Accidental Love

Chapter 66: Finale (1)

Chapter 66: Finale (1)

Translators note: To all my patient readers, Im sincerely sorry for not leaving a note and not uploading chapters for so long. I was caught up in many things this week and was very busy, so I had to finish everything up during this labor day weekend. The editor was rather busy too and we decided to release all of the parts to the finale today. Im currently working on the extras and they should be released tomorrow. Now please sit back and enjoy these last few chapters of the novel. Happy Labor Day to all!

After Bi Ruoshan finished talking, she felt a strange silence on the other end of the phone.

So even though she was very drunk, she still knew to hang up the phone immediately.

After the busy tone sounded, the whole room's air seemed to have stopped moving.

If time could go back ten minutes, Zheng Shuyi would have definitely not picked this call up.

If time could go back seven years, she would have definitely applied to change a college dorm.

And at this moment, Zheng Shuyi's whole face was stiff and couldn't show any other expression. Looking at Shi Yan on top of her, she even forgot to blink.

The fragrance of magnolia from Zheng Shuyi's lotion covered him. He didn't speak either and just looked at her. His eyes seemed to be saying: "What do you think about your friend's suggestion?"

Not very good

Zheng Shuyi turned her face away.

Then, Shi Yan's kiss landed on her earlobes.

She almost forgot that this man had a weird habit of kissing earlobes.

Zheng Shuyi struggled to push him away, "Shi Yan, at least let me finish letting out my anger"

This time, not only didn't she finish letting out her anger, she didn't even get to finish her sentence.

But Shi Yan seemed to understand that he was in the wrong in the first place and was on the side trying to apologize, so his kisses were a lot more soft.

His breathing was also lingering beside her, and the entanglement of his lips and tongue quickly stopped all her struggles. Her whimpering rejection turned into a type of seduction.

Her hands couldn't help but hang around Shi Yan's neck. When she raised her chin and responded to his kisses, today's game was finally over.

When Zheng Shuyi finally got a chance to catch her breath, her nightdress was already pushed to her chest.

There was no wind in the bedroom. Zheng Shuyi felt like the chandeliers were shaking as her ten fingers crossed each other behind Shi Yan's back.

Every nerve was no longer under her control as her eyes gradually blurred.

The only thing in her eyes was the blurry outline of Shi Yan and the look from him that was full of desire.

Her mouth was half-opened, and her senses seemed to be feeling that her whole body was boiling as if she was soaked in a boiling hot spring. Beside her ears, she didn't know whether it was Shi Yan's or her quiet moaning.

The lights were shaking more and more violently. Underneath Shi Yan, Zheng Shuyi felt like she was about to fall and shatter into pieces like the chandelier on top.

She was too ashamed to face herself directly in front of Shi Yan, but every time she closed her eyes, they would always suddenly open back up by Shi Yan's intense emotions.

He seemed to really enjoy the extra eye contact with her at this time, or maybe he just wanted to see her in this way.

Not only did he want to see, but he also wanted Zheng Shuyi to see too.

So at midnight, Zheng Shuyi's palm print was also left on the full-length mirror in the cloakroom.

During the night, the sound of the clock would become particularly loud. Together with the sound of the running water in the bathroom, it irritated Zheng Shuyi to the extreme.

She curled up like a shrimp in the quilt, facing the bathroom with her back in a daze for a long time.

Who is apologizing to whom?!

Does Shi Yan not have any sense of regret at all?!

But she didn't dare to say these out loud.

She was afraid that if she did, Shi Yan would definitely ask her to give him another "chance".

So she could only suffer the grievance by herself.

But after deciding to forgive Shi Yan for trying to hide the fact about Song Lelan, she felt so happy as if she was dreaming.

The next morning, from the elevator to the company, everyone was talking about it.

Zheng Shuyi silently exclaimed about the idol's popularity in her heart, but on the surface, she just calmly sat down on her chair.

And although Kong Nan already received the news yesterday, when she saw Zheng Shuyi, who had a direct relationship with Song Lelan, she felt like she was seeing Song Lelan herself.

Holding a cup of coffee, she started talking, "No one would dare to believe me if I said it, but I actually worked as a colleague with Song Lelan's daughter for several months!

"Mm?" Zheng Shuyi asked surprisingly, "You even know about this?

"What?" Kong Nan gave her an unbelievable look, "Sis, do you still think we live in a nationwide 2G network society? Those gossip forums have long figured out all her relatives. Now everyone knows that Qin Shiyue is her daughter."

Before, the people in the family didn't know Qin Shiyue's family relationship because they really didn't care much.

Who would waste time trying to discover the identity of a colleague so badly?

But once she became connected with a celebrity like Song Lelan, people's desire for gossip instantly exponentially increased. In just a few hours, people have already made the character relationship chart between Song Lelan, Qin Xiaoming, Shi Wenguang, Shi Yan, and Qin Shiyue.

Zheng Shuyi didn't know how to reply for a second and only "oh"ed twice.

For Zheng Shuyi, there weren't many people who knew her relationship with Shi Yan, therefore, this national melon eating incident had little to do with her.

However, this idea only lasted one morning.

After lunch, Zheng Shuyi and Kong Nan went downstairs to buy coffee. During the whole time, she felt that people were constantly watching her.

"What is it?"

Zheng Shuyi stopped beside a female colleague and asked, "Do I have something on my face?"

This colleague didn't want to join the gossip and ask about others personal life, but since Zheng Shuyi took the initiative to ask her, she couldn't hold back anymore.

"Is your boyfriend Shi Yan? Song Lelan's younger brother?"

Zheng Shuyi: ?

She slowly turned to look at Kong Nan, who immediately waved her hands, signaling that she never said anything.

But since a colleague asked already, Zheng Shuyi no longer decided to hide.

"How did you know?"

The colleague looked around. After making sure Xu Yuling wasn't here, she pulled Zheng Shuyi to the side and whispered, "Xu Yuling said you were with Qin Shiyue's uncle, isn't Qin Shiyue's uncle Shi Yan?"

Zheng Shuyi: "" She didn't expect that the rumors Xu Yuling made had such an effect.

Xu Yuling must have been watching the news last night too, so after learning the truth, she didn't have the face to come to work and took several days off.

Thanks to Xu Yuling, in just a short afternoon, Zheng Shuyi had a new identity: "I have a colleague, she's Song Lelan's little sister."

But when the colleagues came and asked Zheng Shuyi about Song Lelan's various gossips, everyone found that her mouth was very tight: she didn't say anything much about her at all.

Perhaps this was how family members of celebrities were.

It wasn't that she didn't want to say though, it was because she knew clearly herself that she knew nothing about Song Lelan!

The real close interaction she had with Song Lelan was four days later during a weekend. As usual, members of the Shi Family would go back to the old house and accompany Shi Wenguang for dinner.

To Shi Yan, this was a normal day in his life that couldn't be more normal.

But to Zheng Shuyi, this was her first time meeting Shi Yan's family.

"Done yet?"

After Zheng Shuyi changed through her six sets of clothes, Shi Yan couldn't sit still anymore and walk towards the cloakroom.

He studied the woman in front of him and couldn't help but laugh, "Actually, you don't have to dress so plain."

Zheng Shuyi looked down at the beige sweater skirt on her and was a little unsure. 

"Too plain? Will that make them think I'm mature?

Before waiting for Shi Yan's reply, she immediately went to look for other clothes, "Then I'll check out some other ones."

Shi Yan: ""

She grabbed Zheng Shuyi's hand, "I think this one looks very pretty."

"What you think isn't important."

Zheng Shuyi pulled her hand free and muttered, "God knows what impression I left in your sister's mind, I can't leave a bad impression on your dad too."

Shi Yan was a little helpless. Looking at the busy look on Zheng Shuyi, he also wanted to laugh.

"You doing so much really puts a lot of pressure on me. What should I do after I meet your parents?"

Zheng Shuyi paused for a second in front of the closet. Then she ignored him and continued to pick clothes.

When she picked up a set of light dress suits, Shi Yan suddenly said, "I like you, they definitely will like you too, so don't be so nervous."

The second he finished, Zheng Shuyi's hand stopped again.

A second later, she slowly turned her body around.

"What did you say?"

Shi Yan repeated his point, "Try to relax, it's just eating a meal, don't be so nervous."

Zheng Shuyi shook her head, "Not this sentence."

Shi Yan raised her eyebrows and their eyes looked at each other for a moment. Seeing her bright eyes, he suddenly understood what she meant.

But he just leaned beside the bow tie cabinet as if he didn't hear her. He pointed with his chin and said quietly, "Hurry up and change your shoes."

"Quick, say it!" Zheng Shuyi went forward and grabbed his arm and looked up, "The sentence before!

Shi Yan helplessly looked down at her eyes, and said word for word, "I like you."

"I like you too."

Zheng Shuyi was satisfied and happy. The speed at which she was dressing also significantly increased.

Until they arrived at the Shi House, Zheng Shuyi finally realized that she really didn't have to be so nervous.

There was no need to talk more about her relationship with Qin Shiyue. Qin Xiaoming and her somewhat knew each other already, and she also talked to Shi Wenguang before on a forum.

On the whole table, the only person who could really be counted as a stranger to her was Song Lelan.

But after thinking about it, the number of times Zheng Shuyi saw her during TV shows and concerts was only less than that of Qin Shiyue and Shi Yan.

Therefore, during this dinner, Shi Yan watched his girlfriend slowly move towards Song Lelan.

Without anyone realizing, Zheng Shuyi has already moved over a whole seat and appeared beside Song Lelan. The man who watched her the whole process didn't know what he was anymore. 

Shi Yan was speechless.

After dinner, Song Lelan left for another city for work.

Shi Yan and Zheng Shuyi weren't in a hurry to leave, so they stayed to chat with Shi Wenguang and Qin Xiaoming.

Qin Shiyue couldn't understand what they were talking about yet couldn't just sit still either. So she walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked around, suddenly thought of something, and turned to shout, "Aunt."

Zheng Shuyi: ""

Being called like this in front of Shi Yan's family made her quite embarrassed.

After a while, Zheng Shuyi turned her head around shyly and asked, "What is it?"

Qin Shiyue didn't realize her embarrassment at all. She looked outside the window and said, "The cherries are ripe, do you want to go pick some?"

The other people on the table didn't seem to hear what Qin Shiyue said, they didn't even glance an eye towards her.

Zheng Shuyi let out a sigh of relief and said slowly, "I'll go pick cherries with Xiao Yue."

"Mm." Under the table, Shi Yan pinched Zhang Shuyi's hand, "Go ahead, we can also bring some home."

Then he turned and said a word without making noise.

But Zheng Shuyi could clearly tell what he said from the shape of his mouth.


Two lights were turned on in the yard, lighting up the back of the two people.

The two cherry trees weren't very high, they could reach the fruits just by reaching out their hands.

"Are you coming back to work?" Zheng Shuyi held the basket and picked some big cherries while chatting with Qin Shiyue, "Now the whole company knows who you are, if you are going back, you need to be prepared to be the center of attention."

Qin Shiyue sighed again, "Can I not go? Although it's not my fault for the car accident, my dad and my uncle both think that the reason it happened was that I have nothing to do."

In fact, Zheng Shuyi thought so too.

Qin Shiyue tipped on her toes while continuing, "That's because they are too busy themselves, thinking that everyone else is wasting time."

Zheng Shuyi helped her pick up her basket and said, "If you really don't want to go, don't force yourself. You need to do things that you actually like."

"I still have to go," said Qin Shiyue, "People can't just wander around and waste their lives, and I don't even know what I like yet."

Zheng Shuyi raised her eyebrows and smiled, "I can't believe you would say words."

"I didn't say them."

These words were said by Yu You on the day of the car accident.

But after remembering the conversation with Yu You that day, Qin Shiyue's mood felt a little heavy, and didn't want to talk about it anymore. Therefore, she asked, "In your opinion, if a man doesn't even have a single weakness, how should I attack him?"

"Who?" asked Zheng Shuyi, "Yu You?"

Qin Shiyue nodded.

"I really can't figure this man out, he's like a ball of mystery."

"Why do you have to figure a man out?"

Zheng Shuyi glanced back at Shi Yan in the living room and sneered lightly, "You'll be better off going to Tsinghua University rather than doing this."

"Then what should I do?" Qin Shiyue immediately humbly asked for advice, "He has no weaknesses I can break in from. In front of him, I feel like an elementary schooler."

Zheng Shuyi, who was very experienced at this, said, "Cling to him and never give up."


Qin Shiyue didn't expect that such a way would work, "Are you sure? You think this would work on Yu You?"

Why not, do you think he's harder to deal with your uncle? That's what I did to get your uncle's affection."

The moment she finished, both of them froze.

Zheng Shuyi almost saw a question mark grow on top of Qin Shiyue's head with her naked eyes.

"The uncle you have been chasing before, is, my, uncle?"


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