Acquired the Scam Rune in the Academy

Chapter 271

Chapter 271

Equipment Enhancement (3)

The auction ended successfully.

As it was a legendary item with tremendous effects, there were some competitors, but they quickly fell behind in the price competition, perhaps hesitating due to the strict usage conditions.

It was never easy to invest a large sum in an item with diminished product value.

Thanks to that, [Trillion’s Brilliant Oath] came into my hands for a price of 32 billion won.

‘This is quite a bargain.’

Epic-grade items and above start from 10 billion won as a baseline.

Prices vary greatly depending on performance and demand, and legendary items with high rarity can sometimes fetch hundreds of billions.

Just the epic-grade weapon I have, [Penitent’s Sword], was auctioned off for 29 billion won.

While 32 billion is also an unimaginable price, considering the prices of similar grade items, it was purchased very cheaply.


It wasn’t just the armor that I obtained as a desired item.

With the hint I got from Kang Juyeon, I grasped the keyword ‘divine-type equipment’, and I was able to acquire the desired item in a shield equipment auction called <Supreme Command Auction: Premium Shield>.

<Item Information>

◎Name: Pure Paladin’s Buckler

◎Type: Shield

◎Grade: Epic

◎Durability: Normal

◎Creator: –

◎Special Effects

1) Toughness +3, Recovery +3

2) When infused with magic power, it can block not only physical attacks but also magical attacks. This activates regardless of resistance to the attribute, and the level of defense varies depending on the level of the opponent’s attack.

*When defending against dark attribute attacks, it can block with 150% performance.

◎Possessed Skill: –

◎ [Random Treatment]

: Can use a random divine spell by consuming divine power. The associated god is Reckless, and healing-type divine spells are selected. Because spells are randomly selected, the amount of divine power consumed varies, and its performance also differs depending on the recovery stat.

◎Detailed Information: –

: A round shield said to have been used by Pure Paladins of the Divine Empire of Recklin. As it was used by proud divine knights, it boasts solid defense and pure divine power

When I first aimed to enhance my equipment, I targeted ‘armor’ and ‘shield’.

Among them, I acquired the armor as a top-performance legendary item, and the shield, though inferior, I obtained as a usable epic-grade item.

Especially the skills possessed by these two items.

[Lightning of Judgment] and [Random Treatment].

For me, who can use divine power but doesn’t know proper divine spellcasting, these skills were quite attractive spells.

They can exert tremendous power especially when facing undead monsters or dark attribute opponents like Hwang Seong-yeon.

This seemed like it would become one of my main item skills along with [Divine Slash], the possessed skill of [Penitent’s Sword].

‘I can fill what’s lacking with items.’

Right now, I need abilities related to divine power.

In fact, it could be a good method to replicate divine-type runes through [Rune Hunter] and develop related spells or skills… But that would take too long.

In a situation where Hwang Seong-yeon and the Ludenark Sect could strike at any moment, I couldn’t recklessly grow as an all-rounder like before.

In that respect, ‘items’ are a good substitute.

If it’s difficult to raise runes or stats, you can fill that deficiency with items.

“…You look extremely pleased.”

Perhaps my joy at finding a solution was visible on my face.

Kang Juyeon was standing still, looking at me with a slight smile.

I approached her and hugged her with all my strength.

“Oh, I’m completely happy. Thank you, Juyeon. It’s all thanks to you.”

Today’s success was largely due to her.

It was she who brought me to the auction house after hearing about the assignment, she who gave me hints about ‘divine-type equipment’, and she who suggested coming to Yongsan today, when there happened to be a top-grade unreleased item like [Trillion’s Brilliant Oath].

‘She probably knew.’

Kang Juyeon likely knew roughly about today’s unreleased items.

If the informants of <Judgment of Fire> exerted their power, obtaining this level of high-quality information would be no big deal.

That’s why she insisted on coming to the auction house today.

Because she thought today’s items were exactly what I needed.

“Really, really thank you. I love you, Juyeon.”


Thinking about that made me feel even more grateful to her.

Especially the talk about needing divine power to deal with Hwang Seong-yeon, I had only mentioned it very briefly to my lovers… It was amazing how she remembered that short moment and connected it to this method.

With such an intensified expression of affection than usual.

Kang Juyeon looked quite pleased, though she seemed a bit flustered.

“…Is there nothing else you want to buy?”

“Hmm- This is enough for today.”

Actually, it’s not that there’s nothing else to buy.

I don’t have a proper helmet or hat-type item yet, and I could use additional items like cloaks or gloves, which are rare but could be reinforced.

But this was enough for today.

I’ve acquired the most needed items for the important equipment slots, and there will be many more opportunities to enhance the rest of the equipment.

Above all, Lee Hyun-ho and Choi Yoo-min.

The two pillars who will become Korea’s best blacksmiths in the future are in a cooperative relationship with me.

I decided to stop today’s spending, planning to entrust the production of lacking special equipment to them.

“Then… What are you going to do now?”

And breaking free from my embrace…

Kang Juyeon looked up at me intently.

There was some kind of indescribable expectation in her eyes.

Only then could I realize.

‘…It wasn’t free!’

Indeed, there’s no such thing as a free lunch in this world.

Even between lovers, good deeds need to be rewarded.

Sensing that tonight would be longer than ever, I surrendered myself to her guiding hand.




The next day.

I rested my face on the table with weary eyes.

Fatigue covers me from head to toe.

After staying up almost all night, my whole body was screaming in protest.

“…It seems things have gotten even more intense since getting permission.”

After receiving approval from my father and parents of the girls for the relationship.

Kang Juyeon feels like some limit has been lifted.

The atmosphere of trying to lead the night has become stronger.

In fact, this is true for Kim Chae-eun and Moon Ga-eun (She’s originally intense) as well… But with Kang Juyeon, perhaps due to the contrast effect, that feeling was even more pronounced.

“What’s intense?”

And a voice coming from right beside me.

It’s Park Jin-woo, who’s incredibly dense about these things.

I sighed deeply and answered.

“There are such things, you idiot. Why are you here in the morning anyway?”

“The training ground is closed this morning. There’s inspection and cleaning.”

“That’s quite a bolt from the blue for Park Jin-woo.”

The timing is impeccable.

I had come to the <Anti-Villain> circle room because I had some things to take care of in the morning, and this guy, who’s obsessed with training, seemed to have taken refuge in the circle room for a while due to the training ground inspection issue.

Thanks to that, we were having an untimely morning coffee time gathered in the conference room.


As I lift the paper cup and drink the coffee, my mind becomes clear.

“Ah- that’s the taste.”

“Oh, I still prefer cheap coffee.”

“This is actually expensive among the cheap ones.”

I like anything sweet anyway, and since Park Jin-woo prefers this kind of stick coffee to franchise americanos, our tastes matched quite well.

While enjoying such a modest tea time.

I turned to him with a subtle expression and asked.

“How are things going with Camilla?”

Park Jin-woo’s love life, which never existed in the original work.

Maybe that’s why…

Their relationship looks even more clumsy and innocent.

It’s one of the things I’ve been most interested in watching lately.

“…I haven’t even held her hand yet.”

But Park Jin-woo, speaking with his head bowed low.

At that defeated appearance.

I couldn’t contain my rising anger.

“No, you idiot. What the hell are you doing? You said you liked her. You said you thought you loved her.”

After the <Wolfenser> conquest ended.

Park Jin-woo had confided in me the honest feelings he had experienced there.

That he wanted to protect Camilla.

That he hoped she wouldn’t get hurt at all.

That in his awakening of a new power…

There seemed to be love for her.

It was an incredibly cheesy story, but I was somewhat impressed by his honesty about his own feelings.

And I sincerely cheered for him and Camilla to work out well.

‘…Not even holding hands is too much.’

But to think this is the result.

Unfortunately, there had been no progress at all in Park Jin-woo’s love life.

“Ah… I don’t know either. I’ve tried to confess a few times, but every time I stand in front of her, my mouth won’t open. I freeze up like I’ve been hit by some ice attribute magic and can’t say anything. It’s driving me crazy….”

Park Jin-woo, lamenting while scratching his head hard.

Seeing that sight made me feel bad too.

At first, I just thought he was an idiot, but seeing him actually struggling, I felt sorry for him.

And I wanted to help.

I wanted to help my friend, who still has many clumsy points, in some way.


I put down the paper cup of the finished coffee on the table and declared.

“This won’t do. You need special coaching.”

“…Special coaching?”

“Yeah. The goal is to date Camilla. It’s not even about confessing. The goal is to definitely become a couple.”


Come to think of it, he’s a Holder who only knows how to use strength, not quite a man yet.

I need to make him into a proper person this semester.

I have to see him walking hand in hand with Camilla somehow.

I stood up, imprinting such a goal in my mind.

“But first, let’s finish today’s tasks.”

For that, I needed to deal with the tasks piled up right in front of me.

I brought a bunch of document piles from the back of the circle room and put them down on the table without hesitation.

Park Jin-woo, who was looking at that, suddenly asked me with a puzzled expression.

“Today’s tasks? Come to think of it, why did you come to the circle room in the morning?”

The mountain of documents piled on the table.

And me, who came to the circle room early in the morning.

It seems he just realized it was strange.

To that question…

I smiled slightly and answered while tapping the table.

“Student clan creation. I need to work on planning this impossible thing today.”

Master’s special proposal, which was brought forward much earlier than the original plan.

Today, I needed to think about this a bit.

T/N: Hi guys, this novel will be done with translation in about 3-5 months depending on tier, so I need a new novel to translate. You can drop your suggestions in the comment and will drop a poll in about a weeks.

Access to all month’s chapter + 10/20 chapters ahead for 18$/32$ via Buymeacoffee

Schedule: 4 ch per wk @ [mon, wed, fri, sun]

Anyway… Happy Reading!!!

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