Acquired the Scam Rune in the Academy

Chapter 246

Chapter 246

Declaration of War (2)

Capturing the enemy Lycans was instantaneous.

The barrage of charging Baratenes like clouds and the swift movement of our attack squad.

Their speed was so tremendous that even though the enemies noticed us and started to flee, we still stepped on their tails.

Rak! They can no longer escape!

“Damn it! Reform the ranks! We’ll eliminate them and then flee again!”DiiScôver 𝒏𝒆w stori𝒆s on no/𝒗/e()/lbin(.)c/o/m

The voices of the Lycans from Clark’s forces could be heard from afar, riding on [Language].

It meant our troops and the enemy troops had gotten that close.

And as if waiting for it, a fierce howling sound soon rang out.



It was the ‘Howling’ of an awakened Lycan warrior.

This was a signal that the battle had begun.

[Clark’s Lycan ‘Rak’s’ ‘Indigo Force Howling’ rings out. Targets within range of the howling will have their physical strength temporarily greatly reduced!]

[‘Clarity’ rune’s special power maintains the target’s clear mind. It will not waver from any curses or abnormal conditions.]

Unlike Duke we faced before, this Lycan’s howling was the kind that controlled ‘physical strength’.

I was still immune thanks to [Keen Mind], but judging by the distorted expressions of my accompanying members, it seemed to have quite potent control power.

Moreover, since the stat distribution of Lycans and Virgens were focused on physical enhancement, the decrease in physical strength was a fatal abnormal condition.



[Baraten’s ‘Schilten’s’ ‘Blue-Green Buff Howling’ rings out. Targets within range of the howling will have their speed temporarily greatly increased!]

There were awakened Lycan warriors not just on the enemy side.

Our warrior Schilten also deployed a howling.

Interestingly, this howling was a ‘Buff Howling’.

Unlike Duke’s or Rak’s howlings, it was a skill that buffed allies.

Thanks to this, although our physical strength was greatly reduced, our increased speed allowed us to charge at the enemies.

Without falling behind, I immediately gave orders to my members.

“Support personnel will intercept the Lycan forces as much as possible! Leave the Virgen hunting to our Werewolves. Warriors and assassins, instead of taking the lead, escort the support personnel!”



Even though the combined numbers of the enemy and us approached nearly 250 for this large-scale battle, in the end, it was the small number of powerful fighters that led the core of the battle.

Just as we left the Virgen hunting for our side’s Werewolves, we had to intercept the enemy’s core forces, the Lycans and awakened Lycans.

Fortunately, the support members I brought from Team B were familiar faces like Kang Juyeon, Kim Chae-eun, Moon Ga-eun, and Akiba.

Most of them were my lovers, but regardless, they were also proven experts within the attack squad.

They would likely provide great help at the critical moment.

“All units, full attack!!”

I dashed forward using [Greatest Racehorse Under Heaven] and shouted.

Even though I had already given all orders…

The reason I was yelling like this was one thing.

The ‘Indigo Force Howling.’

To use the ‘Howling’ I had acquired as a reward from the previous battle.

Generally, howling is the cry of a wolf, but since I’m human and acquired this power, I can activate the skill just by shouting appropriately.

The ability of [Indigo Force Howling] is to temporarily control the target’s magic power.

It’s a debuff skill against enemy Werebeasts.

The enemies seemed flustered by my sudden howling.

‘The Call of Contract.’

I didn’t slow my sprint.

As I charged towards the enemies, I jumped into the air.

And I summoned Tyrbon.


There was no pause in our charge.

Just like an athlete jumping onto equipment mid-run, I smoothly mounted Tyrbon, and he immediately gained the ‘Rapid Riding’ effect of [Greatest Racehorse Under Heaven] to fly at full speed.

The target was the enemy awakened Lycan, Rak.

The attack of choice was, of course, piercing.

‘Act of Weapon Exchange, Accel Piercing.’

I wouldn’t feel right not using [Accel Piercing] for preemptive strikes these days.

The [Wyvern Spear] gripped in one hand.

Tyrbon charged at the enemy without hesitation.

Our ‘Lance Charge’ was becoming an ultimate technique.



The Lycans’ loosely formed ranks suddenly changed.

Gathering in a circle centered around the awakened Lycan warrior ‘Rak’, around twenty Virgens positioned themselves in front.

In human terms, it was a kind of human shield tactic.

Since they couldn’t withstand the speed and power of [Accel Piercing] by ‘dodging’, they instead chose to ‘block’ it.

And it was as if…

They had foreseen this attack formation of ours beforehand.


In the first attack, all the Lycans, Duke and Virgens we encountered were hunted down.

There definitely weren’t any surviving Werebeasts who experienced that battle back then, so how could they come up with this defensive strategy?

There was no time to resolve this doubt.

The human shielding tactic using Virgens and Lycans worked properly.

Our attack was immediately blocked.

Although the overwhelming power of [Accel Piercing] left most of the shielding Virgens on the verge of death and instantly killed some…

The awakened Lycan Rak, our actual target, didn’t have a scratch.

Furthermore, Tyrbon and I were trapped within the enemy formation, unable to maneuver after the charge.

We were completely surrounded.

‘Damn it… Tyrbon, retreat.’

-But then the Master will be in danger.

‘I’ll figure something out. Just retreat for now.’


I sent Tyrbon back first.

The [Summon]’s [The Call of Contract] also has an extremely long cooldown, so sending back a summoned contractor essentially means withdrawing from the battlefield.

But there was no choice.

In this state, if I had fought alongside Tyrbon, I might have put myself in danger instead.

-Kill that damn human first! He is the Duke’s enemy!”


-Kill the human! He is the enemy of Duke!”

-Stupid Virgens! Move faster!”

And the words coming through [Language].

As expected, they knew that I was the human who killed the Duke.

Apparently, there was a scout nearby, or the result of the battle at that time was also reported to the Clark camp through their own special means of communication.

‘It’s a mess.’

Lance charge to break through the enemy formation using Tyrbon’s mobility.

It was a combo I had been using as my main force for a long time, so I used it as a preemptive attack without hesitation, but the enemy came out in a way to give up flesh and take bones, putting me in a crisis.

And my charge speed was faster than any warrior of Baraten.

In other words, I am now alone in the middle of the Clark camp.



Lightning fast.

About a dozen Virgens rush at me at the same time, seemingly trying to take me down quickly.

‘But I can still manage.’

I can still manage.

First, thanks to [Indigo Force Howling], the enemies’ magic power is somewhat controlled, and second, the enemy is off guard.

If the awakened warrior Rak and the other Lycans attacked me with all their might at the same time, I would really have to do my best just to escape.

Because even an S-grade Holder could be in danger against the collaborative combat of an S-grade demon and top-level A-grade demons.

But now, the Virgens are rushing in first, and then the Lycans are trying to attack afterwards.

It means they are off guard.

They must have analyzed my charge and [Accel Piercing], but apparently they did not grasp my other abilities that I did not show in the last battle.


I did not miss that opportunity.

I immediately used the [Dragonization] skill to pump up my abilities.

And I saved [Berserk] for the next battle.

Right now, I had the Baraten warriors and attack squad as support behind me, so I just needed to buy time, and since those were skills with such long cooldowns, it was also important to distribute and use them.

‘Act of Weapon Exchange.’

The spear is replaced, and in my hand is [Penitent’s Sword].

I don’t need a shield.

In a melee and encirclement situation like this, holding a shield would actually make the side without a shield more vulnerable.

Only evasion and deflection.

That was enough means of defense.

“Flow like a rapid stream.”

The best defense in an encircled situation.

[True Flowing Sword] unfolds at the tip of my sword.

The lightly flowing stream of water becomes a huge globe of water surrounding me, and instantly becomes dozens of strikes that cover the Virgens and Lycans.

Pot- Pababbat-!!


Awoo, wooo-?!

In any case, [True Flowing Sword] is a defensive skill.

I could block the enemy’s sudden attacks and counterattack, but its power was not enough to instantly kill them all.

In any case, I needed a decisive blow to finish them off.

And as soon as [True Flowing Sword] ended, I poured a massive amount of magic into my sword, having already prepared for the next attack.

[The descending lightning, the spreading current! Your long familiarity with lightning shines forth. Your understanding of runes increases dramatically.]

[‘Penetrating Brain Strike’ rune level has increased.]

[You gain 1 Magic Resistance and 1 Lightning Resistance each due to the rune’s affinity.]

[You have acquired the derivative skill ‘Chain Lightning’ from the ‘Penetrating Brain Strike’ rune.]

[Penetrating Brain Strike], which had long been active as my magic rune.

When this one reached level 10, it manifested its derivative skill.

It was the manifestation of [Chain Lightning].

Pahtsu- Pahtsutsu-


The Virgens, whose bodies were drenched by the aftermath of [True Flowing Sword].

And the intense lightning-attribute magic contained in my sword.

The lightning that was once triggered travels along the sword into the water.

From water to water, and water to water again.

The lightning spreads and spreads…

Finally reaching all the Virgens around me.

Once from the strikes of [True Flowing Sword].

Then again in a chain reaction from the [Chain Lightning] that followed.

And on top of that, the special effect of [Silver Moonshadow] which is poisonous to Lycans and Virgens.

As the powerful magic attacks rained down in a wide area all at once, the Virgens could not withstand it and collapsed altogether.

About a dozen A-grade Virgens, all instantly killed.

-Rak. The Virgens are all…

-What in the world is this…!!

The Lycans of the Clark camp, momentarily dumbfounded by the unbelievable sight that unfolded in an instant.

And then.

“Warriors of Baraten! Advance!”

“Protect our human comrade!”

“Let’s kill all those damn Clark!”

“Pouring all support magic around the Squad Leader! Can’t let a single hair be harmed!”

The Baraten forces rushing to help me.

And the rear support from the prepared attack squad.

If I can just buy time, the crisis will be resolved.

Now it was time to hunt the Lycans.

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