Accidental Love

Chapter 59: All Thanks to Your Aunt

Chapter 59: All Thanks to Your Aunt

Most of the time, watching your lover being jealous of others in a relationship could be considered to be a little fun.

This seemed to be the best way to prove that the other person cared for you more in everyone's dull lives. People could feel the sweetness in this jealousy, so some people enjoyed it.

But not Shi Yan.

Although this was just a small matter that couldn't even be called a misunderstanding, he didn't want Zheng Shuyi to experience even the slightest grievance.

Maybe because, he knew that feeling too well.

But Zheng Shuyi wasn't thinking about all this.

Hearing what Shi Yan said, all the anger surging out of her body was replaced with joy.

"Don't talk nonsense like that, who's jealous?" Although what he said was true, she still tried to defend herself, "I just feel bad about your clothes. It looks so expensive and beautiful, and she just ruined it."

Shi Yan looked at her. Just as he was about to say something, his phone on the table suddenly rang.

He picked it up after glancing at the caller.

It was from Song Lelan.

"What are you doing?"


"At home?"


"Oh, with Yue Yue?"


"Then do you know where she went? She's not home and isn't replying to my messages either."

"Not sure."

Song Lelan, who was already used to Shi Yan's "if I can say it in two words then I refuse to use three" style, started murmuring to herself, "Why is she always missing? Never does anything that a person should do, and just play all day. Where is she this time?"

While Song Lelan was speaking, the dishes arrived.

Zheng Shuyi stirred the noodles with her chopsticks and glanced at Shi Yan from time to time.

The tone he was using seemed like he was talking to his family, and he wasn't doing anything with the noodles in front of him.

So Zheng Shuyi took his bowl over and helped to stir his as well.

And on the other end of the phone, Song Lelan heard that Shi Yan's surroundings were a little noisy, so she asked, "Who are you with?"

Shi Yan's expression finally changed slightly. He looked at Zheng Shuyi, who was working very hard and carefully stirring the noodles. His voice also softened down.


Hearing this, Zheng Shuyi's hand paused for a second. She raised her head and asked quietly, "Who is it?"

Shi Yan suddenly thought of something. He looked at her in the eyes and smiled, "My sister."

"Ohoh." Zheng Shuyi nodded, "Okay, please continue, don't worry about me."

But instead of continuing, Shi Yan passed her the phone, "Do you want to say hi?"

Zheng Shuyi's face was full of panic. She shook her head like a rattle drum and waved her hand as she put down her chopsticks, but she didn't say anything.

"No?" Shi Yan was still smiling, "You don't want to say hi to my sister?"


Zheng Shuyi seemed to be very worried as she put her index finger in front of her mouth, signaling him to be quiet.

What do you mean by saying hi to your sister? At least let me know beforehand next time so I can be somewhat prepared.

And he was talking so loud with the phone right beside him too. If that sister accidentally heard that Zheng Shuyi didn't want to talk to her, she would probably think that she was very arrogant.

She was nervous. 

After Shi Yan started talking to Song Lelan again, Zheng Shuyi just quietly ate her noodles and didn't say anything.

Until after he hung up, she asked, "Oh, by the way, your sister I don't think I've heard of her before, and I don't think I've met her either. She doesn't work with you?"

"Mm." When Shi Yan lowered his head to eat his noodles, he still couldn't hold back his smile.

"What are you smiling at?"

"Nothing. Shi Yan said, "She's a bit low-key"


Make sense.

Although she wasn't very bothered about others' gossip, people like Shi Yan were a different story. They had plenty of benefits connected with one another.

Every time when a couple's relationship changed, it would often involve a lot of property being split and things, so it always attracted a lot of media attention.

But the Shi Family was a special case.

Their family relationship couldn't be more simple. There were only three people that the public could come in contact with: Shi Wenguang, Qin Xiaoming, and Shi Yan.

Everyone knew that Shi Yan's mother passed away a long time ago.

And Qin Xiaoming, as the son-in-law, attended various activities. His wife, however, never appeared in the public's eyes, she didn't even attend formal banquets.

There were some people who tried to dig for information about Shi Wenguang's eldest daughter. But since she never appeared in public, no one could really find even the slightest trace of her.

There were even some people who joked that Shi Huaiman was a fictional character.

Over time, people started to accept the thought that Shi Huaiman was probably a person who just liked to relax and enjoy life, nothing worth too much attention for.

"If it wasn't for the call just now, I almost forgot that you still had a sister," said Zheng Shuyi, "She must be very low-key."

"Mm." Shi Yan didn't correct her, "Do you want to meet her in person when you get the chance?"

Zheng Shuyi didn't swallow her mouthful of noodles. She was a little hopeful, but also nervous, "Ssure, but let's push that for later, let me prepare first."

"Mm." Shi Yan nodded, "No hurries, take your time."

Although she said later, on the way back, her conversations never left about his sister.

"Then since she doesn't work in your company, what does she do?"

The window was slightly opened. When the night wind blew in, it blew up the few strands of hair in front of Shi yan's forehead.

He seemed to be in a very good mood right now; his smile appeared more often on his face, and even his tone was much more relaxed than usual.

"She? Just dance and sing every day, nothing much."

"Oh, that sounds like a really comfortable life."

Zheng Shuyi listened with envy, "Does she look like you?"

"We" Shi Yan squinted his eyes and his smile grew larger, "We look pretty alike."


Seeing that he smiled every time she mentioned his sister, she started to feel like his sister must be very close with him, so she became even more curious, "Then can you show me her picture? I'm a little curious."

Shi Yan pursed his lips. His eyes were still showing a smile, but he didn't reply to Zheng Shuyi.

So Zheng Shuyi went for the center console and reached for his phone, "I'll check it out myself."

"Don't touch it." Shi Yan suddenly reached out a hand to stop her, "I don't have pictures of her."

Of course, Zheng Shuyi didn't believe him, "You're bad at lying."

"It's true." Shi Yan easily took his phone back from her hand, unlocked the screen, then handed it over again, "You can check if you don't believe me."

Zheng Shuyi wouldn't really go through his phone. She sneered and turned her face to look outside, "Whatever, we'll meet sooner or later anyway."


Zheng Shuyi felt that Shi Yan was very unusual tonight. Even the "Mms coming from his nose brought a sense of smile in them.

"What's the matter with you today?"

Zheng Shuyi turned her head and looked at him curiously, "Who made you so happy"

Shi Yan didn't turn to look at her. He kept his eyes at the traffic lights in front of him and replied indifferently, "Of course it's you, who else?"

Why are you starting to say lover's honeyed words all of a sudden?

Zheng Shuyi was quite embarrassed. She fiddled with her hair and cleared her throat, "If I can make you so happy just by talking to you, then if I"

As she spoke, she suddenly paused.

"Then if you what?" Shi Yan stopped for the traffic lights and looked at her, "Hmm?"


Zheng Shuyi looked down and smiled with her eyes, but forced out an expression that she didn't know anything. "Pay attention to the road, don't look at me."

But Shi Yan's eyes were glued onto her face. It brought along a wave of heat, flushing every inch of her cheek with fire.

The wind stopped blowing, and the temperature in the car rose silently.

Zheng Shuyi knew that Shi Yan was looking at her, but she kept her head down as her fingers tapped restlessly on her legs.

She felt like this person was very strange. Although they weren't doing any physical interactions, his eyes would make her feel like the two were doing something very close.

Until the car behind honked, Shi Yan finally looked away.

At that moment, the swirling heat that lingered around Zheng Shuyi finally went away.

And also, her phone rang.

Zheng Shuyi looked at the caller and was stunned for a second.

Shi Yan glanced at it and also saw that it wrote "Yu You".

Knowing that he saw, Zheng Shuyi felt like he was going to be super jealous again, so she opened the speaker.1Should mention here that the being jealous mentioned here and all the other chapters are talking about the jealousy of one's love spending time with someone else. In Chinese, it is called , which directly translates to "eating vinegar"


Yu You didn't greet and went straight into the topic, "Do you have time right now?"

Zheng Shuyi took a peek at Shi Yan. Seeing that his face looked normal, she replied, "A little bit, what's wrong?"

"It's about your friend Qin Shiyue." Yu You wasn't speaking very hurriedly, "Did she contact you just now?"

"Qin Shiyue? No."

The other end of the phone was quiet for a moment, then Yu You smiled, "She just contacted me, saying that she got lost at Yulan Mountain. She couldn't get any taxi out there in the wilderness and told me to go save her."

Yes, Qin Shiyue used the word "save".

Zheng Shuyi: ""

Yu You continued, "Although I didn't believe her, I'm not in Jiang City right now either, so just in case, I decided to let you know."

He chuckled slightly, "Well, I guess I was right."

Zheng Shuyi: ""

After a long silence, she finally said, "Okay, I understand."

After hanging up, Zheng Shuyi turned to look at Shi Yan.

His face was dark.

"Call her."

Zheng Shuyi obediently dialed a call to Qin Shiyue.

Seeing it was a call from Zheng Shuyi, Qin Shiyue happily picked it up.

"Sister Shuyi, what is it?"

"Where are you?"

Hearing that it was Shi Yan's voice, Qin Shiyue shivered in shock and even her tone changed.

"I, I'm at Yulan Mountain."

"You have a lot of time don't you?"

Qin Shiyue

Zheng Shuyi was pretty much just used as a tool for this procedure. After saying that sentence, Shi Yan hung up the phone.

And the direction he was driving was still towards Zheng Shuyi's home.

"You're not going to care about her?" Zheng Shuyi asked, "Yulan Mountain is pretty remote, what if she really meets some danger up there in the middle of the night?"

Although Shi Yan looked very cold when hanging up, his voice returned to his usual dullness, "Do you think she went to Yulan Mountain for an expedition? No, Uncle Guan has an orchard there, she went to pick fruits."

Zheng Shuyi: ""

"She is being treated like a queen right now, and even if she gets lost, it would be in the villa."

Zheng Shuyi: ""

Although Qin Shiyue was Shi Yan's niece.

But at this moment, Zheng Shuyi felt embarrassed with Yu You because of her.

After another long silence, Zheng Shuyi said, "Your niece really does have a lot of tricks and schemes."

Shi Yan gave a light "Mm", "All thanks to the advice from her aunt."

Zheng Shuyi: ""

She didn't know whether it was the word "aunt" that made her heart tremble, or if it was the mocking tone that he used.

Either way, she was silent again for a long time.

So long that Shi Yan thought the conversation was going to end here, but she suddenly said righteously with a voice of vehement.

"I didn't teach her anything. And, whether it be a good scheme or not, as long as she gets him in the end, it is a success."

Shi Yan pursed his lips, "Yes, you're right."

Although he just quickly ended the conversation about Qin Shiyue here in front of Zheng Shuyi, that didn't mean he was just going to leave her there and not care about her.

There was no reason for him to let go of such an embarrassing action.

And his solution was also simple and aggressive.

Monday afternoon, right after Zheng Shuyi finished lunch, she received Qin Shiyue's whining.

Qin Shiyue: Speechless, I'm so speechless!

Qin Shiyue: My uncle said I have nothing to do all day and is bothering him and he's making me come back to work!

Qin Shiyue: How am I bothering him?! We only meet like once a week at my grandfather's dinner!

Zheng Shuyi leisurely stood on the balcony and sipped her coffee while replying.

Zheng Shuyi: Are you coming back to the magazine publisher?

Qin Shiyue: Yeah, he told me to learn more from you.

Qin Shiyue: But he knows that I'm not suitable for this at all! 

Qin Shiyue: Perhaps he thinks finance journalists are the best profession right now [smile]

Zheng Shuyi smiled. The feeling of getting approval from Shi Yan felt exceptionally great.

But before she was done being happy, Qin Shiyue added: But he specifically stressed that I should only learn the good things from you, not the bad things.

Zheng Shuyi's smile suddenly disappeared.

Zheng Shuyi: Which part of me does he consider bad? Go tell him to make himself clear [smile]

A moment later.

Qin Shiyue: He said, shouldn't you know yourself best?

Zheng Shuyi: Sorry, I have no clue.

Zheng Shuyi: Go ask again. Make him give me a proper explanation.

Qin Shiyue:

Qin Shiyue: Did you two delete each other's contacts?!

Qin Shiyue: Go ask him yourself!

After Zheng Shuyi exited the chat with Qin Shiyue and was about to go bother Shi Yan, Kong Nan texted him on WeChat: Where are you?

Zheng Shuyi: Balcony.

Kong Nan: Let me show you something.

Kong Nan: I had some time these days and went to find information. I actually ended up with something.

Then, she sent over a picture.

It was a screenshot of a WeChat group chat. The chat name has been blurred out, but the contents were words that Xu Yuling sent.

Xu Yuling: Guess what I heard today?

Xu Yuling: It's that intern Qin Shiyue, remember? Zheng Shuyi's with her uncle.

Underneath were question marks sent by several people.

Xu Yuling: If it wasn't because I heard it from Qin Shiyue herself, I wouldn't believe it either.

Xu Yuling: No wonder her resources nowadays were as if she downloaded a cheat code on a game.

Xu Yuling: But an uncle of a twenty-year-old girl is probably around the age of my dad.

Xu Yuling: Sure enough, I knew she would do something like this.

The screenshot even had the time frames of when she sent them.

Zheng Shuyi: ""

Zheng Shuyi: Where did you get this?

Kong Nan: Easy, can't you tell this situation is very obvious? I just casually asked around and Kan Weiyi gave me this information.

Zheng Shuyi wasn't surprised by this at all.

Before, everyone thought that she would definitely get the deputy editor-in-chief position, and the chief editor, as well as the editor-in-chief, was also talking about it.

In addition to her interview with the financial expert in America, she also had the report on Mingyu Cloud IPO. Any normal person could tell who won the battle between Xu Yuling and her.

Even if Kong Nan didn't purposefully go ask, some people were already about to spill the beans, they just didn't find the right opportunity.

What shocked Zheng Shuyi the most was the source of the rumor.

She originally thought it was because of Shi Yan's car that he used to pick her up, which made so many colleagues think she went onto the wrong path.

But back then, she couldn't find the source of the rumor, so she decided to just leave it alone for a while.

But now after knowing it was Xu Yuling who lit the fuse, Zheng Shuyi couldn't sit still anymore. Otherwise, one could call her more of a ninja than a reporter.

She didn't reply to Kong Nan. After putting her cup down, she immediately went to Xu Yuling's work desk.

She wasn't there.

Zheng Shuyi found a person beside her and asked, "Where's Xu Yuling?"

The lady was busy and quickly replied, "I think she's at the pantry."

Zheng Shuyi went over there and didn't find her either.

She then went to the bathroom, still not there.

But when she came out, she heard a voice coming from the exit passageway.

The exit passageway used a fire exit door. Not only was it very heavy, but it also had a spring on top to push it back close. It took Zheng Shuyi some effort to only slightly open the door. She didn't feel like spending more effort, so she just turned sideways and went in.

This startled Xu Yuling.

Seeing that it was Zheng Shuyi, she immediately hung up.

And then, as usual, she smiled and asked gently, "Are you looking for me? Can I help you?"

Zheng Shuyi organized her shirt and then said, "It's nothing big, I just want to chat with you about my boyfriend."

Xu Yuling's face slightly changed as she stepped back towards the wall. But she still put up a smile on her face, "Okay, what about your boyfriend?"

"Oh? You don't know about my boyfriend?"

Xu Yuling acted confused, "No, I don't know him."

Zheng Shuyi's face sank and said coldly, "If you don't know, then why the hell are you spreading rumors?"

Xu Yuling's breathing stopped and her mind went blank, but she still subconsciously denied, "Stop that nonsense. I never even met your boyfriend before, what rumors am I spreading?"

"Yeah right? You never even saw him! And then your brain made some random shit up and you told everyone I was finding an old man?"

Zheng Shuyi stepped forward and said angrily, "Xu Yuling, we are in the same team, it is very normal to compete and fight for resources. But I've never used such dirty methods. What about you? Copy my outline, steal my interview, and now you make rumors to ruin my reputation. Is there anything else you want to do? Do you think that without me, you can rise to the sky? I didn't see you doing very well either before I came, or, is it just pure envy?"

All those words stabbed at her most crucial parts, bringing her out of the darkness. Especially the last "envy" stepped right on her pain point.

Her face turned red and her guilt was written all over her. She was no longer trying to act nice and could only use a tough attitude to support herself.

She raised her chin and also raised her voice, "Stop pouring this dirty water on me, who said I'm making rumors? Everyone's talking about it, why did you blame the cause on me? Yes, I did both former ones, but don't blame me for anything I didn't do!"

"Yeah right."

Zheng Shuyi took out her phone and read out the screenshot, "Guess what I heard today? It's that intern Qin Shiyue, remember? Zheng Shuyi's with her uncle"

Hearing this, Xu Yuling opened her eyes wide. Everything was clear now.

She was sold, and this was hard evidence.

Panic took over her body. Xu Yuling subconsciously went up to grab Zheng Shuyi's phone.

Zheng Shuyi raised her hand high, glared at her, and then shoved the phone forward.

"Here, take it, you might as well smash it too."

Seeing Xu Yuling's unsteady breathing and staring angrily at the phone, Zheng Shuyi looked at her with disbelief, "Sometimes, I really wonder whether your head is empty. What year is it already? You think you can destroy evidence just by smashing a phone?"

Although Zheng Shuyi still didn't tell her who her boyfriend was, in Xu Yuling's eyes, an old man or not, he must be a very wealthy person with high status.

She knew that she couldn't provoke him, but with the situation she was in right now, she didn't know what to do.

And Zheng Shuyi wasn't giving her any time to think either.

"What now? Thinking about ways to continue your quibble?" Zheng Shuyi put her phone away and continued, "Everyone knows this now, don't you think it's a good time for a proper explanation?"

The word "explanation" sounded very hostile. Although Xu Yuling didn't know who Zheng Shuyi's boyfriend was, she was certain that she would pull out this mountain behind her and get revenge.

Thinking of this, her panic completely took over her logic.

When people are extremely afraid, their first reaction would be to run.

So, Xu Yuling pushed Zheng Shuyi to the side, and yelled, "I don't know what you're talking about!"

Then, she ran for the fire door and wanted to leave.

"Get back!" Zheng Shuyi didn't want to end everything with Xu Yuling in front of everyone, so she rushed forward to stop her.

When she grabbed onto the door to rush out, Xu Yuling didn't think of anything before letting go and rushing out.

The moment the door bounced shut, the exit passageway was filled with Zheng Shuyi's shriek.

Xu Yuling was still going forward. After a few seconds, her consciousness returned to her and immediately turned back.

She opened the door slightly and saw Zheng Shuyi's trembling right hand, her face pale, and her tears falling down like a broken pipe.

When she came out of the hospital, it had been three hours already.

Kong Nan held the prescribed medicine in one hand and opened a bottle of water with another.

"Drink some water."


Zheng Shuyi looked at her fingers that were bandaged like a bear's paw and cried, "What if my hand can't recover? It's so ugly."

"That won't happen. The doctor said it will eventually heal, don't worry."

Although Kong Nan was also angry, she also felt that Zheng Shuyi was rather fortunate.

Otherwise, such a heavy door, if she was unfortunate, her bones would have been broken.

All she injured was the nail bed for three fingers. After cleaning the wound, she just had to be careful of infections, and it wouldn't have much of an effect in the future.

Zheng Shuyi looked down and didn't speak.

Back when the door closed on her fingers, she felt like her eyes were covered with stars and were almost certain that her fingers were broken.

Her unstoppable tears brought quite a shock to the other colleagues.

When this happened, Tang Yi immediately let Kong Nan accompany her to the hospital. As for what happened, that will have to wait.

Returning from the hospital, Zheng Shuyi went directly to Tang Yi's office. On the way, everyone turned their heads to look at her.

After dealing with the concerns of some colleagues, she opened Tang Yi's office.

Xu Yuling was already sitting there. She looked at Zheng Shuyi nervously and didn't dare to say anything.

"What did the doctor say?"

Tang Yi asked.

"It'll be okay." Zheng Shuyi sat on the sofa at the side and said coldly, "Let's get down to business first."

The business was naturally what happened between Zheng Shuyi and Xu Yuling.

Knowing Tang Yi's usual uncaring attitude, Zheng Shuyi didn't bother to waste time.

"Editor-in-chief Tang, before, Xu Yuling copied my outline and stole my interview. I listened to you and didn't continue the blame. But now she's making rumors about my private life, and I can't bear it anymore.

"Yes, she has been working here for a long time, but my contribution to the magazine publisher is no less than hers. You must give me a proper explanation this time."

Zheng Shuyi's tough attitude was already placed down. Tang Yi could only ask, "What happened?"

"Nothing much. Just as I said before, I'm having a normal relationship with my boyfriend, and she evilly spread false rumors. You've heard about them too, I don't want to repeat it."

Tang Yi took a look at Xu Yuling, and then asked Zheng Shuyi again, "Then what is the situation with you and your boyfriend?"

All she heard have been rumors from others, she didn't know the truth either.

"The situation with my boyfriend is not important. I told you earlier, it's just a normal relationship. He's not an old man, he's just like any other unmarried young man. Is there a problem with that?"

Although Zheng Shuyi shamelessly said to Tang Yi before that "Shi Yan just likes me more", in a situation like this, she didn't want to bring him out.

If she did that, then the situation would deviate even more. If the boss decided to give her special treatment, others would think it was because she had Shi Yan behind her.

And Xu Yuling didn't speak during the whole process.

Tang Yi took a deep breath and said, "Okay, how about this. Since you're hurt, you should go back and rest first. I'll talk to the chief editor about this."

Seeing that Zheng Shuyi had no intention to move, she continued, "Don't worry. No matter what happens, I will give you a proper explanation."

Now that she said all this, Zheng Shuyi didn't want to spend more time arguing with her. She stood up and said, "I'll be going now."

After a few steps, she turned back again, "My leave doesnt count as unexcused right?"

Tang Yi: ""

"Of course."

It turned out that it was right for Zheng Shuyi to go back home early.

Otherwise, with all the curious looks from colleagues, she couldn't settle down and work either way.

She cleaned up and went downstairs, but didn't want to go home yet.

Her fingers were still hurting.

In addition, the cause of this was Xu Yuling. Just thinking of her made the pain much worse.

She sat on the chair outside the building for a while and then stood up to stop a taxi.

"Where to, young lady?"

"Mingyu Bank headquarters."

"No problem."

Zheng Shuyi didn't know what she was going there for either. She just subconsciously said it.

It has been a long time since she was last here.

Without any employee card or appointment, they had to report it up in order for her to see Shi Yan.

When Shi Yan received the call, he was a little surprised.

Unless on special occasions, Zheng Shuyi wouldn't come to find him during work hours.

"Bring her up."

A few minutes later, the office door was opened and Zheng Shuyi walked in with her head down.

Shi Yan put down the things in his hand and walked over.

"What is it?

Zheng Shuyi didn't speak, but he could see her unpleasant mood with just his eyes.

She sniffed and then opened her arms towards Shi Yan.

"Give me a hug."

Just as he opened his arms, he noticed the bandages on her fingers.

"What happened to your hand?"

He frowned and grabbed onto her wrist. His expression was solemn and his eyes showed some worry, "How did this happen?"

"It's nothing big. One of the colleagues didn't notice me and my hand was caught in the door."

Her head was still down and she leaned towards Shi Yan's chest.

After she pressed against him, she could feel that he took a deep breath.

"Be more careful next time."

Zheng Shuyi didn't reply.

A second later, Shi Yan let go of her hand and slowly hugged her.

Does it still hurt?"

"I'm about to die from the pain." Zheng Shuyi's voice was quiet, "I feel like I'm about to be crippled."

Shi Yan's arms tightened a little and he gently stroked the back of her head.

"It's not that bad."

"No it is, I can't use my right hand anymore."

Zheng Shuyi slowly rubbed her face against his chest, "If I can only use my left hand, that's no different from being crippled."

Hearing this, he held her wrist again and raised it to see.

His frown was still there.

"What did the doctor say?"

Zheng Shuyi sobbed, "The doctor said, I need someone to feed me from now on."

Shi Yan: ""


Hearing Shi Yan's reply, Zheng Shuyi raised her head and her expression turned even more pitiful.

"Water too."

Shi Yan wasn't looking at her expression. He was focused on her hand.

He wanted to touch the bandaged area, but just as he touched the gauze, he didn't want to accidentally hurt her, so just gently brushed his hand away.

"Did you hear me?" Zheng Shuyi repeated, "The doctor said that I need someone to feed me water too."

Shi Yan "Mm"ed again.

Zheng Shuyi knew that he wasn't looking at her face, and she couldn't help but smile a little bit.

"Someone needs to carry my bag too."


"Someone needs to brush my hair too."


The pain from the fingers seemed to be disappearing.

Zheng Shuyi's smile grew.

"Someone needs to carry me up the stairs."

"Like a princess."

Shi Yan wondered if it was her hand or leg that was injured.

He sighed but still replied.


Zheng Shuyi smiled and looked up at him.

"You're so nice."

Shi Yan looked down. The two faces looked at each other and their lips were only millimeters away.

Zheng Shuyi thought that Shi Yan was going to kiss her, so she immediately closed her eyes.

Two seconds later, nothing came from her lips.

Zheng Shuyi opened her eyes and looked at Shi Yan dumbfoundedly.

His expression didn't change and still looked pretty serious.

"You should come to live at my house. I'll do everything that I agreed to."

Zheng Shuyi: ". What?"

  • 1Should mention here that the being jealous mentioned here and all the other chapters are talking about the jealousy of one's love spending time with someone else. In Chinese, it is called , which directly translates to "eating vinegar"


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