Acquired the Scam Rune in the Academy

Chapter 156: The Forgotten Dragon Knight’s Pride (4)

Chapter 156: The Forgotten Dragon Knight’s Pride (4)

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After rune Holders and monsters appeared in modern society.

Countless research has been done in the Holder community.

What exactly is the power called runes, what is the identity of monsters and dungeons, where is the system that governs all of this from

From the most fundamental questions.

To the fundamental will for development.

Holders have been conducting research in various fields so far, and have been able to build a much more professional system than in the beginning by slowly producing results from those efforts.

Kang Dong-wook, professor at the Seoul Holder Academys Specialization Department, the first Leadership-type Holder to surpass 30 Leadership among domestic Holders Has he finally succeeded in taming B-grade monsters?

What is the main academic field of the current Holder community?

If someone were to ask

The scholars would all answer the same.

Monster Taming.

It is the most mysterious power that occurred after the coexistence of Holders and monsters, and the main academic field that most rune researchers are interested in watching in the current Holder community.

Not only the academies, but many scholars from associations and various organizations have already conducted research on this, and as time goes by, related secrets and keys are also coming out one by one.

Some even made excessive claims that only the taming runes can unravel all the secrets entangled with Holders and monsters, and furthermore, it is the only way to bring peace.

Thats how much Monster Taming was

one of the major academic fields of modern society where the attention of the Holder community was focused.

Professor Kang, youre here.

Hello. Youre working hard even though its the weekend.

Kang Dong-wook smiled and replied to the team leader in charge of guarding the research institute.

Kang Dong-wook.

A tenured professor of the Specialization Department at the Seoul Holder Academy.

He was the only professor at the academy who taught Monster Taming, and was also the most outstanding researcher in academia producing the best results.

As one of the top authorities among domestic Leadership-type Holders, both in theory and practice, there werent many Holders who could match him.

I have work to do. Professor, shouldnt you be resting on the weekend instead of working?

Haha. The results have been so good lately. My body itches to get to work.

Kang Dong-wook shook his body with a grin.

The reason why he went to work at the academy on this golden weekend instead of taking time off was to spend more time on research that had been yielding good results lately.

I wish I could take it with me.

Kang Dong-wook looked inside the research institute, licking his lips.

Deep inside the Specialization Departments Multi-disciplinary Research Institute at the academy.

There was a very valuable item related to Monster Taming research sleeping there.

[The Order of Harmony].

A crystal orb with a strange appearance shining in rainbow colors.

The only special effect immediately apparent is increasing Leadership stat by 10. But with many sealed abilities, it was a legendary item overflowing with parts to research.

It had even enabled Taming two monsters simultaneously, which was previously deemed impossible.

With just the abilities revealed so far without the research even being completed.

In the domestic taming field, which was still in its infancy without related research being commercialized yet.

[The Order of Harmony] was an innovative item that could bring new winds of change.

Thats why research is conducted in secret.

That was why the existence and research content of the item were kept secret.

[The Order of Harmony] was an item belonging to the academy.

Since Kang Dong-wook had also signed a contract with the academy to conduct research, private use was not allowed.

That was why he had to commute even when he wanted to take it home and research it.

Youll be in the private research lab today too?

The guard team leader suddenly asked a question, to which Kang Dong-wook nodded his head.

Yes. Do we have any new monsters prepared?

The B-grade monster, Centaur, you asked for, we procured it on Friday. You can probably check the details in the research lab report.

Although the guard teams main mission was to guard the research institute, they sometimes played the role of transporting experimental monsters.

Some time ago, Kang Dong-wook had applied for the procurement of a B-grade monster for full-fledged taming research, which seemed to have just been completed.

With a satisfied look on his face, Kang Dong-wook said,

I see. Well, thanks for your hard work today

As he was about to say goodbye and enter the lab.


The entrance of the Multi-disciplinary Research Institute opened with a rough sound.

And not long after, people came pouring out.

It was a group with academy staff, professors, and some students deployed.

At that sudden appearance, question marks popped up in Kang Dong-wooks head.

Whats this?

The Multi-disciplinary Research Institute was not a place anyone could just walk into.

Although one could enter the building by entering through the entrance, one would inevitably be blocked by the guard team to go deep inside.

Even if the visitor claimed to be an academy professor, it was not allowed.

Only formally authorized resident researchers like Kang Dong-wook could enter.

Haa Haa.


And the one leading the group, panting as he approached.

It was a face Kang Dong-wook knew very well too.

Professor Tak Won-ho.

He was a tenured professor of the academys Warrior Department, and the heir presumptive of the Tak clan, which operated the Seoul Holder Academy in effect.

And to Kang Dong-wook, he was the contractor who had formally proposed the [Order of Harmony] research.

Professor Kang, you have to get away.


After he brought that group along.

He was suddenly telling him to get away.

At that abrupt remark, Kang Dong-wook couldnt grasp the situation well.

However, Tak Won-ho didnt seem to care whether he understood or not.

He immediately followed up.

We have to move the rainbows storage location. Theres no time. Right now


It was a kind of codename referring to the special item [Order of Harmony].

When that secretive name left Tak Won-hos mouth, Kang Dong-wooks face became even more bewildered, but

Unfortunately, the conversation between the two did not end nicely.


Bang! Bang! Boom!!

An explosion occurred.

Fire-attribute magic.

Among them, [Explosion] which caused a wide-range blast.

That powerful magical attack revealed itself on all sides, making loud noises.

Naturally, the people who had hurriedly entered through the door were also easily caught up in the explosion.


Save me!

Professor! Professor!!

In an instant, the research institute became chaotic.

Those who survived moved their bodies as much as possible and entered deeper inside the research institute, while those who failed to respond to the attack in time thrashed about in agony.

Masked men wielding weapons each came flooding in through the entrance.

Twenty people? Thirty?

There were too many Holders to even try counting.

W-What is

What on earth is going on!

At that hellish sight.

Kang Dong-wooks pupils lost their way, filled with confusion.

It was the same for the guard team captain who stood beside him to quickly grasp the situation.

The peaceful research institute had suddenly become drenched in blood.

Masked people invaded and carried out an assault, and many were injured or killed.

This all happened in just 10 minutes.

It was impossible to comprehend the situation at all.


And from among that explosion.

A man walked out.

Dark blue hair and a huge black longsword.

The aura of darkness undulating around him.

That man was.

Someone Kang Dong-wook and Tak Won-ho standing in front of him to block his way both knew very well too.

Its been a while.

Hwang Seong-yeon, the owner of the demon sword.

He was the one who assaulted the academy.

With dozens of clan members in tow.

Unlike the numerous spies who disguise themselves and move within <Villain> clan, his face was too familiar to the public.

Because ever since Hwang Seong-yeon became a wanted criminal after the Gwanghwamun Mass Murder,

He had never once changed his name or face.

In that same face as that time.

Under that same name as that time.

Even today when he assaulted the academy.

All those who came face to face with him recognized him.

Youve managed to sneak back into the academy very well.

Tak Won-ho glared at Hwang Seong-yeon, gritting his teeth.

Too many people had already been hurt and killed.

At this rate, it seemed like the largest casualty in academy history would occur.

The culprit of that disaster was shamelessly walking forward.

However, Hwang Seong-yeons expression did not change one bit in response to Tak Won-hos anger.

There was a necessary item.

An item necessary enough for the submaster of the Grand Villain clan to lead dozens of clan members must be quite the extraordinary item indeed.

To that verbose remark, Hwang Seong-yeon stared straight at Tak Won-ho.

Won-ho, you already know.

Dont call my name with your filthy mouth.

Tak Won-hos expression was filled with rage.

The pain of old grudges and memories losing their way dwelled in his emotions.

Hwang Seong-yeon.

That name had given Tak Won-ho far too many nightmares.

And seeing that stiff reaction, Hwang Seong-yeon Quietly gripped his sword.

Uninteresting talk.

That there was no more meaning to the conversation.

Because they already knew that.



Before one knew it, magical power had gathered in Hwang Seong-yeons black longsword.

It was a bizarre magical power where filthy darkness and deep red blood color mingled.

Powerful magical power with the will to end things in one go without wasting time

Seeing that, Tak Won-ho also gritted his teeth and gripped his sword tightly.

He had to block it.

If it went through here.

If they took [The Order of Harmony], which he presumed was what they were after.

He didnt know how things would flow going forward.

He didnt know how the <Villain> clan would rage.

In order to contain that potential danger, he absolutely had to stop Hwang Seong-yeon here.



Great despair descended upon the academy.

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