Acquired the Scam Rune in the Academy

Chapter 225

Chapter 225

Moon Ga-eun Riding a Fox (3)

“As you know well, Ga-eun, the abilities of Divinity-type Holders are largely divided into four categories.”

After changing clothes, Akiba began her formal lecture.

Moon Ga-eun shifted her attention from her attire and listened intently.

“The first is the healing and defense category. It is well-known to the public and is the field most commonly handled by Holders.”

Healing and defense are the core and foundation of the Divinity-type.

Protecting comrades from monsters and healing injured comrades.

This is the greatest role expected of the Divinity-type by party members when hunting monsters in dungeons and fields, and it is also the first skill that Divinity-type Holders learn.

The most common rune is [Heal], and the skill is [Cure].

These are abilities that borrow the power of the divine Recluse.

“The second is the sorcery category and abilities dealing with abnormal statuses.”

The system considers borrowing the power of evil gods as ‘Divine’ as well.

Therefore, the power of sorcery-related runes such as [Simple Curse] and [Demon’s Curse] is included in the abilities handled by the Divinity-type. Even if not directly sorcery, skills that inflict debuffs on the target, such as [Bind] or [Slow], are also considered Divinity-type abilities.

Divinity-type Holders who focus on developing these abilities are sometimes called sorcery-type Holders or sorcerers.

“Was the third direct attack?” This time, Moon Ga-eun, who had been listening quietly, asked.

Akiba slowly nodded in response.

“Yes. It’s the least preferred field.”

Just because they are Divinity-type Holders doesn’t mean they have no combat abilities.

There are very basic attack skills like [Holy Arrow], and skills like [Illum Punishment], which is only heard in rumors, are classified as skills with overwhelming power.

They were particularly powerful in special situations against undead or summoned creatures.

But still, the Divinity-type is the Divinity-type.

Since the category is focused on indirect combat, there are clear limitations to their offensive abilities. Additionally, various situations and conditions must be met to exert great power…

These abilities were not a preferred field.

“And the last is the auxiliary category. After healing and defense, it’s the most widely used field.”

The auxiliary category utilizes support abilities on comrades or themselves.

A kind of buff category.

The most representative is [Rest] from the [Mental Support] rune, and skills like [Haste] or [Strength] from [Physical Support] were also frequently used abilities.


“The talent for the Reinforcement Rune that you and I will confirm through this education also falls under this auxiliary category.”

This was the reason Akiba had continued her lengthy explanation.

[Spiritualism] is a rune that allows the Holder to borrow divine power from an item containing divine power or a special ability that resonates with them, infusing their body with the borrowed power of a deity.

Because of the phrase ‘borrowing the power of a deity,’ it may seem like a Mythic Rune at first glance, but in fact, the divine power and mythical composition contained within are so feeble that it is classified as a Rare Rune.

“While other auxiliary abilities can be used on both oneself and comrades, Spiritualism can only be used on the wielding Holder themselves.”

Moon Ga-eun asked in response to this explanation.

“So does that make the Divinity-type into a direct combat type?”

“Yes. Are you perhaps familiar with special forms of multi-Holders like Monks or Paladins?”

“Ah, yes. I’ve heard of them. So they…”

“That’s right. With some exceptions, most of them are Holders who use Spiritualism.”

While abilities obtained through acquired talents are difficult to discover in the first place, if guided effectively, they can become powerful assets for the Holder.

[Spiritualism] is no exception.

The power of this rune itself is merely a physical enhancement auxiliary rune, but if a Holder who was originally of the direct combat type obtains it, they can see tremendous synergistic effects.

The special Holders known as ‘Battle Shrine Maidens’ in Japan were one such case, and in Europe, the ‘Paladins’ fell into this category.

Today, Akiba intended to open up the possibility of such a multi-Holder for Moon Ga-eun.

“I understand. So what should we start with?”

With the introduction of a completely new method of education, Moon Ga-eun became quite enthusiastic as well.

In response to her eager question, Akiba gestured towards the items on the table.

“You will draw out your divine power and attempt to resonate with these items.”

“You mean divine resonance?”

Just as Holders utilize magic for magic resonance, utilizing divine power allows for the use of ‘divine resonance.’

The process is very similar to utilizing the [Magic Control] rune, so even non-Divinity-types can use it, similar to how Divinity-type Holders can use both divine power and magic.

Perhaps for this reason, while there are applied runes like [Divine Amplification] among the common Divinity-type runes, there is no basic rune like [Divine Control].

“That’s right. A Holder with talent in Spiritualism can confirm it simply by resonating with divine-related items like this. These eight items are representative items used for Spiritualism. It takes about 30 minutes for each item’s resonance, so we should be able to complete the confirmation within four hours today.”

Akiba nodded her head as she finished her final explanation.

Performing divine power resonance with eight items.

That was today’s education.

If talent is confirmed through this process, she would likely slowly train in [Spiritualism] afterward.

However, as she listened quietly, Moon Ga-eun suddenly furrowed her brow.

“Isn’t it nine items, not eight?”

On the table, there were a total of nine items.

Following the various glowing peculiar items, at the very end, there was a lone ring lying there.

Akiba shook her head.

“That item was brought by mistake. It’s an unidentified item kept in the Sanctuary, and an apprentice priestess accidentally brought it along while procuring the items.”

“So we’re not resonating with that one?”

“I’ve already tried, and it had no effect. Although it emanates a mysterious aura, it’s nothing more than an ordinary item without divine power, so you don’t need to worry about it.”

With those words, Akiba picked up the first divine item.

“Then let’s begin, Ga-eun.”





To get straight to the point, it was a complete failure.

Unfortunately, Moon Ga-eun was not gifted with [Spiritualism].

For four hours, she tried resonating with eight representative divine items, but none of the objects showed any special reaction.

Occasionally, even when there is no particular reaction like this, there are cases where students succeed in awakening [Spiritualism] by continuing their training, but the efficiency of this session was too low to pursue that slim possibility alone.

Neither Moon Ga-eun nor Akiba were people who could afford such a waste of time.

Even Seong Na-yeon, who came as a guard, was not someone who could spare so much time like that.

“What a pity.”

Akiba said regretfully.

She truly wished for Moon Ga-eun’s growth.

It was a request from the respected Holder and benefactor Do Jae-hyun, and she also felt a sense of connection since they both handled bows.

But the plan tailored to her growth had unfortunately failed.

“There’s nothing we can do. If talents emerged exactly as desired, there would be an overflow of high-ranking Holders.”

Fortunately, Moon Ga-eun didn’t seem too disappointed.

And for good reason…

Moon Ga-eun is the daughter of a core executive of the <Royal> clan.

Having grown up in such a reputable family and under a famous father, she had already made countless attempts to awaken her talents.

This attempt was just another process that passed by, and she knew that it would not necessarily proceed smoothly.

Thanks to that, Moon Ga-eun really had no particular sentiments about this failure.

“Will we return to orthodox archery training tomorrow?”

That was all she asked, inquiring about the next day’s schedule.

Seeing her attitude, Akiba slightly admired and nodded her head.

Though a much younger Holder than herself, Moon Ga-eun seemed to be a Holder who was better trained and more outstanding than anyone else in terms of mental fortitude.

No wonder Do Jae-hyun had entrusted this Holder to her.

“Yes. I will draw up a new plan.”

And that was it.

Today’s training was over.

Since the verification process had lasted a whopping four hours, it was already pitch dark outside the grounds.

Moon Ga-eun walked toward the changing room to change her clothes.

‘…Should I ask to keep these clothes though?’

Although she failed to learn [Spiritualism], making them meaningless, these were the shaman robes that Do Jae-hyun had specially ordered from Akiba…

It seemed a pity to return them just like that.

Moon Ga-eun decided she would talk to Akiba later and purchase them separately.




Then, something got caught under her feet.

Upon picking it up to check…

It was the [Mysterious Ring], the special item that Akiba’s junior shaman had brought by mistake.

Until just before, it had been sitting on the table, but Moon Ga-eun and Akiba were so focused on training that it must have fallen on the floor without them noticing.

‘It really is an unremarkable item.’

Moon Ga-eun nodded her head after checking the <Item Information>.

Just as Akiba had said.

Despite having the legendary grade rating, it seemed to be sealed, lacking any effects or innate skills.

However, trying to ‘unseal it’…

There were countless items of this kind all over the world.

Only when unsealed would they be truly legendary, otherwise they were mere trinkets.

Items like this, lacking unlock conditions and with pointless adjectives like ‘mysterious’ in their names, usually didn’t receive good treatment.

‘Still, maybe I should try resonating with it?’

The thought suddenly occurred to her.

Perhaps because she felt the verification process earlier had been in vain.

She wanted to try a ‘divine resonance’ with this trinket-like item, just for fun.

Fortunately, she still had some divine power left, so attempting it casually wasn’t a problem.

But then…


Abruptly, information windows that dizzied Moon Ga-eun’s eyes and ears began popping up incessantly.

[The divine resonance of one with the qualifications has touched the ‘Mysterious Ring’! The seal of the ‘Mysterious Ring’ has been fully unlocked, regaining its true name as the ‘Ring of Freya’.]

[Possessing the windborne martial art, transcendent senses, and experience riding a divine beast. You have met all the given conditions. Moreover, your special energy and resonance with the ring are exceptionally outstanding. You will absorb all the power contained within the ‘Ring of Freya’.]

[Glorious and resplendent memories descend upon your shoulders. The power of the holy female warrior will make you unyielding, anytime, anywhere. …]

[You have acquired the new rune ‘Valkyrie of the Battlefield’.]

[You have acquired the new rune ‘Valkyrie’s Steed’.]

[You have acquired the new rune ‘Spiritualism’.]

…From that day on, Moon Ga-eun decided to believe in God.

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