Adolescent Adam

Volume 2, 3 - Poolside Taboo

Volume 2, Chapter 3 - Poolside Taboo

Angels were weak against humans, humans against demons, and demons against angels.

That three-way deadlock seemed to create an extremely decisive gap between them.

A swing of Prominence sliced a screeching black amoeba in two. A bloody smell was scattered around even as the blue flames coming from the sword burnt it down to ashes.

It was a type of demon servant known as a Succubus and Mutsuki had seen them before.

They were muddy black liquid creatures that could appear from even the smallest gap. Mutsuki himself had no way of fighting them, but he did not fear them. Demons were weak against angels, so they could not even get close while Ange was protecting him.

“Let’s go.”

After blowing away the scorched remains of the Succubus with the blue wings growing from her back, the girl returned her sword to its pendant form and began walking like nothing had happened.

Mutsuki quickly followed. It was not even eight in the morning and they were on their way to school.

“Th-thanks, Ange. Like always.”

“It’s my job.”

Not only did she show no hint of joy at her victory, but she gave an indifferent response and put on a lopsided frown.

Mutsuki sighed as he caught up with her fairly fast pace.

She still seemed to be in a bad mood.

“Looks like the Succubi are attacking on their own, but were you okay, Mutsuki-kun?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Really? You aren’t hurt anywhere? Let me see, let me see.”

“I’m not hurt. …And quit pulling off my clothes.”

It was before morning homeroom and Lucia was sitting on his lap again.

This happened every morning and it could be a bit of a problem, so Mutsuki looked back toward Ange in hope of some help.

She was resting her head on her hand and sullenly staring out the window.

Three days had passed since Machina had beaten her so soundly. Ever since, she had been apathetic to almost everything except her bodyguard job. She would not glare at him even when he was getting along with a demon like Lucia. The defeat must have really hurt her pride.

“Sorry about that. I want to do something about it, but demons generally only act out of their own self-interest. The Succubi have no intelligence and they only listen to what their master says.”

Lucia gave an exaggerated shrug while sitting on the edge of the desk.

Mutsuki did not know how much he could trust the demon boy, but this was how he explained it:

The demons other than him had been quiet for the past month because they feared Mutsuki’s angel bodyguard, but they were growing more and more restless and less and less able to resist interfering with Mutsuki. That had grown especially true in the past three days due to FeTUS’s actions. (Which according to Machina was the incident concerning Black Cat.)

The Succubi had been staying away before, but now they were attacking much more often. That was not much of a problem since Ange could slaughter them instantly, but this confirmed what Micha had said about dangerous elements existing in both FeTUS and the demons. He trembled with his newfound awareness that he was a target.

But at the same time…

“Mutsuki-kun? Muutsuukii-kun.”

“Hm? Oh, sorry.”

He looked up as Lucia waved a hand in front of his face.

“Are you tired? …Maybe it’s because of us demons.”

“N-no, I just zoned out for a second there. I’m not tired.”

In truth, one of the reasons for his mental weariness really was the sudden increase in demon attacks, but he shook his head to deny it.

The boy frowned in anguish, but his friendly smile returned when Mutsuki smiled. It was a lovely smile that made Mutsuki grin all the more.



“Oh, Ibekusa-san.”

As always, Ibekusa Machina arrived a few minutes before homeroom.

Three days had passed, but the Black Cat she had warned them about had yet to show up and Machina herself had not contacted them again since.

She had gone back to being a normal classmate. She was her usual quiet self.

“Good morning.”

“…Good morning.”

She had gone back to being a classmate who would coolly reply when he greeted her.

Once the teacher arrived, Lucia returned to his own seat.

With Serpent’s Eye Holder Fujita Mutsuki at the center, FeTUS Witches Ibekusa Machina sat to the left, High Level Demon Satowa Lucia sat to the back, and Strongest Modern Angel Jiyuuni Ange sat diagonally back.

It had been almost two weeks since that arrangement had been established.

All four were getting along just fine as members of the class. Ange could be irritable, but she was not a bad girl. Both Machina and Lucia had blended into the school nearly perfectly.

(At the very least, all of us are fine.)

Afterschool, Mutsuki sat alone in the empty classroom lit by the setting sun.

No one else was there. Sakae and his other friends had club activities and committee meetings, Machina had quickly left school, and Lucia had vanished at some point too.

Ange was at the pool. She was so bad at swimming that she was receiving a special afterschool lesson from the PE teacher and the swim team.

Mutsuki could not leave without her, so he had to kill some time at school.

His current situation naturally came to mind.


When he sorted through his thoughts, it was a simple matter.

He had the power of the Serpent’s Eye and both FeTUS and the demons were after it. Both groups were gradually taking more drastic measures.

Also, Lucia and Machina were opposed to those violent methods.

(Even Micha-san said I could get along with those two.)

He had reached the same conclusion over the past two weeks living surrounded by angels, a demon, and humans.

(It can be hard to tell what Lucia-kun is thinking at times, but I know I can with Ibekusa-san. After all…)

He was confident he could be friends with her.

(She told me about that Black Cat person.)

At that point…


He heard the clear sound of a bell.

The tone passed pleasantly through his ears and cut off his thoughts.


“Fweh!? What, what!?”

He had thought he was alone, but someone was standing behind him and he nearly fell from his seat.

The other person also cried out in surprise and opened their eyes wide.

“…K-Kurikara-san? You really scared me.”

“No, you scared me. Why did you suddenly shout like that?”

His usually noisy classmate Kurikara Saya had appeared silently.

“What’s going on? You don’t often stick around afterschool.”

She was friends with everyone in the class and knew a lot about them all. She tilted her head as she asked her question. She also tilted her entire body, which was childish and cute.

“I’m waiting for Ange. This is the day for those who can’t swim to stay behind, remember?”

“Oh, yeah.”

A charming smile covered her face.

“That was really surprising. Ange-chan is so athletic, but she can’t seem to make any progress when it comes to swimming.”

“Ah ha ha. That’s right. You’re always sticking with her during swimming class, aren’t you? Sorry she’s so much trouble.”

“Think nothing of it.”

She sat on a nearby desk to continue their chat.

“What about you, Kurikara-san? Don’t you have to get to your club activities?”

“I’m about to. I was hungry after class, so I stopped by the school store and they had a wholllllle bunch of discount pudding. I ended up eating too much. Eh heh heh.”

“Try not to eat so many snacks.”

“Mhh. Don’t say that.”

Mutsuki did not have many female friends because he was fairly shy at the core, but he could hold a conversation with Kurikara who got along with all of their classmates.

But now that he thought about it, this was his first time alone with her.

She had a plump feminine build and a smile that suited her bright personality.

In the reddish light of the setting sun, she looked somehow mature.

“Are you okay like this?”


“Are you okay being away from Ange-chan?”

She almost seemed like another person entirely.

“…Okay? Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well, the two of you are always together, so I thought maybe there was a reason why you couldn’t be apart.”


She was still smiling, but she stared directly at him with a somehow sharp look in her eyes.

There was indeed a reason why they could not be apart. Ange was his bodyguard, so she was normally with him at all times. However, no one else should have known about that.

“Not really. W-we’re relatives, so we just happen to be together a lot.”

He stumbled over his words a little. The class had found out he and Ange were living together, so they had explained it by saying they were relatives.

“Hmm,” she said while staring at him with a knowing look. “Relatives, you say?”

A somehow depthless giggle escaped her throat.

He usually got along with her better than any other girl in the school – even Ange – but for some reason he felt a chill run down his spine.

“By the way.”

It may have been the reddish sunlight, but her usual friendly expression had transformed into an oddly bewitching smile as she glanced over to the seat behind the boy.

“You get along well with Satowa-kun, don’t you?”

“Well, yes, I suppose I do.”

“Well enough that he would come for you if you called for him?”

“N-not that well.”

“I see, I see.”

She giggled again with a somehow probing look on her face. Only then did he realize that she no longer had the bright eyes of his classmate.

Her eyes were angled sharply upwards like those of a wild animal eyeing its prey.

The twilight of late spring entered the classroom.

As that setting sunlight washed over him, a warm sweat began pouring down his back.

“Hey, is anyone still in here?”

A sudden voice broke the thread of tension.

Katsue-sensei, their homeroom teacher, poked her head in from the hallway. She frowned suspiciously when she noticed a boy and a girl alone together.

“I’m about to lock up, so head on home.”

“Oh. Okayyy!”

In that instant, Saya returned to being her usual eternal optimist self. She turned around with a bright expression on her face and ran off.

“Bye, Fujita-kun. See you tomorrow?”

“S-see you.”

His strength left him and his chair creaked below him. The teacher was still looking his way, so he gathered his things to leave.

At that point, he heard the quiet sound of a bell once more.

Saya left the classroom without looking back.

Mutsuki could not remain in the school building. He had a feeling that being alone was a bad idea. That bad feeling led him to the pool so he could wait for Ange to finish up.

The swimming lesson was being led by volunteers from the swim team. Nearly thirty students from Megutono Academy’s elementary, middle, and high schools who had trouble swimming were doing their best with a kickboard in one hand.

Incidentally, anyone could choose to join in even if they did not have any real trouble with swimming.

“Ahhh! Mutsuki-kun?”

As he peered in through the fence, Ange’s was not the first familiar face he spotted. Or rather, that he was spotted by.


Mutsuki was surprised to have his name called so loudly and the demon boy in swim trunks immediately ran over like a puppy. He had no trouble with swimming. In fact, he had broken the school’s records for the crawl and the butterfly. He was apparently just having fun.

“What is it? Are you here to swim? …Or did you come to see me??”

He brought his face close to the fence. He had his usual bewitching attraction that affected both sexes equally, so he gathered gazes from the pool behind him. Mutsuki shook his head with a bitter smile as if embarrassed to be taking all of the boy’s friendliness for himself.

The pool was packed full of people, but he quickly found who he was looking for. He could see a drowning redhead in the practice course for the (mainly elementary school) students who could not swim 25m with a kickboard.

Lucia pouted his lips in displeasure.

“It’s gonna take a while still for that angel. Wait there. I’ll head out to meet you?”

He could leave at any time since he was taking part voluntarily, so he ran toward the exit for this higher priority. He passed through the disinfectant tub and the simple shower and then entered the locker room.

Mutsuki made his way to the locker room from the outside. He could not bear the looks of the people who were angry that Lucia had left.

Plus, there was something he wanted to discuss with the demon boy.

Megutono Academy’s pool had surprisingly luxurious facilities. It had a normal pool and one with a shallow end of the elementary school, so that alone meant the surrounding facilities had to cost twice as much as well.

But the boys changed in the classroom for swimming classes, so one had to join the swim team to take advantage of it all.

These extra lessons were considered part of the swim team’s activities, so the facilities had been opened for everyone.

Mutsuki entered the boy’s locker room which was well drained and ventilated, so it barely smelled mildewy at all. No one else was there at the moment, so it was just him and Lucia.


Lucia happily let warm water wash over his face in the shower space.

There was an accordion curtain installed, but the boy did not bother closing it.


The boy in only swim trunks was surrounded by a thin layer of steam and Mutsuki’s eyes were naturally drawn to the slight flushing of his white skin.

It may have been due to his youthful skin, but he had no real flesh from his small collarbone to his navel and yet he seemed somehow round.

He was skinny but not quite enough to see his ribs and his small butt stuck out below. His thighs had no fat on them either.

He had none of the feminine roundness of Micha or Machina, but his small body was somehow enchanting and tickled at the male psyche. The way he washed his blond hair was oddly sexual and Mutsuki’s heart began to race as he watched it.


“Eh heh heh?”


The bewitching boy suddenly turned toward him with a melting look of happiness on his face.

It was a dangerously cute smile that seemed to stab into Mutsuki’s heart. The expression could capture the heart of both boys and girls. Mutsuki saw it on a daily basis, but his heart still skipped a beat and he looked away.

“I’m glad?”


“That you aren’t afraid of me anymore. You used to be so on edge when I would get close, right? But now you act normal even when we’re alone.”

Mutsuki realized the boy was right. They had been classmates for two weeks now, but this was the first time they had been alone together. It felt like Lucia had made sure only to stick around him when Ange could see.

Was that not to scare him?


Mutsuki raised his head and looked the boy directly in the eye.

He had been thinking about this for a month now.

His first impression of Lucia had been too frightening. Lucia was clearly the one who had dragged Mutsuki into his current abnormal life and he had heard a lot about how frightening the demons were from Micha and Ange.

But he had held a certain thought in his heart ever since seeing the boy’s smile for the first time.

“I have a question.”


Was it possible this boy was the farthest of anyone from being his enemy?

“Demons…can’t get along with angels, can they?”

He tried asking and Lucia must have been able to tell he was not joking.

“That’s right.”

The demon boy continued smiling and did not hesitate to answer.

“The relationship between angels and demons isn’t simply divided between good and evil as humans like to interpret it, but our very existences are eternally at odds. There’s no way we can get along.”

“…Really? There isn’t even a slight possibility?”


There was no hesitation at all in his voice.

This was unfortunate, but Mutsuki had honestly expected it. After all, Machina had told him pretty much the same thing.

“Then…what about you?”


“I’m asking your personal opinion, not your view as a demon. Can’t you get along with the angels…with Ange?”

He placed his hopes on that question and took a step forward.

Ibekusa Machina had said she would not oppose the angels on a personal level.

That was good enough for now, so he hoped he could get a similar promise here.

Lucia blinked his eyes from the other boy’s overwhelmingly earnest plea, but he seemed to have caught on. He swept back the bangs that were hanging down from the running shower water.

“Not a chance. I hate angels.”

He coldly turned the other way, so Mutsuki frowned.

“They’re violent and don’t have a lick of tact. They call themselves bodyguards, but that’s just an excuse to drive away whoever they don’t like. Isn’t that Ange angel nothing but trouble for you too, Mutsuki-kun?”

“Th-that isn’t-…”


Ange was nearly family to Mutsuki and he just about jumped in to say she had her good side too, but the demon sidestepped him with a mischievous smile.

He grabbed Mutsuki’s blue striped tie and pulled to bring the boy’s face down toward him. Some shower droplets bounced from Lucia’s face and onto Mutsuki’s cheeks.

The demon boy who had captured the hearts of boys and girls throughout the school looked up at him with truly bewitching eyes.

“If you tell me to, I’ll stop.”

He whispered from lips so lovely that Mutsuki wanted to abandon reason and suck at them.

“I’ll do anything you tell me. Anything.”


The demon’s sweet whispering voice seemed to freeze his heart. He felt completely glued to the spot as if he had been paralyzed.

No. It was him himself that could not take his eyes off of Lucia.

The demon boy brought a finger to the boy’s unguarded lips.

“Give me any command and I’ll obey. It’s all up to you.”

He brought his face close while tracing his finger around the boy’s lips.

“Ever since I was bound by Avalon, I have been your eternal slave.”

His lips were two millimeters away, but he stopped and narrowed his eyes in a smile.


Mutsuki trembled as he felt the same sweet breath of another boy he had felt when his first kiss had been stolen.

He could not help but recall how soft that fruit was.

That boy’s aura transformed any disgust toward homosexuality into mere guilt. He had a strange charm similar to Micha’s. It was forceful and yet it made Mutsuki do whatever he was told.

Indeed, Mutsuki felt no displeasure from facing the boy so close.


The eyes peering into his from point-blank range had endlessly deep green irises that seemed to suck him in.

“Get along with everyone.”


Lucia readily nodded and Mutsuki recalled what the boy had said that morning: demons generally only act out of their own self-interest.

“Oh, b-but…not like this.”

However, he lowered his head as far as his tie would allow.

“This isn’t about you being a slave or me ordering you. We’re, um, all the same. I just want you to, um, uh…”


Lucia’s quizzical tilt of the head was incredibly cute. Mutsuki had started speaking before organizing his thoughts, so it came out awkwardly.

“…b-be everyone’s friend.”

But he still got it out without averting his gaze.

Lucia widened his eyes and looked a little confused. He lowered his head as if trying to figure out what to do.

Once he looked up again, his bewitching smile had been replaced by a childish one.

“…Eh heh heh?”


The boy tugged on Mutsuki’s tie. They had already been close, so he was easily pulled forward and dragged into the shower space while still wearing his uniform. Lucia wrapped his hands around Mutsuki’s back and placed his small forehead on Mutsuki’s collarbone.

The demon boy rubbed his cheek against his friend’s chest like a baby and gently stretched his back to bring his lips to the side of Mutsuki’s face.

“I love that about you.”

“Eh? U-um…”


The whisper tickled Mutsuki’s earlobe, but he was not allowed to escape.

“If we’re all the same…?”

Closing the accordion curtain’s magnetic latch and wrapping up the rope used as a handle created a simple private area within.

Mutsuki just accepted that his clothes were going to get wet and sat on the shower floor. Lucia sat on his lap such that Mutsuki embraced the demon boy’s slender body from behind.

“Um, are we really doing this?”

“Of. Course. Or what? Are you not going to treat me the same as that angel?”

When the demon put it like that, he had no choice but to go along with it.

“If we’re the same, then do to me what you did to her? …Or will you go even further and do what you did with Ibekusa Machina?”


Mutsuki had nothing to say when the boy used his own words against him.

That was a reference to the day he had first had sex with Machina two weeks before. He had also ended up in a heavy petting session with Ange. He had stripped her nearly naked and caressed her breasts and butt until she pissed herself.

He had no idea how Lucia knew about that, but the demon was telling him to do the same here.

He could not say no. He decided this was better than treating him “the same” as with Machina, so he began caressing his body which was even smaller than Ange’s.

“Nn…Ha ha?”

The hands on the boy’s belly slowly began to move and Lucia narrowed his eyes ticklishly.

“Your hands…are so warm. And so wonderfully gentle.”

Lucia acted like a spoiled little brother wanting attention from his big brother. Or like a teenage girl receiving an embrace from her crush. His innocent expression seemed to melt.


Mutsuki felt his heart pounding at this expression he would never see from mature Machina or dignified Ange.

He could hardly believe this was a boy. In fact, it was so cute the distinction between sexes stopped mattering to him. Even a normal person like Mutsuki felt a strange arousal from caressing this body.

(This body is so delicate. It’s a little bony…but also squishy.)

He was easily captured by a dangerously enticing homosexual attraction and his hands moved from the boy’s belly to his chest, armpits, and thighs.


His smooth skin was still wet from the shower, so it was amusingly slippery.

His height was similar to Ange’s and they were similarly slender, but the feel of his skin was quite different. Ange had the springy skin of a Caucasian while Lucia had the more elastic skin found in the black and Asian races.

His body was slender but not quite enough to see his bones and Mutsuki found himself gathering strength in his hands at how raw it felt.


His fingers dug into the soft chest that lacked the fat of a girl’s.

“S-sorry. Did that hurt?”

“No, I’m fine.”

Mutsuki panicked when Lucia wrinkled his brow, but…

“If you’re the one doing it…then I like being hurt.”

Lucia looked back over his shoulder and laughed with a bittersweet, indulgent smile.

Even his behavior was cute. The boy was a genius at working his way into people’s hearts in everything he did.

Mutsuki did not know if it came naturally or if it was all carefully calculated, but either way…

(I need to be gentler.)

Mutsuki had already fallen for his tricks.

He gently traced a line from the boy’s slender shoulders to his chest that almost seemed to be budding ever so slightly, to the smooth indentation leading to his navel, and to his lower stomach.

“Hyah… M-Mutsuki-kun? The way you’re touching me…it’s…”

“You don’t like it?”

“It isn’t that. I-it tickles.”

Mutsuki switched from a light, stroking touch to something closer to a massage. Heat filled his caress. Not only did he increase his strength, he traced a finger down the demon boy’s side, starting from the armpit, and rubbed his palms up and down while just barely touching him.

“Nn… Nnh… Ahhn.”

After priming the boy’s nerves, he unexpectedly grabbed the flesh of his chest.

He had learned this massage technique from Micha. His surprisingly skillful finger technique caused Lucia to blush all the way out the ears.

(Satowa Lucia-kun. …He really is a boy.)

Mutsuki reviewed the situation here. Even if he looked almost exactly like a girl, the person writhing in his hands was definitely a boy.

But Mutsuki no longer even viewed that as a taboo.

(I want to see him in even more pleasure.)


He plucked out the small beads somewhat buried in Lucia’s areola.

He skillfully used his thumbs to roll around those stiff and raised points. Lucia must have been extremely sensitive because his sparkling white shoulders jerked to either side.

(What in the world am I doing? This is a boy.)

A part of him did think that, but…

“Nhah… Y-yes… Fwah ha…? You’re…so good at this…”


The rational part of his mind could not withstand those sweet moans that seemed to pour honey directly into his brain. Even though Mutsuki was the one doing this, the demon boy may have truly been the one in control.

With each caress, he felt like more impure energy was invading his mind.


At some point the object that had grown hard in his pants touched Lucia’s butt through both the pants and swimsuit.

Mutsuki quickly pulled his hips back, but…

“Heh heh?”

Lucia laughed quietly and stuck his butt out as much as Mutsuki had pulled away.

Without actually pressing down on it, he traced his butt in a figure 8 over the fabric of the pants. The sensual roundness beyond the swimsuit moved provocatively up and down the surface of Mutsuki’s erection.


Completely at the demon boy’s mercy, Mutsuki pressed against his butt just as he was being invited to do.

(Ahhhh…. It’s so soft. More…more…)

He was briefly entranced by the demon boy’s flesh that seemed to envelop his protruding rod when he pressed against it.

He lost himself in thrusting his hips like an elementary school boy that had just discovered how good toying with his erection felt. The fact that this was another boy no longer bothered him. In fact, Lucia had less flesh than a girl, which supplied more pressure and thus more pleasure.

“Nnah… W-wow. Mutsuki-kun, you’re so big…and throbbing…ahn.”

Lucia could feel his beloved boy’s breaths on his shoulder and the tempo of his own breathing grew as Mutsuki’s breaths grew more animalistic.

“Am I…making you feel good…??”

His eyebrows drooped from uncontained glee and he turned to face the boy right next to him.

Their gazes met.


As if it were perfectly natural, their lips met.

All of Mutsuki’s previous homosexual kisses had been “stolen”, but this one was “accepted”.

“Nhah, ahhn. Mutsuki-kun, Mutsuki-kuuun…?”

All of his guilty thoughts were sent into Lucia’s mouth and erased by the demon boy’s intoxicated and nasal voice. Mutsuki grew dizzy from the perverse pleasure and deepened their kiss as Lucia wanted.

He extended his tongue and stuck it inside a mouth that felt like melting chocolate.

The demon boy’s mouth had plenty of saliva and had a horribly lewd flavor. Mutsuki lost himself in it and almost seemed to be devouring the boy’s mouth.

Then Lucia stuck out his own tongue.


Mutsuki could not help but let out a voice.

The joint of Lucia’s jaw was soft and he could extend his tongue quite a ways. The saliva-covered tongue moved skillfully in every direction. The boy was simply a good kisser.

His saliva had the seductive aroma of an aphrodisiac and his rough tongue applied it directly to Mutsuki’s taste buds.

(I-I think I’m a lost cause…)

After experiencing this pleasure, Mutsuki felt he really would turn gay. He would be unable to love anyone but this boy named Lucia. The kiss was filled with that danger.

He knew he should not be doing this and that he needed to stop, but his tongue actively wrapped itself around the boy’s. An obscene wet sound escaped from within their bodies.

But one thing preserved the last thread of rational thought in his mind.

“Nmh…Hh, kph, nkh…”

Partway through, Lucia let out a sweet nasal voice as if to say he had been worn down.

While enjoying the kiss, the demon boy’s face had grown flushed.

(Oh… That’s right.)

Mutsuki was not the only one growing aroused from the kiss.

Once he realized that obvious fact, he brought his fingers to the boy’s small nipples.

“Hyan…! Hyah, M-Mutsuki…-kun. That’s…that’s amazing!”

The adorable pink at the very front of his smoothly swollen chest was entirely engorged. The protrusions at the center were twice their original size.

Now that they were easier to toy with, Mutsuki traced his fingers in a round curve and pinched the pleasantly elastic areolae.

“Ee…kh. Khyah. I…I can’t…”

As Mutsuki stroked and rubbed the obscene protrusions, Lucia’s moans rose an octave.

His arousal seemed to have crossed a line. He rubbed his twitching thighs together impatiently, ended the kiss, and arched his spine back.


His blond hair struck his face and the strong scent of a boy’s sweat scattered.


An immodest scream echoed through the shower space and the locker room as a whole.

Mutsuki looked up in shock and immediately removed his hands from the boy’s sexual protrusions. Lucia’s back remained motionlessly stiff for a while and then all strength left him.

“Nhah…? Pant…? Pant…?”

He let out breaths of ecstasy and leaned his entire weight on Mutsuki.

His consciousness seemed to leave him for a few minutes and, all the while, he could only manage the primitive twitching movements of a slug when it was touched.

Once he finally returned from his state of ecstasy, he gave an embarrassed-sounding laugh.

“Eh heh heh. …Honestly, you’re too rough?”

“Eh? Um… Sorry.”

“Just my chest was enough to make me cum like a girl.”

Lucia twisted his hips to check on the contents of his swimsuit and then looked up at Mutsuki half in delight and half in embarrassment.

Mutsuki was unfamiliar with the concept of “cumming like a girl” aka a dry orgasm, so he was a little confused.

However, when Lucia brought his lips in close again, he felt perfectly comfortable licking at them.

“Nhah…? What a strong smell. It’s almost enough to make me cum?”

After getting wet in the shower, the moisture had vaporized and filled Mutsuki’s pants with a horribly damp smell.

Lucia happily brought his face in close to the object rising toward the ceiling which he had removed from Mutsuki’s boxers.

(M-maybe we shouldn’t be doing this between guys.)

In a way, this was a bigger deal than losing his virginity. Now that he calmed down a little, he began to have doubts, but he could not stop Lucia once the demon boy grabbed the erect object with his springy hands.

(But…we did do this once before.)

Even if it had been against his will, he had been milked by Lucia’s lips once already.

(And it is Lucia-kun.)

That thought erased all sense of the taboo.

“Ahh… I love you, Mutsuki-kun?”

With that sweet whisper, Lucia wrapped his saliva-covered tongue around the “gun barrel”.

Mutsuki was at the boy’s mercy. He only leaned back against the wall, stretched his legs, and let out a short groan as he indulged in the small round face of another boy.

Lucia relaxed his cheeks in delight, rubbed the base of the shaft a few times, and finally widened his flexible jaw to swallow the head.


He was the one who cried out in delight when he gave a love bite to the hot shaft.

He noisily sucked at the crown and traced his soft tongue along the bottom of the swollen head. Plenty of saliva dripped down.

He held the base in his fingers and looked up with the gaze of an obedient dog.

“Your dick is delicious, Mutsuki-kun… Eh heh. Ever since I sucked it that first time, I’ve been thinking back on it and masturbating. But, but…”

He sniffed at the sweaty sexual scent of a young boy.

“Mutsuki-kun… Does my mouth feel good?”


When Mutsuki saw the indulgent look in the boy’s eyes, he did not hesitate to nod.

This was not flattery. He felt bad making the comparison, but this boy seemed more skilled than Machina or even Micha.

(He takes it in to the base…and completely envelops it. …Ah, ah, his tongue is hitting all my weak points…)

Perhaps because he too was a boy, Lucia knew all of Mutsuki’s weak points. Simply being enveloped by the boy’s incredibly soft mouth was almost enough to reach climax. Lucia’s tongue crawled stickily across the sensitive groove at the bottom of the head and his soft lips endlessly stroked up and down the engorged shaft.

“Eh heh heh. I’m glad. If you’re ever feeling horny, you can use me. My mouth is yours alone.”

Mutsuki had said he only had to be a friend, but Lucia smiled with the masochistic look of a slave in his eyes as he lovingly caressed each bulging vein.

Simply taking the penis into his mouth had clearly obscenely reignited his body. As he took the head deep into his narrow throat, his small butt lifted from the floor and wiggled back and forth.

“Nn, Lucia-kun. Wait.”

“Fweh? …Ahn.”

Mutsuki had been further seduced by the boy’s apparent attempt to remove his swimsuit without using his hands.

Mutsuki reached for the slender butt contained in the elastic black material.

“Ahh…ahn? Ah, nn, M-Mutsuki-kun. …Ahhh, no…not the butt…”

As the soft, elastic butt tried to escape his hand and he tried to capture it, his touch grew more indecent than intended. The intoxicated tone in Lucia’s voice grew further.

His fingers naturally moved to the center of the boy’s round flesh. He was drawn by that deep indentation. He felt no disgust for that place after trying it with Micha and Machina already. He could feel the heat of the valley through the thin swimsuit.


At just a light touch to the wrinkled indentation, Lucia tensed his hips, spat out the erection, and let out a cry.

“Pwah…No, nooooooooo… Not…not the butt!”

With tears and drool covering his face, his cheek bumped into the flesh pillar covered in plenty of saliva.

“Oh? You’re weak there?”

“Y-yes… So…don’t touch me too much…”


“Nooooooooo! You meanieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”

When Mutsuki pushed his finger in to the first joint, the boy’s back tensed as much as during his previous orgasm. He bent back violently enough for even his flat chest to jiggle a little.

“Ah, ah, nooooo. My butt, my butt…? Don’t…don’t touch it like that…don’t rub it… Hyah, not the edge. Not the eeeeedge?”

He was indeed quite sensitive there. As he cried out, his usual confidence had entirely vanished.

The tip of Mutsuki’s middle finger seemed to have turned him into a small child. Delighted to have revealed this rare side of the boy, Mutsuki wiggled his finger even more. He tugged on the flesh on either side, pulled at the tensed wrinkles, and sent his finger inside through the swimsuit.

“No, no. Not the butt! Just thinking about you is enough to make it melt…and turn into a pussy just for you!”

“Good. If you’re weak there, then I’ll make sure you feel even better.”

“Nooo. You have to be next. You have to cum next. I need to make you feel good too.”

Having his anus fingered had brought the demon boy to tears, but he still managed to bring the flesh rod back into his mouth.


Like a young child who did not know how to use a straw, his cheeks sucked in as he sucked at the urethra and moved his entire head back and forth to stroke the shaft with his lips.

Before, he had seemed to be enjoying the act of service, but now his blowjob was entirely meant to draw out Mutsuki’s cum. Mutsuki had yet to climax and he felt something like a chill in his balls.

“I think…I’m about to cum. Lucia-kun…ah!”

“Ee! Fwahh… Not so roughhhhhh!”

Mutsuki’s finger tensed and drove deep inside Lucia’s anus.

The shock was enough for Lucia’s hips to writhe in every direction with his dark navy swim trunks still on. He seemed to be searching for any kind of stimulation for the “front” that had yet to be touched.

“Ahhh, dig in? More, more, Mutsuki-kuuun! Dig into my ass! Stir me all up insiiiiiiide???”

The pleasure from his anus must have begun another “girl’s climax” because his slender body twisted obscenely with his nipples fully erect.

“Nyaaaah! I love…I love it in the butt. I love being teased in the butt?”

“Lucia-kun… I’m about to cum too…”

“Nhaaahh? Ahh, yes, yes? Cum…cum a whole bunch? In my mouth! Spray all your sex milk in my mouth?”

What sex he was no longer mattered. In fact, this carnal homosexual love wrapped Mutsuki’s lower body in a tingling guilty pleasure that he could easily grow addicted to.

“Ah, ah…! I’m cumming!”

A fiery ball of pleasure raced up his urethra and he could not help but thrust his hips forward.

The tip of the massive flesh entered Lucia’s throat. The demon boy briefly moaned in agony but then gave a happy snort. Since Mutsuki was doing it, even pain was transformed into pleasure.


As Mutsuki felt Lucia’s springy butt squeezing down on his finger, a tremendous torrent of fluids poured into the boy’s mouth as he gasped for breath.


The quantity, smell, and stickiness of the fluid were just about enough to make the demon boy choke as it was sprayed into his throat, but that finally brought him to a boy’s orgasm.

His slender hips twitched bewitchingly. A small bulge in his swimsuit pulsated and finally a milky liquid dripped down his thighs.

“Pant, pant, pant…”

As the repeating waves of pleasure washed over him and his breaths seemed heated even inside the stuffy shower stall, Mutsuki looked down with empty eyes.

He saw a boy keeping the corners of his mouth shut in a desperate attempt to avoid spilling any of the milky fluid being released deep in his throat.

When he saw that, Mutsuki realized he had done something awful.

However, he felt no regret for the abnormal homosexual act itself.

“Nfhh~? It felt so good I thought I was going to die~”

“Y-yeah. …But we might have been a little loud.”

“Hahh… I think I’ve fallen for you even more, Mutsuki-kun. You have a surprisingly S side to you. I’m a bit of an M myself, but I think you just made me a full-blown masochist?”

“And I’m sorry. I got carried away. …Also, not so loud.”

Lucia seemed to have gone completely limp, so Mutsuki supported him while worried about the noise outside of the shower stall.

The swimming lessons had apparently ended, so quite a few people had entered the locker room. They had shut the accordion curtain, but it was still only a curtain. The sound would have easily escaped. And Mutsuki had no idea what misunderstandings people would make about two guys in the same shower. Not that they would be misunderstandings in this case.

They stayed entirely still until everyone had left.

They enjoyed the afterglow while also enjoying their time together in the enclosed space. Lucia leaned against Mutsuki with his cheeks entirely relaxed.


As for Mutsuki…

(I did it…with a guy…)

That bothered him a little. It bothered him even more that it had been far from an unpleasant experience.

He also recalled what Micha had said.

“Gather heaven, earth, and hell, and you will have everything.”


Everything in the world was gathered in a single school…in a single classroom.

And with Fujita Mutsuki at the center.

(In that case…)

(This is my job.)


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