days.

An obscene flame seemed to be burning her anus. The outer edge of the hole grew stickily warm and the ring of flesh quickly loosened. The entire opening rose up and sucked at his finger through her panties.


The girl’s usually dignified eyes were now drooping helplessly as she tearfully pleaded to the boy.

Her smooth skin needed no makeup, her beautiful face was perfectly formed, and she looked incredibly strong-willed when she raised the corners of her eyes, but when those deep blue eyes grew damp, they gave off a masochistically ephemeral seduction.

Even Black Cat was surprised to see it, but Mutsuki showed no mercy. He gently massaged the edges of her raised anal flesh and stuck his fingertip inside.

After a few minutes of his caress, the courageous angel girl was utterly defeated.

She could no longer stand, so she lay face down on the desk. This stuck her hips back and the boy’s hand continued its assault there.

“It’s not just your pussy. Your asshole is all wet too. These panties are ruined.”


“It’s getting softer and softer. Look how easy my finger goes in now.”

As he persistently loosened her beautiful anus that was damp with anal juices, his other hand fondled her breasts and his tongue continued stimulating the nape of her neck, and her spine.

All Ange could do was wiggle her small butt a little, but not even she knew whether that was to escape the boy’s grasp or to inform him of her pleasure.

(Did Micha…feel like this too?)

She recalled the image of him and their other roommate in their house’s bath a few days before.

She had found it abnormal at the time. She had been angry at Mutsuki for perverting Micha, her trusted comrade and friend.

But now that the same thing was happening to her, she knew all too well why Micha had made those indecent moans of pleasure.

(My butt…my butt is spreading so much… Ahhhh, what is this feeling…?)

Her anal flesh had grown very accustomed to his finger. It was burning and desired more of his touch whenever his finger left even for a moment.

She hated Mutsuki for intentionally targeting other spots. When his hand would occasionally leave her butt, he would bring his feather-light touch to her back, her thighs, her knees, or her ankles. That touch felt great, which was exactly why her heated anus throbbed at being neglected.

(Mutsuki of all people…is…is…)

Ange hated humans in the first place, so Mutsuki was nothing more than the individual she was charged with protecting. He was stupid, pathetic, and perverted, so he was honestly the type she was not exactly fond of.

And yet she could not stop her anus from desiring him. She knew it was wrong, but it would open on its own and welcome his finger in to loosen the stickiness inside.


His caress was so thorough that Black Cat’s cheeks were flushed as she watched.

“Nn… It looks like this part of you wants me to touch it.”

Finally, Mutsuki lowered his finger.

“Hyah… N-no, Mutsuki… Not…not there…”

“You’re dripping wet. Sorry. I shouldn’t have been so focused on your butt.”

He touched the mound deep below the lovely butt sticking out toward him.

Ange gasped in shock as he traced his fingers across that spot no one else had ever touched before.

Unbelievable heat had resided there ever since his gaze had hit her. The overflowing nectar had not just trailed down her thighs to her knees; it was even soaking into her socks.

“I’m going to take a look.”

He placed his finger on the panties blocking his view.

“…No, nooo. Don’t take them off… Don’t look!”

The girl naturally resisted, but her body was plastered to the desk like melted cheese and she could not move like she wanted to.

She accepted and indulged in his violating touch.

“Fwah… St-stop…”

Her panties were plastered to her with her own juices, but he rolled them up as he removed them.

The remains of her spats were still wrapped around her left leg, so he lifted her right leg and removed her last line of defense.


The girl was too embarrassed to speak as her right knee was placed up on the desk.

Mutsuki peered at her defenseless flesh from behind with a satisfied look. She still wore her shoes and both her spats and rolled-up panties remained on her left thigh, but none of that hid her weak point at the center of her spread legs.

“Ha ha? This is my first time seeing yours, Ange.”

The young lips located below her snow white butt had yet to grow in their hair and had the color of pudding made from strawberry milk.

It looked like a child’s, but the inner flesh itself was soft and raising her leg caused the crevice to open in a diamond shape. The sticky folds of flesh were packed together inside. She had the same overall lighter coloration as Machina, but the red deep inside the slit stood out quite a bit.

“It’s so pretty…and really sexy.”

He kissed a point that had collected some juices and then brought his tongue to the enchanting lips.

“Uuh…kh… Not there…”

No matter how embarrassing it was, the girl let out a sweet voice.

The juices soaking her flesh were sourer than Micha’s. The flavor worked up a male’s offensive side, so the boy made a needle-like point with his tongue and poked at her.

(No… He’s seeing it all…and licking it all.)

Each time he parted the scarlet folds, the girl was overcome by two conflicting feelings and her face crumbled into sobs.

One of those feelings was embarrassment. That one she could understand.

The problem was the other one. With each forward and back motion of his tongue, she was filled with a horribly sweet sense of perversion.

It was a strange arousal that caused her anger toward him and the situation to fade. Each time he licked, devoured, or poked at her melting flesh, her young body and heart were further bound.

“N-no… Stop.”

“Are you sure? The gaps in the folds are getting hotter. Don’t you want me to tease you more?”

“Ah ah ahhn. No. Don’t stick your tongue in that deep!”

It was made all the worse by how cleverly his tongue moved.

He opened up each small flower petal, thoroughly sucked on them, licked at them, and tickled at them while moving so quickly she could barely believe it was a part of his body.

“Fwah…! Not..there! Ah, ah… It’s…it’s going to peel back…”

The tip of his tongue wrapped around her largish clitoris and peeled back its wrinkled crown.

Her eyes opened wide and her entire body bounced up from the desk. Her slender waist twisted and a wave ran through her delightfully raised breasts.

This was not surprising. That was an unbelievably sensitive spot that had barely ever been touched. Merely peeling back its hood made it sting and she had been brought to tears when she had once touched it out of curiosity.

When taking baths, the most she could manage was surrounding it in soap bubbles. And yet…

“Hyaaahh! Ahhh…ahh…ahhhh!”

His tongue wrapped around the light pink bump like a snake crushing its prey’s bones.

“Nnahh, yhahhh, stop, no, it’s so rough!”

That small bead of pleasure nerves was too much stimulation for the girl.

But the boy…

“It’s all hard now… And your hole is twitching. Are you about to cum?”


He sucked on it like he was trying to dissolve a piece of candy and quickly moved his tongue back and forth as if to press the rough surface against it.

“Nnaahh. Nooo, that’s…too…too good!”

The pleasure pierced her skin like a spear and stabbed into the base of the maiden’s bead, into her urethra, and into her vaginal flesh.

She had never felt anything like this. She had only ever experienced this flash of white in her mind in her dreams over the past ten days.

(No, I…I can’t. I can’t…)

Her red ponytail shook behind her, but the next thing she knew, her arms and legs were stretched out and her young butt was pressing up against his mouth. The small fleshy cheeks were squished by his cheeks and his nose dug into her enticing anus.

(~~~~ Ahhhh?)

A sticky light of indecent pleasure washed over her entire slender body.


As her melting mind flashed in and out, more pleasure than she had ever felt before raced up to her brain.

She felt like the ground had fallen away below her and like she was both falling and flying. Her legs were shaking uncontrollably.

All the while, the boy continued licking her convulsing sweet bead. He was so persistent that the girl could only continue releasing embarrassing moans for a while afterwards.

Her softly melted vagina tightened and her sweet and sour nectar squirted into the boy’s mouth. Her anus also squeezed on the tip of his nose.


Another dam gave way.

A healthily clear yellow liquid sprayed out from just below the base of her clitoris.

The small urethra only looked like an indentation, but it opened wide and bulged out a little as it audibly released its contents onto the aluminum desk.

(Why…do I…always…?)

Even after Mutsuki removed his mouth in surprise, the warm liquid passing through her urethra brought more pleasure and the orgasm would not come to an end.

This was the second time he had made her cum.

And she now knew that the climaxes he brought her to were far deeper and longer than the ones she experienced in her dreams at night.

All strength left her. She could not even hope to stand and she nearly fell from the desk.

Even after he supported her and let her curl up on the floor, the waves of pleasure continued with no sign of stopping.

“Wait, Fujita Mutsuki.”

Mutsuki was stroking his curved cannon barrel in preparation to assault the defenseless girl’s nectar hole, but Black Cat stopped him.


He looked back in confusion.

“Do not forget your orders,” she said with a frown.

Not long ago, she had told him to ejaculate outside of Ange’s vagina.

It was impossible for the perfectly brainwashed boy to forget his master’s orders, but he had already pressed the tip against her vagina. Not only that…


He agreed, but he looked somewhat displeased.

Black Cat sensed that something was not quite right here, so she narrowed her eyes suspiciously behind her glasses that could suppress the power of the Serpent’s Eye.


Ange’s mind was still hazy and she felt like she was in one of her sexual dreams that had caused her to wet the bed so many times.

Her body felt like cream and she could not work up the willpower needed to get up. She simply lay on the floor without moving. Even when Mutsuki approached behind her and lifted her butt, she simply obeyed.

Even in her state, his merciless assault continued.

(Something’s happening… Ah, no. Not there…)

While raising her hips, he placed his face in the center of her butt. Ange blankly realized he was going for her anus again and grimaced in embarrassment.

Instead of greeting her, he brought his nose close to her anus that was still somewhat loose from her orgasm and took a deep breath.

Then he kissed it and stuck in his soft tongue.


She twisted her slender waist on a conditioned reflex, but it only bent her cute navel a little and did not allow her to escape. Her butt did not move and her attempts to speak were colored by tones of enjoyment.

His thorough and skilled tongue service was directed at her anus this time.

(Why is…he so… No, no. It’s too embarrassing.)

He pressed in on each of the gathered wrinkles and the tip curved back to catch on the sphincter like a fishing hook.

She had thought the same thing when he was doing it with his finger, but he was far too good at this. It was like he knew in advance what would bring the most pleasure.

As that pleasure weakened her body, she naturally lifted her sensitive butt.

(Isn’t it dirty…? Oh, and…doesn’t it smell?)

Her mind was still hazy from the previous climax.

She was embarrassed, but she could not help but accept him in.

“You’re getting even more sensitive. Heh heh. Did cumming flip the switch for you?”

“Nnah…ah. ———————!?”

She finally came back to her senses when a hand reached in from a different direction than Mutsuki and pinched one of her erect points.

“D-don’t touch me!”

She brushed aside the slender fingers curiously tracing along her breasts.

Black Cat had crouched down to peer at her. Melting in front of Mutsuki was one thing, but she refused to do so in front of the enemy. She somehow managed to regain her senses. But…

“Ah… Wait…Mu…tsuki…”

She could not fight back.

He had stuck two fingers inside her softened anus. They groped at a point deeper than his tongue had reached.

“Mutsu-… You idiot… How long…are you going to…let her control…ahhhh!”

Even with her hated enemy right in front of her, the girl could not maintain her feelings of hatred.

“Heh heh. I don’t believe the desire triggered by the Serpent’s Eye loosens you up back there.”


She was unbelievably frustrated, but there was nothing she could do.

That hole meant for excretion had fully become a point of pleasure. When the fingers moved skillfully inside, she could not suppress the sweet feeling that welled up inside her. Her eyes grew damp and held no intensity as she glared at Black Cat.

“How does it feel to have him investigate the smell and flavor of your anus, Jiyuuni Ange?”

“Stop… Don’t…touch me…”

“Interesting. The softer your asshole gets, the harder this becomes.”

This time, Black Cat’s fingers found a spot much more indecent than her breasts.

She had captured the clitoris that had grown entirely erect as it waited for stimulation. Ange bit her lower lip in frustration.

(Stop…that… Ah, no, if…if you touch the front…ahhhhh, my butt is opening. It’s opening. What do I do? I can’t close it…)

That was still the switch for her pleasure, so even that light touch caused strength to fill her vagina. That effort was transferred to her soft anal flesh which showed its clear response.

The wrinkles of her anus loosened all on their own as they surrounded his two fingers.

“Nn… I bet something even thicker would make you feel even better.”

Mutsuki pulled out his fingers.

With that stimulation gone, her damp anus squeezed shut once but began twitching as her maiden’s bead was rolled around. When the surrounding flesh occasionally swelled out, the pink contents came into view.

“This might hurt a little.”

“Eh…? Ah, Mutsuki! What are you-…?”

The boy held onto her tense waist and parted her tattered miniskirt once more.

He pressed the hot tip against the two evenly round cheeks.

Ange trembled in fear. Until seeing what he had been doing with Micha, she had never known this hole could be a target of a caress, but her instincts told her what he was going to do now. But…

“No… You can’t…ah!”

Her anal flesh was already more under his command than her own. The small wrinkles loosened on their own as his tip pressed in on them and then they opened like a blooming flower. They welcomed what wanted in.

Something far thicker than two fingers began to enter her.

“Ah…ahhhh. No…!”

Her eyes opened wide.

Her modest excretory organ opened wide and she felt so much pressure she almost stopped breathing.

But the hole itself had been loosened by that crucial foreplay. It actually enjoyed the sensation of the penis as the boy forced their union deeper.

He had followed his orders by not putting it in her front hole, but Black Cat’s eyes widened when she saw the alternative method he chose.

“Wow… This hole feels great too… Are you okay, Ange?”

This was Mutsuki’s first time seeing a part of his body slipping inside of an anus as it spread out in all directions. He felt the simple pleasure, the sensation of dominating someone’s body, and the fulfillment of the curiosity that had started with Micha and the others. With those feelings brought together, his mouth hung open despite the empty look in his eyes.

As for Ange…

“Uuh… Nn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!”

Her scream only lasted a short time.

As soon as his cruelly swollen head passed through the narrow sphincter, her insides grew accustomed to him. Dampness seeped out from the flesh inside, adding lubrication.

(Ahh… What is this? What is this? …My butt is so hot.)

To loosen up her lovely anal flesh, he slowly, slowly inserted the solid stake, and it filled the girl with a strange feeling.

She had received some extremely dangerous petting from him before, but she was still a virgin. She had seen his penis when he had done it with Ibekusa Machina, but this was of course her first time having it inside her.

On top of that, this was the wrong hole. Its presence and the great pressure should have only filled her with fear, revulsion, and pain. However…

(Why…? Ah, ah, it keeps opening wider…)

He mercilessly penetrated her further.

She suddenly recalled the time she had watched Ibekusa Machina losing her virginity.

Machina too had only been in pain for an instant.


“Nn. Sounds like it’s started feeling good for you.”

He whispered cruelly into her ear, but she could only glare bitterly back.

However, that glare had no strength behind it when her lovely slanted eyes were filled with feminine moisture. As he stickily rubbed against her anal walls, somewhat seductive tones escaped her small, pointed nose.

(Ah, ahh… This isn’t right. He’s rubbing against the entrance. It’s so hot and it stings…but it isn’t bad. I want him to do it more…. Ah, nahh. Why? Why? What is wrong with me?)

The boy made sure her softening flesh grew accustomed to the hard sensation.

(My butt…feels so good?)

His massive erection was finally entirely buried inside her.


The swollen head was buried deep inside her. With her butt filled with the hot male organ, Ange felt like her entire body was melting out of her young anus.

An intoxicated tone entered her moaning voice.

Her anus was still throbbing with pain, but Mutsuki’s frightening skill had remade her body. Instead of just thrusting inside, he twisted clockwise or counterclockwise around the spread wrinkles. He located the points that still hurt a little and kindly polished them.

He thoroughly, thoroughly overwrote the pain with burning pleasure.

“Ahahn, ahn! No, not my butt… Ah, ahhn!”

She had a feeling using her butt for its intended purpose was going to bring her pleasure from now on, but she could not resist. She could only wander through the vortex of indecent pleasure and shake her shiny red ponytail around.

“Nn… You’re all ready to go?”

Once he noticed the signs of pain had left the girl, Mutsuki began rough direct thrusts.

When entering, he pushed strongly in as if piercing her from different angles. When pulling out, he moved slowly, with the tip catching at her flesh and making it feel like she was pooping.

All pain had left the girl. In fact, her young body was damp with sweat and shining with a seductive scarlet sheen. She twisted her delightfully slender waist on her own.

Her milky skin was flushed pink and she received his rough rhythm as her long red hair dangled down.

“Looks like she’s already addicted. That was fast even with the Serpent’s Eye. What a lewd girl.”

Black Cat parted the hair hiding the girl’s face.


The girl recalled her situation when the enemy looked her in the eye from so close.

But even raising the corners of her eyes was difficult now. As her anus widened to match his girth, each thrust filled her with such joy that she barely cared about anything else. She was so very, very happy that she found it hard to hate anyone.

“…Heh heh? What a cute girl.”

Ange was not the only one acting weird.

The most powerful angel who had not given in to even the greatest pain was now a slave to this anal pleasure. The abnormal atmosphere had infected Black Cat as well.

“How about this?”

“Ah, ah, ahh… D-don’t…touch…me. Not there…”

Black Cat’s fingers slid to the girl’s hidden lips and found the slit between.

The young labia were so damp that her fingers slipped, but she somehow managed to spread them with the four fingers from her thumb to ring finger. Milky juices dripped down from the hexagonal opening.

She smiled bitterly at how warm the exposed vagina was. The red, heated folds were arranged so perfectly alongside each other that they were reminiscent of rose petals. No matter how much they loosened up, when she spread that young rose bud, it would return to normal and suck at her fingers.

“That feels good, doesn’t it?”

Black Cat got up and leaned over the girl who was on all fours. She reached for the girl’s breasts and crotch while pressing her lips to her earlobe.

“Sh-shut…up. It does not…ahhhhh!”

Ange harshly rejected the idea with her natural strong will, but it was a fragile thing supported only by her pride.

Her expression retained its nobility, but with each thrust into her anus, the seductive color in it grew. With each massage of her breasts or pinch of her clitoris, her body writhed madly, as irritating and frustrating as it was.

And then…


The look on Black Cat’s face changed.

She was leaning over Ange, who was on all fours, so she naturally took a similar bestial pose, but Mutsuki had reached a hand toward the hips sticking back toward him.

The butt inside her skirt had a springy texture and felt plenty soft even through the soft leather. He strongly kneaded it to enjoy the sensation and gently stroked a more obscene location.

Black Cat was confused at first, but she was too engulfed in arousal to stop him. She went right back to teasing Ange.

And she did not realize that the supposedly brainwashed boy was clearly straying from her orders.

“Don’t lie, Ange. This feels good, doesn’t it?”

Even as Black Cat teased her, Mutsuki leaned forward to bring his mouth to the girl’s ear.

“Ange, the entrance to your butt has a habit of pushing out when you feel pleasure, so I can tell right away.”


Being teased by Black Cat was humiliating enough, but when it came from the boy she was meant to protect, it directly damaged her pride. She let out a frustrated snort.

But no matter what she thought, her flesh was already his slave. It wrapped around his penis to welcome it in.

Mutsuki held her slender waist as he said more.

“Hey…say it. Say this feels good.”


As he was being brainwashed, he did not hold back and made an obscene request.

“L-like hell I would do that!”

“Say it.”


To show he was serious, he subtly changed how he moved his hips.

If he could attack her in a way that brought the most pleasure, he could also intentionally not do so. He held back on the straight thrusts, pulled partway out, and thoroughly rubbed at that entrance.


She was still spread wide, but it did not feel like enough to her anus that had grown soft enough to pull out a bit when his thick head moved in and out.

He did not give in even as her entire butthole sucked at his penis.

(I-it’s still so hot…where it’s going inside…but he won’t…thrust it all the way in… What do I do? If he keeps teasing me like this, I’ll…)

“C’mon. If you say it, I’ll make you feel good again?”

He slowly, slowly rubbed against her inner flesh and occasionally roughly struck it with his shaft.

(I can’t. No fair… Stupid Mutsuki… Stupid Mutsuki…!)

The boy’s usual self came to mind. He was stupid, perverted, and pathetic. He had no redeeming factors beyond being nice.

That was who was forcibly violating her, and the fact brought new humiliation to her chest, but…


Now that she knew how it felt, she could not satisfy the throbbing tickling at the center of her hips that demanded for the obscene pleasure only he could give her.

Sweet breaths escaped from between her clenched teeth, and finally…


She raised her feminine hipline.

“Yes… Ahhn, yes. Yes, my butt…feels so good.”

Her young bust bounced below her as she released embarrassingly sweet sobs.

She arched her back and raised her hips as if urging him to hurry up and move, so the boy skewered her with the symbol of his arousal once more. The sticky anal walls wrapped around him. The half-hearted movements meant to tease her had been torture for him too.

While providing a powerful massage to the aroused entrance, he shoved the cruel head deep inside her anus.


The sensual mass reached just as deep…no, deeper than before, as it pierced her lovely butt.

The girl was being filled with guilty anal pleasure before ever having normal sex, so her frenzy was intense. An oppressive feeling filled her from her belly to her butthole, but it was quickly overwritten with pleasure.

“Amazing, Mutsuki! It’s too good… Ah, ah…so deep…so deep… My butt…it’s opening…so wide…”

He had only asked her for the first admission, but once she broke free of her rational mind, she began crying embarrassing and indecent things without even realizing it.

Mutsuki was filling her with thrust after thrust of vivid pleasure, just as she had wanted, so she could not help herself. The ferocious shaft moved in a terribly precise screw-like motion that twisted, scraped, and pulled at her melting anal flesh from every direction.


Black Cat watched it all play out in a daze.

She still had not realized that she was no longer in control of the situation.

The daze brought on by the hand on her butt would not let her realize it.

“Mutsuki… Stop…stop this.”

“Why? This hole is loving it so much.”

He pressed against her womb through the anal wall, found the perfect spot to bring sexual pleasure, and began whispering embarrassing things again.

“N-no. I do not…I do not love it.”

“Really? That’s odd. You mean you don’t love it when I do this?”

He gently pulled his hips back to move his penis in and out at the entrance.

The dreadfully swollen head scraped and pulled at the sphincter.

“Kyah? I-I doooon’t? When you…rub at…the entrance…my butt…my butt gets all melted…and opens…on its own…”

“Hmm. Then what about this?”

This time, he thrust in as deep as he could.

The hair at the base rubbed against the entrance.

“Hyahhh! No…I don’t… When you…thrust it…thrust it inside…it doesn’t feel good…at all… Fwahhh! Don’t…don’t grope my butt like that?”

As he thrust straight into her melting anus, her cries echoed through the entire abandoned building. Her beautiful, dignified eyes had an indecent film of moisture over them.

Meanwhile, Mutsuki remained composed as he made his attack on the girl. Even as he made that proud angel a slave to his anal sex, he shifted his focus elsewhere.

“————!? What do you think you’re doing!?”

The fingers tracing along Black Cat’s butt finally slipped inside the soft leather.

His emotionless expression remained, so he was still brainwashed, but his master’s command to stop did not reach him.

“Black Cat-san… Don’t you want to feel good too?”

Below the soft leather material, he parted her mature butt and placed his hand at the very base. It was already quite damp.


Not even Black Cat had noticed when arousal had filled that area and his fingertips began a piston-like motion. Goose bumps covered her skin and strength left her entire body.

“You…ahhh…st-stop. That’s an order…Fujita Mutsuki…”

“You’re a really sensitive here, aren’t you? See? See?”

The sticky friction to the surface of those neatly closed lips caused Black Cat to wildly swing her braided hair around.

She could not escape. She could not move her body from its position leaning over Ange. She could only send wave-like contractions through her nectar-covered flesh to invite his fingers in deeper.

“Listen up, you two. Once you’ve had plenty of pleasure, we’re all going to cum together.”

He of course did not forget to provide a finishing blow for Ange’s anus. He plunged his long penis in and out of her white peach-like butt with a wet sound.

“Uuh… I can’t…stand it… Why Mutsuki…? Why does it have to be Mutsuki again…?”

“Damn…you. You dare…do this…to me…ahh.”

The beautiful woman and beautiful girl had equally smooth and springy butts and the boy groped or penetrated both of them.

He was violating an anus filled with flesh. With each stroke, the anal walls would wrap complexly around the head, so he was approaching his limit too. With the bodily fluids rising from his testicles, his shaft had grown until he thought it would burst.

However, he did not rush and instead worked at the other two with skillful use of his hips and fingers.

The harsh thrusts of his penis into the anus elicited the cries of a slave from his cute roommate and the rubbing of the lovely pink flesh elicited the sweet cries of a kitten from his enemy.

“Ah… I-I can’t…”

The first one to reach her limit was of course Ange. Strength filled her seductively wiggling shoulders and her limbs grew tense.

The straight thrusts into her anus caused her to raise her butt, forget what that hole was actually meant for, and tighten down on the obscene rod.

“Hh… Go ahead, Ange. I’ll…I’ll cum too.”

The urethra running down the center of the solid rod swelled out against the twitching inner flesh.

The head spread out painfully far and scraped against the surrounding flesh.

“Ahhhhhh, Mutskukiiii. I can’t… It’s too thick…too thick… I’m going to break! Ahhh?”

“Kh… Uuhhhh.”

As if the younger two’s obscene pleasure had infected her, Black Cat started sensually wiggling her slender waist back and forth.

Her fingers were still sticking inside Ange’s hidden garden and its melted folds of nectar squeezed tightly on her. Her body copied the reaction, so her own hidden place seemed to devour the boy’s fingers as he moved them in and out.

The sweaty bodies of Ange and Black Cat both began moving their hips in a seductive, intoxicated way and a satisfied smile appeared on Mutsuki’s supposedly unmoving face.

“I’m cumming…”

While continuing the sticky pistoning into both of them, he squeezed the final trigger.


Hot magma erupted from the thick fully-engorged tip.


Ange let out a cry of joy as the hot and thick juices flowed right into her anal walls.

Her consciousness was blown away by a whiteness on another level entirely from the one brought on by her clitoris. She felt like her entire being was being erased.

The flowing liquid was so thick and sticky it was almost solid, so it roughly pried open the tightened walls and flowed deeper and deeper inside. A dull rumbling as if from a landslide came from her lower stomach.

“Ahhhhhhh, ahhhhh, ahahhhhhhhhhhh~~~~~!”

The eruption alone had brought her to climax, but the continuing waves of orgasm only grew deeper as the pleasurable liquid worked its way deeper.


Black Cat was quieter, but she too was enveloped by a perverse orgasm.

She had only managed to restrain her voice, so she was sticking her plump, mature butt out toward Mutsuki as she was swept away by indescribable waves of ecstasy.


She must have inadvertently gathered some strength in her hand because her fingers wetly parted Ange’s hidden lips.

With an obscene sound, that untouched vagina squirted hot nectar.

The urethra a little above it swelled out and seemed to open up. Only a small amount of fragrant urine seeped out as she had already released some earlier.

(Ahhhhh? Mutsuki’s…Mutsuki’s semen is going further and further inside me…)

Her body was filled with his milk and she could feel its heat and sensation seeping into her. That caused her to tremble for a reason other than pleasure.

She was trembling at the premonition that rapidly rose within her.

(Even the deepest…depths of my body…)

She did not know if it was a tremor of fear or of anticipation, but she was certain that the premonition would come true.

(Even the deepest depths of my body…are going to fall in love with Mutsuki…???)

After coming down off such a great wave, Mutsuki and Ange’s bodies both seemed like empty, soulless shells. They were embracing each other and their shoulders rose and fell with the same rhythm.

“…I-I think I had a little too much fun there.”

The first to come to her senses was Black Cut. She had gotten dragged into things and been guided to a light climax, so she quickly moved away from Mutsuki’s hand.

She took a deep breath to calm herself and looked to the embracing boy and girl while blushing.

“I guess I’ll take them away while they’re docile. Both Adam and the girl with Adam’s sperm inside.”

She pulled on the red ponytail that had fallen limply to the floor.

The girl groaned a little, but she did not come to. Carrying her like this would be easy.


But Mutsuki rejected the idea while embracing the small girl from behind.

Black Cat frowned. His brainwashing was still intact and he should have been unable to do anything she did not command him to do.

It should have been impossible for him to object to anything she did.

“Don’t touch my Ange.”


The woman instantly removed her hand and jumped back.

Something had stroked her neck. Something cold and sharp. Her animalistic reflexes had sensed danger and so she had escaped having her throat slit, but…

She checked her neck and found a shallow cut with blood seeping out.


She looked around. Ange’s sword was lying on the floor in pendant form and those two had not moved. She did not see anyone else either.

This was strange. She could guess that the boy’s brainwashing was being broken. She did not know why, but he had also ignored her command to stop and had violated her.

But he should have been no different from a normal human. He should not have been able to harm one of the FeTUS Witches.


At the very least, she knew something was interfering with her mission. She ever so carefully approached the two of them again to carry them away.


Once again, a sharp blade approached her neck, and this time she realized what it was.

It was her.

Her own arm had extended the claws that could slice through concrete and was targeting her own throat.

She herself was making sure she “did not touch Ange”.

“It was careless of you to stay near Mutsuki-kun for so long when you’re a woman.”

When she heard an arrogant voice, Black Cat jumped back again. She jumped back from Mutsuki, Ange, and the voice coming from the hole Ange had made.

A brown-skinned angel with some white powder remaining on her clothes stood there with her arms crossed.

“Surely you know that Adam’s power isn’t anything as cheap as the Serpent’s Eye. If he wanted to, he could rule over every woman with his very presence alone.”


“You can’t control him anymore and you can’t touch Ange now that he’s commanded you not to. His power has been imprinted on your subconscious.”

Micha gave a cold, confident smile.

Black Cat was shaken, but she managed to straighten her back into her usual posture.

“H-hmph. I will admit that I miscalculated Adam’s power. But so what? I just have to call for backup. Or, Jiyuuni Micha, are you saying you can stop-…?”


Her low, threatening growl was cut off by a composed voice in the opposite direction from Micha.

The door opened and Miss E, aka Ibekusa Machina, stepped in. Miss C was surprised by this supposed ally’s appearance, but Micha’s smile remained. She had apparently brought Machina here.

Machina’s eyebrows briefly twitched when she saw Ange and Mutsuki lying on top of each other, but her usual expressionless look quickly returned.

“You ignored any damage to the locals, you destroyed a shop and the transportation network, you violated FeTUS’s obligation to secrecy, and you put a powered individual in danger. Miss C, you went too far. An inquiry is set to be held, so FeTUS will not send any help until the investigation is complete.”



Machina slowly closed her eyes.

“I will not assist you in what is about to occur.”

A third individual appeared without speaking a word and Black Cat was too shaken to react in the slightest.


The next thing she knew, a slender arm had grown from her gut.

She supposedly had her back to a wall, but a child’s hand had stabbed through her slender back.

A boy stood in that impossible blind spot, as if he had slipped right through the wall.

“FeTUS Witches Miss C… You bitch.”

No human could do that and he was not an angel that followed the human world’s rules, so only one option remained.

The demon pulled back his hand which had intentionally missed her vitals. No hole remained in her gut. As if by magic, there was no wound in the side that his arm had punched through.

However, his hand was still buried in her back up to the wrist.

“Don’t think you’ll get a quick death after toying with my Mutsuki-kun like that.”

“Ghah…agh! Ah…agah!”

He moved his hand back and forth inside her body.

His bare hand stirred up her organs and she coughed up something red despite the lack of any injury. Finally, she noticed Lucia standing right behind her with a coquettish smile on his face.

She swung her claws like crazy, trying to force him away, but no matter how much she sliced through the demon’s skin, his sweet smile remained. The only change was the intensified snap of his wrist.


Black Cat had an advantage against an angel, but she was helpless against a demon. Escaping was the most she could hope for. She used the sparks from her right hand’s claws to blind the demon, escaped his grasp while endured the tearing of the organs he held in his hand, and made a run for it.

Miss E allowed her to leave through the door.

“You tell Miss A that you wasted our opportunity to retrieve Adam! Tell her you’ve hastened the time of conflict…and the extinction of mankind!”

She spat out something red as she shouted to her supposed ally and then ran off.


Lucia, Machina, and Micha remained.

“Great work locating Black Cat for me, Machina-chan. In the human world, it’s best to leave things to the humans.”

“It was not a problem. In fact, I would like to apologize for all the trouble.”

“You did some great work too, Lucia-kun. That was a little rough, but I might have been in trouble if you hadn’t driven her off.”

“You don’t need to thank me. I was only protecting Mutsuki-kun because I wanted to.”

“Now, then.”

They approached Mutsuki and Ange. Mutsuki may have noticed what was going on around him because he continued holding onto Ange despite only being half conscious.

He still had a distant doll-like look in his eyes, but when Machina pulled a needle-like object from his neck, he went completely limp like the power had been switched off. Lucia quickly supported him.


The unconscious girl gave a quiet groan as the hard object in her anus shifted position.

“This time, I think Ange put in the most work of anyone.”


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