Acquired the Scam Rune in the Academy

Chapter 136

Chapter 136

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The first week of every month.

Although we don’t set an exact date, the day I trade contracted equipment with Choi Yoo-min is always scheduled for the first week of the month.

Thanks to that, on Wednesday evening, I was waiting for her in the lounge inside the special division building where we always meet.


Originally, we would meet on weekends rather than weekdays.

On weekdays, I have so much to do and I also have private lessons with each professor in the evenings.

Especially Wednesday evenings, when I have private lessons with Professor Tak Won-ho.

By now, I should be receiving his ruthless sword strikes in the training ground, but…

-Technically, there is nothing more I can teach you. The gap between you and me now is just the difference in accumulated time and experience, stats, and rune levels. Truly monstrous growth.

Professor Tak Won-ho declared that he had “nothing more to teach” and changed the private lessons from once a week to once every two weeks.

He understands exactly the direction I want to pursue with the sword, I have awakened to the essence of [Wave Sword Technique], and have absorbed all of his know-how and experience built up so far. In that sense, Professor Tak Won-ho gave me a passing grade.

On top of that, with my stats growing as I was promoted to B-grade Holder… It was natural that class time decreased compared to before.

It was the same with Professor Kim Myeong-hyun.

-Holder Do Jae-hyun doesn’t use the water sword better than me now, does he?”


-Hahaha, just kidding. I mean your growth has been so fast it’s unbelievable. I seem to have taken on a great disciple.

Saying that, he also reduced class time to once every two weeks.

That doesn’t mean the education I receive from the two professors has completely ended.

Even with reduced class time, I was still exclusively under the two professors, and this would not change even when I surpassed them and reached A-grade Holder.

It was just that, with the difference in ability and efficiency of education, some adjustments were necessary.

Thanks to that, lately I have been focusing on the private lessons from Yoo Eun-seol, working on dagger skills and assassin-type abilities.

“Jae-hyun, hi!”

“Oh, you’re here?”

Just as I was lost in thought…

The lounge door opened and a familiar face greeted me.

It was my first time seeing Choi Yoo-min since the new semester started.

It felt strange not seeing her for a month, and she also looked quite different after the break.

“You dyed your hair?”

“Ah, yes.”

Gray and brown two-tone color.

Her once monotonous hair was dyed in a variety of colors.

Yoo-min lightly touched her hair tips and asked.

“Does it suit me?”

“Yeah. It totally suits you well. When did you do it?”

The words just naturally came out of my mouth.

It wasn’t flattery. I really meant it.

She often wore dark colored clothes so she gave off a gloomy vibe, but this dye job erased that atmosphere in an instant.

“I finished the final touches last night. Hehe.”

She must’ve been busy with my request, yet still found time to dye her hair.

Fortunately, she looked very happy about it.

Thud- whoosh-

Choi Yoo-min sat down and immediately rummaged through her magic bag, taking out equipment.

Today was the day I received contracted equipment from her.

Unlike previous contracted gear, I had placed an additional order and provided extra materials.

To be exact, I handed over most of the spoils from Stained Rock Pile and Nest Covered by Clouds, along with additional payment.

I had specifically requested equipment I thought would be helpful and useful for me.

So instead of the usual 10 normal-grade equipment over two months, I asked her to provide 4 high-grade equipment.

From before the semester started up until yesterday…

It seemed Choi Yoo-min had completed all the requested items in that short timeframe.

“I made everything you asked for, Jae-hyun. But like I said before, the contract fee is too much. I don’t need this much money…”

There she goes again.

Perhaps because she lived as an unknown for so long in poverty…

Choi Yoo-min would sometimes frown at the additional payment I provided.

Saying it was too high an amount for compensation.

But to me, it was absolutely worth the price.

The items Choi Yoo-min produced were much higher quality than anything I could buy externally, and considering cost-performance, it was very reasonably priced.

Moreover, once she graduates from the academy, I won’t even be able to buy her gear anymore.

I had to purchase what I could while I still could.

“Not at all. Considering the quality, it’s not a huge amount. So don’t worry about it and show me the goods.”

“Hehe, okay, here.”

<Item Information>

◎ Name: Claw Short Sword

◎ Type: Sword (Short Sword)

◎ Rank: Rare

◎ Durability: Normal

◎ Crafter: Choi Yoo-min

◎ Special Effects:-

: Speed +2

: Contains the brutality of a beast tearing its prey apart. When slashing as if clawing with nails, deals 20% increased damage.

Detailed Information:-

: A short sword crafted with profound metallurgy. Imbued with the ferocious claws of a wolf, barg, giving off an aura that overwhelms opponents with bestial might. The wolf claws do not break easily, while anything they touch will be easily torn apart.

<Item Information>

◎ Name: Wyvern Spear

◎ Type: Spear

◎ Rank: Rare

◎ Durability: Normal

◎ Crafter: Choi Yoo-min

◎ Special Effects:-

: Strength +1, Speed +1

: Empowers attacks with the wind’s aid. When attacking by dropping down from the sky or utilizing sufficient momentum, deals 30% increased damage with spear attacks.

◎ Detailed Information:-

: A long spear overlaid with the hide of the sky’s ruler, frezzard wyvern. Outstanding metallurgy brings out its brilliance, infused with the power of a monster that wielded the winds. Boasts sturdy durability and considerable weight.

I had requested a total of four items from Choi Yoo-min.

One was a short sword.

Recently, I’ve been learning the intricacies of dagger skills from Yoo Eun-seol and seriously raising [Plum Blossom Sword Technique], making the short sword one of my main weapons.

Lacking a proper weapon so far, I had asked Choi Yoo-min for one.

Using the claws of Barg, the boss monster of Stained Rock Pile, along with various magic stones, she crafted the short sword [Claw Short Sword].

It was much higher quality than I had imagined, and the special effect ‘damage increases when slashing’ also seemed very useful for short swords.

Especially when using the [Staircase Slash] skill, I felt the synergy would be considerable.

‘And the spear…’

Originally, spears weren’t my main weapon, but lately its importance rose significantly due to the derived skill [Accel Piercing] from the rune [The Greatest Racehorse Under Heaven].

A relentless charge at high speed.

Combined with a piercing spear attack.

This combo, which greatly contributed when hunting wyverns, required a decent spear to utilize properly.

In that regard, the [Wyvern Spear] Choi Yoo-min produced was very appealing.

The specs were decent, and the special effect was perfect.

Of the requested items, the two most important weapons were highly satisfactory products.

“The throwing daggers and shield are normal grade. I tried my best but not every produced item turns out rare grade yet. Hehe.”

For the two pieces I hadn’t checked yet, Choi Yoo-min added an explanation.

Throwing daggers and a shield.

I already had weapons in those categories, but considering my frequency of use in combat, I thought spares were necessary.

Of course, they didn’t need to be top quality.

I shook my head at that.

“It’s fine. I’m already amazed you made two rare grade items. You’re incredible. Yoo-min, your skills have improved so much.”


Choi Yoo-min smiled shyly at the praise, but I was genuinely surprised.

No matter how good [Iron-Blooded Night Field] is, Choi Yoo-min had just started properly crafting high-grade equipment.

Far from the norm at this stage in her growth.

Yet she took my request and produced two rare grade items just like that…

At this rate, she would soon catch up to Lee Hyun-ho, considered the most promising blacksmith.

I received the four pieces of equipment from her and expressed my gratitude.

“Anyway, thanks. I really needed this equipment.”

“Yeah! Let me know if you need anything else. I’m totally free.”

“Free when the semester just started?”

“Yup. Our department focuses more on practical training than theory, so making equipment is basically like classwork. I can just submit the production reports for these two rare grade items and easily get a good grade. Hehe. Thanks to you.”

Hearing that, I nodded in understanding.

The blacksmith department is quite rational…

So that’s why Lee Hyun-ho attentively participates in all the circle meetings.

“Oh! And congratulations on reaching B-grade.”

“Huh? How’d you know about that?”

I blurted out in slight surprise at Choi Yoo-min’s sudden mention.

She tilted her head and answered.

“It was in online articles?”


“Yeah. Like Rising Teen Prodigies in the Holder Field, 20-year-old Do Jae-hyun Reaches B-grade in Record Time… stuff like that. You’re kinda trending these days.”


I opened a portal site on my phone and indeed, it was true.

I was listed among rising teen prodigies like Kang Juyeon and Moon Ga-eun.

There was increased observation of my activities after the Kim Do-yoon assault incident brought me some fame at the academy.

A multi-holder using both physical and magical runes.

Reaching B-grade from F-grade in the shortest time ever.

With so many intriguing traits, it was understandable I’d gain attention.

‘So that’s why people have been glancing my way lately…’

I let out a hollow laugh at the thought, shook it off.

Then bid Choi Yoo-min farewell once more.

“See you next month.”


I stored all the equipment she passed me in my magic bag.

The reason I specifically asked Choi Yoo-min for a high-grade weapon this time was to prepare for the increasingly intense clashes with <Villain>.

Not knowing when ambushes or battles may occur, any shortcomings with equipment had to be avoided.

I was making every preparation for that.

And following that…

The second step towards eradicating <Villain> spies.

[Kang Juyeon] The overseas trip is scheduled for the weekend. Let me know which circle members will be coming along to determine the travel roster.

It marked the true beginning of the investigation.

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