Acquired the Scam Rune in the Academy

Chapter 234

Chapter 234

City of the Estranged Wolves (2)

Sokcho, Gangwon Province.

The city where the <City of the Estranged Wolves> dungeon is located.

This dungeon doesn’t connect to a field dungeon, but rather an abandoned factory within the city itself.

Therefore, there is no particular risk from monsters in the area, making it easy for the guild to provide ‘raid protection’.

I rented out an entire training hall near Sokcho and entered with my members for a brief strategy meeting before entering the dungeon.

“What I’ll share today is similar to the content from our previous meeting, but it’s more specific and covers additional points.”

While a strategy meeting was already held in the preliminary gathering with all members present, another was also conducted right before the official raid started.

Just like rehearsals are needed before going on stage or a performance…

Coordinating the strategy is necessary for dungeon raids too.

This meeting was to review and re-discuss the raid route.


I took out an item from my magic bag and showed it to the members.

A bundle of papers so worn and old it looked like it would rip at any moment.

The special item [Madman’s Howling Journal], the key to entering the dungeon.

“As you all know, this diary is the key to entering this dungeon. It’s a special item required for dungeon entry. If you infuse magic power into the diary and hold it up to the entrance, the closed dungeon door will open for about 30 seconds. Without this item, entry itself is impossible, so really the guild’s raid protection exists for this 30 second window.”

The members’ gazes converge on my hand.

While I’ve already explained this verbally, and it’s been somewhat reported in the media… This is probably their first time seeing the actual item.

“The name of this item is Madman’s Howling Journal. It’s an item with no particular effects or information listed… But amusingly, when you enter the dungeon, its name changes.”

[Madman’s Howling Journal] is truly a peculiar item.

Based on the outward information and effects alone, it just seems like a useless diary. But when held up to the dungeon entrance, it becomes the key to opening the door, and simultaneously, the item’s information changes.

A seal on the inherent information within the item is released.

And new information that wasn’t previously recorded gets revealed…

It acts as a sort of compass for the dungeon raid.

“Diary of the Estranged Werewolf. That’s the changed item’s name. In other words, the diary is related to werewolves, and the monsters that will appear in this dungeon are likely werewolves too. The dungeon name <City of the Estranged Wolves> was devised for that reason.”


Monsters classified as either A-grade Werewolves or A-S grade Lycanthropes.

Originally the same term, but academia uses different names to distinguish the clearly separate species of monsters.

Werewolves have brown fur, while Lycanthropes have silver fur as their distinguishing feature.

They’ve appeared in the Holder realm a total of 3 times so far, and each time their differing ranks and powers caused chaos among the Holders.

“So in this dungeon, we must prioritize simulating combat against werewolves. That’s also why I provided you all with silver weapons, which have slightly less utility than other weapons.”

Lee Hyun-ho and Choi Yoo-min managed to forge dozens of silver weapons within 2 weeks.

Silver daggers, silver arrows, silver spears…

Various types of silver weapons were equipped, with at least 2 per member.

While I assigned the task, the result is truly astounding.

Even with help from other blacksmiths, such speed would’ve been near impossible if the main forgers didn’t possess a genius for metallurgy.

“…The most important role in this raid is the archer class. Since werewolves have overwhelmingly powerful physical specs, the archers must use silver arrows to cripple their mobility first. And for the assassin class…”

After that, I provided the members with detailed explanations on ‘how to deal with monsters’, a core element of the raid strategy.

Since Werewolves and Lycanthropes are monsters with overwhelming physical abilities, I needed to repeatedly emphasize the countermeasures, even if it was tedious.

The members, whether high or mid-ranked Holders, all maintained a serious and focused demeanor.

After around 30 minutes of explanations,

I finally brought up the most crucial point.

“Additionally, when you enter the dungeon, a unique info window called ‘Baraten Camp’ will appear.”

“Baraten…?” At the unfamiliar term, veteran Holder Lim Hyun asked.

This part wasn’t covered in the previous meeting.

I slowly nodded and answered.

“Yes. This is information that has never appeared in the Holder realm before. It means this is a different type of dungeon from the existing initial area, middle area, boss room raid route structure. I think the information behind the word ‘Baraten’ might become the key to raiding this dungeon.”


And at this, all the members let out exclamations of amazement.

New information and a special dungeon.

In other words, that meant our <Ripple Raid> pioneering this…

Would be leading new winds in the Holder realm.

Just like how my teacher and I first revealed the <Chamber of the Transcendent> information.

The biggest reason I’ve been able to find and operate such a massive raid party alone is probably due to playing a key role in revealing the <Chamber of the Transcendent> information.

“So there’s still no information on what exactly Baraten refers to?”

I immediately answered another member’s question.

“There are some speculations, but there is nothing definite. It’s something we’ll have to figure out while exploring.”

Of course, I know about Baraten.

The werewolves that are the center of the dungeon.

A tribe of the so-called ‘Lycan’ of the Lycanthropes clan.

They are also an ill-fated tribe that was driven out of the central city by the rival ‘Clark Camp’ faction.

In other words, those who were ‘banished’ in the <City of the Estranged Wolves> are this Baraten tribe, and the [Diary of the Estranged Werewolf] was also a journal left by a Lycan from the Baraten tribe.

However, since these are facts already known from the original work, I couldn’t reveal them to the members, and anyway, they would naturally find out as we progressed through the raid, so there was no need to tell them.

“This concludes the rehearsal operation meeting. Are there any other opinions or things to say from the members?”

I scanned around, but there was no response from the members.

Rather than questions…

They were looking at me with a slightly admiring gaze.

I think I know the reason for that.

‘It’s hard to believe I’m a rookie raid leader.’

This is the first raid I’m leading under my name.

In order not to ruin the tower I’ve built, I prepared meticulously for this raid.

I received a lot of advice from experienced Holders, and consulted with the operation teams of large clans.

Especially for preparing supplies, I mobilized all my connections.

As a result,

I was able to form a solid raid party that would not lose to any regular or veteran temporary raid party.

The fact that members with raid leader experience didn’t particularly challenge me is proof of its completion.

For me, it was a very satisfying and rewarding result.

After looking around once more, I said to the members, “Then, let’s enter the dungeon without delay.”




[You have entered the dungeon.]

[‘You set foot in the ‘Baraten Camp’. The resentment of the estranged ones seeps out.’]

We walked into the dungeon interior while maintaining our combat formation.

The background inside was a wasteland.

Not a complete wasteland like the <Chamber of the Transcender: Canales> last time, but a wasteland with grass and trees occasionally visible in the distance.

Perhaps due to the vast space this dungeon boasts, if we kept walking we might suddenly come across special terrain or structures.

“Keep advancing.”

Our raid party’s formation was orthodox.

A total of 9 warrior-type members took the front, with mages, archers, and other support roles in the middle.

And assassin-types guarded the rear.

As the raid leader, I took the center position.

It’s convenient to be in the center to give instructions that reach everyone, and also to receive reports from the archer-types who deploy ‘Search Runes’.

“Holder Moon Ga-eun, how about it?”

“There’s still nothing showing up.”

Moon Ga-eun answered awkwardly after finishing her scan.

She’s my girlfriend privately, but officially she’s currently just one member of our raid party.

It was better for both of us to maintain formalities.

“Holder Akiba, Holder Kim Ah-reum?”

“Nothing here either.”

“Same here, looks like we need to go further.”

The three of them are the archers in charge of scouting for our raid party.

Kim Ah-reum in particular is an A-grade archer, quite a veteran among unaffiliated Holders. If even she doesn’t sense anything unusual, it seems we need to advance further.

We continued forward while maintaining formation.

“…It’s really damn huge.”

“At this rate, it feels like the initial monsters will appear later than in Green Grassland.”

“But the raid leader did say from the start that this wouldn’t have the form of existing dungeons with distinct starting and middle areas.”

After walking for so long, the party members gradually relaxed their tension.

They chatted idly and exchanged some opinions about raiding the dungeon.

We must have walked for about 20 minutes when finally, the city still wasn’t visible, and the dungeon was simply too vast.

The desolate land with varying elevations of rocks…

And the occasional patches of grass catching my eye.

But then –




The tawny-furred werewolves finally revealed themselves, disrupting the monotonous march.

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