Acquired the Scam Rune in the Academy

Chapter 204:

Chapter 204:

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A New Power (1)

The Blue Dragon of Bravery, Fluvius.

The one we had defeated was just a clone.

I could tell that much just from looking at the information window.


This blue-haired woman who appeared before us is probably

The real Fluvius.

Anyone could easily deduce that fact.

That she took a human form instead of a dragons was surely due to using the ancient magic [Polymorph] that is said to have been lost.

Was the monster we exhausted all our power to capture a fake?

It was quite despairing, but there was one consoling point.

Her tone is more amicable than expected.

That was the tone Fluvius greeted us with initially.

The fact that it was quite amicable.

Expressions like welcome and qualified humans.

This means Fluvius also knew or was waiting for us to come.

I dont know the reason, but thats what the given situation suggested.

Thats why my master and I, who had tensed up at the rapidly changing situation, did not act rashly and just observed her instead.

If the being before us was truly a dragon

Then we were the first humans in the Holder realm to converse with an untamed monster.

Ah, perhaps my words are not conveyed properly?

As my master and I remained silent, Fluvius spoke up again.

She had an expression as if she had overlooked something.

She was asking if we were quiet because her words werent getting across.

I slowly shook my head in response.

No, I can hear you well.

Good. My translation magic hasnt rusted yet.

It seems Fluvius was speaking to us while using translation magic.

Ive heard that highly advanced translation magic can automatically learn languages just by sensing the others magic.

Of course, the dragons, masters of magic, had reached the pinnacle in this ability.

Thanks to that, fluent Korean was flowing out of Fluvius mouth surprisingly.

Having managed to casually break the ice, I carefully asked her a question.

By any chance, are you a grgreat being?

I almost asked if she was a dragon outright.

I quickly changed my words, feeling that directly using the term dragon might be rude somehow.

Fluvius smiled faintly and answered, Its strange to hear such a title from a human of another world. Yes, I am Fluvius, of the great dragon race, known as the Blue Dragon of Bravery. I know you are not familiar with our customs, so you can address me more casually.

At those words,

My master and I simultaneously widened our eyes.

For a moment, we couldnt believe the words we had just heard.

A human of another world.

A concept researchers had only set up as a hypothesis until now.

A deduction they had no way of verifying due to the inability to communicate with monsters.

The claim that dungeons and monsters came from a certain dimension different from Earth

Fluvius had just directly verified that theory, which had only been passed down as a hypothesis, with her own mouth.

You said Another world?

A conversation that could cause a huge stir if known in the Holder realm.

My master carefully opened her mouth to say that.

Fluvius nodded.

Yes. For now, lets sit and talk.


Suddenly, Fluvius snapped her fingers.


This is

Then the barren wasteland that had shown nothing

Instantly transformed into a different space.

My master and I looked around in astonishment.

The luminous blue scales of the Blue Dragon I had seen many times before.

That mystical light flickering everywhere.

Just looking at it was enough to captivate your gaze

A large, beautiful room.

A room.

This was a room.

Fluvius had warped the three of us into her room with just a snap of her fingers.

Is this the fabled Dragon magic I had heard about?

The [Dragon Magic] that had only been passed down in rumors.

Until now, there had not been a single Holder who had faced a dragon, so it was just a fanciful rumor

But experiencing its power firsthand was awe-inspiring.

The power to simultaneously warp three people without any delay.

I couldnt believe it even though I experienced it directly.

If used differently, it could just kill too.

We didnt even have a chance to react to the magic.

If beings who used magic could be moved so easily In other words, it meant they could also be killed easily.

I was newly struck by just how powerful the dragon before me was.

And there was one other thing I was now certain of.

A rank beyond S-grade.

That there needs to be a change in the existing Holder and monster ranking system.

S-grade is not the end.

There were even more distant beings above that.

The fact that my master and I couldnt even react told me that the Blue Dragon Fluvius possessed strength beyond imagination that far surpassed us.

I would love to have a meal, but the system likely wont allow that much time. You two, have a seat.

Fluvius placed an hourglass on the table and took a seat herself.

After exchanging glances, my master and I also sat down.


Speak casually.

May I ask again about the other world you mentioned earlier?

My master politely inquire once more.

Though considered one of the strongest in the country in terms of combat power, she knew when to fight and when not to.

Information that is absolutely lacking for Holders.

It seems she sensed this was an opportunity to obtain that.

Fluvius answered with her usual faint smile.

Exactly as I said. You and I are beings from completely different worlds. Beings from another world are bound together by the system.

This was actually information I was already aware of.

In the later parts of the <City of the Estranged Wolves> raid in the original work, species like Fluvius start attempting communication with humans.

However, those other species did not mention specific keywords like system or beings from another world back then.

Their lack of information about the system was the same.

Then by any chance Are all the other monsters aware of that fact as well? Why are they attacking us?

At my first question, Fluvius had a slightly puzzled expression.

Monsters Ah, are you referring to monsters?

Its similar. To be precise, we call all beings from the other world monsters. Including humanoid races.

My Master added an explanation.

Then Fluvius nodded and continued speaking.

Monsters attack you because of their innate aggression. They used to attack humans in their original world as well. And those who are not monsters They may have lost their memories because they are bound by the system.

Lose their memories?

Yes. Transcendents like me are able to preserve most memories when crossing dimensions, but ordinary beings mostly lose their memories and become obsessed with certain notions when crossing over. Also, the abilities and authority they can use in each space is quite limited. Thats probably why you havent been able to communicate with them so far.

Fluvius calmly explained.

In contrast, Transcendents are granted a space of thought when crossing dimensions, and can directly set the trials within that space.

Trials You mean?

Like my clone that you challenged earlier.


Though the words and content were a bit complex, in summary

In a word, it meant they could directly set the conditions to clear the dungeon.

Thats why Fluvius did not take an aggressive stance towards us, and how we could naturally converse like this.

Afterwards, we exchanged some small talk.

What kind of place the other world is, what beings crossed over dimensions, whether Transcendents like yourself are unable to escape this place

Most of the questions were about the system.

Fluvius diligently answered those questions, but there were also many she could not answer.

That part is difficult for me to answer due to constraints.

Unfortunately, I cannot answer that.

As much information as she provided us, there were still parts she could not disclose.

Of course, the more that was the case, the more questions arose about the Holder system.

In the midst of this, Fluvius suddenly picked up an hourglass from the side of the table and fiddled with it.

Oh dear. The time is already up.


I unwittingly let out a flustered voice.

No way, how is it ending already after talking for so little?

Did 10 minutes really pass?

I wondered why she had placed that hourglass there at the start, but it seems she really just intended to use it to keep track of time per its original purpose.

Rooms of Transcendents originally have a time limit. Transcendents themselves cause imbalances in the world just by existing So while they are granted great authority, they also face many constraints.

So this dungeon No, the Transcendents Room, we cannot enter again?

Fluvius shook her head at my anxious question.

You can enter again after a month has passed. However, by then the trial will have already ended, so we cannot discuss the system like we did today.

There are constraints.

Yes. If you wish to obtain new information Youll have to either seek out another Transcendents Room and undergo their trial, or meet beings granted authority from the system.

One puzzle piece fell into place with those words.

Beings granted authority from the system.

In other words, the specific werewolves that appeared in <City of the Estranged Wolves> were beings granted a degree of authority from the system.

Thats why back then, they were also able to have concrete conversations about humans and the other world.


Fluvius snapped his fingers again.

Then two doors appeared in the corner of the room.

She pointed at them and said, The reward for overcoming the trial can be obtained by going through those doors. The kinds are much more diverse than you might think, so feel free to take whatever you desire.

After saying that, Fluvius looked at my Master.

Qualified human. It was a pleasure to meet you. You did well in finding the token I made a long time ago.

Ah, this is

It would be nice if we get a chance to meet again. It is quite enjoyable to observe humans who have surpassed their limits.

After those words, Fluvius turned her gaze towards me.

It seemed that was her way of bidding farewell to my Master.

My Master briefly looked at me as well, nodded, then opened the door and exited the dungeon.

Outside that door was probably a sort of rest room within this dungeon.

Pactbearer. I also enjoyed meeting you. You had an unusual aura and remarkable traces that flustered me in an uncharacteristic way, though I dont know if it showed through to you.

After my Master left, I responded to Fluvius words with a question.


An interesting question. I also knew that you formed a contract with Aspidochelon, who was once my follower.

So she really did know everything.

Now that I think about it, being a Transcendent seems almost all-powerful.

Fluvius showed me a gentle smile, as she had been doing, and said, You are a Pactbearer with infinite potential. If you continue walking your path as you have been, you may be able to regain the brilliant glory you once had in Raphrion. It seems you are also connected to the Flame of Protection, so seeking her out could be one method as well. Perhaps she may hold the answer.

Fluvius cryptic advice ended there.

By now, time had really run out, so I had to open the door and leave like my Master did.

I received quite a lot of information from Fluvius today, but because I was pressed for time, I didnt even properly thank her.

If a month passes and I come back here again

I resolved that I must convey my gratitude then.


[Amazing Achievement! You have overcome the grueling trials of a Transcendent, a towering feat few could ever accomplish. Your unbelievable achievement causes all the powers you possess to experience rapid, dazzling growth.]

[You gain +5 to all general and special ability stats, and +3 to all resistance ability stats.]

[The level of all runes you possess increases by 1.]

[Legendary Existence. You have overcome the trial of Fluvius, the Brave Blue Dragon. The Brilliant Power of Water bestowed by Fluvius envelops your surroundings.]

[The Wave Sword Technique rune and Water Sword Technique rune react to the Brilliant Power of Water. Through Rune Hunter, a new superior rune embodying the power of those two is created. The two runes disappear from your Holder information.]

[You acquire the Brave Eternal Wave rune.]

[You have obtained a new rune.]

[Due to the runes attributes, you gain +7 to Strength and Speed, and +5 to Magic and Water Resistance.]

[By meeting special conditions, another door opens. Among your contractors, Bon regains the vigor of a dragon and awakens new power!]

[Bon is given the new name Tyrbon. Tyrbon is no longer a commander.]

The reward from the Dragon Lady was really amazing.

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